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Report Writing

Process Style Tips &

Matters Guidelines
Gathering Analysing & Outlining Writing the Revising and
Sorting Infomation editing the Have a
the data the Report Draft Report Style Writing Style
Draft Catchy Title
Note Subject Scope Purpose Structure Check Clear Use Include an
Material Simple Abstract
and info Main
Concise Words
relating to Heading Check Org,
project Write Good
Mechanics Arrange
Smooth Intro
Subheading and the
Plan on how Conventions Flowing Paragraph
data will be Run-in State
presented Heading Check Written Subject
Get To
Language From The Point
Objective State
document Quickly
Point of Purpose
plan in View
detail Emphasis
Main State Scope
Ideas and Org
notes Keep Facts Style &
and Length

Use Figures
and Tables Arrange
That Are Report
Essential to Systematical
the Reports ly

Illustration Cite
Act as Self- References
Content &



Collect & gather relevant sorting, categorising and

information on the topic analysing the project planning & outlining the
or develope a theory as data, information on report in the appropriate
the foundation of the target topic or eperiment style and conversations
report results

revising and editing the

finalising draft report drafting the report

Gathering the Data Analysing & Sorting Results Outlining the Report

•Note opinions & information •note results & observations (based •necessary for report to be logically
relating to the project on data) organised, concise & easy to read
•document plan in detail •note opinions formed from the data •draft the ouline by - subject, scope,
•keep progress notes •compile all opinions from other purpose
•make note on how the data resources/data •importance - sections/parts,
represented in the report •choose the one needed (too much relationship between various parts,
will obscure ideas & opinions) amount of space given to each part,
•arrange all data in order of order of treatment, place for
importance (increasing) illustration, conclusions
•insert the data selected in •Details for Heading/Subheading -
conclusion (reverse order) Abstract, Introduction, Symbols,
Theory, Analysis, Discussion,
•support points with illustrations as
Summary of Results, Conclusion,
presented (make report easily
Appendix, References
comprehensible & more effective)
•Typical report consist of -
•outline final report & draft it
Apparatus, Test specimens,Test
procedurs, Sample calculation
•consistent in grammar
•do not use verbs
•should cover the whole report
•need introductory & transition
para to make report flow smoothly
•Level of Heading & Subheading
•Run-in heading
Writing the Draft Revising the Draft

•do not be too ambitious - everyone edits •the report have to look & sound good to be effective
•remember in mind the target audience •maintain structure of writing style & content
•start writing as soon as possible, while ideas are still •be critical of the work
fresh in mind •Stages of Revision
•keep writing, let ideas flow & edit when necessary •Check for Material
•Be honest, tactful, concise & logical •Check for Org, Mechanic & Conventions
•Check for Language


Report Style
Clear Concise Smooth flowing Written from objective
•convey ideas & support it •explain how to overcome •report with good continuity point of view
with strong arguments problems, justify plans, between sentences, para, •the report should be honest
•help reader understand what implementation of sections & text, figures,
•do not misinterpreting facts
they reads recommendations, convey tables
findings & defend •be tactful
•use plain, clear & •use transitional markers to
significance in words with lead readers through story •try to be rasional instead of
unambiguous language
clarity emotional
•define all symbols & re-read •do not distrct reader from
the report from reader's •excessive & unnecessary main argument with
perspective content obscure main points excessive table & figures

Writing Style
arrange the para
according to:
•intro - what
going to tell for
the rest of the
emphasize Do not repeat
use simple report keep facts &
•Body - the result Get to point main ideas - only use yourself
words to opinins
of the report quickly to state briefly in figures & unnecessarily illustration as
convey exact separated -
•conclusion - avoid losing beginning & tables that are - present data self-
meaning to clearly express
retold the report interest of summarize at essential to in the easiest explanatory
avoid in summarise facts &
readers the end of reports for readers to
distractions form opinion
•end of each
each section understand
section - tie parts
together by
telling what to
do next

No. Tips Definition

1. Have a Catchy Title Catch reader’s attention, be concise & precise
2. Include an Abstract  Concise, single-para summary of work
 Inform readers of rationale for the study, approach to issue,
results & conclusions
3. Write Good  1st thing the reader’s read
Introduction  Guides the readers & prepares them for what they will encounter
for the rest of the report

4. State Subject  Clearly identify the subject of the report

 Inform readers of what is, purpose & definition of subject in the
5. State Purpose  State reason of the report in introduction
 Give background to explain objective
 Limit the objective by 3
6. State Scope & Org Stating main points in introduction stage is useful, especially for readers
who want to skip reading entire report, which includes:
 The report’s length
 Content arrangement
 Important part & main points
 Reason of importance
7. Style & Length  Report should be clear, direct & accurate
 exercise creativity
8. Format  Arrangement of information
 References
 Content & Style
9. Arrange Report  Title
Systematically  Abstract
 Introduction\Methods (and logistics)
 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
10. Cite References  1.5-2 point spacing
 Times New Roman, Font 12 (Malaysia)
 Left Justify
11. Content & Style  Be concise & precise – if irrelevant, keep it out
 Use past tense
 Put headings for each section
 Subheading make things clearer
 Make sentences positive: “The findings show that..”
 Reduce use of jargon or avoid it altogether (if possible)
 Avoid
 Using footnotes
 Excessively long & complex sentences
 Too many commas
 Too many conjunctions (and, but, or)
 Too many nouns & adjectives
 Being repetitive
12. Writer’s Checklist  Is my title long? (<120 words)
 Is abstract, summary, introduction, results & conclusion
 Is the significance & limitation clear?
 Is it within Heading & Sub-heading format?
 Is the abstract is less than 200 words?
 Is the summary & conclusion limited to point mentioned in the
 Is the tables, figures, references & appendices numbered, listed
& named appropriately?
 Is the references complete?
 Is all symbols, acronyms & abbreviations defined properly?
 Is the conclusions comprehensible?
 Is the purpose & scope clear? Is it worth reading?
 Is the report tailored according to target audience?
 Have the main points, important parts & things that readers
should learn being identified?
 Is the arrangement of my points consistently in
decreasing/increasing order in body & conclusion part?
 Is the arrangement of my points consistently in
chronological/logical sequence order of processes &

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