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Flask Dashboard - Open-

Source Boilerplates
Sm0ke Jul 8 Updated on Sep 17, 2019 5 min read

#flask #dashboard #appseed

Hello Coders

Because I'm a big fan of Flask and the open-source

concept, in this article I will present a short list with
admin dashboards built with Flask, equipped with a
minimum set of features and released under the MIT

For more free dashboards, please access Admin

Dashboards - Open-Source and Free - Thank
The motivation
Lately, I'm focusing a lot on boilerplates and
automation tools in order to win time, cut the
repetitive small tasks and use a clean code-base each
time I start a new project. To speed up my
development, my plan is simple:

Use stable and simple boilerplates with clean

code-base when I start a new project
Write tools to integrate automatically the design
(extract HTML components, replace hardcoded
texts with variables.. etc)
Use scripts to automate the deployments and use
modern platforms (Heroku, Azure)

The result, of those actions, is this short list with

Flask Dashboards, coded in less than one hour each.
The hard part, in this automation process, is the
HTML processing phase but I plan to write a separate
article about it.

Flask (for newcomers)

Flask (source code) is a Python web framework built
with a small core and modularity in mind. With a
small footprint, well documented and supported by a
growing community, Flask can be a good choice to
implement on top a nice production-ready Admin
Flask Dashboard Now UI
Flask Dashboard Now UI is an open-source app coded
in Flask on top of NowUI Dashboard design.

Build from sources

$ git clone

$ cd flask-now-ui-dashboard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

App Links

Flask Dashboard NowUI sources

Flask Dashboard NowUI demo
Flask Dashboard NowUI
Flask Dashboard Material
Flask Dashboard Material Design is an open-source
admin panel coded in Flask on top of Material
Dashboard design from Creative-Tim. The app is
equipped with a basic set of features like
authentication, database, and SqlAlchemy ORM.

Build from sources

$ git clone

$ cd flask-material-dashboard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

App Links
Flask Dashboard Material sources
Flask Dashboard Material Demo
Flask Dashboard Material app info

Flask Dashboard Black

Flask Dashboard Black uses the latest state-of-the-art
design provided by Creative-Tim. This app, released
as an open-source project includes an SQLite
database, SQLAlchemy ORM, HTML files converted
to Jinja2 templating. Other features: Authentication
(Register, Login), static export via Frozen-Flask and
LIVE deploy via FTP.

Build from sources

$ git clone
$ cd flask-black-dashboard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

App links

Flask Dashboard Black sources - published on

Flask Dashboard Black demo
Flask Dashboard Black documentation
Flask Dashboard Black - app info

Flask Dashboard Light

Flask Dashboard Light is crafted on top of Bootstrap
CSS by Creative-Tim and released as an open-source
web application. Included batteries: SQLite database,
SQLAlchemy ORM, and the HTML theme fully
integrated into Jinja2, the native Flask templating
Build from sources

$ git clone

$ cd flask-dashboard-light-bootstrap
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

App links

Flask Dashboard Light sources - published on

Flask Dashboard Light demo
Flask Dashboard Light documentation
Flask Dashboard Light - app info
Flask Dashboard Argon
Flask Dashboard Argon is built on top of a fully
responsive, pixel-perfect design, crafted by Creative-
Tim. This admin panel, released as an open-source
project includes an SQLite database, SQLAlchemy
ORM, and is fully integrated into Jinja2 templating

Build from sources

$ git clone

$ cd flask-argon-dashboard
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

App links
Flask Dashboard Argon sources - published on
Flask Dashboard Argon demo
Flask Dashboard Argon documentation
Flask Dashboard Argon - app info

Other Admin Dashboards

Admin Dashboards - index provided by AppSeed
-Flask Admin Dashboard provided by (open-source project)
Flask Boilerplate - supported by AppSeed
More Boilerplate Code - provided by AppSeed

Thank you!

Sm0ke + FOLLOW
#Automation, my favorite programming language
@sm0ke Sm0keDev rosoftdeveloper

Add to the discussion


Sep 1

Thank you very much. Your article is very helpful. I'm new to web development,
actually, I've only made some REST API web servers with Bottle. Now, I'd like to
create a web app for myself based on one of these dashboards (and honestly I
don't want to deal with front-end a lot lot!), but I don't know how and where to
start. Can you please tell me what should I do? Can I develop my project by
altering and developing one of these projects?


Sep 1

All dashboards are released under the MIT license. Feel free to use them in your
For more free apps, not necessary Python-based, please access AppSeed

Cheers & happy coding!


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