TG20-13 Scaffold Sign Off Sheets

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Contents (7. Ties to building Sagades 772 Uptios| 748 Mnovah te 714 Plveal is 7.15. Dedede castan enchoraaes 7.46 Anchor type 717 etl anchors 718. Pieler anchor testo 719 Anchor pro teste ‘op Acces andes 129. = 130 Si Wood oa 82 Mechanical ROStS 23° Scenes 84 Ladder-access towers 13.5. _Othr methods of ladder asses 6 Landing pate Uso cater 09, Scaffolding foundations ‘Scaffolds are normally founsied on ste! base pate supported by a bearng sriaco, which usualy tho aroun ten existing structure, Taber soo boards are acrmaly oar Linger the ase ola 0 speed ofa om er, ‘and protect the bearing surfaca from demage O° Base plates The sof standards Dat 20 ebm np 20mm, rica te secant st be ick, bu ter ao sane yer ars PSS parton rm, copondrg onto mato = {awe tle mayb cited he scat kuna on Ford cus coches ot or rural corte tet 8 2=r Tear rb otegeque nro fo provera penra8on tram tks rower le rooorrenied thi se pets erused one) Baw lls rust ays be used ono sufoces,reben pacman soot. nbs on foo tne, Sole boards ‘ole boord also known as sole tes) are timber boars ‘nich seread the loads rom the seetfold and protact the boarng surtace, Sole boards must be provided if the scatold is rectly supported bysallor subgrade, They must also be provided {or soaffcids on non-structural pavements such as brick anc block paving, small concrete slabs, tarmac or asphalt, except inthe crcumstances described subsequently inthis section. {Base nates should be placed centrally on sole boards to avoid uneven settement ‘iho sols boars tobe used the proved area uncer ech ctandard should bp at least 0.1m’, wth no mension lessthen 220mm, and a thickness of al east 36mm. Typically nauid each be founded on a B86 tee base eee ‘Sole bors of greater thickness are Usually requ Standards supporting @ loading bay or albridoe ae eat Subsequently In this section and in section S25 ‘Sole boards must newer be retumed to sence as seta boards. Doubled sole boards Doubled 450.225mnm sole boards of 28mm theirs ie required to support a TG 20 compliant leasing tay as tes in chapter 03 ofthis quide. Doubled sole boards are ilustrated by figure 52. Alternatively, 450% 225 x50 mm sole boards may bat timber of this thickness is availabe, Loading bays ofthis specification have a maximum! design load no greater than 22.0kN, as described i 5.2, The foundation loads for loading bays of grate standards supporting a bridge, depending osha litt that it supports, as described in section 5:2 Hs the protection vas. A tyoeal xan set esto soo trou Be ovo rere ccago note ool an eer Sacer sat ree tess : commended tet ater spoked bite flora on met cevion loping ground ae mmuyes sb coe to cise Fee cer cream tetas atonal re acy Se eee ee moms frat ya paarent nacre. Gu ay DE Paterson co Gout re cafeiiad abot oan cava tae mont, te si boards must be bat bac i row gr 54 structural concrete ground-beating slabs Where the sto s to be sunporiad on a continuous Concrete ground beerng lab of sufcent thicknans an Salty # may be safe to omit besepates and sole boards odar the sancards. However, the sutace should bo protecee! nm cosmetic damage a base plate and plastic Spreader plain or equivalent shotid be used, The loabeerng capacity ofa slab is récueed bythe toad proximity to & sab edge Or jan, s0 it's recommend that D minimum 209e distance of 250mm is maintained fram the ‘eatfold founestione fora 100mm thick slab or 600ma for a 180mm reinforoed slab. Incase of doubt an engineer should be consulted ‘AL TG20 complantseaffodng may bo adequately supported by stoo base plates on a enforced ground bearing concrete siab of 160mm thickness wich has atleast 142 steal fabric reinforcement in the bottom face. Scaffolds on existing structures Ir cases whet tis necessary fora scaffold to take support from an existing superstructure, for examie a