EHS Questions 1

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Q# Responsibilities of Safety officer / supervisor?

Q# What is safety?
Ans: Safety is a common sense saving the life of our self & others; which is based on look, think & act.
Q#: What is the purpose of Safety?
Ans: To carry out any work in safe manners
Q# What is safety procedure?
Ans: It is a procedure, which a written instruction of top management regarding the tasks which deal in
rules, regulation and limitation for all safe method.
Q# What is Work Permit (WP/PTW)
Ans: A work permit is written document describing the work to carried out.
Q# What is purpose of work permit system?
Ans: i) This system helps to protect the human beings from danger and the machinery /eqpt from
ii) to eliminate the chances of accidents & hazards
Q# What are Flammable & Combustible liquid?
Ans: Flammable Liquid: A flammable liquid is any liquid having a flashpoint below 37.8C (100F)
Combustible Liquid: A combustible liquid is any having a flashpoint at or about 37.8C (100F)
Q# What is PPE?
Ans: Personal Protective Equipment? Eg helmet, safety glasses, gloves, safety shoes (steel toe only),
company uniform, ear plugs, respirator etc
Q# What is probability?
Ans: Possibility of an occurrence is called probability.
Q#: What is CR Form?
Q#: What is IR, & how we can find it?
Ans. Incident Rate (IR) = total no of injuries or illness x 200,000 / total no of manhrs
Note: 200,000 is equivalent of 100 full-time employees working for 40 hours per week for 50 week
per year (OSHA guidelines).
Q# What is SR?
Ans: Severity Rate = total no of days lost illness x 200,000 / total no of manhrs
Q# What is first aid case?
Ans: Any injury / illness that requires first aid treatment only, with no necessary follow up medical
Q# At what DBA hearing protection will be used?
Ans: If any noise is greater than 85dba, hearing protection will be used. (if u can’t listen any body less
than one arm length)
Q# What is character?
Ans Scope of the incident investigation.
Q# What is Chemical?
Ans Any organic / inorganic substance.
Q#: What is Lock out / Tag out System?
Ans: For servicing or maintenance of live equipments or pipe lines, where the unexpected energizing
or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolating device to avoid
uncontrolled operation and give details of the lock out schedule.
Q#: What is MOCK Drill?
Q# What Ergonomics?
Ans: Ergonomics is a discipline that involves arranging the environment to fit the
person in it
Q# What are Industrial hygiene?
 Air Contaminants
 Chemical Hazards
 Biological Hazards
 Physical Hazards
 Ergonomic Hazards
Q#: What requirements are required before Chemical Area?
Q#: What is the importance of a Tool Box meeting?
Ans: The workers can be educated about safe work rules and procedures, and their
awareness can be improved on some special task.
Q#: What is an Emergency Evacuation Plan?
Ans: It is the procedure to provide concise guidelines for evacuation in case of some
emergencies and to identify the emergencies in advance. This also helps us to plan and to
define resolves and responsibilities of all building custodian, fire wardens and occupants.
Q#: What is Hydro Test?
Ans: It is the test carried out for leak test for pipes, equipments etc by filling water in
these equipments and pipes with some pressure and its joints and connections are
checked for any leak or breakage.
Q#: What is a Hipot Test?
Ans: It is the insulation leakage test done for high voltage electrical cables, with high
voltage Megger. (A name of test eqpt)
Q#: What are the safety requirements for doing a hot work?
a) Remove all combustible materials from the area (with in 10mtr), if possible
b) Use fire blanket to protect immovable combustible materials and also for
welding slugs.
c) Cover the area with fire blanket for containment of sparks generated while
coming hot work.
d) Provide proper fire extinguisher in sufficient numbers.
e) Appoint a fire watch with red jacket, if necessary
f) Barricade the area and post proper signage.
g) Use of proper PPE and damage free tools and equipments.
h) Obtain a valid hot work permit
i) Conduct gas test if presence of combustible gases except prior to work
Q#: What are the benefits of near miss reporting?
Ans: To make analysis of the incident, in order to avoid re-occurrence.
To rectify the cause of those near misses before it turns into accidents.
To identify the deficiencies of site safety performances and find remedial actions.
To improve safety performances by reducing LTAs, incidents and near misses.
Q#: What is the emergency evacuation procedure to follow in the event of a gas
a) Don’t get panic on hearing alarm.
b) Switch off all the equipments and energized circuits.
c) Observe the direction of wind flow, proceed out in the cross wind direction to
the plant boundary fence and then proceed up wind.
d) Obey further instructions from emergency response team
e) Resume work after getting clearance only?
Q#: What is an “Assembly Muster Point”.
Ans: On hearing emergency alarm, all persons have to assemble in “Assembly Muster
Point”. There area supervisor will call his workers with attendance sheet and confirm that
nobody is trapped in the site. This procedure is called head counting. Its purpose is to
ensure all workers are present in the assembly area, they are safely evacuated and identify
the person if anybody is trapped and take necessary actions to rescue these trapped
Q#: What is Heat Stroke? What are the different stages through which a person
undergoes before the gets Heat Stroke?
Ans: During hot days, due to dehydration, body temperature increase beyond safe limit,
because of break down of body’s heat regulating mechanism, due to this the person
collapse and if not taken care off he can even die. This called heat stroke. Generally pulse
rises 20 beats per minute for each 1 degree C rise in temperature.
Heat cramps: exercising in hot weather can lead to muscle crams, because of brief
imbalances in body salt.
Heat exhaustion: Further losing of fluid and salt can lead to dizziness and weakness.
Body temperature may rise up to 102 deg F.
Heat store: In some cases, extreme heat can upset body’s thermostat, causing body
temperature to rise to 105 deg F or higher, symptoms are lethargy, confusion and
unconsciousness. Heat stroke can kill.


