8d Car Contamination

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Date Initiated: September 05, 2019 Date Revised: --

CAPA report : Inspection report issue date: August 26, 2019
Supplier Name: PT. Rubber Jaya Lampung Part description:
Supplier Contact: Mr. Oei Yohanes Issuer at ----
Rejected quantity - Rejected Quantity after investigation:-

Recurrent issue? Customer safety effect

D1: Use a Team Approach
The Problem Solving Investigator uses a multi-person approach to collect information from those directly
associated with and/or impacted by the problem. The Team members’ names and contact info should be Benny Indra
listed here. Royani

Team Members: Business Phone: Planned date

Novia Ika Z. 082386539800
April 30, 2019
Septia Yolanda 085879265998
Achieved date

Cika Ratih 0895352278707

May 8, 2019
Yustinah 0895341524340
D2: Describe the Problem
. Benny Indra R

WHAT is the problem in comparison to a conforming part?

Contamination visible on bales

WHY is it a problem? Explain the effect.

Contamination found in bale that out of trolley like volcanic and wood contamination occurs because the
sorter / QC cannot see the presence of volcanic acid in the raw material, control of the raw material
rotation process.
WHEN was the problem discovered? WHERE? BY WHO?

On 6 August 2019 when wet-dry production is discovered by sorters and QC officers.

HOW was it detected?

Do check of raw materials on conveyor and bale on trolley

HOW MANY defective parts have been detected?

Just one bale

Are other part numbers affected? YES NO

Achieved date
May 8, 2019

D3: Implement and Verify Containment (temporary fix) Responsible

Implement containment to control the situation and mitigate further negative effects of the
problem. (Segregation, selection, temporary actions in the process etc…..)
Benny Indra R
How – Provide work instruction for sorter on raw materials and for contamination taker. Provide visual
control for contamination and do random check for bales. 2 pallet after dunnage each shift, check all
bale surface, all layer. If we find contamination indication, will do addition checking for 5 pallet before
and 5 pallet after.

Where – on sorting of raw materials, Conveyor and Washing tank on wet process and Vibrating
screen on Dry Process.
Who – By sorter on raw materials, contamination taker and Quality Control Checker
When – for raw materials to check contamination when the supplier of raw materials will send it
materials. For Conveyor and Washing tank on wet process and Vibrating screen on Dry
Process to check more throughly.

Check –Working inspection for sorting of raw materials and provide visual control for contamination
and do random check for bales.

Markings on delivered OK parts? :

Sorting results at each step of the flow

Location Material Sorted Quantities/Comments
Customer Plant: YES NO
Warehouse & Transit: YES NO
Supplier Plant: YES NO
Achieved date
What have we learned from the sorting? May 8, 2019
To inspect more seriously our product

D4: Root Cause Analysis Responsible

Identify the Possible Causes of the problem for both occurrence and non detection. Conduct a
Root Cause Analysis to determine true Root Cause of the problem using the 5Whys. Reproduce Benny Indra R
the defect to confirm the true root cause.
Occurrence: 5 W +Proof Planned date

Aspect Contamination clearly visible on bales April 30, 2019

Why Less control from sorter on raw materials
Why Less control from contamination taker on Conveyor and Washing tank at wet
Why Less control from contamination taker on Vibrating screen at Dry Process
Why Less control from Quality Control Checker on bales
Who sorter of raw materials , contamination taker and Quality Control Checker Achieved Date
Proof Attach 1 work instruction for sorting of raw materials, Attach 2 Training List, May 8, 2019
Attach 3 Contamination Visual Control, Attach 4 Training list, Attach 5 work
instruction for take a contamination on wet process, Attach 6 Training list, Attach
7 work instruction for take a contamination on Conveyor, Attach 8 Training list ,
Attach 9 work instruction for take a contamination on Vibrating screen, Attach 10
Training list, and Attach 11 work instruction for take a contamination on bales.

D5: Develop Permanent Corrective Actions / Solution(s) Responsible

Develop Permanent Solution(s) that address each Root Cause. Verify and test the Permanent
Benny Indra R
Occurrence (How ,where, Who, When, Check) Planned date

Aspect Contamination clearly visible on bales

April 30, 2019
How Provide work instruction for sorter on raw materials and for contamination taker . Provide
visual control for contamination and do random check for bales. 2 pallet after dunnage
each shift, check all bale surface, all layer. If we find contamination indication, will do
addition checking for 5 pallet before and 5 pallet after

- On sorting of raw materials,

- Conveyor and Washing tank on wet process
- Vibrating screen on Dry Process.

Who sorter of raw materials , contamination taker and Quality Control Checker
for raw materials to check contamination when the supplier of raw materials will send it
materials. For Conveyor and Washing tank on wet process and Vibrating screen on
Dry Process to check more thoroughly and Quality Control checker on bales every

Working inspection for sorting of raw materials and provide visual control for
contamination and do random check for bales. Achieved Date
May 8, 2019
D6: Validate Permanent CA / Solution(s) Responsible
Validate that the chosen solution is effective.
Benny Indra R
- work instruction for sorting of raw materials
- Visual Control Contamination
Achieved date
- Work instruction for take a contamination on wet process,
- Random check for bales May 8, 2019

D7: Prevent Recurrence Responsible

Prevent recurrence of the problem at the problem site and across the organization.
Benny Indra R
Standards update (PFMEA, control plan, work instructions, maintenance plan, procedures….) Planned date
(What, Who, When, Submit update
Aspect Contamination clearly visible on bales
- Provide work instruction for sorter on raw materials and for contamination taker
What - Provide visual control for contamination
- Provide work instruction for pallet separation check April 30, 2019
Who By sorter of raw materials , contamination taker and Quality Control Checker
for raw materials to check contamination when the supplier of raw materials will send it
materials. For Conveyor and Washing tank on wet process and Vibrating screen on
When Achieved date
Dry Process to check more thoroughly and Quality Control checker on bales every
May 8, 2019
Holistic View/Generalization
 Can this problem occur on a similar product?
 Can this problem occur on a similar line?
 Who is assigned to address this issue?


D8: Close Problem and Recognize Contributions

Benny Indra R
Audit implemented solutions. (when, result) Reinforce the 8D process with recognition of team
member contributions.

Planned date
Ok. No more problem occure after Corrective Action. Implement since March-May 2019. April 30, 2019
Achieved date
May 8, 2019

The undersigned have verified acceptable corrective action effectiveness on the above stated corrective

Supplier Representative Responsible Signature Date

Name/Title: Benny Indra Royani May 8, 2019


Revision History
Rev. no Rev. Date Reason for change

00 31.12.15 New Release

00 25.08.16 Updated for IMS Edition 03

01 05.03.18 Updated for R&D WI

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

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