toot, balcony, ‘suspended flocr or platform, the party response forthe Deering surface, usualy the cont, should seek ave from a structural engineer to ascerton vmether tha existing structure Is capable of safely supporting the scaffolding or if futher Temporary wars avo roquied. Tis is determined from the foundation design loads forthe: scatfck, which ara summed in eoction 5.2 and provided in the TG20 eGuide for 7620 compliant scaficking, Siriary i the scaffold requres a baspcke dosign, the design documents should spociy the working loads to be used in checking the supporting structure. n al cases the foundation design load information should be supclied to the dllent’s engineer. Cy setts ats srl nd he pomarent i oo Sw rereed concrete sna, nd ay aca, Shou engineer aio be cred Poses: un 54 dations epcent 5 an rverwnere wounrasasiNod DNICIOLIVOS ANY SSIDO¥ TWNOUTYN, Sheeting and debris ne tting Scaltolding may be clad to protect the surrounding area from the effect of works, particularly from particles of building dust ‘eGuide, which accurately determi at teste locaton. This can aan aug yet Peg and other small articles of debris. Scaffold cladding can also safe haghis testo Drotect workers and open constructions from the elects shestsin chapterge eet Of the weather, allowing work to continue through adverse necessarily based on simplified wind assess tae ‘Conditions and providing a more secure working environment, Fixing sheeting or a is. ‘Aide range of cladding products is avaiable rom several 2 '9 OF debris-netiing tarufacturos, boas categorised by the terms shaethg and Sheaing and debis-etirg shoud be tan debiis-netting, Scaffold folowing the manufacturers guidance tog : aro unvoed and attached to the its Nome Sia Scaffold sheeting, often known as ‘plastic sheeting’ or Bheoig tes ot Om eens to he eal ala larpauin, is typicaly manulactured fom a payetyvene sheet eter’ ae a mani a OU a ay oF membrane, usually reinforced by laminating seats aver a ‘woven grid. Various grades of sheeting are avallablo, suitable {or dfetent weather conditions, project durations and working environments, including fame-resistant sheating confosrring to BS5867-2 or BS EN 18501 Debris-netting is typically manufacture irom a lightweight fabric such as woven high-density polyethylene (HDPE) \which provides a porous covering forthe scafold that, i ‘xed corectly protects the surroundings from light debris. It 's typically suttabie for short-term projects and ight werk in mie weather, as it does not provide significant environmental protection or weether-proofing. As with sheeting, some ebris-nelting may be manufactured to be fame-resistant ‘The 120 compliance sheets for debris-natind seafflds ‘assume the use of common high-permeabiliy neting, which typically has at least 60% voids per face area and a typical fabric weight of up to 100g/t Low permeabity netting mey sometimes be soediied for increased envionmental protection, bua plastic shooting is prefered n such cases. Scaffolds clad with low permeabiity ‘netting should be specially designed due to the ackitional drag oroes along the scaffold fagace that such netting can induce in high winds, which car be in excess of those for Plastic shesting 1G20 compliant clad scaffolding Sheeting and cebris:neting attract sgnificant wind forces, 50 thoy must only be used wit'a TG20 compliance sheet that exploity permits ther use, ‘Toe maximum sate Height of the scafod wil bo reduced by the presence of debris neting or shoeing. The les reaied 10 upp ho safc ill rad to bo stronger or ma Sos may te required, than fr uncid sco, ‘The layout of es eaued o sta the scat wl also ped on the presence ot cana, wth aa onl ties, Texuited tthe top it as deserbed n section 7.6 Guanes 50 provided nts section fer bracing and yng the seats “when lacing is fe above tho top gar ra "Static ransoms may cso be required to stongthen @ safe. ceperg