Music Perception and Cognition: Development, Neural Basis, and Rehabilitative Use of Music

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Advanced Review

Music perception and cognition:

development, neural basis, and
rehabilitative use of music
Teppo Särkämö,1,2∗ Mari Tervaniemi1,2,3 and Minna Huotilainen1,2,4

Music is a highly versatile form of art and communication that has been an
essential part of human society since its early days. Neuroimaging studies indicate
that music is a powerful stimulus also for the human brain, engaging not just
the auditory cortex but also a vast, bilateral network of temporal, frontal, parietal,
cerebellar, and limbic brain areas that govern auditory perception, syntactic and
semantic processing, attention and memory, emotion and mood control, and motor
skills. Studies of amusia, a severe form of musical impairment, highlight the right
temporal and frontal cortices as the core neural substrates for adequate perception
and production of music. Many of the basic auditory and musical skills, such
as pitch and timbre perception, start developing already in utero, and babies are
born with a natural preference for music and singing. Music has many important
roles and functions throughout life, ranging from emotional self-regulation, mood
enhancement, and identity formation to promoting the development of verbal,
motor, cognitive, and social skills and maintaining their healthy functioning in
old age. Music is also used clinically as a part of treatment in many illnesses,
which involve affective, attention, memory, communication, or motor deficits.
Although more research is still needed, current evidence suggests that music-
based rehabilitation can be effective in many developmental, psychiatric, and
neurological disorders, such as autism, depression, schizophrenia, and stroke, as
well as in many chronic somatic illnesses that cause pain and anxiety. © 2013 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

How to cite this article:

WIREs Cogn Sci 2013, 4:441–451. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1237

INTRODUCTION Thus far, the oldest concrete evidence regarding the

early existence of music was obtained a few years
A s the French poet Victor Hugo (1802–1885) put
it, ‘music expresses that which cannot be said and
on which it is impossible to be silent’. Just like spoken
ago from southern Germany, where archaeological
excavations revealed a 40,000-year-old flute made
of bone.1 Some scholars believe that a singing-based
language, music has been an essential part of every
form of communication, a protolanguage, could be
known human culture and therefore has roots that
even older, possibly dating back over 200,000 years,
reach deep into our very selves and into our brains.
and could have formed a basis for the development

Correspondence to:
of modern spoken language.2 More recently, various
1 CognitiveBrain Research Unit, Cognitive Science, Institute of
cultural trends and technological innovations, such
Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland as the karaoke and the choir singing boom, MP3
2 FinnishCentre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, players, and digital streaming services and players
University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland (e.g., Spotify and iTunes), have made music more
3 Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, available and easily accessible than ever before. In
Finland its many forms, music has become a popular leisure
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland activity and hobby through which many of us mediate
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article. our emotional and arousal state, experience creativity

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 441
Advanced Review

and aesthetic pleasure, and interact with others. extremely complex and wide-spread, bilateral network
Thanks to modern brain imaging methods, such of cortical and subcortical areas that control many
as electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography auditory, cognitive, sensory-motor, and emotional
(MEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging functions (see Figure 1).
(fMRI), and positron emission tomography (PET), and The processing of music begins in the inner ears
behavioral and clinical studies, we are now starting where acoustic information is converted to an electric
to better understand how music affects us and how impulse or signal. The signal then travels along the
it can be used to promote well-being and facilitate auditory nerve to the brain stem (especially to the
recovery and rehabilitation. In this article, we aim inferior colliculus) where certain basic features of
to provide a brief review of the neural basis of the sound, such as periodicity and intensity, are first
music in both the healthy and the damaged brain, processed. Interestingly, the earliest signs of musical
the development of musical skills and the meaning of training can be seen as immediately as 10 milliseconds
music in different ages, and the effectiveness of music- after sound onset in the auditory brain stem, which
based interventions in various somatic, psychiatric, in musicians can represent the frequency of the sound
and neurological illnesses. with more fidelity than in nonmusicians.3 From the
brain stem, the auditory information is conveyed
NEURAL BASIS OF MUSIC to the thalamus and from there primarily to the
auditory cortex (AC), but also directly to limbic areas,
Music Processing in the Healthy Brain such as the amygdala and the medial orbitofrontal
Neuroscience of music is a relatively new, fast- cortex.4 The primary AC and its neighboring superior
developing field of science, which has during the past temporal areas analyze the basic acoustic cues of
20 years provided a lot of novel information on how the sound, including frequency, pitch, sound level,
music is processed in the brain, how musical activities temporal variation, motion, and spatial location.5 The
can shape the brain, and what neural mechanisms left AC has a better temporal resolution and the right
underlie the therapeutic effect of music. To date, AC has a better spectral resolution, which is thought
converging evidence suggests that music activates an to form one crucial premise for the lateralization of

