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Chapter 3

Reviewing the Literature

This chapter covers how to review literatures.

Learning objectives:
 Define what is literature;
 Discuss the types of literature;
 Identify sources of literature;
 Make a literature review;
 Discuss what is theoretical and conceptual framework;
 Construct theoretical and/or conceptual framework.

A. Literature- written works that express permanent or universal interest.

a. Types of Literature
According to Guevarra and Lambinicio (2011), the following are the types of literature:
1. Research Literature or related studies- refers to writings that undergone a study. This could
either be published or unpublished.
2. Conceptual Literature- articles or books written by authorities expressing their opinions,
experience, theories, ideas what is good or bad.

b. Sources of Literature
1. Primary- these came from the person/people who are involved in a condition/ situation. This also
refers to first-hand information and is not filtered or being studied yet. This comes from events or
individuals who are being studied.
2. Secondary- these are information that had been analyzed or examined. It does not come from an
original source.

B. The Process of Reviewing the Literature

The literature review includes critical analysis of the association of different written works and
connecting it to your own research work. It could also supply theoretical framework, and reasons
why your study is needed.

Rallis (2014) suggested the following steps in doing a literature review:

1. Review the guidelines- margins, spacing, and font.
2. Know your topic- knowing well your topic will facilitate narrowing of the available literature. It
will help you to read more specific articles or books that are related to your topic.
3. Familiarized yourself with the literature that you will review. Books, online sources,
unpublished theses and dissertations, articles from news paper, and journals are the most common
sources of literature.
 Identify online data base for literature. Below are some links to open access and paid online
4. Scrutinize the literature. Before writing the review you have to organize and analyze the
 Have an overview of the article. Looking at abstract and skimming article contents can
help you get the idea of an article.
 Categorize the articles. You can group them from international literature/ studies and
local literature/ studies; unpublished works and published.
 Take notes. Focus on the terms, statistics, quotations, strengths and weaknesses, major
patterns or trends, an association among studies, gaps in the literature, and take note also
the date and coverage of the study.
5. Synthesize the review. Combine the elements of your review in organize and logical manner to
form a new whole.
1. The statement of the problem may use a guide in the flow of the discussion.
2. You may start from foreign to local literature and/or studies.
3. For long review, use subheadings.
4. Write conclusion at the end of the review.
5. Review the flow of your argument for consistency and continuity.
Learning Activity 7


Direction. Go to the University library/e-library and search for literatures that are related
to your study.

A. Printed books, Scientific Journals and articles



B. Online sources (ebooks, websites, online scientific journals, articles)


C. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theory- an idea or set of ideas that rationally explain a cause and effect relationship.
Concept- abstractly characterizes an object or phenomenon.
Framework- described as the ideological and valid structure of essence that guides the formation of
the study.

Theoretical Framework
This provides the point of focus of a study. This could be sole or interrelated theories; this is
used to explain why a relationship exists. This will serve as the basis of the research problem and
also serves as a guide for the direction of the problem.

Conceptual Framework
This is consists of concepts that are put-up together in a logical and sequential way. This is
derived from experiential observation and idea. One of the purposes of this is to promote theory

IPO Model (Input-Process-Output)
This is based on classic systems theory. This is a visual representation on how the inputs
transform into an output and the needed process.
Input- represents the data that will undergo the process.
Process- includes the entire tasks that are needed to transform the input to output.
Output- the data that are coming out from the transformation process.

Input Process Output



Profile of the Descriptive
respondents: Relationship of
Quantitative using a
1. Age Emotional
questionnaire and
2. Sex Intelligence and
analyzed through
3. Emotional Clinical
Intelligence SPSS v. 24
performance of
4. Clinical respondents.

Staff Development

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework

Guevarra, N. and Lambinicio J. (2011). Research Writing Made Easy. Urdaneta City University:
Rallis. H. (2014). Guidelines for writing a literature review. Retrieved August 2017 from

Learning Activity 8
Writing Your Conceptual Framework
Direction. In relation to your study, fill-up the needed data in the figure below.

DATA and

Chapter 4

Research Methodology

This chapter is concentrated with the research design, the data, and data processing and analyzing.
Learning objectives:
 Define what is research methodology;
 Identify the different research designs;
 Differentiate probability and nonprobability sampling;
 Compute the sample size;
 Appraise a research questionnaire;
 Construct a questionnaire;
 Explain the different methods of data collection;
 Distinguish the different types of data;
 Choose the applicable statistical test for the research study.