Q#: How is the soil classified? What is the slope to be give for each type soil while
Ans: The following is a short, explanation of soil classifications, you should check the
standard for detailed information regarding classifying soils.
Type A soil.
a. Cohesive soils that have an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 tsf or
b. E.g clay, silt clay, sandy clay & clay loam
Type A soils can’t have or be subjected to the following:
a. Fissures
b. Subjection to vibration from heavy traffic, pile driving or similar conditions
c. Been previously disturbed
d. Or if it has been subjected to other factors that would change its classification.
Type B soil.
a. Cohesive soils that have an unconfined compressive strength greater that 0.5
tsf but less than 1.5 tsf.
b. E.g. Angular gravel, silt, silt loam, sandy loam and previously disrobed soil
except those which would be classified as type C soil
c. Also includes soils that meet some of the requirements of type A soils but is
fissured or subject to vibration; or dry rock that is not stable
Type C soils
a. Cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf or less
b. E.g granular soils including gravel, sand and loamy sand.
c. Also submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping or submersed
rock that is not stable.
Stable Rock
a. A natural solid mineral material that can be excavated with vertical side and
will remain intact while exposed.
Maximum allowable le slopes
a. Stable rock: vertical (90 deg)
b. Type A: 3 / 4 : 1 (53 deg)*
c. Type B: 1:1 (45 deg)
d. Type C: 1-1/2 : 1 (34 deg)