Somatosensory cortex Motor cortex

Insula Thalamus
Inferior parietal lobe Premotor cortex
Precuneus Cingulate gyrus
Angular gyrus
prefrontal Medial
cortex prefrontal

temporale Hippocampus
Orbitofrontal cortex
Inferior frontal gyrus
Ventral Nucleus accumbens
Cerebellum Superior temporal gyrus tegmental
area Amygdala Striatum
Middle temporal gyrus
Auditory cortex Inferior colliculus

Perceiving the basic acoustic features of music (e.g., frequency, duration, loudness)

Perceiving higher-order musical features (e.g., harmony, intervals, rhythm)

Focusing and keeping track of music in time (attention, working memory)

Recognizing music and recalling associated memories (episodic memory)

Playing, singing and moving to the beat of music (motor functions)

Music-evoked emotions and experiencing pleasure and reward

FIGURE 1 | Schematic illustration of key brain areas associated with music processing-based neuroimaging studies of healthy subjects. Note that
although the image displays the lateral and medial parts of the right hemisphere, many musical subfunctions are actually largely bilateral (with the
exception of pitch and melody processing, which is more lateralized to the right hemisphere).

442 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

speech to the left hemisphere and music to the right Music Processing in the Damaged or
hemisphere.6 Abnormal Brain: Amusia
Music is, however, much more than just the sum Our ability to perceive, process, and appreciate
of its basic acoustic features. Upon its initial encoding music may become impaired in many neurological
and perception, music triggers a sequence of cognitive, illnesses. The most well-known disorder is amusia,
motor, and emotional processes in the brain that are which can be either innate (congenital amusia) or
governed by numerous cortical and subcortical areas. result from a brain lesion (acquired amusia). The
Next, we outline five such processes. term amusia refers to an inability to perceive and/or
produce music, which is not caused by a disorder
1. The perception of higher order musical features, in another domain, such as hearing, motor, or
such as chords, harmonies, intervals, and cognitive functions.18,19 Amusia can be observed in
rhythms, calls for a rule-based syntactic analysis the majority of musical features (perceiving pitch,
of complex patterns of spectral and temporal timbre, or rhythm or recognizing musical emotions
fluctuations within the sound stream. According or musical pieces) or be specific to one or some of
to neuroimaging studies, this takes place in a them. The most commonly reported deficit is that
network comprising the inferior and medial of poor pitch discrimination: amusic individuals are
prefrontal cortex, the premotor cortex, the typically not able to perceive pitch changes smaller
anterior and posterior parts of the superior than a semitone.20 As a result, they often have great
temporal gyrus, and the inferior parietal lobe.7,8 difficulties in perceiving sequential notes (or tones)
2. Continually keeping track of the music, and, therefore, in recognizing melodies—for some rare
which always unfolds over time, requires the individuals, music may sound more like noise.
