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Matalam Polytechnic College Inc.

Poblacion,Matalam Cotabato
Final Examination
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11

Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Direction: Choose and encircle the correct answer.

1. Zoe admires the cheerleaders at her school and enjoy watching them at games. She
frequently copies hairstyle that she sees the girl wearing the cheerleader squad is an
example of a _________________.
a. Primary Group c. Tertiary Group
b. Secondary Group d. Reference Group
2. Groups whose members share personal and enduring relationship are called _________.
a. Social group c. Secondary group
b. Primary group d. reference group
3. Which of the following social group is often composed a traditional family?
a. Primary group c. Reference group
b. Secondary group d. Focus group
4. A social group is best defined as:
a. People who have some status in common
b. Two or more people who identify and interact with one another
c. A temporary cluster of individuals who may or may not interact at all
d. A loose connection of people linked indirectly who may not know each other
5. The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal
a. Friendship c. barkada’s
b. Marriage d. kinship
6. What is basic unit of social organization?
a. Marriage c. Family
b. Friendship d. Kinship
7. People who are biologically related to one another such as brothers and sisters or parents
and their children is called?
a. Consanguineal kin c. Unilineal descent
b. Affinal kin d. patrilineal descent
8. Set of kin traced from a common ancestor through know links?
a. Kinship c. clan
b. Lineages d. phratries
9. Most common and acceptable form of marriage is called?
a. Polygamy c. monogamy
b. Polygyny d. Polyandry
10. One man marries more than one woman at a given time?
a. Polygamy c. Polygyny
b. Monogamy d. Polyandry
11. What types of marriage in which the wives are invariably sisters?
a. Sororal Polygyny c. Polyandry
b. Non-Sororal Polygyny d. Fraternal Polyandry
12. An entity involve in a political process.
a. Political Organization c. band
b. School Organization d. tribe
13. A Simplest form of human society;small, nomadic , and no leader is called?
a. Society c. band
b. Tribe d. chiefdom
14. Larger than bands; dependent on their land; self- sufficient, detached from putting
a. Band c. chiefdom
b. Organization d. Tribe
15. It composed of tribes and communities; centralized authority; leaders based on kinship.
a. Chiefdom c. Band
b. Tribe d. State
16. A community living under a single system of government; leaders based on constitution.
a. State c. citizenship
b. Government d. federalism
17. It refers to the institutionsl relationship beteen compadres.
a. God’s parent c. compadrazgo
b. Friendship d. Family
18. A practice where the newly married couple decide to reside apart from their parents?
a. Patrilocality c. Bilocality
b. Matrilocality d. Neolocality
19. Rules of marriage in which life partners are to be selected within the group?
a. Endogamy c. Polygamy
b. Exogamy d. Polyandry
20. A form of marriage which two or more women with two or more men?
a. Group marriage c. partner marriage
b. Double marriage d. none of the above
21. It refers to the activities through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules
under which they live?
a. Politics c. Authority
b. Power d. legitimacy
22. President John F. Kenedy, UK Prime Minister Margaret thatcher and Philippine Prsident
Ramon Magsaysay have extra ordinary characteristics or qualities possessed by a certain
individual, what authority they have?
a. Traditional authority c. Charismatic authority
b. Legal-rational authority d. legitimacy
23. In this type of authority it has the highest degree of stability, it was legitimized by clearly
defined set of written rules and laws, what authority is this?
a. Legal authority c. charismatic authority
b. Legal-rational authority d. traditional authority
24. A political unit consisting a distinct population of people bound together by a common
culture, history and tradition who are typically concentrated within a specific geographic
a. Sovereignty c. State
b. Nation d. Government
25. What is the meaning of the term “bureaucracy”?
a. Rule by officials c. ruled by king
b. Rule by government d. ruled by president
26. The non-market exchange of goods or labour ranging from direct barter to form of gifts
exchange where a return is eventually expected as in the exchange of birthday gifts?
a. Transfer c. Reciprocity
b. Redistribution d. market

27. As the redistribution of income and resources in the market system?

a. Market and state c. Transfer
b. Redistribution d. Market
28. A relationship among economic units in the market structure whereby intervention/
regulation that are imposed by the government affect the system?
a. Market and State c. Cooperative and Trade
b. Banks and Corporations d. International Agency
29. According to Julian Culp/ Heiner Schumacher (2011) the amount sent by the first mover
depicts a measure of “trust” and the amount returned by the second mover is the measure
of “trustworthiness” or ____________________?
a. Reciprocity c. banks
b. Transfer d. corporations
30. What do the economist called the system of economic exchange involving the centralized
collection of goods from member of a group?
a. Cooperative c. Reciprocity
b. Corporation d. Redistribution
Test II. Write on the space provided T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.
_____31. Formal education is an institutional activity.
_____32. Informal Education is a life-long process.
_____33. Informal Education also is a Subject- Oriented.
_____34. Non-formal education is Flexible.
_____35. A Non – Formal education is chronologically graded structure.
_____36. Polytheistic refers to faith traditions involving more than one deity.
_____37. Social Stratification refers to the power to control one’s own life.
_____38. Functionalist View state that stratification maybe universal without being necessary and
_____39. Functionalist view also state that tasks and reward are in equitably allocated.
_____40. According to Conflict view, Stratification system generally change through revolutionary


41-44. Types of Social Mobility 45-49. Aspect of Changes.

50-55. Different practice and behaviour of individuals/ groups in the context of environmental

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet”


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