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UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 2|Page


A student management system for a tuition center has been designed and coded by three Asia
Pacific University software engineering students. This system contains three sub systems one for
students, one for teachers and one for the admin of the tuition center. Each subsystem needs
username and password to login, and this prevents any unauthorized access to the system
In the admin subsystem, there are three main functions, which is “add students”, “search students”
and “view fees”. In the “add student” function, the admin is able to add new student’s detail
information. For example: name, student ID, email address, home addresses, ect.... The admin is
also able to enter the subject chosen by student and calculates the tuition fees per subject chosen.
Then these data are being stored into the specific database. The second function, search student, is
able to search the student’s name and addresses by the student ID. And the last function simply
shows the tuition fees paid and the fees that are still pending for a certain student.
The teacher subsystem is mainly built for the lectures in the tuition center. Lectures are able to
use this system to check the module assigned to them and the details of the students in their classes.
On the other hand, lectures can also check the weekly schedule for the specific module and update
the schedule for the following week.
Students can login to the student subsystem to check their fees status, renew their personal
information and check their class schedule.
This system will allow either the lecture or the students to update or check information at

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 3|Page


COVER PAGE ……………………………………………………………………………1



CLASS DIAGRAM………………………………………………………………………..14


TEST PLANS AND CASES………………………………………………………………20



WORKLOAD MATRIX…………………………………………………………………24

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 4|Page


Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To Label screen
Button 1 adminbtn To Display admin login screen
Button 2 teacherbtn To Display Teacher login
Button 3 studentbtn To Display Student login
Button 4 quitbtn To Exit application

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 5|Page

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To Label screen
Textbox 1 usernametxtbx To input username of the user
and for the code to check valid
username in database
Textbox 2 passwordtxtbx To input Password of the user
and for the code to check valid
password in database
Checkbox 1 showpasswordchkbx For user to check, if he wants
to display his hidden password
Button 1 Loginbtn To check if user’s input is true
in database or not. If true,
user’s homepage will display.
Button 2 cancelbtn For user to cancel and return to
main screen

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 6|Page

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To Label screen
Button 1 aaddstudentbtn Button to display add student
Button 2 asearchstudentbtn Button to display search student
Button 3 aviewfeesbtn Button to display view fees

Control Control Name Description

Button 1 tviewstudentbtn Button to display view
student screen
Button 2 tupdateschedulebtn Button to display view
schedule screen

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 7|Page

Control Control Name Description

Button 1 supdatecontactinfobtn Button to display add student
Button 2 scheckfeesbtn Button to display search student
Button 3 scheckschedulebtn Button to display view fees

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 8|Page

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 2 Label 2 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 3 Label 3 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 4 Label 4 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 5 Label 5 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 6 Label 6 To label the related controls to
the right

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 9|Page

Label 7 Label 7 To label the related controls to

the right
Label 8 Label 8 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 9 Label 9 To label the related controls to
the right
Textbox 1 studentidtxtbx Display Id of student
automatically +1
Textbox 2 studentnmtxtbx For user to input student name
Textbox 3 studentsurnmtxtbx For user to input sur name
Textbox 4 cnumtxtbx For user to input contact num
Textbox 5 emailtxtbx For user to input email
Textbox 6 addresstxtbx For user to input address
Textbox 7 dobtxtbx For user to input date of birth
Textbox 8 feestxtbx To display fees of chosen
Textbox 9 regdttxtbx For user to input registration
Checkbox 1 cprochkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Checkbox 2 pythonchkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Checkbox 3 javachkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Checkbox 4 htmlchkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Checkbox 5 rorchkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Checkbox 6 Cpluschkbx For user to check student’s
desired course
Button 1 addsviewfeesbtn To display amount needed to
pay after selecting courses
Button 2 addssavebtn To save all inserted data to
Button 3 addscancelbtn To return to pervious screen

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 10 | P a g e

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 2 Label 2 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 3 Label 3 To label the related controls to
the right
Textbox 1 studentidtxtbx For user to input student id
Textbox 2 fullnametxtbx To display full name of inputted
Textbox 3 addresstxtbx To display address of inputted id
Button 1 searchbtn To search information from
database for desired id
Button 2 cancelbtn To return to previous screen