engagement of the attention and working It has been estimated that the prevalence of con-
memory system, which is spread over many genital amusia is approximately 2–4% in the general
prefrontal areas (especially the dorsolateral population.21 Genetic studies of congenital amusia
prefrontal cortex), the cingulate cortex, and suggest that the disorder is heritable: in amusic fami-
inferior parietal areas.9,10 lies, 39% of first-degree relatives have the same deficit,
whereas only 3% have it in the control families.22
3. Hearing music that is familiar to the
Furthermore, dizygotic (identical) twins have more
listener from past experience triggers processing
uniform performance in a musical pitch perception
especially in the hippocampus as well as in
test than monozygotic (fraternal) twins.23 Compared
medial temporal and parietal areas, which are
to congenital amusia, acquired amusia seems to be
involved in episodic memory.11,12
a lot more common deficit, at least after a cere-
4. Hearing music that touches us emotionally brovascular accident such as stroke. In studies of
engages a network of many deep limbic and par- stroke patients, the reported incidence of amusia
alimbic areas, including various midbrain areas, is 60% in the acute stage (about 1 week poston-
striatal areas (especially nucleus accumbens), set) and around 40% in the subacute/chronic stage
the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cingulate (>3 months postlesion).24,25 On the basis of structural
cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex.13,14 This and functional MRI studies, the crucial neuroanatom-
dopaminergic network is known as the mesolim- ical correlate of congenical amusia appears to be the
bic or reward system of the brain and it has superior temporal gyrus (AC) and the inferior frontal
been implicated in the experiencing of emo- gyrus in the right hemisphere as well as the subcorti-
tions, pleasure, and reward and in regulating cal white matter tracts (arquate fasciculus) connecting
the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the these areas.26–28 Correspondingly, acquired amusia is
endocrine (or hormone) system. Recently, the most typically caused by damage to the AC and its
direct involvement of striatal dopamine in the surrounding cortical and subcortical areas (anterior
emotional reaction to music was demonstrated and posterior superior temporal gyrus and insula) or
in a combined psychophysiological, PET and to temporoparietal or inferior frontal areas, especially
fMRI study.15 in the right hemisphere19 (see Figure 2).
5. Perceiving the rhythm of music, moving to the Interestingly, amusia can occur independently
beat of music, or producing music (by singing of or in parallel with linguistic disorders, thereby
or playing an instrument) involves the sensory- raising an intriguing question of whether the neural
motor networks of the brain, including areas in mechanisms of music and speech processing are
the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the motor separate or shared. In studies of brain-damaged
and somatosensory cortices.16,17 patients, approximately half of the patients with

