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Physik II — FS 2019 — Prof. K.

Kirch — Serie 1

28. Februar 2019

Aufgabe 1: Coupled pendulum

(Goal: Understand the concept of s coupled differential equation and its equilibrium/stationary solu-


g m1



a) Find the equation of motion for the mass points 1 and 2 in the system described in the figure.
Masses m1 and m2 are subject to gravity and the spring forces with spring constants f1 and f2 .
Hint: Choose your coordinate system such that for x1 = x2 = 0 both springs would be fully
b) Determine the positions where the system is in equilibrium.

Aufgabe 2: Deep shaft

(Goal: Formulate a differential equation and solve it.)

Assume that there is a straight shaft from the North pole to the South pole of the Earth through its
center. You jump into this shaft (neglect air resistance and Coriolis force).
a) Write the equation of motion for a body with mass m. Assume that the Earth has a homogeneous
mass distribution.
b) Solve the equation of motion for r(t = 0) = rE and v(t = 0) = 0.
Aufgabe 3: Damped oscillator

(Goal: Learn how to solve and discuss a differential equation.)

11.4. Der freie gedämpfte Oszillator 361

Abb. 11.16. Ge-

dämpfter Oszilla-

a) Determine the equations of motion for the masspoint of a damped oscillator, oscillating in a
liquid (see figure). Consider Mittoden
the forces due Abkürzungen
the springs and friction according to Stokes’ model
F~τ = −6πηr~v . The gravitational
2 force is not considered.
ω0 = D/m, 2γ = b/m
b) Rewrite the equations of motions so they take the following shape: Form ẍ + 2γ ẋ + ω02 x = 0
and solve them using theerhalten wir= aus
ansatz x(t) ceλt . (11.14) die allgemeine Bewegungs-
c) Discuss and draw the cases γ < ω0 (weakly damped), γ > ω0 (strongly damped) and γ = ω0
(aperiodic case). Use the following initial conditions: (x0 = 0, v0 > 0) and (x0 = A, v0 = 0)
ẍ + 2γ ẋ + ω2 x = 0
0 (11.15)
guren y = f(x) der Schwingungen
Werte des Frequenzverhältnisses
ferenz ∆ϕ = ϕ1 − ϕ2 (ϕ1 = 0) der gedämpften Schwingung mit der Dämpfungs-
Aufgabe 4: Wave in a rope
konstanten γ . Wir machen wie in Abschn. 11.1 den
(Goal: Understand the relationLösungsansatz
between tension and velocity in a rope.)
11.15 sind für einige Werte x(t) = c · eλt
= ϕ1 − ϕ2 die entsprechenden
A massive rope of length L = 10 m hangs under the influence of gravity from one single point. The
triert. lower end of the rope is free. How much timedurch
und erhalten does aEinsetzen
transverse in
wave need to
(11.15) fürpropagate
die Größefrom
λ theqtop
to the bottom of the rope? Hint: The velocity for transverse waves in a rope is given by v = Fµ ,
die Bestimmungsgleichung:
where F is the force tensioning the rope, µ the mass per length.
λ2 + 2γλ + ω20 = 0
edämpfte Oszillator mit den Lösungen
es freien Oszillators in Abb. 11.1 λ1,2 = −γ ± γ 2 − ω20 , (11.16)
hwingen (Abb. 11.16), so kann
t mehr vernachlässigen und zur sodass analog zu (11.3) die allgemeine Lösung von
raft F = −D · x kommt noch die (11.15) lautet:
raft " ! ! #
−γt γ 2 −ω20 ·t − γ 2 −ω20 ·t
x(t) = e c1 e + c2 e .
windigkeit v = ẋ bewegte Kugel
.5). Das zeitliche Verhalten von x(t) hängt nun ganz
önnen wir Schwingungen, bei entscheidend ab vom Verhältnis
ft Fr = −b · ẋêx entgegengerich- mittlere Rückstellkraft "|D · x|#
Aufgabe 5: Wave patterns

(Goal: Understand wavefunction and wave propagation.)

A transverse wave propagates with a velocity of 2.5 ms along the +x-axis. The exciter is located at
x = 0 and oscillates sine-like on the y-axis (centered at y = 0) with a frequency of ν = 50 Hz and an
amplitude of 2 cm. At t = 0 it is at y = 0 and moves in +y-direction.

a) Draw the wave at the times t1 = 0.05 s and t2 = 0.055 s.

b) Draw a diagram of the particle oscillation at x = 3.75 cm.

c) Which fundamental difference is there between a) and b)?

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