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Surviving the knife

Topic - Knife Crime

What are you hoping to achieve through choosing this topic?

Knife crime is a very hot topic in especially England. A lot of young kids and
adults are being brought up in the world of knife crime. Knife crime is
obviously very dangerous and needs to be stopped as children are being
stabbed and dying which doesn’t leave a healthy effect on the parents of
the child. It’s also bad on the person with the knife because if they stab
someone or are caught this will affect the parents because it’s almost like
their son has died as he will be locked up for a very long time which means
he will miss out on some of the most important parts in life. With this video I will
hope to share these messages with everyone as there is no good turnout for
anyone so no one would want to experience it. If the message is shared it
should influence these kids and adults to not carry a knife at all. Even if one
person is influenced then I will be happy because its supposedly one less
person dead and then that person could share it to one and it will be a
snowflake effect and just keep spreading. Some kids don’t see a reason to
put down the knife’s so in the video we will need to tell the police or the kids
that they a promised something. A court case to put an offender in prison is
around £70,000 which if that money was used to help the child set up a
business or go to school or to move away from his area.

Factual programme concept

In the factual programme I will want it to hit hard and make the viewers feel
impacted or as if they have been effected in knife crime. I feel if it makes
people cry or get emotional then it will impact them more and they are more
likely to remember it. If it’s just some random 4 minute video. I also want to
bring in a mum or someone who has been stabbed or effected by knife
crime so the viewers will know it’s not a joke and this is serious because in the
nicest way possible I would want the person to cry or something so then the
viewer also may cry or even feel the same. I also want to get a paramedic
because he can explain in detail the effect that a stabbing will do to you not
just for that time but for your whole life and he can explain how stressful and
that it’s really not needed and it causes problems for everyone that’s really
not worth it.

Animation concept
I want to do a short advert of a real good deep voice over of someone
saying the facts and figures of how bad knife crime and the effects of it.
This should make people go “wow” and maybe think twice about leaving
the house with a knife. This should show that the carrying a knife doesn’t
affect him but it effects everyone around him and his friends because they
will be without a son, friends, brother or even dad.

Short film concept

I want to do a short film about a young boy who is involved in gang violence
and it is his mum’s birthday. He will have to go to the shops it get his mum a
present. The shop in his area is closed so he will have to go to his “opp’s” area
to get a present for his mum’s birthday. He is caught by his “opp’s” and they
jump him and stab him and rob him off his money. He then dies which leaves
his single mum in tears on her birthday without out her son. And all of his
friends are upset and it shows the impact that the one person pushing the
knife in did.

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