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 443
Advanced Review

Inferior frontal gyrus the melody, rhythm, stress, and intonation of speech,
Anterior superior
which are used to communicate emotions and to
temporal gyrus emphasize word meanings in speech. Intuitively, par-
ents tend to speak to their babies in a manner which
temporal gyrus utilizes this sensitivity. In fact, infant-directed speech
(or motherese) contains many musical or singing-like
elements, such as strong pitch fluctuations and repet-
Heschl’s gyrus itive melodic line, which help the infant to grasp and
(auditory cortex) acquire the essential structure of natural speech.33
Planum temporale Lullabies and play songs are also globally used to
modulate the arousal level of infants, as reflected, for
Parietal lobe example, in salivary cortisol changes.33 At the age of
6 months, babies start to babble and to ‘dance’, i.e.,
to adjust their movements with the tempo of music.34
Spectral processing
For a toddler, musical activity is a playground of sorts,
Temporal processing where parents can use reciprocal communication and
rhythmic movements to regulate the emotional and
Musical memory
attentional state of the child. At the same time, the
Emotional response to music child him/herself can practice the cognitive, motor,
and social skills needed for speech acquisition and
FIGURE 2 | Critical brain areas where damage typically leads to an communication.
amusic deficit in spectral processing (perception of pitch intervals or
At preschool age, children are often enthusiastic
patterns, tonal structure, and timbre), temporal processing (perception
of time intervals and rhythm), musical memory (recognition of familiar
in expressing music with their gestures and movements
or novel musical material), or emotional response to music. The size of and in taking part in musical activities as listeners,
each circle is scaled to the proportion of studies of the function singers, players, and dancers. In many native cul-
implicating that region. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 19. tures, music making or dancing is an integral and
Copyright 2006 Oxford University Press) natural part of the everyday life of children. For the
developing brain, repeated exposure to music in the
growing environment can be beneficial. In develop-
acquired amusia have been documented to have at
mental animal studies, an enriched auditory environ-
least minor aphasia,19 although there are also cases
ment that contains complex sounds or music has been
of clear double dissociations (amusia without aphasia
shown to improve auditory functions, learning, and
and vice versa), suggesting that there may be separate
memory as well as induce neural plasticity, as indi-
neural modules for music and speech.29 Recent
studies, however, have found that aphasic patients cated by changes in neurotransmitter (e.g., dopamine
also have difficulties in perceiving musical structures30 and glutamate) and neurotrophin (e.g., brain-derived
and, conversely, that individuals with congenital neurotrophic factor) levels, synaptic plasticity, and
amusia have difficulties in perceiving the intonation neurogenesis.35,36 According to studies on children,
and prosody of speech,31 thereby supporting the musical hobbies can improve auditory and motor
alternative view that there are commonalities between skills as well as high-level cognitive skills such as log-
speech and music perception at the neural level. ical reasoning, executive functioning, attention, and
memory.37–39 Musical skills and music training seem
to be also related to speech perception and pronuncia-
DEVELOPMENT AND UTILITY tion of foreign language.40,41 At the neural level, struc-
tural changes in the primary AC, the primary motor
OF MUSIC ACROSS LIFE SPAN cortex, and the corpus callosum have been observed
Music, especially hearing singing and producing musi- already after 15 months of individual piano lessons.37
cal sounds, appears to evoke the natural interest of During adolescence, music serves as a forum
infants and children across cultures.32 Indeed, babies for constructing the developing self-identity, forming
seem to be born with innate musical abilities: even interpersonal relationships, and experiencing agency
small infants can detect the pitch, timbre, and dura- and self-control, and in dealing with negative emotions
tion of the sounds, recognize familiar melodic and and stress.42 Furthermore, a key aspect of all musical
rhythmic patterns, and prefer consonant over disso- activity is emotional expression, which, according
nant music and singing over speech.32 Infants are also to a recent theory,43 is at least partly mediated
sensitive to prosody, in other words, to changes in by the mirror neuron system, a set of frontal and

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WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