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 11 | P a g e

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To label the related controls to the
Label 2 Label 2 To label the related controls to the
Label 3 Label 3 To label the related controls to the
Label 4 Label 4 To label the related controls to the
Textbox 1 studentidtxtbx For user to input student id
Textbox 2 fullnametxtbx To display full name of inputted id
Textbox 3 paidtxtbx To display paid amount of
inputted id
Textbox 4 Textbox 4 To display outstanding amount of
inputted id
Button 1 viewfeesbtn To search information from
database for desired id
Button 2 cancelbtn To return to previous screen

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 12 | P a g e

Button 3 updatebtn To update edited information that

has been displayed
Button 4 printrecbtn To print receipt

Control Control Name Description

Combo box 1 coursescmbobx To dropdown a list of courses to
view students
Label 1 Label 1 To label the related controls to the
Button 1 searchbtn To search students from selected
Grid view gridbx To display students of selected

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 13 | P a g e

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 Label 1 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 2 Label 2 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 3 Label 3 To label the related controls to
the right
Label 4 Label 4 To label the related controls to
the right
Textbox 1 starttimetxtbx To display start time
Textbox 2 endtimetxtbx To display end time
Textbox 3 lecturertxtbx To display lecturer
Button 1 backbtn To return to previous screen
Button 2 Displaybtn1 To display schedule in grid box
Button 3 Displaybtn2 To display schedule in textboxes
Button 4 updatebtn To update schedule information
Grid View gridbox To display selected course
Combo box 1 ccombobox To select courses
Combo box 2 dcombobox To select date

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 14 | P a g e

Class Diagram:

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 15 | P a g e

Description and Justification of implementation codes in terms of OOP

concepts used:
1)Class StudentAdd

[StudentAdd class initialization screenshot]

[StudentAdd class implementation screenshot]

[Screenshot of form mapped to StudentAdd class]

Class StudentAdd is created to track down and store the attributes associated with students such
as StudentID, StudentName, StudentSurname, contactNo, Email, Address, fee, DOB and

Object s1 is created from class StudentAdd and all elements of the class has been assigned to its
allocating text box

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 16 | P a g e

2)Class Fees

[Fees class initialization screenshot]

[Fees class implementation screenshot]

[screenshot of form mapped to Fees class]

Class Fees created to track down a student’s Full Name to see whether that student has
outstanding fees or has paid his/her fees already.
The object s1 created from class Fees.
3)Class searchSTU

[searchSTU class initialization screenshot]

[searchST class implementation]

[screenshot of form mapped with searchSTU class]

searchSTU class was created for it to be easy to search for a student in a database by entering
their stuID so that the data for that particular student would be displayed.
Object s1 has been created from searchSTU class.

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 17 | P a g e

4)Class Adminlog, Teacherlog, Studentlog

These 3 classes have the same form but each will link to a new form once their corrective
passwords and username has been entered

[Adminlog class initialization screenshot]

[Adminlog class implementation]

[Studentlog class initialization screenshot

[studentlog class implementation screenshot]

[Teacherlog class initialization screenshot]

[Teacherlog class implementation screenshot]

[screenshot of form mapped with Adminlog,Teacherlog and

studentlog class]

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 18 | P a g e

Adminlog, Teacherlog and Studentlog class are created to hold login details. These three classes
all pass two parameters which are the username and password respectively.
Adminlog ad = new Adminlog(“ADMIN”,”admin1”);
Teacherlog tl = new Teacherlog(“staff”,”staff1”);
Studentlog st = new Studentlog(“student”,”student1”);

5)Student Class

[Student class initialization screenshot]

[Student class implementation screenshot]

[Screenshot of form mapped with Student class]

Student class is created to contain special attributes that are the only ones that students can
update such as their Address, contact_number and email.

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 19 | P a g e

6)Schedule class

[Schedule class initialization screenshot]

[Schedule class implementation screenshot]

[Screenshot of form mapped with class schedule]

Schedule class is created to contain attributes that are the only ones that teachers can update such
as a subject’s Start time, end date and lecturer name.

