The Video Assignment

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→ Greetings, I welcome you all as you embark on your group journey into the acting world
of Shakespeare. By now every student should have multiple completed graphic organizers that
detail the exact events throughout the play as well as a wealth of knowledge about the play due
to the in-class discussions and Quizlet activities presented to you folks a few weeks earlier. You
all will now come to find those extremely useful as you begin your video projects. Student will
be placed in groups of 3-4 individuals, and be asked to film themselves acting out scenes from
the play ​Romeo and Juliet​.
Your instructor (me) will assign your group a particular scene(s) that is critical to the
context of the play. Students will then be encouraged to act out the scene or scenes as accurately
as possible. Students have the option to exercise their creativity by using their own written script
instead of the traditional Romeo and Juliet script. Instead of 16th century English, students may
use contemporary colloquialisms, western slang, southern accents, etc. to convey the dialogue of
the characters within the play. Students will be allowed two weeks to finish the project once the
scene is assigned. The following are the simple steps towards completing this Video Project:

1) Exchange group contact info so you may all agree on a time and place to meet
and do your film shoot, write your script, and assemble any necessary props
needed in order to roll the scene.
2) Practice proficiency in acting within rehearses and in actual shooting. Pretend that
every shot counts and put forth your best effort in shooting your designated scene.
(It’s okay to mess up and even include bloopers at the end of the play)
3) You will be graded on the accuracy of your script dialogue and of the originality
of your presentation, so make sure to stick to the storyline of the actual play.
4) After shooting your film and ironing out the fine details, one student from each
group will be required to make a YouTube account and upload their videos on to
their account. Make sure privacy setting is set to public so your instructor and
your classmates can view your work.
5) After uploading the finished product on YouTube; a student from each group shall
be required to send a live YouTube link to my email of the group assignment to
be submitted for grading.
6) REMEMBER. Each individual group video will be viewed in class, so make sure
to put forth your best efforts and bring on the entertainment!
Although this project takes up a big portion of your grade, this project is designed to be fun,
collaborative and interactive. Students will have the opportunity to view each others creativity
and acting skills through the use of graphics and the internet.

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