parietal cortical structures thought to contribute these interventions is accumulating regarding their
to understanding the actions of other people (i.e., clinical utility and applicability in the treatment and
empathy), learning new skills by imitation, and to rehabilitation of many somatic, psychiatric, and neu-
theory of mind and which continue to develop through rological illnesses. On the basis of Cochrane Reviews
adolescence and early adulthood. Musical activity, or published so far (, there are cur-
even simple music listening, can thus form a safe rently about 160 published music intervention studies
shared and dynamic platform for exploring one’s (involving a total of over 9000 patients) that meet the
emotional processes with respect to others and for strict methodological criteria of a randomized con-
forging relationships through common experiences, trolled trial (RCT). In the following sections, we will
chats, and discussions. Some evolutionary theories briefly review what is currently known about the effi-
of music postulate that joint musical activities, such cacy of music interventions regarding five domains:
as singing and dancing with others, facilitate the emotion, attention and sensory functions, memory,
release of endorphins and the experience of reward communication, and motor functions.
and pleasure, which in turn promote group cohesion
and social bonding.44
Finally, music has a lot to give also in adulthood Emotion
and in old age. In most cases, individual musical Perhaps more than any other sensory stimulus, music
preferences are formed during adolescence and early is capable of evoking a wide spectrum of deep and
adulthood—maybe because of this, music also offers powerful emotions, including, for example, joy, seren-
means to refresh and process memories and reflect ity, sadness, and nostalgia. The transient emotional
on prior experiences later in life. During adulthood, effect of music is manifested not just as a subjec-
music is strongly linked to emotional and self- tively experienced feeling or emotional state but also
conceptual processing, mood, and memories.45 Music as a physiological change, for example, in heart rate,
continues to play a vital role as well during aging. respiration, skin temperature and conductance, and
Studies suggest that regular musical activities are very hormone (e.g., cortisol, oxytocin, and β-endorphin)
important to seniors in maintaining psychological secretion,47 indicating an impact on the ANS or
well-being and in contributing to positive aging by endocrine system as well as the activity of the afore-
providing ways to maintain self-esteem, competence, mentioned limbic/paralimbic brain areas.13–15 Conse-
and independence and in reducing loneliness and quently, music interventions have often been applied
isolation.46 to the rehabilitation of persons suffering from various
affective disorders, such as depression and anxiety,
or from illnesses with more severe neuropsychiatric
symptoms, such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s dis-
Broadly defined, music therapy is an intervention pro- In the field of depression, a recent meta-analysis
vided by a trained music therapist where music is used of five RCTs (n = 237) found that music therapy is an
in a therapeutic interaction with the client to achieve applicable method that can improve depressed mood,
individually defined goals. The methods utilized in although more high-quality trials are still needed to
music therapy include, for example, music listening, draw more firm clinical conclusions.48 Also, another
singing, instrument playing, musical improvisation, meta-analysis, which included RCTs and other con-
and song writing. In contrast, musical interventions trolled studies of patients (n = 319) with various
that are provided by other nursing or rehabilitation severe mental disorders, found that music therapy
staff (typically music listening) are usually referred to had a significant positive effect on depression and
as music medicine. Although both music therapy and anxiety symptoms of the patients.49 One new and
music medicine utilize music as a therapeutic tool, promising therapeutic technique for treating depres-
the key difference between them is the involvement sion is improvisational psychodynamic music therapy,
of a trained music therapist and the therapeutic rela- which was recently shown to reduce depression and
tionship between the therapist and the client, which anxiety symptoms and improve general functioning
are important contributors in the efficacy of music in working-age depressed patients.50 In patients diag-
therapy. However, for simplicity, both music therapy nosed with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disor-
and music medicine are referred to hereafter as music der, a recent meta-analysis of eight studies (n = 483)
interventions. The scientific study of the efficacy of dif- came to a conclusion that music therapy can help
ferent music interventions has increased rapidly during to improve the global and mental state and the social
the past 20 years, and the experimental evidence for functioning of the patients and to reduce their negative

