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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L). Lam), is a member ofthe morning

glory family, Convolvulaceae, and the only member of the genus
Ipomoea whose roots are edible. It is speculated to be a native of
South America but presently grown throughout the tropical and
subtropical regions ofthe world.

Sweet potatoes form a large part ofthe food ofthe people in many
countries and is the sixth most important food crop of the world with
an annual production of about 126.19 million tonnes from 9.26 million
hectares (FAO1992).It can grow under a wide range of agroecological
conditions from 40°north to 32° south latitudes and from sea level up
to 9000 ft elevations. The major growing areas occur where the
average temperature is about 23.8° C or more with a well distributed
annual rainfall of 500 to 700 mm and anabundance of sunshine. The
crop growth cycle is 3 to 4 months under congenial conditions.
Because ofits wide adaptability and high yield potential and high dry
matter production per unit area per unit time, sweet potato
cultivation is gaining worldwide importance day by day as base
material for1food, feed and industrial products. To meet the required
demand, foodproduction need to be doubled by 2020 just to maintain
present per capita food consumption (2.6 billion tonnes for 8.5 billion
people). To achieve this target of food production, sweet potato can
play a significant role to secure foods for future.
Theproduction gap of other food crops in a country like ours can be
filled up by proper exploitation of yield potential of sweet potato.
However, low productivity ofsweet potato is a major hurdle towards
achieving the goal.

The major causes of low productivity in many countries identified are:

(i) non-availability of high yielding as well as disease and pest tolerant

varieties, (ii) shortage of healthy planting materials of high yielding
varieties resulting from perpetuation and transmission of diseased
propagules through continuous cycles of vegetative propagation, and
(iii) lack of varieties tolerant to abiotic stresses. All these account for
reduction in yield about 70-80%. The major objectives ofsweet potato
research are thus the area of improvements interms of yield, storage
ability, nutritional composition, culinary properties,

disease and insect resistance. Despite the fact that considerable work

been carried out in sweet potato research, very little progress has
been made in

those areas as compared to other crops. Much of this stagnation can


attributed to the limited genetic base that most breeders have used.
Genetic improvement of sweet potato by conventional methods has

been associated with the genetics of polyploidy. Sweet potato is a


crop. Though sexual breeding in sweet potato was initiated in early of


century (Stout 1926; Tioutine 1935), the cause of poor seed set i.e.
selfincompatibility was understood much latter (Martin 1965; 1967).

studies indicated that incompatibility in sweet potato is a complex

phenomenon of multiallelic nature and can be explained cytologically


bivalent pairing and segregation on the basis of multifactor models

1965; 1969). The other studies show existence of continuous and
overlapping4variation towards the quantitative inheritance for all the
characters in sweet

potato. Tuber yield is the most complex and variable character.


estimate for tuber yield was low indicating non-additive variance


1977). The studies of Zheng et al. (1985) indicated that red skin colour

controlled by additive genes. Hernandez et al. (1967) and Zhang and


(1988) reported a negative association between flesh colour and dry


Starch and dry matter ofthe tuber were governed by additive gene
effects (Dai
et al. 1988). Genetic studies have concluded that resistance to most of

diseases is quantitative and the variability is due to the outcrossing


Most ofthe morphological characters do not have any stable

correlation with

the tuber yield. Sometimes the genotypic and environmental

variations may

affect the characters through physiological mechanisms (Vimala and



Despite the heavy breeding emphasis on yield increase, disease and

insect resistance, progress through classical breeding is impeded due

to the
major constraints like incompatibility and sterility associated with

as mentioned before. In addition to that, a narrow genetic base

resulting from

continuous vegetative mode of propagation is also affecting the


Though some high yielding varieties have been developed


high disease severity and pest attacks during field propagation and

propagules due to poor maintenance are the major constraints. Thus


becomes imperative to opt for novel techniques for propagation and

improvement ofthis polyploid and clonally propagated crop sweet

potato. In
this context, biotechnological tools - tissue culture techniques in
particular can

play a major role in overcoming the problems associated with those


mode of propagation and improvement. Meristem and shoot tip


techniques are very useful in developing virus free materials. In vitro

micropropagation and storage techniques can be used effectively to

maintain a

large collection of genetically pure material in a relatively small area


7breeders’ active collection. Approximately 10 % ofthe consumable

product is

often used to provide healthy propagules to maintain the continuous

cycle of
planting and replanting of this vegetatively propagated crop. Tissue

techniques could save a large portion of this expense both in storage


bedding so also ensure safer storage against diseases and pests in the

(Henderson et al. 1984). Micropropagation can be achieved either


shoot organogenesis from pre-formed meristems or through de novo

organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. In vitro methods have


developed for propagation ofsome popular varieties and also for

and exchange of genetic resources in sweet potato (Love et al. 1987;
Dodds et

al. 1992). However, wide application of in vitro propagation protocols

is still

being hindered due to low regeneration frequencies resulting from

influence of

genotypes and long duration of cultures (Kuo 1991; Prakash et al.


Information on genetic stability ofregenerants during maintenance is


Such knowledge is essential to exploit in vitro techniques for storage


propagation of sweet potato. A reliable and efficient in vitro

system is an absolute prerequisite for production of genetically

plants. This has always been a problem in sweet potato (Hill et al.

Moreover, regeneration from tissues has been reported mostly

through a callus

phase, which is likely to affect genetic stability of the regenerated


Informations on cytogenetic situations ofthe regenerants are lacking

which is

deemed desirable for genetic manipulation. More recently,

development of

transgenics and global issues on patenting genes are causing more

concern for
the development of efficient propagation and storage protocols not
only to

cater present food demand but also to secure food for future. Work on

regeneration protocols may alleviate the problems or at least raise


rates to acceptable levels. Knowledge on cyto-histo and morphological

changes associated with regeneration would also help to develop and


a highly stable regenerating system monitoring the process of

regeneration at

cell level.11

1.2. Review ofliterature

In vitro propagation of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) has not been as

successful as other food and vegetable crops. However, several
reports on

tissue culture studies in sweet potato have appeared in different

journals in

recent years which mainly covers a) regeneration of plants by


shoot tip, lateral bud and meristem cultures; b) callus induction in


explants followed by regeneration through organogenesis and somatic

embryogenesis; c) protoplast culture and genetic transformation


as well as d) in vitro conservation and cryoconservation aspects. Some


like Henderson et al. (1984) and Torres (1989) have tried to review the
progress in tissue culture studies of sweet potato. However, a review
of the

literature available on the recent work on sweet potato tissue culture

has been

attempted in the following sections.

