Price List Query

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select qph.

name Price_List_Name,
qpl.operand Price
from qp_list_lines_v qpl where qpl.list_header_id = qph.list_header_id
and qpl.product_attr_val_disp = '26301') Item1_26301,
qpl.operand Price
from qp_list_lines_v qpl where qpl.list_header_id = qph.list_header_id
and qpl.product_attr_val_disp = '24111') Item2_24111,
qpl.operand Price
from qp_list_lines_v qpl where qpl.list_header_id = qph.list_header_id
and qpl.product_attr_val_disp = '33906') Item3_33906
qp_list_headers qph,
qp_list_lines_v qpl
-- qp_price_breaks_v qpb
WHERE 1 = 1
AND qph.list_header_id = qpl.list_header_id
AND qpl.end_date_active IS NULL
AND qph.end_date_active IS NULL
AND qpl.product_attr_val_disp in ('26301','24111','33906')
AND qpl.product_attr_val_disp IS NOT NULL
AND qph.attribute2 = 'AMERICA'
AND qph.list_header_id NOT IN
(101888, 3025, 231464, 247530, 167985, 167994, 188554)

fnd_client_info.set_org_context (116);

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