Methodology- a systematic analysis of the methods used in science and arts.

Research Methodology-in a research paper, it answers how the data was collected and how it was
A. Research Design
This includes the blueprint of the study; this also refers to the overall plan that you have
used to combine all the parts of your study in comprehensive and logical manner. The research
problem is the basis of research design, not the other way around. (USCLibraries, 2017)

a. The Different Research Designs (USCLibraries, 2017):

1. Action Research- this type of design, tests an intervention in a given problem of scenario, that
intervention is the “action” in action research. This is a solution-driven rather than theory testing.
This study advocates change and improvement of professional practice.
2. Case Study- this is useful in testing a theory and/or a model if it is applicable to phenomena. For
specific and rare cases, this can provide a detailed description.
3. Causal - this design helps researchers understand how the world works. This design shows “if-
then” scenario. This design investigates the effect on the independent variable to the dependent
4. Cohort- this design is conducted over a period of time usually use in medical sciences.
Respondents of this design have similarity or commonality.
 Open- dynamic population.
 Close- static population.
5. Cross-sectional- have three distinctive features: not time restricted; relies on existing
differences; and, groups are chosen based on the existing differences. It can only measure
differences rather than change among variables.
6. Longitudinal- follows and make a repeated observation of the same samples over time. This
facilitates prediction of outcomes based from previous data.
7. Descriptive-in a specific research problem it helps to provide answers to the questions of who,
what, where, when, and how. It is also used to describe “what exists” with respect to conditions,
situations, and variables.
8. Experimental- this is a blueprint of the procedures in an experiment wherein the researcher
maintains control over other variables that may affect the result of an experiment.
9. Exploratory- this design is used when a research problem has no or little earlier studies have
been conducted. The goal of this design is to have familiarity and insights with basic details, settings,
and concerns.
10. Historical- the goal of this is to gather, prove, and synthesize evidence from the past, it uses
diaries, official records, reports, and other primary and secondary sources to establish facts that
defend or denies a hypothesis
11. Meta- Analysis- systematically appraises and sums up the results from a number of individual
studies to develop an understanding of a problem by presenting a general view of the whole
12. Observation- compares subject of a study to a control group to make conclusions. This is a
systematic watching and documenting what people say and do, without any attempts to manipulate
any natural behavior.
 Direct- your subjects know that you are observing them.
 Indirect- subject is not aware of the observation.
11. Mixed Method- refers to combining qualitative and quantitative study. Quantitative data
employs numeric analysis (descriptive and inferential statistics) while qualitative data provides
descriptive details (expressive data).

B. Sampling Technique
a. Research Local- this contains the description where the subjects/ respondents where the
respondents are drawn.
b. Population- includes all the measurement target of the researcher.
c. Sample- a subdivision of the population
d. Sampling- the process of selecting subdivision from the population of interest.

e. Types of Sampling
1. Probability- refers to the use of any randomized method in selecting the sample. Unbiased
estimates can be generalized, easy data analysis and error calculation, high cost, time-consuming.
1. Simple random sampling- the whole population has an equal chance; selection is done in one
process. The most primitive type is fishbowl or lottery, nowadays, researchers rely on machines
and/or computers.
2. Systematic sampling-the researcher randomly picks first the item or subject and then selects each
nth item or subject. The researcher chose the starting number first, then interval.
3. Stratified sampling- divides the entire population into different strata then finally selects the
subjects from the strata. Most common use: age, sex, religion, educational attainment,
socioeconomic status.
4. Cluster sampling- group of sampling units close to each other
5. Multi-stage sampling- more complex than cluster sampling. In this technique, the cluster is further
subdivided, and from that sub divided group, the researcher will do a simple random sampling for the
final subjects or respondents.