1.2.1. In vitro culture of meristems, axillary buds and shoot tips for

elimination and micropropagation.

Viral diseases often affect the genetic resources ofsweet potato, and

spread of such diseases, through vegetative propagation, affects


and storage. Normally the apical meristem (0.3-0.5 mm) ofthe plant
with virus is almost disease free. Meristem and shoot tip culture

coupled with thermotherapy and chemotherapy can eliminate viruses.


most of the tissue culture experiments conducted so far with sweet


meristems, shoot tips and lateral buds were aimed primarily at

elimination of

virus from different cultivars; and once this was achieved the

were, however, directed towards in vitro production of sweet potato

propagules. The best-known work in this direction is probably that of


(1971) who was able to establish virus-free meristem cultures of

species, including the sweet and white potato. He was also able to

15three ofthe most prevalent and damaging viruses from the plants
infected with

internal cork, rugouse mosaic and feathery mottle viruses. Prior to


work, however, Elliot (1969) used excised meristem tips from the cv.

and observed that the length of the explant influenced the initiation
of roots

and subsequent development ofthe plantlets. MS medium

supplemented with

various growth regulators and auxins accelerated the growth and

ofshoot, root and eventually plantlet production (Henderson et al.

Alconero et al. (1975) regenerated complete plants from shoot tips


0.8mm long) of axillary shoots of 10 cultivars of sweet potato. Use of


(5.4 pM) could shorten the time necessary to produce complete plants

meristem tips. Litz and Conover (1978) propagated two varieties of

whitefleshed sweet potato (White Star and PI 315343) by using
explants from shoot

tips and axillary buds grown on MS medium containing BA, IAA, Kn,

activated charcoal. Optimum shoot regeneration from White Star

explants was
induced by BA (4.4pM) and from PI 315343 using Kn (4.6 pM) and IAA


Production of virus-free plants by a combination of heat treatment


shoot tip culture (Liao and Chung 1979) or by meristem culture (Frison

have been reported in sweet potato. For heat therapy regenerated

plants were

exposed to 38-42 0 C for 28 days prior to excision of the explants.


meristems were grown in modified MS medium containing 17.7-35.5


and 5.7-11.0 pM IAA under a light intensity of 150 lux or below. The
developed shoots did not show any virus symptom on indexing on
Ipomoea nil

or Ipomoea setosa. Symptom free plants were multiplied by single


cuttings on MS medium (Frison 1981). Production of single shoot from


axil cultures on MS medium has also been reported (Sihachakr 1982)

Excised apical meristems devoid of leaf primordia (to avoid virus

carry-over) when cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA and


transferred subsequently to liquid medium on a filter paper bridge


virus free plant. Plants were indexed for virus by grafting onto
Ipomoea setosa

seedlings (Henderson et al. 1984).

Alkhalifa and Chambliss (1985) evaluated different conventional and

vitro propagation procedures using 3 cultivars ofsweet potato.


abnormalities were higher in all cultivars when propagated by tissue


than those propagated by conventional methods. Plants propagated

from vine

cuttings produced the lowest percentage ofoff-type roots. Ng and

Hahn (1985)

suggested that in vitro propagation technique is the most advanced


of plant tissue culture, which provides a fast multiplication rate

using node cuttings or shoot tips as explants. Shoot tip culture may be

effectively adapted to free improved varieties of sweet potato from



Love and Rhodes (1985) improved the methods for meristem culture

sweet potato. The basic medium contained salt base ofthe MS with
0.7% agar.

An increase in sucrose concentration from the standard 30 g/1 to 50

g/1 resulted

in a marked increase in meristem survival and regeneration

percentage, and

reduced the average regeneration time. Optimum growth regulator

concentrations, over a wide array of genotypes, were determined to
be 0.3

mg/1 of BA and 0.03 mg/1 of NAA. Transfer to a growth regulator free

medium, following the formation of shoot primordia, sped up


Optimum pH of the nutrient medium was found nearer 5.2 than the

5.7. Changes in MS salt concentration had no effect.

Ng (1986) reported the use of meristem culture and thermo-therapy


free sweet potato from a number of viral diseases such as mosaic virus
and21feathery-mottle virus. Excised apical and lateral buds were
cultured in MS

medium containing 0.2 ppm IAA and 0.5 ppm BA. Henderson (1987)
the advantages of gelrite over agar for meristem culture and

Gelrite is completely transparent and solidifies at concentrations as

low as

0.05%. However, one disadvantage of gelrite is that it requires a

certain level

of salt concentration, especially the cations of calcium and magnesium


proper gelling. As most culture media contain one or both ofthese

salts, this is

normally not a problem.

Green et al. (1989) reported meristem culture protocol of sweet

to clean witches broom disease. A high percentage of stem tips

from cuttings previously treated with 25, 50 and 100 mg/1 tetracycline
for 3

days developed into healthy plants. More than 90% ofthe plants
derived from

stem tips, which were excised from cuttings and had received 1-month

treatment at 37° C remained symptomless for 9 months. Griffith and


(1990) cultured axillary buds from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv.

Red) infected with sweet potato-feathery-mottle-virus (SPFMV) on a

supplemented with 20 g/1 ribavirin. Cultures were heat treated under

alternating 35° C light/31°C dark regime for 28 days, and were tested
for the

presence of virus using dot-blot ELISA. Their results indicated that


free plants could be obtained either by in vitro culture methods using


and heat, or by excising apical buds, which were rooted in vitro prior

transferring to the green house.

