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Methods of Purification of
2019 Water
Table of contents
 Certificate of Authenticity

 Acknowledgement

 Introduction

 -Need of Water
 -Purification of Water

 How to make a Water Filter

 Experiments:

 -Aim
 -Pedagogical Objectives
 -Requirements
 -Procedure
 -Result

 Purification Technology
 -Filtration
 -Solar Still Challenge

 Bibliography


This is to certify that “Master. Anish Kolhe” a student of class 12th (Science) has
successfully completed the research project on the topic “Methods of purification
of Water” under the guidance of Mr. Jitendra Lokhande.

This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any
kind. The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end
of this project.

Prepared by,

Master. Anish Kolhe

Class 12th (science)

Need of water
Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for survival
on this planet. It is very essential for carrying out various metabolic
processes in our body and also to carry out Hemoglobin throughout the
A daily average of 1 gallon per man is sufficient for drinking and cooking
purposes. A horse, bullock, or mule drinks about 11 gallons at a time.
standing up, an average allowance of 5 gallons should be given for a
man, and 10 gallons for a horse or a camel. An elephant drinks 25
gallons, each mule or ox drinks 6 to 8 gallons, each sheep or pig 6 to 8
pints. These are minimum quantities.
One cubic foot of water = 6 gallons (a gallon = 10 lbs.).
In order to fulfill such a huge demand of water, it needs to be purified
and supplied in a orderly and systematic way.
But with the increasing world population, the demand for drinking water
has also increased dramatically and therefore it is very essential to
identify resources of water from which we can use water for drinking
purposes. Many available resources of water do not have it in drinkable
form. Either the water contains excess of Calcium or Magnesium salts or
any other organic impurity or it simply contains foreign particles which
make it unfit and unsafe for Drinking.
Purification of Water

There are many methods for the purification of water. Some of them are
1. Boiling
2. Filtration
3. Bleaching powder treatment
4. SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection) ,etc

Boiling is perhaps the most commonly used water purification

technique in use today. While in normal households it is an efficient
technique; it cannot be used for industrial and large scale purposes. It is
because in normal households, the water to be purified is very small in
quantity and hence the water loss due to evaporation is almost negligible.
But in Industrial or large scale purification of water the water loss due to
evaporation will be quite high and the amount of purified water obtained
will be very less.

Filtration is also used for removing foreign particles from water. One
major drawback of this purification process is that it cannot be used for
removing foreign chemicals and impurities that are miscible with water.

SODIS or Solar Water Disinfection is recommended by the

United Nations for disinfection of water using soft drink bottles,
sunlight, and a black surface– at least in hot nations with
regularly intense sunlight.
Water-filled transparent bottles placed in a horizontal position atop a flat
surface in strong sunlight for around five hours will kill microbes in the
water. The process is made even more safe and effective if the bottom
half of the bottle or the surface it’s lying on is blackened, and/or the flat
surface is made of plastic or metal. It’s the combination of heat and
ultraviolet light which kills the organisms.
The major drawback of this purification technique is that it cannot be
used in countries with cold weather. Also, the time consumed for
Purification process is more and it also needs a ‘blackened’ surface, much
like solar cookers.
How to Make a Water Filter

Water filter science experiment makes a fun and educational rainy-day

activity for kids. This filter, made mostly from inexpensive household
items, will teach kids about the processes water purification plants use.
Putting the filter together is a simple process, easily done on a tabletop in
an hour or less.

Step 1

Cut the soda bottle in half, and remove the top half. Put three layers of
cheese cloth over the narrow mouth of the bottle and use rubber bands to
hold them in place.

Step 2

Put the top half upside down into the bottom half so the top half makes a
funnel, and the bottom becomes a collector.

Step 3

Add layers of sand, gravel and charcoal into the top half of the bottle. If
you’re working with several groups of children, have them try the layers in
a different order and see which arrangement works best. For example,
one group adds sand, then activated carbon, then gravel. The sand is at
the bottom, and the gravel is on top.

Step 4

Get some dirty water. If you do not have dirty water you can make some
water dirty by using cooking oil, dirt, bits of food, etc.

Step 5

Pour dirty water into the top half of the bottle. It should run through the
sand and gravel, out the cheese cloth and come out clearer in the bottom
half of the bottle.

AIM. To filter water from a natural local source.

