Seclore For IBM ECM

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Seclore for

Extending the security of IBM and governance to files travelling through These controls are applied on the file itself
public and partner networks, stored on the and are independent of the computer,
ECM beyond its perimeter cloud or file-sharing services, or accessed device, network, storage, or transmission
Documents stored within an IBM on mobile devices. technology used. The permissions are
Enterprise Content Management system completely dynamic: any change in the
are often highly confidential – ranging WHO can access the file? IBM ECM permissions is instantly applied
from invoices to Intellectual Property. User or Groups Within or Outside to all previously downloaded files as well.
User-specific access permissions can be the Organisation
defined on IBM ECM folders to mitigate
WHAT can they do with it?
security risks. However, what happens View, Edit, Print, Copy Content,
when files are checked out of ECM? And Take Screen Grabs, Work Offline
then shared outside your organizational
network to vendors or contractors? Or WHEN can they do it?
Automatic File Expiry, Date and
accessed on mobile devices?
Time Ranges, Number of Days
from First Access

Making IBM ECM Even Better WHERE can they do it?

Specific Computers or Devices,
The Seclore Connector for IBM ECM Specific IP Address
enables you to control your files even after
they have been downloaded. By securing
information at the point of download,
Seclore extends your security to wherever
the files travel. Seclore’s Enterprise Rights
Management permissions can be linked
to the IBM ECM folder permissions for
each user. This ensures a common policy
framework for information inside IBM
ECM as well as outside it - and provides a
seamless extension of your existing data
governance policies.

A pre-built Seclore ERM Connector for

IBM Content Navigator enables you to add
information-centric ERM capabilities to
IBM ECM content quickly and seamlessly.

You can control who can access a file,

what they can do with it, when, and from
which computer or device. Such persistent,
filecentric controls empower you to
increase the scope of IBM ECM security
Seclore’s Enterprise Rights Management policies being applied via IBM Content Navigator
Key Features Complete Automation Minimum IT Overhead
Extending Security Beyond IBM ECM The file gets protected automatically just Once IBM ECM and Seclore’s Enterprise
before being downloaded – with no user Rights Management policies are
IBM ECM and Seclore ERM when
intervention needed. The entire process is configured and mapped, there is little need
combined, keep your data in your control
transparent to the end user. for any IT involvement. All changes to IBM
– even when it leaves IBM ECM’s control.
ECM policies are automatically applied on
Seclore’s Enterprise Rights Management
Seamless Workflow Integration Seclore’s previously protected files as well.
solution can seamlessly take over where
persistent file-centric usage policies
ECM protection ends – and then stay with
on files can be mapped to information Increased ROI from Your IBM ECM
the file wherever it travels.
flow and data usage patterns – without Investment
affecting business workflows.
Policy Federation By enabling information-centric security on
downloaded documents, this integration
Security policies on downloaded files
Online Viewing and Editing allows you to derive maximum benefits
can be managed from IBM ECM itself.
View and edit files online in Seclore’s from your IBM ECM implementation.
Access permissions in downloaded files
are applied directly from IBM ECM folder secure Online Editor - without ever leaving
permissions. For example, if a user’s your browser! In today’s flat and hyper-connected
access to a folder is revoked, his/ her world, traditional security boundaries
access on all previously downloaded files have started to dissolve. Trends such as
also gets revoked - automatically and Key Business Benefits BYOD, filesharing, enterprise mobility, and
instantly. increased outsourcing make Information
Increased Business Agility
Security and compliance more difficult and
You obtain the freedom to secure challenging.
Audit Trails information that travels beyond your
The combined auditing capabilities of IBM corporate borders – to vendors, partners, By securing the information at the very
ECM and Seclore ERM provide complete and contractors – and adopt new trends source, you can extend your security to
visibility over document usage at all times. such as Cloud Computing, file sharing, wherever your information travels – even
All activities performed on protected files BYOD, and enterprise mobility with beyond IBM ECM systems.
– whether inside or outside the enterprise confidence. Enabling secure collaboration
network - are centrally logged. Many makes your business more agile while
forensic details such as date and time, significantly reducing your security risks.
machine name, IP address, and file path
are also available. End-to-End Auditing and Regulatory
Remote-Control You can now govern your information
The file owner can control access to the throughout its entire lifecycle – both within
information even after it has been shared. and outside your enterprise boundary.
All changes in access permissions take
effect in real-time.

USA – West Coast India Singapore Europe UAE Saudi Arabia

691 S. Milpitas Excom House Second Floor Seclore Asia Pte. Ltd. Seclore GmbH Seclore Technologies FZ-LLC 5th Floor, Altamyoz Tower
Blvd.#217 Plot No. 7 & 8, AXA Tower, 8 Shenton Marie-Curie-Straße 8 Executive Office 14, DIC Olaya Street
Milpitas CA 95035 Off. Saki Vihar Road Way D-79539 Lörrach Building 1 FirstSteps@DIC P.O. Box. 8374
1-844-473-2567 Sakinaka, Mumbai Level 34-01 Germany Dubai Internet City, PO Box Riyadh 11482
400 072 Singapore – 068811 +49 151 1918 5673 73030, Dubai, UAE +966-11-212-1346
USA – East Coast +91 22 6130 4200 +65 8292 1930 +9714-440-1348 +966-504-339-765
420 Lexington Avenue +91 22 6143 4800 +65 9180 2700 +97150-909-5650
Suite 300, +97155-792-3262
Graybar Building Gurugram
New York City +91 124 475 0600
NY 10170

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