Ohkoshi (1991) has developed plant propagation system from


to eliminate viruses. The rate ofsuccess ofmeristem culture varied

among the
cultivars. Some effective culture medium components common to all

were identified. Virus free planting stock gave an increased yield and

quality plants.


1.2.2. Ovule and zygotic embryo culture

Embryo endosperm incompatibility and seedling lethality are the

bottlenecks in interspecific crosses. Sterility at post fertilization stages

due to

seed non-viability and seedling lethality was reported in compatible

(Martin 1982) and in interspecific crosses ofsweet potato
(Wedderbum 1967;

Vijayabai and Hrishi 1977). Ovule and zygotic embryo culture

techniques can

help to overcome the problems associated with intervarietal and


sterility at post fertilization stages.

Mukherjee et al. (1991a) reported recovery of plantlets from


embryos produced 7 days after pollination in sweet potato. They

observed that


GA3 was the most essential for initial morphogenesis of globular and
shaped embryos, and recovered seedlings from late globular stage

Multiple shoots were obtained from differentiated embryos on MS


supplemented with 1 pM NAA, 2 pM BA and 0.5 pM GA3. Rojas and

Thompson (1991) reported in vitro fertilization and embryo rescue


for sweet potato to overcome the incompatibility between the

cultivars Regal

and MD-708. They reported the highest percentage of embryos

rescued on MS

medium. Establishment and propagation of exotic Ipomoea species

viz. I.

trifida , I. cairica, through in vitro seed germination techniques have

reported by Mukherjee and Vimala (1994). Wang and Lu (1996)

ovule to overcome incompatibility between A genome and B genome


section batatas of the genus Ipomoea. They could recover hybrid


from/, triloba xI. batatas andI. triloba xl. littorilis.


1.2.3. Callus and cell suspension culture

Most of the culture work on the sweet potato starts with the

establishment of callus tissue either from small segments ofleaf, stem,

root or
from anthers (Henderson et al. 1984). For callus formation several

formulations like those ofWhite (1943), Gamborg et al.(1968),

Murashige and

Skoog (1962) and Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) are used but most

used medium is the MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) or its


Yamaguchi and Nakajima (1972) used a modified White’s medium to

produce callus and adventitious roots and buds. Medium was


with 5 g/1 Difco yeast extract, and 146 mM sucrose. Callus cultured on
medium containing 5.4 pM NAA produced adventitious roots after 6

Probably the earliest and most thorough research on callus culture

was carried

out by Gunckel et al. (1972) on the influence of polarity in the sweet


tuber. They also studied the influence of a number of organic nutrient


on root and shoot initiation in relation to callus production from the


Three cultivars (Yellow Jersey, Jersey Orange, and Centennial) were


on White’s basal salt medium in various combinations ofthe growth

supplements like IAA, NAA, 2,4-D, adenine sulfate, Kn, GA3, and

water (CW). The amount of callus or number of roots formed

depended upon

tissue polarity, explant orientation, cultivar response, and culture


Hozyo (1973) also reported callus formation from 4 cultivars of sweet


and the influence of medium supplements, especially 2,4-D and Kn.

Tsai and

Lin (1973 a, b) experimented with callus produced from the anthers


sweet potato cultivars. They used Blaydes (1966) medium. They

showed the
influence of IAA, 2,4-D, Kn, and several plant extracts, including CW.

most vigorous callus was obtained in Blaydes medium supplemented

with 2,4-

D, CW, and pea extract. The culture medium composition and cultural


1.2.3. Callus and cell suspension culture

Most of the culture work on the sweet potato starts with the

establishment of callus tissue either from small segments ofleaf, stem,

root or

from anthers (Henderson et al. 1984). For callus formation several


formulations like those ofWhite (1943), Gamborg et al.(1968),

Murashige and
Skoog (1962) and Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) are used but most

used medium is the MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) or its


Yamaguchi and Nakajima (1972) used a modified White’s medium to

produce callus and adventitious roots and buds. Medium was


with 5 g/1 Difco yeast extract, and 146 mM sucrose. Callus cultured on

medium containing 5.4 pM NAA produced adventitious roots after 6


Probably the earliest and most thorough research on callus culture

was carried
out by Gunckel et al. (1972) on the influence of polarity in the sweet

tuber. They also studied the influence of a number of organic nutrient


on root and shoot initiation in relation to callus production from the


Three cultivars (Yellow Jersey, Jersey Orange, and Centennial) were


on White’s basal salt medium in various combinations ofthe growth


supplements like IAA, NAA, 2,4-D, adenine sulfate, Kn, GA3, and

water (CW). The amount of callus or number of roots formed

depended upon
tissue polarity, explant orientation, cultivar response, and culture

Hozyo (1973) also reported callus formation from 4 cultivars of sweet


and the influence of medium supplements, especially 2,4-D and Kn.

Tsai and

Lin (1973 a, b) experimented with callus produced from the anthers


sweet potato cultivars. They used Blaydes (1966) medium. They

showed the

influence of IAA, 2,4-D, Kn, and several plant extracts, including CW.

most vigorous callus was obtained in Blaydes medium supplemented

with 2,4-

D, CW, and pea extract. The culture medium composition and cultural

growth. Tisch (1981) used cell suspension to study sulphur

metabolism in cv.

Red Jewel. Callus and cell suspension cultures developed by different

researchers for organogenic and embryogenic regeneration studies in


potato are dealt in respective sections ofreview.

1.2.4. Organogenesis/ organogenic regeneration

Organogenesis is the formation of individual organs such as shoots or

roots and is either adventitious or de novo in origin. Gunckel et al.

(1972) were

able to produce roots and shoots from sweet potato explants by a

of auxins, Kn, adenine, and GA3 from which plantlets were recovered.

