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Clause/ 1999 Red Book 1999 Yellow Book The Silver Book


1.1.1 The Contract No change No change ‘Contract’ means the Contract Agreement, ‘Contract’ means the Contract ‘Contract’ means the Contract
the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Agreement, these Conditions, the
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of Tender, these Conditions, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Employer’s Requirements, the Tender, and
Specification, the Drawings, the Employer’s Requirements, the Schedules, the further documents (if any) which are
Schedules, and the further documents the Contractor’s Proposal, and the further listed in the Contract Agreement.
(if any) which are listed in the Contract documents (if any) which are listed in the
Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance. Contract Agreement or in the Letter of
Acceptance. ‘Contract Agreement’ means the contract ‘Contract Agreement’ means the ‘Contract Agreement’ means the
agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub- contract agreement s referred to in
1.6 [Contract Agreement]. s Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement]. s Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement],
including any annexed memoranda. ‘Letter of Acceptance’ means the letter of ‘Letter of Acceptance’ No equivalent text
formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, No change
of the Letter of Tender, including any
annexed memoranda comprising agreements
between and signed by both Parties. If
there is no such letter of acceptance, the
expression ‘Letter of Acceptance’ means the
Contract Agreement and the date of issuing
or receiving the Letter of Acceptance means
the date of signing the Contract Agreement.
A Precise Record of Alterations, Omissions and Additions ‘Letter of Tender’ means the document ‘Letter of Tender’ No equivalent text
entitled letter of tender, which was completed No change
by the Contractor and includes the signed
offer to the Employer for the Works.

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