Pedagogical Students will use household materials to build a water filtration unit.
• 2 litres of “dirty” natural water
• 3 litres of clean water
• 1 two-litre plastic soft drink bottle with its cap
Materials. • 2 two-litre plastic soft drink bottles, one with its
bottom cut off to use as a funnel and one with the top
cut off to use for sedimentation.
• 1 large beaker (with a volume of 500 ml, or 2 cups)
• 2 tablespoons of alum
• 1½ cups fine sand
• 1½ cups coarse sand
• 1 cup small pebbles
• 1 coffee filter
• 1 rubber band
• 1 large spoon
• A clock with a second hand or a stopwatch
 Pour dirty swamp/river/reservoir water into the two
litres bottle with a cap
Procedure.  Place the cap on the bottle and vigorously shake the
bottle for 30 seconds. Continue the aeration process by
pouring the water into another bottle or the beaker,
then pouring the water back and forth between them
about 10 times. Once aerated, gases have escaped (any
bubbles should be gone). Pour your aerated water into
the bottle with its top cut off.
 Add two tablespoons of alum to the aerated water.
Slowly stir the mixture for 5 minutes.
 Allow the water to stand undisturbed in the container.
Observe the water at five-minute intervals for a total of
20 minutes.
 Construct a filter from the bottle with its bottom cut off
as follows:
• Pour dirty swamp/river/reservoir water into the two litres
bottle with a cap.
• Place the cap on the bottle and vigorously shake the bottle for 30
seconds. Continue the aeration process by pouring the water into
another bottle or the beaker, then pouring the water back and forth
between them about 10 times. Once aerated, gases have escaped
(any bubbles should be gone). Pour your aerated water into the
bottle with its top cut off.
• Add two tablespoons of alum to the aerated water. Slowly stir
the mixture for 5 minutes.
• Allow the water to stand undisturbed in the container. Observe
the water at five-minute intervals for a total of 20 minutes.
• Construct a filter from the bottle with its bottom cut off as
follows: o Attach the coffee filter to the outside neck of the bottle,
using a rubber band. Turn the bottle upside down placing it in a
beaker or cut-off bottom of a two litres bottle. Pour a layer of
pebbles into the bottle – the filter will prevent the pebbles from
falling out of the neck. o Pour the coarse sand on top of the
pebbles. o Pour the fine sand on top of the coarse sand. o Clean the
filter by slowly and carefully pouring through 3 litres (or more) of
clean drinking water. Throw away the water that has passed
through the filter.
• After a large amount of sediment has settled on the bottom of the
bottle of swamp/river/reservoir water, carefully – without
disturbing the sediment – pour the top two-thirds of the
swamp/river/reservoir water through the filter. Collect the
filtered water in the beaker/plastic bottle.
• Compare the treated and untreated water. Has treatment
changed the appearance and smell of the water?
Scientific processes
• Observing and comparing the appearance of untreated
Outcomes and treated water.
for students. • Recording the scientific data and observations in an
appropriate manner.
• Interpreting data in terms of environment and nature of
the water involved.
• Asking scientific questions about water treatment and
water in the environment.
• Carrying out scientific investigations by selecting and
controlling variables.
Chemistry and Physics background
• Aeration as a tool in water treatment – the role of
• Coagulation as a chemical tool to clarify water.
• Sedimentation and filtration as physical tools to clarify

AIM. To clean water from a local source using a non-

conventional unit.

Pedagogical Students will build a solar still and find out how it can
objectives. purify water.

For building the solar still:

Materials. • Large metal or plastic bowl
• Small, shallow glass or cup (clean)
• Measuring jug or cylinder
• Cling film (wider than the bowl)
• A pebble
• Hot water
• Food dye and salt

• Add a measured volume of hot water (about 1 cm) to

Procedure. the bowl.
• Add some food colouring and about a teaspoonful of
salt to the water in the bowl.
• Take all the equipment out to a sunny, level place.
• Place the glass or cup in the middle of the bowl making
sure no water splashes into it.
• Cover the bowl loosely with cling film, sealing the film
to the rim of the bowl.
• Place the stone in the middle of the film above the cup.
• Leave the still for at least an hour (the longer the better)
and then check that there is some water in the cup.
• Take the still back indoors, remove the cling film and
take out the cup without splashing any water into or out
of the cup.
• Measure the amount of water in the cup.
• Observe the colour of the water in the cup and test it for
• Calculate the percentage of the water that was purified:
Scientific processes
• Observing and comparing the appearance of untreated
and treated water.
Outcomes • Recording the scientific data and observations in an
for students. appropriate manner.
• Interpreting data in terms of environment and nature of
the water involved.
• Asking scientific questions about water treatment and
water in the environment.
• Carrying out scientific investigations by selecting and
controlling variables.
Chemistry and Physics background
• States of matter and their inter-conversion (evaporation
and condensation).
• Distillation as a physical tool to clarify water.
• The efficiency of a solar still for purifying water.
Purification Technology
DrinkMore Water is very distinct from ordinary spring and mineral waters
because of the custom-engineered system we use to purify the water. This unique
system, available for your inspection at our state-of-the-art bottling facility,
incorporates twelve steps to ensure DrinkMore Water’s absolute purity.