Yamaguchi and Nakajima (1972, 1973) were able to regenerate

plantlets by

varying eytokinins and ABA. In order to obtain adventitious roots from


harvested tubers, eytokinins (Kn and Zea) were needed in the medium

varying concentrations (0.5-5.0 pM). While eytokinins inhibited


bud formation, abscisic acid (ABA) in combination with low

concentrations of

2,4-D stimulated adventitious bud formation in sweet potato tubers in


varieties. It was concluded that eytokinins play an important role in

formation and that ABA have an antagonistic effect on endogenous

in sweet potato tissue as far as adventitious bud and root formation



Sehgal (1975) was able to produce roots and shoots from leaf callus

tissue. Later he used anthers of sweet potato at various stages to


profuse callus on MS supplemented with adenine and 2,4-D. However,


diploid tissue was developed into plantlets when the callus was
transferred to

regular MS medium.
The origin of organs (roots and shoots) from specific (anatomical)

sections ofthe root was investigated by Hwang et al. (1983). Segments



from lateral sections formed significantly more shoots than segments


from central cylinders. The authors attributed the origin of organs to

anomalous cambia (secondary and tertiary) within the inner section

ofthe root.

Henderson (1987) reported multiple plant production from root and

stem explants of cv. Jewel when cultured on MS medium with or


gelrite. A factorial design experiment was conducted to understand

the culture
medium effect. The medium containing cytokinins, NAA and abscisic

was used to initiate cultures. The budding medium had no growth


supplementation; Kn, NAA and gibberellin were used for subculturing.

Houndonougbo (1989) studied the influence of different


of IAA, NAA, 2,4-D and Kn on callusing and organogenesis in vitro from

intemode segments oftwo sweet potato varieties. Optimal callus

formation in

culture medium containing 0.45pM 2,4-D and 4.6 pM Kn for pink

variety, and

0.045 pM 2,4-D and 0.0046 pM Kn for the white variety were

reported. While
Kn improved root formation in media containing IAA and 2,4-D, bud

formation required Kn and 2,4-D. In vitro tuberization of the roots was

achieved in presence of Kn and auxin. Ozias and Perera (1990) could

regenerate shoot from adventitious roots in MS medium

supplemented with 1-

3% sucrose or 1-6 % fructose. A low concentration of eytokinin (0.02


promoted shoot formation, while higher concentration (0.1-0.5 mg/1)

encouraged callus growth. The average number of shoots produced

per root

explant was 0.5.

Rivas et al. (1991) obtained regeneration from intemode and leaf

explants of sweet potato cv. Beauregard. Plantlet regeneration
occurred when

complete leaves and intemode explants (10 mm) were cultured in

liquid and

solid media for a 8 week period. The effect of NAA and various

concentrations ofthidiazuron (TDZ) on intemode culture was examined



MS medium at 16 h photoperiod. Mostly plantlets were regenerated

using 0.05

mg/1 NAA and 0.01 mg/1 TDZ. Kobayashi et al.(1992) reported


shoot regeneration using p-chlorophenoxy indole butyric acid in leaf


ofIpomoea species in the section batatas.

Shen and Henderson (1993) discussed the critical factors for plant

regeneration from petiole and lamina cultures in sweet potato cv.

Jewel. The

critical factors were growth factors viz. 2,4-D, BA and explant

orientation on

the culture medium. The base of the explants should touch MS


containing 1 mg/1 2,4-D for 12 h, transfer of a petiole explant to MS


with 0.1 mg/1 2,4-D and transfer of a lamina explant to MS medium

with 0-

0.05 mg/1 BA, top face up. Within 5 weeks of incubation at 26 ± 2° C


illumination by 40 pmol/sec.sq.m fluorescent light, whole plants were

regenerated. Prakash et al. (1993) developed a protocol to produce

adventitious plants ofsweet potato. They used 27 genotypes ofwhich 5


identified as highly regenerative. They got regeneration from 60-80%


when leaf explants with intact petioles from the apical portions ofthe
in vitro

shoots were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/1

2,4-D for 3

days and transferred to a medium containing 0.2 mg/1 zeatin riboside.

Regeneration was also possible from petiole by substituting zeatin

with 0.2

mg/1 thidiazuron (Ramana Murthy et al. 1993). Increasing

concentrations of ,
TDZ (more than 0.4 mg/1) lowered the shoot and root regeneration.

regeneration was also recorded in most explants (78.2%) of genotype

P1318846-3 within 28 days when grown on thidiazuron at 0.2 mg/1

(Gosukonda et al. 1995 a). Explants from apical portion showed higher

regeneration than basal portion and response was better with the use

thidiazuron and was effective in diverse genotypes of sweet potato

(Gosukonda et al. 1995 b). Petiole explants when cultured following a

twostage protocol on medium with only 2iP but without TDZ failed to


shoots. The genotype PI 318846-3 was identified to be most

producing 1-3 shoots per explant.

Weerakoon et al. (1994) regenerated sweet potato plants in vitro from

leaf explant and cultured on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/1 glycine,

1.5 mg/1

nicotinamide, 0.5 mg/1 pyridoxin-HCl, 0.1 mg/1 thiamine-HCl, 2%

sucrose and

0.2 % phytagel; with 0.2, 0.5, 2.0 mg/1 zeatin in combination with 1.0
and 2.0

mg/1 NAA in a factorial experiment. They reported best root growth


medium with 0.2 mg/1 zeatin and 1.0 mg/1 NAA. The medium
containing 0.2

mg/1 zeatin and 0.1 mg/1 NAA was considered optimal for shoot
Alloufa (1994) reported callus formation and plant development in
vitro from

root tip culture on MS medium supplemented with BA (2 mg/1), NAA


mg/1), sucrose (30 gm/1) and agar (10 gm/1) in sweet potato cultivars

‘Leucorhiza’ and Torfhirohiza’.

1.2.5. In vitro tuberization

Houndonougbo (1989) had studied the influence of different

concentrations ofIAA, NAA, 2,4-D and Kn on callusing and

organogenesis in

vitro from intemode segments of two varieties of sweet potato. Roots,

and complete plants were obtained. Kn improved root formation in

containing indole acetic acid and 2,4-D. Bud formation required Kn

and 2,4-

D. In vitro tuberization of the regenerated roots occurred exclusively

in the

presence ofKn and auxin.

