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Kampung Kisihang Kec. Tagulandang Selatan, Telp (0432) 33013 – 085256511944 Kode Pos 95863

Soal Ulangan Harian

Program Diklat : Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014
Kelas/Semester : XI / Genap
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 Menit
Jurusan : Akuntansi/TKJ/Administrasi Perkantoran

I. Give the sign (X) at the correct answer of a, b, c, d or e below !

(Untuk soal nomor 1 s/d 3)
Manakah kalimat yang benar di bawah ini yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa yang terjadi di waktu lampau?
1. a. I saw the crowds were helping the accident victims d. They was at home
b. I see the crowds were helping the accident victims e. We are there to see the accident
c. She were at home

2. a. We had looked the room when she came b. We are looked the room when she come
c. We has looked the room when I came d. We had look the room when he come
e. She has looking

3. a. I had finished this work when they arrived d. They are finishing this work
b. I am finish this work e. I was finish this work
c. They arrive when I finish this work

(Untuk soal nomor 4 s/d 8)

Manakah kalimat yang benar di bawah ini yang menceritakan tentang rencana di masa depan (telling about
future tense)?
4. a. The meeting was begin at 02.00 p.m d. The meeting has begin at 02.00 p.m
b. The meeting begins at 02.00 p.m e. The meeting will be begin at 02.00 p.m
c. The meeting had begun at 02.00 p.m

5. a. She went to abroad last year d. Shintia is playing game on the computer
b. He goet to abroad e. I will go to abroad next year
c. Nudin buys some books at the bookstore

6. a. My teacher will teaching English now d. She will arrive at the office at 08.00 a.m
b. They will buy some new magazines e. We will attend an English course last week
c. A man will sell his motorcycle yesterday

7. a. They will finish this work an hour ago d. This house will be built next month
b. We will go there the last day e. That shop will be closed two hours ago
c. I will give him a flower last week

8. a. I will eat at the restaurant yesterday

b. Jeny and Marcella will attend a contest of Miss World last year
c. The teacher will give us that lesson next day
d. A new school will built
e. Teo and Alan will attend an exchange student in Surabaya last week

9. Steven : What are you going to do this morning?

Yohan : . . .
a. He is going to finish his work d. They are going to finish their work
b. She is going to finish her work e. We are going to finish our work
c. I am going to finish my work

10. Marcella : When are you going to buy a new car?

Jeni : . . . next week.
a. I will buy it b. I would buy it c. I am going to buy it
d. I was going e. I am going to bought it

11. Olivia : When is he going to attend that meeting?

Susan : . . . at the office at 11.00 a.m
a. She is going to attend that meeting d. They are going to attend that meeting
b. He is going to attend that meeting e. Olivia and Susan are going to attend that meeting
c. We are going to attend that meeting
(Untuk soal nomor 12 s/d 14)
Manakah kalimat yang benar di bawah ini yang memakai pola ‘be going to’?
12. a. The children was going to go to Bunaken island
b. The children are going to go to Bunaken island
c. The children were going to Bunaken island
d. The children is going to go to Bunaken island
e. The children are going to Bunaken island

13. a. A bussines man are going to buy a new car d. A bussines man was going
b. A bussines man is going buy a new car e. A bussines man were going to buy a new car
c. A bussines man is going to buy a new car

14. a. Luli : Where are you going to go?

Fijay : You are going to the office
b. Vita : Where are you going?
Alisya : I were going
c. Teo : Where are you going to go?
Alan : I was going to the park
d. Cindy : When are you going to continue your study?
Jeni : I am going to continue my study next year
e. Gerald : When are you going to finish your study?
Efendy : I were going to finish it quickly

(Untuk soal nomor 15 s/d 17)

Read the dialog!
Marcella : Morning guys, how are you?
Jeni, Cindy: Morning too, we are fine.
Marcella : I’m fine too. Would you like to come to my party tonight?
Cindy : I’d love to come to your party. When will it begin?
Marcella : It will begin at 7 p.m. What about you, Jeni?
Jeni : I’d love to, but I have made a promise with another. I’m sorry, I can’t go!
Marcella : Never mind, I see. Ok guys, I must go now. See you

15. Where does the sentence include invitation?

a. When it will begin? d. I’d love to come
b. I must go now e. Would you like to come to my party?
c. I’d love to, but ...

16. Where does the sentence include accepting invitation?

a. I’d love to come d. I’d love to, but ...
b. Would you like to come e. When will it begin?
c. I must go now

17. Where does the sentence include refusing invitation?

a. I must go now d. Would you like to come
b. I’d love to, but ... e. I’d love to come
c. When will it begin?

18. These are the sentences including invitations. Except:

a. Would you like to go to the party? d. Do you want to come along with me?
b. Why don’t you attend an English course? e. Would you be so kind to give me a favor?
c. I’d be delighted to go there

19. These are the sentences including refusing invitation. Except:

a. I’d love to go there, but I must finish my work
b. I’m sorry, because today is raining
c. I wish I could, but ...
d. Would you be so kind to give me a favor?
e. I’d like to accompany you, but ...

20. These are the sentences including accepting invitation. Except:

a. That sound great! d. I’d love to ...
b. I’d be delighted to ... e. I’d like to ...
c. I’m sorry,because ...

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