ons hoght and wind exposure ced by 81020 complance swat. Guidance fo transame is provided in section 6.8, Fecxrmende that 1620 compliance shes for ne ig are chained rem tho FORO Alternatively sheets of shrink-wrap shes together by heat welding to create a cont the scaffold. When used with TG20 complet saa shrink wrapped sheeting shouldbe appled ory Psa ‘and ond faces ofthe scaol, as for consented dea 18 not to form a completely enclosed temporay civcur Itis recommended that sheeting and debis-neting a attached 10 the outside ofthe scatold, rather thn hms face of the scaffolding lubes, If not, the bere sad ins ‘exposed outside of the sheeting atract wed evade ‘maximum safe height ofthe scaffold may be rehes 19 ey ons inu0Us in ameg Figure 6.67: atfachn ick guards axe mash screens thal provide protection from i Gevera types of o7ck quar ave avaiable He erad sel res cers, hwo asic ry sreons that incorporate 8 19 BOrG Fe rd are Mutated by gure 6.68 ~ 87 cS jorbrck qurds, ofan aitematvo method of ee Bond be determined durrg the rik assessment Paraeshor thee i seo foling mates Pao rury not oxevsrtod by the toe boards fiom smal tems such 25 stone chips a best Baa yets ating, with brick guards sultable for g the fol of larger, eavex objects. he scat is erected ina public aoa, of when ts ‘sold protection such 2s boards Or ay be considered, athough such protection shoud designed. fatrick quard to be oitectve, the hortzantal length fle in the mech shoud not excood SOmm and the ph hole should not exceed 100crr?, Hotes of a {60 0mm size are usualy provided. The lacks a must be desired o resist are dened 9 section of he 1G20:18 Design Guide. exis ae ypicaly hung from the inside ofthe principal Jand previa rom outward movernent bythe Guard rll and toe board, I may be necessary 10 Bick guards, folowing manufacturer acvice. qua ras should stl be fited when brick guards avon where proprietary screens are used thal are erecace the intermediate quard ral (and comely 2 ol he Werk at Height Regulations, as brick en damage or moved without authorisation. Figure 6.65: typical Galvanised stea! brick Gu ded thal brick quards are always fitted to the bays where matenals oan scaroancane eet dence for brick gurl is provided in the NASC S10: Requrements forthe use of brick quar, Figure 6.70: proprietary quards with an integrated foe board. aes = Standard unclad independent 1 in nhs ‘An ucla ibe are ing ted dance sat with 2.0m ae HME Design height Y nagar nig: 16m 0 the opin Merximum loading One tit oaded, plus one it 60°% loadod, pee Me 3 ‘Genera purpose = 4 Heavy duty 3.01 no boerds toned 10 0.75? at tho, ¥ Foundation 4s 0 oad forthe ie) aay (1B65HN ta cantlever an inched, ‘ Ties ; ¥ 1 3.5KN fat ity te por 181 Y Max 4.0m between i S985 (ed tata at, Max 4.0m Roraontal tance between eaten, i Location Addon features ‘aka inthe Ens nes where the stawnd exposures rat’ This sci may optional nie 7620 comple ttre as coined n T3213 opto bre pave carte an sar by leer tower wih a 7620 complene shen rsa Criteria ‘To be erected as a TG20 compliant ted independent scaffold as described in TG 20:13 chapter 06: ‘3-5 mein boards and up to 2 inside boards wide: Fagade braced in every elevation, one sot pars bes 9 Mexdmum it height 2.0m: ~ Leciger braced at alternate standarcis and at end frames Mamma tay length: 2.0m toad class 3), 1.8m (dass 4; Double guard ras and toe boards at boarded its bk Baie tastes che: 2th! a a ‘Guard rll permitted at the top it itrequied Single guard ais at unboarced its, Internal edge protection proved where required Tiedin accordance with 1320-18 chapter 7. d debris-netted independent {uty or panialy clad with permeable dabris-reting » Standar | uo an ting ta nenernt ea wan 207 mara wh NPA Design height Masimum peight: 46m tothe top ‘Maximum loading Opal acd, plus one lit 50 % loaded, per facace wat: Madman ceding a General purpose 2 0kIN/n 4 Heauy