Aboul and Bouwkamp (1990) used fibrous root explants for in vitro

tuberization. MS-salts, vitamins and sucrose (2,4,8, and 12%) were

used with

three concentrations (0, 1 and 5 ppm) of BA. They observed storage


formation in presence of 8% sucrose in combination with 1 or 5 ppm

BA and
4 concentrations ofsucrose (2,4,8 and 12%) in combinations with BA
i.e., 0, 1


and 5 ppm. Microtuber formation and shoot organogenesis from the


induced from leaf explants in MS and MS with lpM NAA at 12 h


have been reported in sweet potato (Mukherjee et al. 1993, 1996).

1.2.6. Somatic embryogenesis

Somatic embryogenesis results in the most rapid mode of plant

production (Evans et al. 1981) and is defined as nonsexual


process which produces a bipolar embryo from the somatic tissues.

embryogenesis was first reported in carrot (Steward et al. 1958) and

regeneration protocols through somatic embryogenesis have been

developed in

many crops. Considerable progress has also been made in sweet


regeneration through somatic embryogenesis. Tsai and Tseng (1979)

investigated embryo formation and plant regeneration from anther

callus of

five cultivars of sweet potato. They experimented with two basal


Blaydes (1966) and MS (1962), supplemented with various

concentrations of

LAA, 2,4-D, Kn, ABA, 2iP, BA, and yeast extract. Cultures were grown at
27°C. Callus induction (in darkness) occurred in both media containing

and Kn, and was especially successful in the presence of 2,4-D and Kn.

embryo formation the medium required ABA. They suggested that in


presence of ABA, as in the work of Yamagauchi and Nakajima (1972)

endogenous cytokinins were antagonized and regulated and thus

permitted the

formation of embryos.

Liu and Cantliffe (1984) reported formation of somatic embryos from

leaf, shoot tip, stem and root explants of sweet potato (cv. White star
GaTG-3) through callusing on MS medium containing 0.5-2.0 mg/12,4-
D. The

embryos could develop into plantlets on transfer to hormone free


Conversion of embryogenic callus to heart or torpedo-shaped

embryoids was

achieved in MS medium containing 2 mg/1 2,4-D, Kn (2 mg/1) and



and 5 ppm. Microtuber formation and shoot organogenesis from the


induced from leaf explants in MS and MS with lpM NAA at 12 h


have been reported in sweet potato (Mukherjee et al. 1993, 1996).

1.2.6. Somatic embryogenesis

Somatic embryogenesis results in the most rapid mode of plant

production (Evans et al. 1981) and is defined as nonsexual


process which produces a bipolar embryo from the somatic tissues.


embryogenesis was first reported in carrot (Steward et al. 1958) and


regeneration protocols through somatic embryogenesis have been

developed in

many crops. Considerable progress has also been made in sweet


regeneration through somatic embryogenesis. Tsai and Tseng (1979)

investigated embryo formation and plant regeneration from anther

callus of
five cultivars of sweet potato. They experimented with two basal

Blaydes (1966) and MS (1962), supplemented with various

concentrations of

LAA, 2,4-D, Kn, ABA, 2iP, BA, and yeast extract. Cultures were grown at

27°C. Callus induction (in darkness) occurred in both media containing


and Kn, and was especially successful in the presence of 2,4-D and Kn.

embryo formation the medium required ABA. They suggested that in


presence of ABA, as in the work of Yamagauchi and Nakajima (1972)

endogenous cytokinins were antagonized and regulated and thus

permitted the
formation of embryos.

Liu and Cantliffe (1984) reported formation of somatic embryos from

leaf, shoot tip, stem and root explants of sweet potato (cv. White star

GaTG-3) through callusing on MS medium containing 0.5-2.0 mg/12,4-

D. The

embryos could develop into plantlets on transfer to hormone free


Conversion of embryogenic callus to heart or torpedo-shaped

embryoids was

achieved in MS medium containing 2 mg/1 2,4-D, Kn (2 mg/1) and



stage in suspension culture required immobilization with sodium

alginate. On
average 9.7 embryos were produced from 1.0 mg of callus. Further
studies on

callusing and morphogenesis were carried out (Chee and Cantliffe

1989 a,

1989 b and 1989 c) with different growth regulators like 2,3,5-


acid (TIBA), 2,4-D, p-chlorophenoxy isobutyric acid (PCIB), 7-aza-indole

(AZI). While 1-5 pM AZI and PCIB did not affect morphogenesis, 5 pM

TIBA and 2,4-D inhibited morphogenesis and promoted embryogenic


growth. Such response may be a consequence ofthe disruption by


auxins or endogenous IAA efflux from embryogenic loci. Chee et al.

have also studied the effect of BA, NAA and sucrose on plant recovery

somatic embryos in the cv. White Star and recorded positive effect

addition of NAA and negative effect by addition of BA and sucrose.


frequency of plant development was increased to 38% by addition of


NAA to the culture medium. Reducing the sucrose concentration to


increased the frequency of plant development to 32%. Medium

containing 60

mM potassium was found effective to enhance embryogenic response,

additions of upto 40 mM NaCl to basal medium did not affect callus

proliferation (Chee et al. 1992). Chee and Cantliffe (1992) improved

production procedure of sweet potato by fragmenting embryogenic


About 14% ofsuch aggregrates were embryogenic.

DeWald and Cantliffe (1988) undertook histological studies of callus

initiation and somatic embryogenesis in sweet potato. The

embryogenic cells

were isodiametric with densely staining cytoplasm. A fast-growing


friable callus commonly associated with embryogenesis was formed

from the

older leaf primordia of the shoot apices. It consisted of large-

vacuolated cells.


Mukherjee et al. (1991 b) reported regeneration from sweet potato

anthers through eallusing and embryogenesis in MS medium


with 1 pM of 2,4-D. It was suggested that 2,4-D is a better growth


compared to ABA or NAA to interact with endogenous cytokinins for

stimulating embryogenesis.