2. Nonprobability- does not involve random selection. Cheap and unable to generalized and has a
higher potential for bias.
1. Convenience samples- samples are selected from elements of a population that are easily
accessible (ease of access).
2. Snowball sampling- existing study subject or respondent recruits future subjects /respondents in
the study (friend of friend….etc.).
3. Purposive sampling- you chose who you think should be in the study (judgemental).
4. Quota sample- collected from a homogenous group. From the population, the researcher could
choose two variables as criteria for the selection of respondents.

f. Determining the sample size

1. Gay’s rule on acceptable sample sizes
 Descriptive Research- 20% for population below 500 and 10% for population as large as
 Experimental Research, 15 per group is acceptable but considers 30 per group as minimum.
 Causal Comparative- 15 per research study.

2. Lynch Formula- formula in determining the sample size.

𝑁𝑍 2 x p (1 − p)
Nd2 + Z 2 p (1 − p)

n= Sample Size
N= Population
Z= the value of the normal variables (1.96) for a reliability level of 0.95
p= the largest possible proportion (0.50)
d= margin of error

1. Using Gays rule, you are planning to study on the level of job satisfaction in midwives in Region 1.
According to the data available, there are 6789 midwives in Region 1. Compute for the sample size:


2. Using Lynch formula, compute the sample size for a population with 11378.

Learning Activity 9


Direction. Now that you have studied the different research design and sampling technique, it is
time for you to put in application what you have learned. Write your research design and sampling
procedure on the space provided.

Research Design (name of the research design, description, and rationale why it is used in your

Sampling (name of the sampling technique, description, and your plan how to conduct the

C. Instrumentation and Data Collection

a. Questionnaire Design
A questionnaire is a set of questions asked to the respondents. You can use both open-ended
and close-ended questions. In the design, measurement data such as nominal, ordinal, interval, and
ratio scales can be used.
b. Characteristics of a good questionnaire
1. A questionnaire can be analyzed
2. A questionnaire should stimulate the interest of the respondents and middle target questions
should be asked in the middle part of the questionnaire.
3. Early questions should be easy to answer and be as friendly as possible.
4. Personal information should be asked either as optional or on the last part of the questionnaire.
5. Open-ended question should be kept at a minimum and on the latter part of the questionnaire.
6. A pilot test is done to check the applicability of the questionnaire.
c. Types of questions
1. Open-ended- it is open to any answers from the respondents. The researcher does not supply
any choices for the answer.
1. In your view, how can the midwifery practice be improved in the Philippines?

2. Close-ended- the researcher provides choices for the answer. This type of question is easier to
Place a check on the space provided for your answer.
1. In your view, how can the midwifery practice be improved in the Philippines?
_________ Attend seminars from accredited institutions
_________ Enrol to advanced degrees
_________ Attend trainings
_________ Conduct researches

d. Reliability and Validity Test

1. Reliability
Polit and Beck (2010), defines reliability as the consistency of the instrument to measure attributes.
It is also concerned in a measure’s accuracy.
Aspects of reliability:
 Stability- the instruments’ stability is achieved if in two occasions same similar results are
obtained from the same respondents. This is evaluated through a test-retest reliability
 Internal consistency- an instrument is said to be internally consistent if the items measure
the same trait. This is evaluated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. The higher the score means
the higher the internal consistency is. Nunally (1978), as cited by Llego (2016), the
acceptable Cronbach’s alpha score is 0.6.
 Equivalence- concerns with the scoring of two or more evaluator of the instrument.
Validity- Refers to the degree that the instrument is measuring what is to be measured in a study.
Types of validity:
 Face- the instrument looks it is measuring the right construct
 Content- degree of which an instrument has enough sample of items for the construct that is
being measured, the content validity index (CVI) of an excellent instrument is 0.9 (Polit and
Beck, 2010).

d. Methods of Data Collection

1. Survey- the most common method in data collection. It is done through a questionnaire.
2. Interview- a conversation wherein the researcher asked questions to gather information. It is
usually, used in qualitative research.
 Ethnography- the researcher immerse to the target population.
 Focus group- the researcher recruits group to discuss a specific topic. The data from the
group will be treated as one.
 Face-to-face- the researcher meets with the respondents personally.
3. Observation- refers to how observation can be utilized in data gathering in research methods. It is
also usually, use in qualitative research.
 Participant- the researcher is directly involved.
 Non-participant- the researcher is not directly involved.