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 445
Advanced Review

symptoms, depression, and anxiety, if provided in noise-induced hearing loss or various illnesses, and
sufficient quantity.51 ultimately results in maladaptive plastic changes in
Regarding AD and other forms of dementia, an the AC. The contemporary view on tinnitus biology
updated Cochrane review of 10 studies (n = 396) holds that although tinnitus may be triggered by
reported that music therapy may be effective in injury to the inner ear, the neural generators are most
reducing neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms, readily found centrally in the brain. On the basis of
such as agitation and wandering, as well as an idea of music-induced neuroplasticity and lateral
in enhancing social and emotional functioning.52 inhibition in the human AC, Pantev and coworkers
However, the authors also cautioned that the have recently developed a novel treatment strategy
methodological variability between the studies for tonal tinnitus called tailor-made notched music
precludes making any robust conclusions about the training (TMNMT). By notching the music energy
clinical utility of music therapy and more high- spectrum around the individual tinnitus frequency,
quality studies are still called for. Finally, another the idea of TMNMT is to attract lateral inhibition
line of meta-analytical evidence suggests that music to auditory neurons involved in tinnitus perception.
interventions can be effective in reducing anxiety, The results of a 12-month controlled follow-up study
improving mood, and influencing ANS parameters (n = 39) found that subjective tinnitus loudness and
(heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure) also annoyance were significantly reduced after TMNMT
in patients suffering from severe chronic somatic but not in a placebo group where the notching
illnesses, including cancer (30 RCTs, n = 1891)53 and spared the tinnitus frequencies.59 Correspondingly,
coronary heart disease (23 RCTs, n = 1461).54 MEG results also showed that tinnitus-related audi-
tory evoked fields were significantly reduced after
Attention and Sensory Functions the TMNMT training.59 Given that tinnitus is highly
One attribute that is also quite unique to music is the prevalent (10–15%) in the adult population, can lead
capacity to draw and direct attention and influence to severe depression and even suicide, and currently
arousal and vigilance. Clinically, this attribute has lacks effective drug treatment, these results are highly
been effectively utilized in the alleviation of pain, important and promising.
which remains as one of the most studied ther- A third example of the attention-influencing
apeutic applications of music.55 A comprehensive effect of music is attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
meta-analysis (51 RCTs, n = 3663), which evaluated order (ADHD). Abikoff et al.60 performed a study
the effect of music interventions compared to controls where 20 ADHD children and 20 healthy control
on various types of pain (e.g., acute pain, chronic children worked on an arithmetic task while being
pain, neuropathic pain, cancer pain, and postsurgi- exposed to their favorite music, to background speech
cal pain), indicated that music is able to reduce the (news report), and to silence. The performance of
level of subjectively experienced pain intensity and the control children did not differ between the three
also to reduce the amount of opioids required to conditions, whereas the ADHD children performed
manage the pain, especially in the case of postsur- significantly better in the music condition than in
gical pain.56 Again, however, the effects were quite the speech and silence conditions, especially if the
modest according to the authors, and the clinical music condition was the first.60 In addition to ADHD,
importance still remains unclear. In future, the anal- music may have an attention-stimulating effect also
gesic use of music could be a viable option especially on stroke patients suffering from unilateral spatial
for children and adolescents with whom there are neglect (USN), a deficit in awareness for information
less systematic studies of the suitable dosage and presented on the side of space that is contralateral to
the potential side effects of painkillers.55 In neona- the site of the brain lesion (e.g., impaired awareness
tal units, music is increasingly used to improve the of the left side following a right hemisphere lesions).
behavioral or physiological outcomes of preterm In one study, 14 USN patients were given tactile,
infants, and currently there is preliminary evidence auditory verbal, or auditory nonverbal (white noise
that music, especially maternal singing, may reduce or classical music) stimulation or no stimulation while
pain and improve sucking and weight gain in preterm performing a visuospatial copying task.61 Only non-
infants.57,58 verbal auditory stimuli were found to decrease neglect
Another interesting and novel application of on the task.61 In another study of three USN patients,
music is the treatment of tinnitus. Tinnitus, the especially music that was emotionally pleasant to the
unpleasant and recurrent perception of a sound, often patient was found to ameliorate neglect in a visual
a ringing or a buzzing one, in the absence of cor- awareness task and also induce functional coupling
responding external sound, is most often caused by between the emotional and visual attentional brain

