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© 2018 IJSRST | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study for Analyzing Disaster Risk Reduction
in Hazardous Chemical Industrial Unit
1Kunal Sharma, 2Dr. Anil K Gupta
1PhD Candidate at the Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India
2Associate Professor NIDM, Associate Professor NIDM, New Delhi, India


One of the accessions to get an outline for disaster risk based decision making in chemical industrial units is
Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) study. HAZOP methodology will be useful as a tool in assessing
elementary study to investigate the disaster risk reduction based decision making for hazardous chemical
industrial units. Hazardous chemical industrial units in present international scenario acts as a major
component for increasing disaster risk and vulnerability for the environment & people. Outcome of this study
will explain the potential hazards as well as vulnerability and the possible consequences of incidents in
industrial unit which increases the chances of disaster due to failures using HAZOP as preceding analysis.
Keywords: HAZOP Methodology, BLEVE, Vapor Explosion, Chemical Industrial Units

I. INTRODUCTION - To evaluate immediate compliance that will fulfill

Safety Health Environment & disaster risk reduction
HAZOP, or Hazard and Operability Study, is a standards.
methodical way to identify possible hazards, risk& - To develop effective analysis through which
vulnerability in any industrial unit. In this accession, potential threats can be discovered before they result
the process in industrial units are broken down into in any disaster.
steps, and every transformation in work parameters is - To create a detailed elaborative and analytical record
considered for each step, to see what could go wrong of hazard identification process in hazardous chemical
and from where the probable risk can be find & industrial units.
analyzed. HAZOP’s subtle approach is commonly used
with chemical production in major industrial units The method of HAZOP will provide real-time
and piping systems, where fairly larger number of decisions for disaster risk reduction and will work as a
pipes and umpteen containers on failure can become a tool for risk event processing in case of disaster in
potential source of chemical industrial disaster. The hazardous chemical industrial units. Hazard or Risk-
aims of HAZOP study for disaster risk reduction are as based Decision Management System—correlating
follows: events, managing decision logic, embedding predictive
- To understand, predict and deal with hazards and analytics, optimizing results, and monitoring and
locate vulnerable points that can arise due insufficient improving decision making are some other key
process design or any process failure to ensure findings that can be predicted by HAZOP study. Key
preparedness for effective operations in chemical features of the HAZOP in disaster risk reduction
industrial units. include competence & hypothesis as shown in Table 1:

IJSRST1841252 | Received : 07 Feb 2018 | Accepted : 17 Feb 2018 | January-February-2018 [ (4) 2: 1124-1129] 1124
Table 1: Hypothesis & Competence of HAZOP study reduction rules and analytic
in assessing disaster risk models. HAZOP for disaster risk
reduction provides support for
analytic models that are based
Competence Hypothesis on risk finding & hazard
Event correlation, HAZOP can lead to real-time mapping, while automation of
disaster risk reduction response solutions focus on the full analytic lifecycle allows
rules, and predictive event correlation, on disaster professionals to use hundreds of
analytics in risk reduction measures, or on regularly updated disaster risk
combination by predictive analytics. With the reduction based analytic models
HAZOP use of HAZOP study disaster in mitigating disaster affects.
risk reduction event processing
and real-time decisions can be Extensibility in The solution is extremely
analyzed mutually and the HAZOP extensible. HAZOP-based
solution received by HAZOP approach to disaster risk
balances these capabilities by reduction event processing
maximizing the flexibility and means that new functions and
power of the decision-making capabilities can be made
systems. available to the pattern-
Scalability and Requirement of extreme matching process while the
flexible distribution scalability and deploy ability for support of real time decisions
study by HAZOP disaster risk reduction measures made by HAZOP study for
can be achieved by HAZOP external disaster risk reduction
study. With HAZOP integrated rules and analytic models allows
with disaster risk reduction the decision-making to be
event processing deployed at the broader than that which is
edge of a process through embedded in the disaster risk
architecture, event detection reduction decisions
and correlation is widely environment itself.
distributed and it will be very
useful to predict the potential
threat. This also improves
The main purpose of the HAZOP study is to assess the
responsiveness and contextual
awareness while lowering plant as well a industrial units in order to prepare
latency. possible measures for ensuring plant safety and
eventually mitigate disaster risk. This is done by the
Broad support for It is very much required to
selected members of HAZOP team in a series of
divergent industrial support externally managed
hazardous disaster risk reduction data, discussions &meetings. The team methodically
environment content, response & mitigation "brainstorms" the plant design& any failure that can
rules, and predictive analytic enhance potential risk. This brainstorming increases
models with HAZOP study. A
creativity and procreate ideas through team member
wide range of hazard sources
can be handled and event interaction.
handling is extensible with
HAZOP technique. Full participation of each team member id required in
Adaptability and The overall solution is very
the HAZOP process. During the study, team members
robustness in the face robust in the face of ongoing
of change change. Event processing allows must resist criticizing suggestions of other team
new patterns and queries to be members. All creative ideas even very small are
deployed to a live instance openly received and considered. The team’s focuses on
while HAZOP allows similar
specific points of the design and risk associated with it.
changes to disaster risk