4. Experiment- set of procedures how a study is conducted. It describes the test unit, the
independent and dependent variables and how extraneous variables are controlled. The researcher
will document the changes that happened to the subjects.
 True experiment- with randomization.
 Quasi- experimental- lack “randomization” but with a control group and/ or multiple
5. Record- systematic data collection from existing records.
 Medical record
 Vital statistics
 Court reports

Tips for writing the Instrumentation and Data Collection section:

1. Describe thoroughly what your instrument is. (e.g. if it was synthesized from literature or if it was
adopted, modified or you use it from previous papers)
2. Indicate if your instrument had undergone (will undergo) any validity or reliability test.
3. Write when you started (plan) data collection, retrieval, the person in-charge and the procedure on
how you did (plan) data collection and retrieval.
A questionnaire was the main instrument utilized in data gathering, EI scale is based on
Schutte et al. (1998). This instrument, Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT), was
used in the study of Tok, et al. (2013). The SSEIT was based on Goleman Emotional Intelligence
Theory. The SSEIT instrument was used in this study because of money constraints. The original
instrument is a 33-item scale addressed the EI level of the respondents. According to Petrides and
Furnham (2000), SSEIT has four-dimensional factor structure namely: Optimism/Emotion Regulation,
Appraisal of Emotions, Social Skills and Utilization of Emotions. The researcher got the approval from
the Dr. Schutte to use her questionnaire. The questionnaire on Clinical Performance was adopted
from the clinical evaluation for Midwives.
The questionnaire has three parts. Part I covered the profile of the respondents. Part II
measured the EI using the SSEIT and the survey was organized as, “strongly disagree (1),” “disagree
(2),” “neither disagree nor agree (3),” “agree (4),” “strongly agree (5)” and will assess the
respondents condition of their EI. Specific questions answered the following area: Appraisal of other’s
emotion (5, 18, 25, 26, 29, 32, 33), Appraisal of owns’ emotion (2, 6, 9, 15, 19, 22), Regulation (1,
21, 23) Social skills (4, 11, 13, 14, 24, 30) Utilization of emotion (7, 12, 16, 17, 20, 27, 31) and
Optimism (3, 8, 10, 28). Part III, is the “Clinical performance”.
The questionnaire had undergone face validity: six (6) experts validated the questionnaire.
Three of which are human resource managers form Urdaneta City. One of them is currently
employed in University of Tabuk in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an Assistant Professor. Another is the
Dean of School of Teacher Education in one of the Universities in Baguio City, and one of them is a
Dean of Midwifery in Urdaneta City.
Prior to the actual data gathering a reliability test was conducted to check the internal
consistency of the modified instrument and if it is suited for practice in the Philippine setting; this was
conducted last November 2016 on midwives from the Cordilleras. Sub-scaling reliability test was
conducted using Cronbach’s alpha including the variables age, sex, position and length of service: for
Appraisal of Others’ Emotion, the original items stated yielded an alpha less than the acceptable
parameter but items (18, 25, 26, 29, 32) yielded an alpha of 0.678, for Appraisal of Owns’ emotion
results yielded an alpha of 0.741, for Mood Regulation results yielded an of 0.759, for Social skills
results showed an alpha of 0.765, for Utilization of Emotion result revealed an alpha of 0.607, for
Optimism original items yielded an acceptable alpha but items (3, 8, 10) yielded an alpha of 0.753.
Thus, items 5, 28 and 33 were removed by the researcher so that the instrument will suit the needs
of the study. Further, with the removal of items 5, 28 and 33 sub scale consistency is achieved,
according to Nunally (1978), acceptable Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient values are above 0.6. The over-
all test yielded Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.867 which means that the 35 items has relatively high
consistency and is applicable to the Philippine setting.
Actual data collection was conducted from February to March 2017. Prior to the conduct of
the study, the researcher secured permission to administer it from the respondents respected human
resource department and hospital/institutions director.
The researcher personally went to the identified hospitals/ institutions and left the
questionnaires in the care of the heads. Retrieval of the questionnaire was done one week after and
done personally by the researcher.
* Parts are copied from the study of Dr. Jordan Llego (2016) and was modified.