* 1 / 2 :1 (63 deg) slope is allowed for only short term excavations that
are 12 feet deep or less
Q#: What are the precautions to be taken while handling and strong
compressed cylinders?
i. Where are the precautions to be taken while handling and strong
compressed cylinders?
ii. Cylinders should be stored in a well ventilated area preferably in
open air but protected from the weather.
iii. The store should be away from fire risks and source of heat and
ignition. Nothing else should be stored in the area.
iv. The cylinders should be stored upright on a firm, level, well
drained surface fire from hollows and cavities. All long grass,
weeds etc, should be removed.
v. Cylinders should be secured so as they are prevented from falling
over, when in storage or use.
vi. Cylinders should be segregated within the store according to type
and whether full or empty.
vii. Oxygen and oxidizing gases should be separated from flammable
gases by 6m or by a fire resistant partition.
viii. No electrical apparatus should be installed within a cylinder store
unless it is constructed to a suitable standard for the hazard.
ix. No cylinder shold be used in a storage area.
x. Appropriate warning sighs “Highly Flammable”, “No Smoking”,
“Full / Empty” etc, should be displayed.
xi. Suitable fire fighting apparatus should be situated adjacent to the
store. Typically dry powder fire extinguishers. These should be
inspected and maintained at intervals not exceeding 1 years.
xii. Where cylinders are required to be stored in a compound this
should be location not less than 3mtr from any building, site or
public access road. The compound fences should be a min of
2mtr high, and it should have two means of escape, with the gate
opening outwards.
xiii. Where it is necessary to take precautions against vandalism or
theft, suitable protection cages should be used.
xiv. Each cylinder should be adequately marked to include the
manufacturer’s mark and serial number, together with an
indication of the specification to which the cylinder is
constructed and its year of manufacture. A date of test and
pressure test, together with weight of cylinder and the name of
the product, should be displayed.
 When gas cylinders are to be transported they should be protected from
physical damage and the consequences of any leaks that may occur
 Move cylinders by hand in proper cylinder trolleys where the cylinder
is secured in the trolley
 Take great care when lifting cylinders as they can be very heavy and a
awkward to handle.
 Before moving any cylinders remove all attached equipment including
regulators and safety cap must be provided.
 The cylinders should be properly supported and secured with the
vehicle so they can’t move during the journey. They should be totally
within the vehicle and protected from impact.
 They cylinders should be checked to ensure that the valves are closed
and there are no leaks.
 The vehicle should be equipped with a suitable fire extinguisher.
Typically dry powder, cap 2 kg.
 There should be no smoking within the vehicle while carrying
 The driver of the vehicle should be conversant with the load and have
written information on the hazards and the action to be taken should
any problems occur. The driver should also have training in the
operation of the fire extinguisher and any other safety equipment
Q#: What are type of extinguishers commonly used and briefly explain each
Ans: Multipurpose dry chemical, carbon dioxide, Halon Gas, wet chemical
or foam, pressurized water are the commonly used fire extinguishers.

Multipurpose Dry Chemical: Class ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ fires 2.5-20 lb. Dry
Chemical (ammonium, phosphate) pressurized to 10.5-18 bar by Co2 as (8-
25 seconds discharge time). Has pressure gauge to allow visual capacity
check 5-20 ft maximum effective range. Extinguishes by smothering burning

Carbon Dioxide: Class ‘B’ or ‘C’ fires 2.5-100 lbs. of Co2 gas at 150-
200 psi (8-30 seconds discharge time).
Has No pressure gauge – capacity verified by weight 3-8 ft. maximum
effective range.
Extinguishes by smothering burning materials. Effectiveness decreases as
temperature of burning material increases.

Halon Gas (1301, 1211): Class ‘A’ ‘B’ or ‘C’ fires (smaller sizes
ineffective against class ‘A’) 9-17 lb, Halon 122 (pressurized liquid) released
as vapor (8-18 seconds discharge time). Has pressure gauge to allow visual
capacity checked. 9-16 ft maximum effective range. Works best in confined
area – ideal for electronics fire due to lack of residue, extinguishes by
smothering burning materials, Fumes toxic if inhaled. Halon is ozone
depleting chemical – production halted in Jan 94.
Wet Chemical or Foam: Class ‘A’, ‘B’ fires, 1.5 gal, of stored pressure
PRX wet chemical extinguishing agent (40 sec, discharge time). 10-12 ft
maximum effective orange. One class ‘K’ fires, don’t use until after fixed
extinguishing system has activated. Extinguishes by cooling and forming
foam blanket to prevent reignition.

