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Unirersfi Gronls (omm hsion

(qrm dvttn fr{r€ {'{rtr{, rnrc nc+n)
{Mini$ry of Humon Resoure Development, Gont of lndio)
Tugrsr€ qlFr qFt, rf ffi-rroooz
Bohadur Shoh Zofor ilorg New Delhi-l l0{Xfe

F. No. 1 -1 12019(CARE/Jou rnal) 30th March, 2019


All the stakeholders are informed herewith that "GARE List of Journals"
wif f be notified before 31st May, 2o1g instead of 31st March, 2019.
(Rajnish Jain)

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