Bieniek et al. (1991) developed suspension cultures of Ipomoea

batatas. The effect of endogenous plant growth factor (PGF) content

on the

embryogenic callus in 2,4-D free media was also demonstrated at the

time of
subculture. The addition of 0.5 pM BA to cell suspension cultures for

generation prior to culture in PGF-free medium increased subsequent


formation 100% over suspension grown" with 2,4-D alone. Bieniek et


(1995) had produced somatic embryos in an airlift culture vessel and

tried to

optimise the conditions from semisolid to liquid system for application

in a

bio-reactor. Somatic embryogenesis was recorded in liquid cultures


20 mM NH4NO3 and 30 mM KC1. Embryo formation and development

limited in culture vessel but the regulation of culture vessel gases
could allow

embryo formation comparable to shaker flasks.

Sonnino and Mini (1993) had tested different cultivars of sweet potato

for their capacity to produce somatic embryos. The mean number of


per embryogenic callus was low for cv. 288-6B (56.7) and W 190 F
(12.4) and

very low for cv.Q 23836 (3.3) and CN 1489-89.(1.3); and the number of

completely developed plants was 66 for cv. 288-6B, 48 for Q 23836, 7

for W

190 F and 0 for CN. No obvious morphological variations were evident

between these plants and control plants.

CavalcanteAlves et al. (1994) had identified the isozyme related to

embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus. They maintained


callus on MS medium supplemented with 30g/l sucrose and 10 pM

2,4-D for


6-8 weeks. The frequency of embryogenic response was low and

varied with

genotypes ranging from 0 to 17%. After several subcultures, 0.5-12 %


embryogenic callus could be reverted irreversibly into friable fast-


non-embryogenic callus. They could separate the isozymes of esterase

(EC- , peroxidase (EC- glutamate-oxaloacetate-
transaminase (EC- and acid phosphatase (EC- to distinguish compact

embryogenic callus from friable non-embryogenic callus in sweet


Desamero et al. (1994) had shown direct somatic embryogenesis in

sweet potato induced by picolinic-acid (PA). Apical meristem ofsweet


cv. Jewel and Regal when cultured on medium containing picolinic

acid (PA)

0.2 mg/1, Kn 1 mg/1 and BA 2 mg/1, shoot growth was suppressed

and callus

proliferation was induced. Increased amounts of PA (2 and 3 mg/1)

and Kn
(0.25 and lmg/1) induced direct somatic embryogenesis in cv. Regal.

primary embryos matured and germinated bipolarly yielding whole


and unipolarly producing embryogenic hyperhydrated-fasciated

shoots. These

shoots when grown in PA and kinetin enriched medium produced



Harrell et al. (1992, 1994) tried to develop a mathematical model to

maintain cell suspension culture of sweet potato shoot tips in airlift


vessel. Growth rates did not vary with time during culture. Growth
rates and
viable to non-viable ratios decreased as the fraction size increased.

attempting to make an automated system to harvest embryos they


that improvements to somatic embryogenic section processing time,


increased culture population density and homogenity should be

explored prior

to fabricate the system.

Norton and LaBonte (1996) studied the cultural conditions affecting


frequency of embryoid formation in sweet potato using 1 responsive

and 3


recalcitrant cultivars. The effects of auxin, nitrogen, carbon source,

source and desiccation during somatic embryogenesis were reported.

Ammonium and nitrate promoted the pro-embryo formation in all


Ammonium was essential for somatic embryogenesis; replacing it with

proline, glutamine, asparagine, and glycine resulted in poor or no pro-


formation. More pro-embryos were formed on medium supplemented


sucrose than with glucose, fructose or maltose. Gowda and Prakash


could enhance somatic embryogenesis in sweet potato using herbicide

‘glyphosate’ in leaf explants of genotype PI 318846-3. Somatic

developed faster on explants grown with glyphosate (200 pM) than

grown with ABA (2.5 mg/1) alone. A rapid and repetitive


system in sweet potato cv PI 318846-3 was developed by Zheng et al.


MS medium containing a factorial combination of auxin (2,4-D) and

cytokinins (BA) at various levels was used. Addition of 2.5 mg/1

abscisic acid

enhanced the development of somatic embryos. Secondary somatic


production was recorded on culture ofprimary embryos on medium

various levels of 2,4-D, while, somatic embryos germinated into full

on basal MS medium. They suggested that addition of ABA was critical


enhancing somatic embryogenesis.

Al Mazrooei et al. (1997) screened five auxins to study their effects on

sweet potato somatic embryogenesis. Of the five auxins tested, 2,4-D


2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy acetic acid were the most effective. Use of


could induce somatic embryogenesis in the cultivars, which responded


or not at all to 2,4 - D.

Padmanabhan et al. (1994) examined the serial sections of somatic

embryos and revealed that lack ofshoot development could be

attributed to the

lack of an organized apical meristem. Attempts were also made to

select the

competent embryos using computer vision and canonical discriminant



CDA) analysis. Diagnostic separations of those competent embryos


based on the analysis of external morphology (captured via machine


and internal anatomy (Padmanabhan et al, 1998 a; Padmanabhan et

al.1998 b).

1.2.7. Artificial seeds

Artificial seeds, also known as synthetic seeds, are good quality

somatic embryos or propagules enclosed in protective nutrient


Artificial seed technology provides a rapid, high volume and cost


method. Schultheis and Cantliffe (1988) studied the effect of gelling

agents for

artificial seed production in sweet potato. Torpedo-stage embryos

were placed

in 2% (w/v) N-gel 250 HHR, Liqua-gel, American Colloid (AC) and


gels supplemented with MS medium and 2 % sucrose. Over 80% of the

embryos died in AC and Viterra gels after 6 days while plant formed in
the Ngel. Glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose and maltose (47-93
mM) were added
to N-gel containing MS. Plant formation was recorded maximum (20-
25 %)

with maltose, sucrose, glucose while no plants were obtained with


No plants were produced with sucrose alone. Plants were obtained

from the

full complement ofMS macronutrients and sucrose.

Schultheis et al. (1990) selected the embryos based on shape and size.