Learning Activity 10


Direction. Base from your research; write the following on the space provided:


Data Collection

D. Treatment of Data
This section of the paper discusses how the data was (or to be) analyzed.

1. Quantitative Analysis
a. Levels of data:
1. Nominal- has limitations when it comes to statistical analysis. Numbers have no mathematical
meaning; it is only used for coding or representation.
1- male 2- female

2. Ordinal- exists in hierarchy, ranks or order. It is more sensitive than nominal but still lacks
Place in class
1- 1st place 2- 2nd place 3- 3rd place

3. Interval- a more sensitive form of data. No true zero (0) point. It applies the principle of
IQ scale by Lewis Terman:
Over 140 - Genius or near genius
120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency
Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

4. Rational- the most sensitive and powerful form of data. Includes a true zero point. This also allows
absolute comparisons.
1. Height
2. Weight
3. Head Circumference

Learning Activity 11


Direction. Based from the questionnaire below, answer the questions.

The questionnaire was constructed by the researchers from reading literatures. The instrument was
checked by experts in the field of midwifery and hospital administrators; three of them are from the
midwifery practice, one from midwifery education and one hospital administrator. A pilot test was
also done in Carmen West, Rosales Pangasinan on January 2016 and was repeated on February 2016
and yielded a score of 0.80. Internal consistency was also check and scored an alpha of 0.98.

Dear Respondents:
We are conducting a research to enhance the midwifery practice here in Urdaneta City in line with this
we humbly ask your participation in our study. It is aimed to strengthen the services rendered by the
midwives in our city.
Your participation will be highly appreciated and your answers will be treated with utmost respect and
confidentiality. You can also withdraw from the study any time you want.
Thank you!

The Researchers
I. Your Profile
Age ________ Marital Status_______
Institution where you needed the service of midwives:
____ community center ______ birthing facility ______ hospital _____home

II. Level of Satisfaction. Write on the space provided the level of your satisfaction on the services you

1- Not satisfied 2- Somewhat Satisfied 3- Satisfied 4- Very Satisfied

____ 1. Midwives are prompt in giving the care you needed.
____ 2 Midwives showed utmost respect.
____3. Midwives responded well in your requests.

III. The best things and things to improve.

1. What do you think are the best things you experienced under the care of a midwife?

2. What are the things you suggest to improve the services you need?

I. Multiple Choice. Select and encircle the best answer. (7 points)

1. Part one of the questionnaire is what kind of a question?
A. Opening
B. Middle
C. Late
D. Last

2. Part three of the questionnaire is what type of a question?
A. Opening
B. Open-ended
C. Close-ended
D. Middle
3. What type of data will you generate from Part three?
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. None of these

4. Age in part one is what type of data?

A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Rational

5. Marital status in part one is what type of data?

A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Rational

6. Level of satisfaction is what type of data?

A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Rational

7. Institution where you needed the service of midwives, is what type of data?
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Rational

II. Essay. Describe the instrument. (3 points)


b. Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics includes describing of data, numerical descriptions and bivariate descriptions.
1. Tables and graphs
i. Frequency distribution- includes possible values of the variables and how many times it occurs.
ii. Histogram- pie graphs, bar graphs that represent the value of variables and its occurrence.

2. Measures of central tendency
i. mean- the usual average of a given sample.
ii. median- middle value of an ordered sample.
iii. mode- number that is repeated more often than others.
3. Bivariate Description
This is used when studying associations between two or more variables.
i. contingency table- used for a categorical variable.
ii. Scatter plot- used to evaluate the relationship of variables. It uses y and x axis to evaluate the
iii. Correlation- used to evaluate associations in -1 to +1 value. It also indicates the direction of
association (positive or negative). The value closest to one the stronger the association between
variables is.
Scale of Data Test
Nominal Chi- square
Nominal Ordinal Chi- square
Interval and rational Friedman test
Ordinal Ordinal Chi- square
Interval and rational Spearman- rho
Interval and rational Interval and rational Pearson- r
*used for normal distribution

iv. Regression- after evaluating the association and direction of the association, regression analysis is
done to make predictions. It predicts what will be the value of the dependent variable if the
independent variable increases or decreases.

c. Inferential Statistics
Inferential statistics make inferences from the drawn sample. It allows the researcher to say if the
association is significant.
* If the test is significant you can reject the null hypothesis.
* If the test is not significant you can accept the null hypothesis.
Test to Use: (test of difference)
Scale of Data Test
Nominal Chi- square
Ordinal Mann-Whitney U test
Interval/ ratio (2 groups) t-test
Interval ratio (3 groups or more) ANOVA
*commonly used

2. Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis is based on interpretative philosophy. It is examining the meaning and
symbolic content of the data.

a. Approaches
i. Deductive- grouping the data and looks for differences and similarities.
ii. Inductive- if the majority of the design is qualitative this approach is preferred. Researchers use an
emergent framework to group the data then looks for the relationship.
iii. Thematic coding- involves identifying and recording of words or visuals linked by common theme
or idea.
 Frequency – the researcher documents how many times a word was mentioned.
 Specificity – the researcher gives detail of the words which are vital to the study.
 Emotion – the researcher records emotions of subjects when answering questions.
 Extensiveness – the researcher records how many people said something different.