Following is a detailed description of each of the steps in our purification process.

While this material is fairly technical, this piece is intended for a general audience.
Those readers with additional questions about DrinkMore Water’s technology may
directly contact the engineer who designed the system (who also happens to be our
founder!), Bob Perini.

1. Sediment Filtration

Our complex purification process begins with a simple, pleated-paper sediment filter.
This filter traps relatively large particles which may be present in the water-things
like dirt, sand, slime and grit. Take a look at the difference between dirty filters and
brand new filters. Obviously, it’s necessary to start our purification process with this
basic step in order to remove these large particles which could foul or clog the more
sensitive equipment used in later stages.

We use a Harmsco Hurricane filter for our sediment filtration and the cartridges are
rated at 10 microns (a micron is one-millionth of a meter, or 1/25,000th of an inch.)
How small is that? Well, the human eye can only see particles 20 microns in
diameter or larger. You’d be very surprised at what we see when we change these
filters. We monitor the pressure drop across the filter for purposes of determining
when the filter is clogging. There have been times when construction in the area
has forced us to change out the filters as frequently as every thirty minutes!

2. Ion Exchange
The next step in our purification process is the removal of various metallic elements
through a process known as ion exchange. Sometimes referred to as water
“softening,” ion exchange utilizes a large tank which is filled with a special,
negatively-charged resin. The resin beads serve as bases or sites for the ion
exchange to actually take place.

As water passes through the ion exchange resin, metallic ions, which carry a strong
positive charge, displace the more weakly charged sodium and potassium ions. The
metallic ions are thus trapped via electromagnetic attraction to the resin particles.
The ion exchange beds are then automatically cleansed and regenerated at
prescribed intervals based on water volume. The regeneration process involves
flooding the bed with a super saturated saline solution that effectively sweeps away
the metallic ions from the resin sites.

Ion exchange provides highly effective removal of the metals responsible for pipe
scaling and deposits. The process also removes various heavy metals, such as
lead, mercury, iron, and cadmium, which have been associated with well-publicized
health concerns.

From DrinkMore Water’s perspective, it is important to remove metals early in the

purification process to protect the more sensitive technology used in later steps,
since high levels of metals can damage this equipment.
3. Activated Carbon Towers
Once the water passes through the ion exchange system, it moves into over-sized
granular activated carbon beds. Carbon filtration (also known as charcoal filtration),
which utilizes a process known as adsorption, is a particularly effective technique for
chlorine removal. Pesticides, herbicides, and other organic contaminants (especially
volatile organics) are also removed at this stage.

Carbon also does an excellent job of removing trihalomethanes (THMs) from the
water. THMs are a class of chlorinated chemicals which result from the interaction of
chlorine and decaying organic matter in the public water supply. These chemicals
are known carcinogens, and the high levels found in local water supplies have been
a cause for concern in recent years.Our Carbon Adsorption Towers are in series –
meaning water has to pass through both towers before moving on to the next step.
We routinely change out all of the carbon in each of the tanks on an annual basis.

Many will recognize the term “granular activated carbon” as it is the most
common technology used in home filter systems, refrigerator filters and ice maker
filters. The technology is designed primarily to remove the chlorine taste found in
tap water. Unfortunately, these home systems are often poorly maintained and
neglected. They will work for a while but then what happens next can be kinda
scary. If the filter isn’t changed at the appropriate interval, the effectiveness of the
chlorine removal will decrease and, in some cases, the contaminants in an over-
loaded filter actually begin to discharge back into the water. That’s not good. And
furthermore, there have been numerous instances of bacterial contamination
associated with poorly maintained home filter systems. Once the chlorine is gone –
there’s the risk of bacteriological growth downstream of the filter.

 Water filter -

 Experiments :

 Purification tech. -


 The Medical front-”Water Supply”

 “Chemistry Projects”

 How to live on Very,Very Little-”Clean drinking water: How to develop

low cost sources of drinking water just about anywhere”

 Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Cooperative

Extension, Ithaca, N.Y.
 ”Treatment Systems for Household Water Supplies: Chlorination,”
North Dakota State University Extension Service.


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