446 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

areas in the right hemisphere.62 In summary, music 75 years, frequent reading, playing board games,
seems to be effective, at least temporarily, in modi- playing musical instruments, and dancing were found
fying the orientation and maintenance of attention in to be the leisure activities that were most associated
persons suffering from a neurological disorder, sug- with a lower risk of developing dementia later.71
gesting that it could potentially be utilized in their Also, in a recent randomized longitudinal study of
education and rehabilitation. elderly stroke patients (n = 55), daily music listen-
ing was found to have a positive effect on the
Memory recovery of verbal memory and focused attention
compared with patients who listened daily to audio
Hearing and perceiving music naturally entail keeping
books or received only standard care.72 The positive
track of the incoming auditory information as the
effects on memory were also coupled with reduced
music unfolds in time, analyzing the structure and
depression and confusion during the early recov-
meaning of the music, and identifying the music
and retrieving the experiences and memories that ery stage,73 suggesting that the positive effect of
are associated with it. In the brain, all this recruits music on cognition is at least partly mediated by
areas associated with auditory sensory memory, enhanced mood.
working memory, and episodic and semantic memory.
By affecting our mood and arousal state, music
can also temporarily improve cognitive performance, Communication
including memory performance,63 although this effect Both music and speech are forms of communication
is still somewhat controversial.64 However, there is that make use of the acoustic properties of sound,
some evidence suggesting that this may also occur such as pitch, timbre, and rhythm. This link is
in persons with dementia. Irish et al.65 tested the evident also in studies of musical training, which
autobiographical recall of 10 AD individuals and have shown that musical training can enhance the
10 control subjects under two conditions, music processing of the acoustic features of speech and
(exposure to Vivaldi’s ‘Spring’) and silence, and found also facilitate language skills, such as reading, speech
that the performance of the AD individuals improved segmentation, and perceiving speech in noise.3,41
considerably in the music condition. Similarly, According to the recent OPERA hypothesis,74 these
in another study, 29 elderly persons with mild beneficial effects may be related to the fact that the
or moderate dementia answered autobiographical brain networks processing the acoustic features of
memory questions from three life eras (remote, music and speech overlap anatomically; that music
medium-remote, and recent) while being exposed places higher demands on the precision of processing
to familiar music, novel music, cafeteria noise, or in these shared networks than speech; and that
quiet.66 Recall was significantly better in music the musical activities, which engage this network,
than in noise or quiet, especially regarding remote typically elicit strong positive emotions, are frequently
experiences.66 Interestingly, music may also function repeated, and require focused attention. Clinically,
as a mnemonic aid in AD. In a recent study, 13 music has been utilized in training communication
AD individuals and 14 healthy older controls were skills in various patient groups.
presented with printed lyrics of unfamiliar children’s One clinical population who often lacks proper
songs accompanied by either spoken or sung versions communication skills but in many cases has enhanced
of the songs.67 AD individuals had better recognition auditory and musical abilities, such as superior pitch
accuracy for the sung lyrics than the spoken lyrics, processing, are children with an autistic spectrum dis-
whereas the healthy controls showed no significant order (ASD). Currently, some meta-analytical (three
differences.67 RCTs, n = 24) evidence exists that music therapy may
Taken together, these results suggest that music help ASD children to improve their communicative
may have a small short-term facilitating effect on skills.75 Music may be an especially important thera-
memory performance in dementia, but currently the peutic tool for those ASD children who are nonverbal.
data are still insufficient to draw firm conclusions Recently, a novel intervention called auditory-motor
about the clinical efficacy of music in dementia, espe- mapping training (AMMT) has been developed, which
cially regarding its long-term cognitive effect.68,69 In aims to promote speech production by training the
contrast, studies of healthy seniors have found that association between sounds and articulatory actions
regular musical activities, such as playing an instru- using intonation and bimanual motor activities. In a
ment, can improve cognitive functioning, for example, small pilot study, six ASD children who had no intel-
in tasks of attention and executive functioning.70 ligible speech were given frequent sessions of AMMT
In a longitudinal study of 469 subjects older than and were all found to improve in their ability to