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 20 | P a g e

Test plan and Test cases:

Test Function Test objective Expected result Actual result Remarks
Case Name
1 Login To test whether Display “username “log in None
forms validation of and password successful”.
login forms is incorrect” if wrong Linked form
correct and open new form opened
if correct
2 Add To test whether Display “inserted” Notification None
Student a student can be displayed
added inside the correctly

3 Search a To test Student information Student None

student validation of should be output information
student search correctly as it is in output
database and display correctly
“False if student not
4 Update To test whether Display “record Notification None
contact information in updated displayed
form contact form can successfully” correctly
be updated and
saved in
5 View To test if all All Student Students Design
students in students are information displayed in looked poor.
a course displayed in displayed in textboxes. Implemented
corresponding textboxes gridbox
textboxes once instead of
their course has many
been selected textboxes.
6 Validate To test whether Display error Error message None
search search student message if anything displayed when
student (StudentID) apart from an integer text is entered.
validation is is entered.
7 Test To test whether Display information Notification None
display information will on grid box when displayed
schedule be output into prompted correctly
grid box.
8 Test To test whether Data in database Notification None
update update buttons updated, notification displayed
buttons update “inserted” displayed correctly

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 21 | P a g e

data in database
9 Test To test if a Course with 25 Course unable Course name
whether student can enter students become to be selected disappears
max a course when it unable to be from
students in currently has 25 selected. selection
class is 25 students
10 Validate To test whether Fully walkthrough- No crashes Exception
all forms program forms able program handlers put
are fully without crashes into use
without any
11 Validate To test whether Should only accept No errors None
contact input data for an integer. Display
number contact number exception if not
is valid integer
12 Validate To test whether Should only accept No errors None
student input data for data of type date.
Date of these fields are Display exception if
birth and valid not date data type.
13 Test cancel To test whether Form should exit, Form exited None
buttons the program can and previous form and previous
exit or cancel to displayed form open
the next form without errors
14 Test try and To test whether Program should not Notification None
catch exception errors crash and should instead displayed
functions crash the program display error notification correctly
15 Print receipt To test whether Receipt should be Receipt displayed None
function print receipt displayed in report in report viewer
function works viewer and should be and can be printed
printable and and downloaded
16 Email To Validate the To display an error if an An error displays None
Validation input of user. email id not valid if user does not
Function include “@” and
domain name.

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 22 | P a g e

To conclude, the student management system for tuition center is an efficient system application.
The point of the system is to allow admins, teachers and students to view/insert and update data
easily for management purposes. Considering all the design techniques used in this assignment,
the focus should be on Object Oriented design. A combination of different classes and objects
were created to store attributes corresponding to their correct logical operations. Example: class
adminlog, studentlog and teacherlog can only be used on login forms. This system has a very
strong correlation to different databases. Most of the input data is stored in databases and is very
easily accessible using search methods. The only weakness to the system is that it relies, users to
know their username and passwords and this might be forgettable.

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 23 | P a g e

Ogata, J. C# database connection and datagridview [online]. [Accessed 5th June 2019].
Available from:
Following source code obtained from (Ogata, 2011)
qlConnection sql_connect = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand sql_command = new SqlCommand();
string connetionString = @"server=ALI-LAP\SQLEXPRESSR2;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=XXX;";

SqlDataAdapter sql_ada = new SqlDataAdapter();

DataTable dt = new DataTable();

sql_connect.ConnectionString = connetionString;
sql_command.Connection = sql_connect;
sql_command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM XXX";

sql_ada.SelectCommand = sql_command;

dataGridView.DataSource = dt;

Tushar, K. Simlpe receipt like printing using the C# Printing API [online]. [Accessed 5th June
2019]. Available from:

Yang, L. Windows form application c# [online] [ Accessed 5th June 2019]. Availabe from:

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) – CT044-3-1 24 | P a g e

Workload Matrix
No. Assigned Task & Brief Description Assigned Member Name Completion Status /
1. Student Functions Richard James Morel Completion = 100%
Justification and description of
Justification and description of
implementation of classes code.

2. Design Sherif Magdy Abdelhay Completion = 100%

Admin Functions Mohamed
3. Tutor Functions Su Yifan Completion = 100%
Test plan

Workload matrix signature: 1)……………………2)………………….3)……………………

UC1F1809SE Student Management system for Tuition center

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