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 1125

All points in discussion are explored assiduously one Guide words play vital role in framing various
by one. Team usually focuses at is deviations in the parameters for process & plant safety of the HAZOP
process parameters that can be precursor to any team study. Representations of standard sets are done
potential risk. by the help of guide words in a HAZOP study. Types
of unit operation in any chemical industrial unit or
Guide words are used to ensure that the plant design& plant use different sets of guide words.
safety is investigated from each &every possible angle.
The team identifies a fairly large number of The standard set of process in unite operation in
divergences. Next, each is considered as a potential chemical industries are determined by guide words.
threat that can generate risk or effect of operations or Each and every type of unit operations are framed by
hazards. different types of guide words. General guide words
for unit operations and their consequences includes:
Effectiveness of HAZOP is largely determined by:
No Renunciation of the Design
 The criterion and exact illustration of the study Aim
 The competence and expertise of the HAZOP Less Quantitative Decrement
team members More Quantitative Increment
 The team’s caliber to work well together Part Of Qualitative Decrement
 Germane questions asked by the HAZOP team As well as Qualitative Increment
 The capability of the team to use outlined Reverse Logical Opposite of the
perspective for completeness and accuracy of the Aim
study Other Than Comprehensive
 Competence of the team to target serious hazards Substitution
& vulnerability and not to get side tracked.
Usually guide words are helpful in analysis of HAZOP
Usually the teams of four or five members are formed
but sometimes they are not applicable in HAZOP
for HAZOP study and the said study is carried out by
studies. Sometimes process parameters are determined
only experienced team members with enormous
by guide words like:
multi-disciplinary technical skill. Qualitative
assessment aimed at drawing attention to problems is
Flow Pressure Temperature Level
done during set of meetings which aims to draw
attention to focus on potential hazards, risk and Composition pH Viscosity Voltage
vulnerability of industrial unit. Speed Frequency Addition Mixing
The HAZOP teams are generally kept small and only Separation Reaction Time Control
inclusion of those members are allowed who possess Sampling Inspection Maintenance Information
relevant and multidisciplinary experience & skill in
process safety, risk analysis, hazard identification, The gap analysis from HAZOP study generally focuses
disaster risk reduction etc. The expertise in particular on divergence from the set patterns. Once the
domain was also taken into consideration in order to fluctuations from the set norms are identified, reasons
maintain synchronization and balancing on for those fluctuations are analyzed. Such fluctuations
competence of each and every member of HAZOP may be because of human faults or errors, material
team. handling or procedures etc.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 1126

The HAZOP is developed in a systematic method 3. Step 3: Provide Application of All Guidewords
using the guidewords and fluctuation to consider each Along With the Fluctuations. Any Hazard, Risk or
component for disaster risk reduction in hazardous Vulnerability
chemical industrial unit, their potential causes of Analyze the findings that focus on the critical hazards
failure, the consequences and the safeguard action. as well as critical operational problems those results in
The HAZOP results are tabulated in Table 2. The disaster
HAZOP result recorded in this study are generally in 4. Step 4: Repercussion Reporting, Finding Causes and
the operational and maintainable categories. Formerly Action Submission
there are no significant records of potential causes that To check the changing, cause and submission of
may lead to a disaster. Detailed HAZOP actions must actions that is required for HAZOP study to evaluate
be reviewed and recorded by the disaster professional the process parameters which could lead to disaster.
or authority to ensure that all system are fit for 5. Step 5: HAZOP reporting for the entire process
purpose. The application of HAZOP can be seen in The results of HAZOP are recorded using HAZOP
another paper namely HAZOP as one of the risk spread sheets which generally include the guideword,
assessment method 6,7. fluctuations, possible causes, outcome, safeguards and
suggestion action, etc. Sample worksheet example is
II. HAZOP METHODS shown in table 2.

Identification of the potential threats and finding

hazards of any industrial unit that may create accident
is primary focus of any HAZOP study. The
suggestions that arise from a HAZOP study can be
implemented for mitigating risks and disaster. HAZOP
steps for hazardous chemical industrial unit are
described in Fig. 1:

The few Steps in order to carry out HAZOP are as

1. Step 1: Define the System Description of Chemical
Industrial Units
Identify and examine the system/activity that is going
to be analyzed for disaster risk reduction in a chemical
industrial unit.
2. Step 2: Define the problems statement for analysis
of industrial units to mitigate the probable effects of
Define the potential hazards, threats, risks and
significant impact on the system by using guideword Figure 1: HAZOP Procedure
and fluctuations parameters.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 1127

Table 2 : HAZOP Worksheet Example

System/Process Identification

Activity : Description of System Activity for Assessing Disaster Risk

FLOW Minimum Corrosion Blockage Clear the HAZOP Study
TEMPERATURE Moderate Collision Fire , Explosion Temperature Proper
Maintenance ,Fire equipment
PRESSURE Maximum Rupture , BLEVE , Fire Fire fighting , HAZOP
CONTROL Moderate Accident Fire , BLEVE , Monitoring HAZOP
COMPOSITION Moderate Collision Fire, Toxic Release Monitoring Proper
Material Balance
INFORMATION Minimum Major Accident Fire , BLEVE , Monitoring Mock drill,
Explosion, Toxic
Planning Planning

III. Results and Discussion effect, severity, probability, risk, minimization of risk
&disaster risk suggested actions in order to minimize
HAZOP analysis matrix tabulates the results into the failure. Table 3 shows the HAZOP result of a
systematic worksheets. The HAZOP worksheet chemical industrial unit.
consists of the components under hazard & their
Table 3 : Hazard & Vulnerability Analysis Matrix by HAZOP Analysis

Hazard and Operability Analysis Matrix

1 Fire Skin Burn, Choking H H H Minimizing Frequent
thermal radiation
and oxygen
2 Explosion Smoke inhalation, H L H Collective control Rare
Trauma and burns measures like
due to the force and avoidance of
heat of the blast, effective ignition
Flying debris sources
3 Boiling Flame Impingement H L H Collective control Rare
Liquid & Physical damage measures like
Expanding avoidance of
Vapor effective ignition
Explosion( sources
4 Toxic Respiratory Track & M L M Proper PPEs & Occasionally
Release Lung choking open ventilation
Final Assessment Overall Risk High Risk
Disaster Unit

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 1128

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