To optimize plantlet formation the gels used for fluidized sowing were

potassium starch polyacrylamide (PSA), potassium acrylate (PC), a


of potassium acrylate and acrylamide (PA) and hydroxyethylcellulose

Embryos placed in HEC were healthy after 6 days. Nearly all embryos

dead in PC and PA gels, while the PSA had 40 % healthy embryos. The

percentage of embryos converted to plantlets at 31 days was 38 % for

elongated torpedo stage and 21% and 17 % for torpedo and


stages respectively. Schultheis and Cantliffe (1992) studied the growth


somatic embryos of sweet potato in hydroxyethyl cellulose gel

amended with


salts and carbohydrates. MS salt concentrations at 1/2 . strength and


strength resulted in 40% plantlet production, while at 1/4 strength 80

produced roots but no shoots. Both macro and micro-nutrients were

for maximum plant conversion. Plantlet formation was improved with

fructose, maltose or sucrose as C-source. Concentrations ranging from


mM were best for plantlet formation.

1.2.8. Protoplast culture

Studies on protoplast culture have opened up avenues for genetic

transformation as well as to understand the physiology and genetics

at cell

level. Progress ofwork on isolation, fusion and transformation ofsweet

protoplasts is given below.

Isolation of viable protoplast from sweet potato and some of its wild

progenitors have been reported by many researchers (Wu and Ma


Shepard 1980; Bidney and Shepard 1980; Eilers et al. 1986; Sihachakr

Ducreux 1987; Otani et al. 1987; Eilers et al. 1988; Ozias and Perera

Kobayashi et al. 1990; Buchheim and Evans 1991; Perera and Ozias

Kobayashi et al. 1992; Belarmino et al., 1992, 1994 and 1996). Stem,

and leaf explants or callus tissue produced from those explants were
either with eellulase (2%) alone or cellulase (2%) with macerozyme

pectolyase (0.3%), hemicellulase (0.5%) and driselase (1%) at pH 5.6 to

release protoplast. Belarmino et al. (1994) regenerated plants from

stem and

petiole protoplasts ofsweet potato and Ipomoea lacunosa. They also


asymmetric protoplast fusion between sweet potato and Ipomoea

trifida by

electrofusion and polyethelene glycol (PEG) treatment. They could


only from electrofused protoplast and suggested that PEG might be

toxic to

the system. They characterized the interspecific hybrids through



Methods for isolation of viable protoplasts, formation of morphogenic

callus, regeneration through somatic embryogenesis and transient


of the gusA gene in the regenerants introduced by electroporation

have been

described by Dhir et al (1998). A combination of cellulase (1%)


(2%) and pectolyase (0.3%) was used for enzymatic digestion for

isolation. Regeneration from protoplasts was achieved on subsequent

on KP8 (Kao and Michayluk, 1975) media containing the combinations

2,4-D (0.9 pM) and zeatin (2.3 pM); 2,4-D (11.3 pM) and BAP (2.2 pM);

GA3 (3.5 pM) alone.

1.2.9. In vitro conservation and cryo-conservation

In vitro methods are currently being practiced for the conservation of

root and tuber-crops germplasm in the gene banks of IITA (Nigeria),


(Costa Rica), CIAT (Colombia), INRA (Guadalope) and CIP (Lima Peru).

Different methods like use ofminimal media, controlled environments,


retardants have been found effective for short to medium term

storage of
cultures. Minimal media free of growth regulators and vitamins

with sucrose (3%) and mannitol (3%) could extend culture life more
than 6

months in sweet potato (Unnikrishnan et al. 1991). Jarret and Gawel


induced growth inhibition in sweet potato in vitro using abscisic acid


ABA at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 or 10 mg/1 inhibited axillary

bud and

root development and subsequent plantlet growth. ABA at 10 mg/1


inhibited shoot development but did not affect the viability. The
retarding effect and the toxicity to explants were genotype dependent
and can

be used for conservation.

Supplementation of MS medium with some growth regulators as well

sucrose and mannitol could extend culture life for more than 12

(Mukheijee et al. 1994) in 200 genetic resources ofsweet potato. MS



with addition of 10, 15, 20 g/1 mannitol or reduction ofsucrose from

30 to 20

or 25 g/1 could store cultures for 12 months (Mandal and Chandel


Cryostorage of shoot tips as well as embryogenic tissues have also

attempted (Towill and Jarret 1992; Blakesley et al. 1996; Blakesley et


1.2.10. Improvement through transgenics

Development oftransgenics has become the ultimate choice to


certain crop species. The methods used for genetic transformation are
either by

electroporation or by physical bombardment of cells with


coated with DNA or cocultivation with the bacterial vector


tumefaciens or A. rhizogenes. Attempts have been made to develop

transgenics in sweet potato.

Hattori et al. (1985) and Hattori et al. (1990) had reported molecular

cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA for sporamin, the major


protein of sweet potato tuber. About 80 % of total soluble protein was

accounted for sporamin. A full-length cDNA clone for sporamin has


isolated and identified by E. coli vectorprimed cDNA synthesis and


of the library by immunological assay. Nishiguchi et al. (1992) reported

genetic transformation of sweet potato by electroporation. They

electroporation optimization for sweet potato protoplast culture

for hygromycin-resistance selectable marker. They confirmed that

some calli

cells containing DNA encoding hygromycin-resistance through


hybridization analysis. Otani et al. (1993) had shown Agrobacterium

rhizogenes-mediated transformation in sweet potato. Transgenic


expressed the genes obtained by infection with A. rhizogenes

containing a

binary vector plasmid. Garcia et al. (1995 a) had reported transgenic


potato plants resistant to pest (Cylasformicarius). The expression ofBt


was detected by Western Blot using polyclonal antibodies.