Tips for writing the Treatment of Data:

1. If you are going to use or used statistical software like Statistical Software for Professionals (Stata)
or Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), mention it together with the version of the
2. Write statistical formula if you did or your statistician did manual calculation, no need to put
formulas if you used statistical software.
3. Write the statistical analysis in answering specific subproblems of the study, and the reason why
the statistical test is used in that specific subproblem.

Gibbs, G. R., (2010). Coding part 2: Thematic coding. [Web Video]. Retrieved from

Hughes, A. (2016). Mixed Methods Research. Retrieved August 2017 from
Llego, JH. (2016). Science Technology and Engineering Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence Vis-à-vis
Classroom Management. Retrieved August 2017
USCLibraries. (2017). Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Types of Research Designs.
Retrieved August 2017 from

Learning Activity 12


I. Direction. Now that you learned about the different statistical treatment of data. You can now
answer the following, referring to the questionnaire in page 28.

1. What statistical test will you use to check the relationship between age and level of satisfaction?
Justify your answer.

2. What test are you going to use to check if there is a significant difference between the marital
status and level of satisfaction?
II. Application. From your study, write how your data will be treated:
Treatment of Data




I. Direction. Complete the crossword puzzle below. (32 points)
16 1 2 13

22c 12 20 26

3 8 25o



7 18

9 29


5 24




23 16

1. This research design advocates for change.
3. One of the ways in determining sample size.
4. In Gay’s rule, the sample size for this study is 20% for respondents below 500.
5. This type of sampling technique collects group from the same attributes.
6. Other than Slovene’s formula, this is also used to determine the sample size.
9. This is synonymous to group or class.
10. ____- analysis, is a research design wherein a researcher evaluates and summarizes the result of
individual studies to bring new idea.
11. This includes all the researchers target measurement.
13. This measurement has the “true zero” point.
14. This is the most common method in data collection.
15. _____n is the middle value of an ordered group.
17. This describes how many times does a variable occurs.
19. This research design uses both qualitative and quantitative study.
20. A data collection method in which you look at vital statistics.
21. This is a question wherein the researcher provides an option.
23. A systematic analysis of the methods used in science and arts.
24. _____graphy is a data collection method wherein the researcher joins the subjects of the study.
27. Result from IQ test is an example of what type of data?

28. This means that the instrument is measuring what is supposed to be measured.
1. This design only measures differences among variables in a short span of time.
2. This is considered as the most expensive and most time consuming sampling technique- multi-
7. This research design uses records or books to defend a hypothesis.
8. This type of sampling refers to ease of access.
12. This test is being conducted to look at the strength and weaknesses of an instrument.
13. This is defined as the consistency of an instrument to measure attributes.
14. This plot uses x and y axis to evaluate association.
16. This measure of data is the least sensitive.
18. This table is used to look at the relationship of categorical variables.
22. A research design which shows an “if-then” situation.
25. Refers to how observation is used to n gathering data.
26. Key ingredient in experimental research.
29. This type of data is in rank or in order form.

II. Application. Answer the following questions on the space provided. (18 points)

1. An instrument was wholly adapted from an international journal. In the journal, it was mentioned
that it passed the reliability and validity test. Does the researcher need to again validity and reliability
test? Justify your answer.

2. What test will you use if you want to study the relationship between academic performance of
midwifery students and their age? Justify your answer.

3. What test will you use if you want to study the difference between academic performance of
midwifery students and their sex?

4. Using Lynch formula, compute for the sample size of a population with 6890 possible respondents
with 5% margin of error.


5. Differentiate Probability and Nonprobabilty sampling.


6. Using Gay’s rule, compute for the sample size for a descriptive research with a population of 8674
possible respondents.


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