duty BOkN Ine Inside boards loaded 10 0.75kNim: at the working ‘Y Foundation dasign leg load (or the cents 16.1 KN. (15.5iN if cantilever tan is intucec). Ties Y 18.54 (ight duty tia por 16m? (moderate wind stesh, ¥ 16:14 (standard duty ie par 18m? high wind sitesi; Y Max 4.0m betwoon ti nes tied at alternate tsi Y Max 4.0m horlzantal distance between vertical tio ines: Tied at the top lit at acdger-oraced standards. Location Add-on features e \idin the Beton Iles wor the ste wind exposure snot This scaffold may optionaly include @ TG 20 compliant ‘aureme as defned in TG20 13 chapter 03. bridge, pavement it, cantiower fan, laading bay and ladder toner wih a 7-20 compliance sheet for each. Ciiterier “bbe exoed as a 7620 cement ted indopendent scale a6 desorbed in TG20:12 chapter Dé: ‘ Y 3-Sirain boards and up fo 2 insils boards wid: Fagatie braced in evory sievation, one set per six bays; Mesinum if height 20%; Ledger braced a altemate standards and! at end frames: 7 Maximum bay long: 20% (load class 9), 18m (class 4); Double quard ras and toe boards at boarded its; % eer ee eee! Y Single guard rails at unboardedt i 7a (Internal ecige protection provided where required; 5 Menem ie iach: Sisal ana tetas nea te bie See height exceeds 14m and the ste wind is high. Tied in accordance with T2013 chapter 07. > Standard sheeted independent 3 nea pea A tobe ena sting ti De end tng od indepersent cated! with 2.0m mexmeam Mt heirs, "yr tly cad th ror ey, ; Design height 16mto the op tit, 14 for 2 insae boed in, ‘Menxirnur loacting Se toa to 50% 2 pg, 3 ‘General supose Ferra 4 Hoary ty 8.0K Inside boards loaded 10 0:7SieW atthe Foundation design leg load for Iho lent 1e.4yn, (19.94N ita centlever fen i included), Ties ef 16.1 KN (standard duty) tle per 18m? (maderata, Y 4 £6.1KN (standard duty te per 18m? or 159.44 (class standard duty} tle per 18m? gh wi ¥ Max 4.0mbetween tis res (eda teratoma, ¥, Max 4.0m nortcttal detaco betwen ee og Ted at the top it at ledger breced stardas, Location Add-on features Location all inthe nth isles where the site wiod exposure isnot” Tis soo may optonaly clue & 1620 compet extreme as defined in 1620-13 chapter 03. ‘ridge, pavement ft cantlover fer, acing bys leider tower with a 7620 complance ener och Criteria Hg, To be erected as a 70.20 compliant lied independent scaffold as described in 1G 20:18 chapter 06: | ¥ 8-5 main boards and up to2 ins boards wide: Facade braced in every elevation, one sot persis “Maximum it height: 2.0m; Ledger braced at altemate standards and at od fans Maximum bay length: 2.0m foad class 3, 1.8m (class 4); Double guardrails and toe boards et boarded its © Maximum transom spacing: 1.2m (load class 3), 0.8m Single guard rails at unboorded itts; eee * ratnal edge protcton prove where nies iar ei reerre Cantilever protection fon ‘cantlever protection fan sypportad by 8 76.20 compliant tied independent scetold as desorbed in 162013 Chace 0 i Design height ‘leo for vo wih 21320 conctan oe toe sca ws mek 2m em menu hoght of 160m 10 he Spar ee Fan specification ¥ Maximum one fn per scetoiding eevaton, Moiimum claarance of 244m for pedesns ana 5.051 for veticies, subiect to local ighiay requirmonts —_ 1 Mesimur fan wit: 6 boards, ‘Ties “hot seer he fon must be Ye tater pen loca braced] sendards wit ¥ 3.54N lion eu) tes ifthe scald is unciad, 6.1KN (otancars ty te tho seats detrei (3 shestedandin ase wih moderate wird pas, ¥ 9.4kN (lass 8 standard duty) tis ifthe sca see oy anda to wih ng wind expose = Fan usage Fam construction loca 1 Intended to catch email objects auch as ftings oma” Supported by propped cantewer pineal arcane vaidin ‘aderam vera tance of 0m, _malcing the bay spacing ofthe man ecto ten | Protecton fans cannot be quaartoed to catch and eta Connected below the inner edger an above re cat rite faling objocts ard must be used as part ola safe eystem —_edgerof tho main scald