Methodology for

regeneration and genetic transformation of sweet potato for storage


(sporamin) have been developed in two cultivars (Garcia et al. 1995 b).

tested the transgenic plants for sporamin gene by polymerase chain


Prakash et al. (1995) reported high efficiency transformation and


of transgenic sweet potato plants. Cipriani and Golmirzaie (1996)


transformation ofsweet potato cv. Regal and Huachano using

tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes, for insect resistance. Walls et al.

observed fungal resistance in sweet potato by genetic transformation


chitinase and glucanase genes. Integration and expression of genes


assessed through Southern, Northern and Western analysis. Genetic

transformation of Ipomoea trichocarpa was reported by Otani et al


Maingi et al. (1996) could confer resistance to feathery-mottle virus in


potato through genetic transformation. They reported an efficient

transformation system using A. tumefaciens strain containing marker

SPFMV coat protein genes. Egnin and Prakash (1997) reported

sweet potato expressing a synthetic storage protein gene for high

levels oftotal

protein and essential aminoacids. Storage roots of transgenic lines had


protein on a dry weight basis over control (2.25%) protein. The


plants had smaller storage roots compared to control.

1.2.11. Induction ofstress tolerance

In vitro methods provide the most systematic and efficient routes to

develop stress tolerant plants by way of adapting the cells to stress

and regenerating the whole plants from those cells. Salgado et al.
(1985) could

isolate NaCl resistant variant cells from sweet potato cell suspension

could tolerate 1% NaCl. They established callus cultures on MS


supplemented with 10 jiM 2,4-D and 0.01 pM BA and sucrose. Cell

suspension were prepared in liquid MS. Harvested cells were

suspended with86


or without 1% NaCl and incubated at 25° C with illumination for 15


Cells were sub-cultured 11 times and tested for salt resistance.

Resistance to

1% NaCl was stable for 3 passages in NaCl-free medium. Ekanayake

Dodds (1993) had tested the effects of salt stress on growth and
survival of

sweet potato in vitro. Results showed significant variations among the

cultivars and breeding lines for salt tolerance.

1.2.12. Evaluation of performance ofin vitro raised plants

Schultheis et al. (1993) had evaluated yield potential of plants grown

from somatic embryos. They suggested high yield potential ofroot

bulking of

plants grown from somatic embryos. Schultheis et al (1993) also


effects ofmicro-propagation and soma-clonal propagation on plant

growth and
yield ofsweet potato. A trend towards early bulking was consistently

in micro-propagated Jewel, ‘White delight’ and ‘Beauregard’. Early

micropropagation and vine cuttings were compared. Plants derived


somatic embryos grew slower and yielded less root weight than cut

More storage roots were obtained from plants derived from somatic

indicating high yield potential of root bulking. Schultheis et al. (1994)

compared the yield of plants derived from somatic embryogenesis,


embryos and from vegetative cuttings. Plants from somatic embryos

more time for roots to bulk. Root yield of somatic embryos derived

showed a 14-fold increase when harvest was delayed at least 53 more


Such plants yielded 1.8 kg tuber /plant. The morphology of these

plants was

identical to stock plants.

1.2.13. Genetic stability or variability ofin vitro raised plants

In vitro technique offers a new method for propagation and storage of

vegetatively propagated crops such as sweet potato. However,



variations arising in some ofthe culture systems offer serious problems

as they
are known to have genetic basis (Heinz and Mee 1971; Larkin and

1981). Therefore, monitoring the genetic stability ofin vitro raised


is most important. Genetic stability could be studied either by

cytobiochemical methods or employing the advanced techniques like
isozyme or

DNA polymorphisms. Isozymes are the forms of enzymes whose


are coded by different gene loci and have been used to identify the

variants in sugar cane (Heinz and Mee 1971), potato (Denton 1977)
and celery

(Orton 1983). Isozyme studies were also carried out in sweet potato
Lakhanpaul et al. (1991). They have recorded qualitative and

differences in banding patterns of acid phosphatases, peroxidases and


dehydrogenases in callus regenerated plants in contrast to direct


Belarmino et al. (1994) characterized the interspecific hybrid of sweet


and I. trifida through isozyme analysis. Cavalcante Alves et al. (1994)

characterize the embryogenic and nonembryogenic calli with specific



DNA marker provides a direct insight into the genomic constitution, it

is very useful for genetic analysis. Random Amplified Polymorphic

(RAPD) marker have the advantages of being a very simple, less time

consuming and relatively inexpensive compared to other DNA marker

techniques. Moreover, RAPD analysis are independent of


influences and tissue type. Villordon et al. (1996) studied genetic


in the regenerants propagated through adventitious and nodal


They used 15 decamer primers and got 64 scorable amplified

fragments in a

PCR based assay. Their results confirmed that clonal plants derived
from preexisting meristematic regions are more genetically uniform
than the plants
propagated from adventitious origins.


1.3. Objectives and scope of present study

With the background ofthe inherent problems ofsweet potato


and with the realisation of the potential usefulness of modem plant

biotechnological tools to overcome such problems in sweet potato,

the present

programme of research study has been undertaken with the following



i) To work out an in vitro protocol for mass propagation of different

sweet potato genotypes through all possible routes ofpropagation.

Such studies would allow utilisation ofthe in vitro propagation


widely in diverse genotypes.

ii) To establish a plant regeneration system from different explants


organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis.

This will enhance the plasticity of propagation to use different parts as

propagules and to utilize those judiciously for propagation, storage



iii) To enhance regeneration frequencies in all possible routes of


As each mode ofpropagation has its merits and demerits, all


protocols can be combined to optimise the regeneration efficiency and

use those either for propagation, storage or for improvement


iv) To test the applicability of synthetic seed technology in sweet



Work in this direction would definitely be beneficial for production of

artificial seeds, which could be the novel substitute of true seeds in a

clonally propagated crop like sweet potato.

v) To investigate the possible morphological, histological, cytological

biochemical changes associated with embryogenic regeneration.

Such studies would help to assess the morpho-histo-cyto and

biochemical situation during regeneration and to develop and

maintain a

stable regenerating system.

vi) To evaluate the cytogenetic situations of regenerants with special

emphasis on genetic stability and variability.

Evaluation of cytogenetic situation is a must to assure stability or

variability of regenerants for their further utilization in propagation,

storage and genetic manipulation.

vii) To evaluate the field performance of the regenerants with respect


yield potential and tuber quality.

In order to provide a stable propagation protocol with stable


and quantitative characteristics, field evaluation is essential for any in

vitro mediated regeneration protocol.


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