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Philippine Politics and Governance

Key Concepts
Quiz #1.1

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date and Time: _______

A. Direction: Identify the following. Write the answers in the box provided.

1. The process that determines the distribution of power and resources.

2. The branch of the social sciences that deals with systems of

government, and analysis of political activity.

3. These are the people who devoted their academic career to the study
of Political Science.

4. A branch of political science which is concerned with the study of ideas

and contributions of classical thinkers.

5. A branch of political science that studies the implementation of

government policy and public service.

6. A branch of politics that deals with the analyzing of various types of


7. A set of ideas and beliefs that define the views and action of individual
groups and institutions.

8. This refers to all actions and activities that is related to governing.

9. This refers to the right of the state to govern itself without outside
influence or interference.

10. This refers to the recognition given by the state by foreign government
and international organizations.

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B. Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in the space
provided. 5 POINTS EACH

1. How does political science make sense of issues related to politics and

2. How can knowledge regarding politics and governance help citizens address
concerns and issues in society?

3. How does governance contribute to the development of the state

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C. Create a poster that shows the difference of governance from government.
Be creative. Explain your poster. (landscape) 10 points

Time- 2
Originality- 3
Craftmanship-2 (color, quality of poster)
Relatedness to the theme- 3


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