wth right arge cous a rae eet Patera sveported by raking rons comnecaaiowelt 0"! | The efecrveness of a fanless than si boars wie wllbe bela, oy raking Fangors tote above. al hay we redueed eccoranay. ‘spacing ofthe man scald Fan loading ¥ Decked wth 3mm tik timber scaflé boards. bse boarded and restrained fromm Hing of a comme emma =” Must not be used forthe storage ofmterals.Aggrepate means spacing of 1.2m ‘or snow must be Geared promptly Toe boards ed gual tle rust roa ese “supporting the fan. Burs Standard ladder-access towe! = {or the provision of external laser access to tied independent scatol. Design height Suitable for use with a TG20 compliant tied in ealfld toa mexmum height of 16.0 tote tOP ‘ascatfoling tower dependent n° Maximum loading Designed to support up fo sic ts simultanecusly loaded swith parsonnel to a menanum foad of 1.0 KVM ¥ Foundation design leg load (lor the client}: 20.4 KN; | Must not be usad for the storage of materials Ties Tied atthe ond standards at alternate its wth ¥ 3.5kN fight duty) tes Funcled: ¥ 6.14N (standard duty ties if debris-netted or if sheeted ‘end ina ow wind ste, ¥ 9.1kN (class B standard duty) ties if sheeted and in a ‘moderate wind ste; Y 12.2KN heavy duty) tias if sheeted and in high wind, or standard cuty ties at the end standards at every It. Location, Add-on features ‘alcin te Erich es except where the se wind speeds Design achice ma " y be required If any add-on features not ‘enteme as defined in TG20:13 chapter 03. eect Grae sheet we om fied ta tastenea Grteriar ae i ace height: 2.0m; Y Double guar ris and toe boards at boarded its; Single guard ras at unboarced ites; 2s Y Teo bes: : ‘Maxinum tangom spacing: 1.2m: connected to the inner, middle and outer end ¥ 3-Stoarde wie: standards or ledgers with right-angle couplers, ° Fagato traced atthe cuter face othe tower BS ena Soe ce casa ay bad with swetng or debs noting "7 End vansoms comocted 4 r ‘opvingbraced mat cnet ‘Couplers at the Stondard loading bay ‘) A reinforced i Seatfolding tower "orth storage of ples of materials, which may bo cat ode by charg Men. ye Design height Suitable or use wit a 120 oo sell to a masirum heh oor ee mote Maximum loading Loadad on one Ito a mesimurn of 100 evn, fasta cod se ae Ties Tat er stand era pened by ho rn onal corel mg Permitted dimensions Y Maximum longi: 2% 2.0m bays 21 8m bays ‘scatiold is of load class 4); bape Mexsimuan lift height: 2.0m, Y Maca vir bom Maximum transom spacing; 0.45m. Location, Add-on features Location ‘Vl in tho Bish Isls whore the site wind execu is ret _Dasign eaves may be roqdred if any acon fetus a vase nt extreme a eine in 120-13 chapter 03 Stated on ts compile sheet a altace the. 5 ete eS por stuctre i ji “To be erected as a 7620 oarpliant lasing bay as deserbed in TE 20:19 chapter 12 Cater, 'Y Fegade braced a thane and outer faces of he toner; supperontary coupler is required unde hte ‘ote eeced i a bottom beam chords at the mc stancar ues BN PY Sey Ledger braced at each poi of standards; eee ee = '” Frincipal transom connected wi right-angie COUIeS 0 ¥” eerns used instead ofthe ledger a iho top ta ¥ tho outer, mia and inner legos at each node pelt; RE er eee enn wing braced at llerato ted) Its and the top should be fxed wath swivel coucers every 10M felts ‘7 The loaded ft to be supported by apairof205irm doo sams itn pace at sach Bt ar moved gre al tool iodder bear or equivalent stet or uni 02 Y/ Sequaretrae required at urboarec ts al rut beams, as dened in 120.13 chapter 04; ee ae Access via ago or removabie dole gue aT? ey “Beams fc io each standard atthe top and beter arcu eto tora an bt ae = chords with ight-angle couplets; reg X May nao lac wt hosting dees. bo lol by mechanical means: interior birdcage scaffold f “a secur butted bideage scafod for use in interior anvronments not exposed to the wind | Design height Y- Mwiruam aight: 10.5 tho top it ‘Merimum loading top arcu to oe paneer tad at ny 9 0: sa 13 Putlog scaffolding #0 uneadt putlog ccd wath a meaxtaam it height of 2.0m Location Valid in the British Iles where the site wind exposure fs not extremes as defined in TG20:18 chapter 03, Criteria ‘To be erected as a tied TG20 compliant tube-and-fting pulog scatfald as desorbed in T620:18 chapter 14 ¥ 3-5 boards wide; Maximum lt height: 2.0m: Y Unetad or with brick guards. No sheeting or debris-neting; Marin 4.0m vtcal inten betwaen ines, Maximum 4.01 horizontal interval betwee tis ines; Y Atleast ane set of | ineach: or eo facade bracing in each elevation Y ekg being ot sterte 351th et ton Design height Maximum height: 80m 29th top it ‘Maximum loading One it oad ois oe 50% apt ‘Heat olaas Buty 3 Genera purpese 4 Heavy auty iN Foundation desion og oa orth cet 04 Ties ¥ 19.548 ight uty! i per tom. Permitted dimensions ¥ Maximu bay lengthy 2.0m tor general purpose scaffolding or 1.8m for heavy duly seatbldeg. ¥ Maximum pilog specoa 1 2enfgonary scatocing oF 09% or hea Guy seal Add-on features A gin whoct may be used t ta maim of 5g Design advice may be requied if any ada-onfatues ot ‘Slated on this compliance sheet ere attached tthe ct Y Alongitudinal foot tie 130-300mm sbowe tre bass; Ye undersiung ine edgar et over ouie quart als an oe boards at boards is: Single guard rails at unboarded its; End guard rais must be connected to an ine tania May be tied 10 permeate tagace wih opens | Mortar joints should be alowed te suticerdy ove 0° ‘the brickwork is used as a support or te anchoraa Lift shaft tower cara ever baton aes at or st Location ‘id ely win an enclosed it shalt shielded rom the wind. Grtenio Tobe ects #7620 comelan it shel tower scald as desorbed in 1G20:13 chapter 15: Meoimumn it height: 2.0m: Any number of lifts may be boarded: + stxmun alto 8s oaded with personnel and mater; ‘Securely butted in all four directions at every ft; * Brachg and tes not requed due othe secure butting: ‘aitable for use nan enclosed i shat Design height 1 axing: 34.0 tothe Top Wt Maximum loading 7 Loddon up to 2 workna its nth up 10 0.7SNIT Foundation design len lad (or the cen: 28.540. Permitted dimensions Y Masur git 2.7% Maser with: 2.7 7 taxirum transom soacing: 12m Add-on features Aga whee! may be used to lit a maximum of 503, Design advice may be required if any adkl-on features not ated on this comelince shest are attached to the scat. May be clad with sheeting or debris-netting; ~~ Double guard rails and toe boards at boarded its i reauled by the isk assesment; Single quar rails at unboarded its if required by the risk assessment. Interior free-standing tower A tree-stanas "cing salonery scaling tower sila for use nan enclosed bung shied tom the wing, wr gs Maximum loading nee cere | Write» aos 2 liye Sze 2 teat San ¥ Faton ese ba tree Permitted dimensions 1 “2 7mx2.7m ay ae & PB 2amx 2.1m fam 3 18mm Diam 7 Meimur base arpensen 1.2m eng the : ent ans ¥ Masimum height na greater han fours he ime, base dinension i Location Add-on features ‘Valid only within an enciosed bulking shieded fom thewind, YA gin whee! may be used to ft @ maximum ct big ‘May not be used outdoors, n any open structure, or within Design advice may be required if any adc-on fetus rot ‘any emercnment exposed to the wind. slated on this compliance sheet ere attached ths at, Criteria “Tobe erected as a 1320 comolent inter statonary fee stancing tower scald os doscrbad in 20:18 chat 16 Y Maximum it heght: 20m; + ‘Standart shoud preferably be nj ibs. nyt shouldbe sleeve couplers above the fest wot Double guar ras and toe bors boarded its Single querd rls at unboarded iis, End ransom connected with igh-ange cours Ladder openings protected with rapdoors ot sn May be clad with sheeting or debsis-netna- “Maximus transom spacing: 1.2m Any number ofits may be boarded:

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