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Mountain Ridge Christian School

Mahusay, Salaysay, Marilog, Davao City

4th Final Examination
NAME: _______________________________________________________________ SCORE:________
Instructions: Answer the following questions and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on
the space provided before the number.
_________1. It is the relationship between the narrator of the story, the characters and the action in it.
a. irony c. point of view
b. symbolism d. rhyme
_________2. It is the repetition of similar or identical sounds.
a. rhyme scheme c. antagonist
b. rhyme d. protagonist
_________3. It is the leading character of a short story, play, or novel.
a. mood c. theme
b. antagonist d. protagonist
_________4. He is a former chemical engineer who published several stories in small magazines and
received recognition with his literary piece“ The Scarlet Ibis.”
a. Guy de Maupassant c. Saki
b. James Hurst d. William Shakespeare
_________5. In the story the “The Scarlet Ibis,” what does the ibis symbolize?
a. death c. chance
b. life d. love

II. Instructions: Read the following poems below and chart the rhyme scheme. (5pts each)

a. Midsummer Jingle
Newman Levy

I’ve an ingle, shady ingle, near a dusky bosky dingle

Where the sighing zephyrs mingle with the purling of the stream
There I linger in the jungle, and it makes me thrill and tingle,
Far from city’s strident jangle as I angle, smoke and dream.

b. The Craftsman
Marcus B. Christian
I ply with all the cunning of my art
This little thing, and with consummate care
I fashion it- so that when I depart,
Those who come after me shall find it fair.

c. The Swan and the Goose

A rich man bought a Swan and Goose-
That for song and this for use.
It chanced his simple-minded cook
One night the Swan for Goose mistook.

III. Instructions: Scan the following lines, then fill in the name of the meter (iambic, trochaic, anapestic,
or dactylic), number of feet in the lines (1,2,3,4,5), and the scansion pattern (the name of the meter plus
monometer,dimeter, trimester,tetrameter, or pentameter). (5pts.each)

1. Mort al/man and /wo man,

Go up/on your/tra vel!

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“A drama Exile”
Each of Browning’s lines is written in the__________
meter. Because each line contains________ feet, the
lines are____________ ____________.

2. How like/a win/ter hath/ my ab/ cense been/

From thee, / the plea / sure of/ the fleet/ ing

William Shakespeare,”Sonnet 97”

Each of Shakespeare’s lines is written in the__________

meter. Because each line contains________ feet, the
lines are____________ ____________.

3. Cold in hu/ man i ty,

Burn ing in/ san i ty.

Thomas Hood
“The Bridge of Sighs”

Each of Hood’s lines is written in the__________

meter. Because each line contains________ feet, the
lines are____________ ____________.

IV. Instructions: Read the following passages below and identify what point of view (first person, limited
omniscient, or third person objective) is presented in the passage. (5pts each)

___________________1. For love of Jason. I poured it out before him like water; I made him drink it
like wine. I gave him success and fame; I saved him his precious life, not once,
many times. You might have heard what I did for him: I betrayed my father, I killed
my brother to save him; I made my own land to hate me forever.

________________2. And then every thought was swept out of his head. All his memories and
worries faded. He had only one idea- to fix the bend in the stovepipe and
hang it up to prevent it from smoking. He sent Gopchick for a length of wire-
hang up the window it; it would be best.

________________3. Ivan Ilych had been a colleague of the gentlemen present and was liked by them
all. He had been ill for some weeks with an illness said to be incurable. His post had
been kept open for him, but there had been conjectures that in case of his death
Aleexev might receive his appointment, and that either Vinnikov or Shtabel would
succeed Allexev.

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