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 447
Advanced Review

articulate words and phrases, with generalization also instrument playing. Recently, a method called music-
to nonpracticed items.76 supported therapy (MST) has been developed where
Another example of a music-based rehabilitation fine and gross motor movements of the affected upper
method that emphasizes the melodic and rhythmic extremity are trained by playing progressively more
elements of speech is melodic intonation therapy difficult series of tones or simple melodies with a
(MIT), which has been developed to train speech simplified MIDI-piano keyboard or electronic drum
production in aphasic patients. The core idea of MIT set. Studies of both subacute (n = 77) and chronic
is to lead nonfluent aphasic patients from singing (n = 20) stroke patients found MST to be effective
simple, 2-3 syllable phrases to speaking longer phrases in improving both fine and gross motor skills with
by utilizing melodic intonation (intoning syllables on respect to the speed, precision, and smoothness of
different pitches), inner rehearsal (covert production movements.82,83 The fMRI results also suggest that
of the phrase), and rhythmic motor sequencing MST may have a facilitating impact on the activity
(tapping with the functioning left hand once per and functional connectivity of the auditory-motor net-
syllable). Although the efficacy of MIT has yet to works in the temporal and frontal lobes that support
be substantiated in an RCT, evidence from small case musical perception and learning.83
series suggests that an intense course of MIT can lead
to improvement in spontaneous language skills.77 Pilot
fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging data indicate that CONCLUSION
the verbal improvement may be related to functional
In this article, we have reviewed a number of stud-
and structural neuroplastic changes in the spared right
ies, which together shed light on the neural basis,
frontotemporal network.77
development, and rehabilitative use of music. Modern
neuroimaging has shown that musical activities, rang-
Motor Functions ing from simple music listening to singing and playing
Rhythm and movement are intimately connected to a musical instrument, have diverse positive effects
music. In fact, some cultures do not even differentiate on the structure and function of the brain. Musical
‘music’ and ‘dance’ in their vocabulary. Also in activities have different roles and meanings in different
the human brain, almost all musical activity, even phases of life: during infancy and early childhood, they
the passive listening of music, automatically recruits can support speech development; during school years,
motor areas, and there is rich connectivity between they can develop cognitive and attentional skills; dur-
auditory and motor brain areas.17 Clinically, our ing adolescence, they help to build self-identity and
innate tendency to sequence and entrain movements to enhance emotional self-regulation; and during adult-
the beat of music has been utilized in the rehabilitation hood and old age, they help maintain cognitive perfor-
of walking in many neurological illnesses, including mance and memory and improve mood. Clinically, the
stroke, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson’s disease use of music therapy and other music interventions as
(PD). One method has proved to be especially useful a form of treatment and rehabilitation has received sci-
in this respect: rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS). entific support especially in somatic, psychiatric, and
In RAS, an external auditory rhythm is provided by neurological illnesses involving deficits in emotions,
a metronome or by specifically prepared music tapes attention and sensory functions, memory, communi-
and adapted to the gait cadence of the patient—the cation, and motor functions. Currently, research in
idea is that auditory rhythms entrain motor rhythms the fields of music therapy, psychology, and cognitive
via the close neural connections between the auditory and affective neuroscience is beginning to merge, and
and motor areas. A recent meta-analysis of studies now there are ongoing multidisciplinary studies in
of music therapy in acquired brain injury patients many countries aimed toward determining the clinical
(seven RCTs, n = 184) concluded that RAS may be impact of music and uncovering its underlying neural
beneficial for improving gait parameters in stroke mechanisms. In the future, especially large-scale and
patients, including gait velocity, cadence, stride length, high-quality RCTs that combine both reliable and
and gait symmetry.78 Also in PD, there is evidence that valid behavioral outcome measures and modern psy-
patients are able to stabilize and synchronize their chophysiological and neuroimaging measures would
disturbed gait with the help of an external auditory be optimal and highly valuable in this regard. Another
rhythm79,80 and that their motor coordination may topic, which is becoming more and more important
be temporarily improved by familiar and stimulating with the recent development of portable music players
music.81 and the increasing popularity of communal musical
Another way to use music in motor rehabilita- hobbies, is the long-term impact of self-directed musi-
tion is to utilize active music making in the form of cal leisure activities (such as music listening and choir

448 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

singing) on health and well-being, especially in elderly nonpharmacological form of treatment and rehabili-
persons. In summary, although the research field is tation and, more generally, as an enriching and useful
still relatively young and more studies are still needed, hobby that can shape the development and maintain
music can be considered as a viable and promising the healthy functioning of the brain across life.

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