SHE Incident severity determination guidelines
Consequence of the incident: Each incident shall be classified as per the following matrix based on the
worst consequences of the incident: (example: a small fire that result in a major spill should be classified
a class “A” incident due to the severity of the consequence)

Class “A” (Major Class “B” (Significant) Class “C” (Minor) Class “D”
Incident resulting in fatality Incident resulting in lost Incident resulting in Incident resulting in
workday injury & Medical Treatment First Aid Injury / Illness
restricted workday injury / Injury / illness
 Incident resulting in  Incident resulting in  All other incidents
equivalent of > 5days equivalent of between resulting in
production loss of any 1-5 days production production loss or
operating plant because loss of any operating demurrage.
of load reduction or plant because of load
partial or complete reduction or partial or
shutdown of any part of complete shutdown of
the plant. For any part of that plant.
Sabtank/SABIC For sabtank / SABIC
pipelines, incident pipelines, incident
resulting in >5 days of resulting in 1-5 days of
demurrage or equivalent demurrage or
of >5 days production equivalent of 1-5 days
loss at any operating of demurrage or
plant receiving / equivalent of 1-5 days
supplying material to production loss at any
them. operating plant
receiving / supplying
material to them.
Incident resulting in Incident resulting in Incident resulting in In cident resulting in
equipment loss equipment loss equipment loss equipment loss
(excluding production (excluding production (excluding (excluding production
loss) > SR 10 Mn loss ) SR 100,000 – 10 production loss) SR loss ) < SR 1000
Mn 1000 – 100000
Impact of release of Impacto f release of Impact of release of All other incidents of
Hazardous chemicals / Hazardous chemicals / Hazardous release of Hazardous
substance or Hazardous substance or Chemicals / chemicals / substance
waste within the SABIC Hazardous Waste Substance or 1<MT or Hazardous
Div, Affiliates and within the SABIC Div, Hazardous Waste Waste within the
subsidiaries premises Affiliates and within the Sabic SABIC Div, Affiliates
only with release / subsidiaries premises Divisions, Affiliates and subsidiaries
spillage of >10 MT in a only with release / and subsidiaries premises
day spillage between 4 – premises only with
10 MT release / spillage
between 1 – 4 MT

Types of Accidents / Classification of Accident

i) Fatality case
ii) Lost workday case
iii) Restricted Work case
iv) First Aid Case
Fatality: Death resulting case from work related injury / illness
Lost Workday Case (LWI): Any injury / illness because of which the employee is unable to work the
next day.
Restricted work case (LWI): Any injury / illness because of which the employee is unable to perform
one or more tof the routine functions of his job, so duty of that employee changes to light activates to
whom he could perform easily.

Q# What is procedure about incident / accident?

Verbal: Immediately
Written: within 6 hours after declaring emergency over
Verbal: Immediately
Written: 10:00 am of next working day for all class B incidents.
Verbal: Immediately
Written: After completion of the investigation

Q# What is difference between unsafe condition & unsafe behavior.

Ans: UNSAFE CONDITIONS: Any work on going with discrepancy, safety requirement are not
completed. For example: a temporary plate form has no access and workers climbing on pipes.
Unsafe behavior of any person during the job on site, example: a person worn the harness on
elevated platform (yellow tag) but not hooked harness.
Q# What is Risk Assessment?
Q# How make Risk assessment?
Ans: i) what can go wrong?
ii) What can cause it to go wrong?
iii) What can be done to prevent it to go wrong?
iv) What can be done to minimize the negative consequences if it does go wrong?

Ans: Counting of number is called statistics, in HSE this term is used to count the safe working men
hours, recordable injuries, damages to property, lost time injuries is called statistics.
Q# What type of injury 1st u try to eliminate, Eye 80%, head 40%, Foot 70%.
Ans: I will try to eliminate Eye injury because as graph shows it is a top and it is very sensitive part of
human body very small injury can damage it.
Q# What is JSA?
Ans: Job safety analysis; breaking task into pieces, finding hazards for each key step & developing
methods to organize it.
Q# what are the benefits of JSA
Time saving, increase production, decrease injury rate, increase quality
Q# Uses of JSA?
Ans: as an incident investigation
As a reference
To prioritize the existing job
To select new job
Renewal of existing job
Q# What is incident?
Ans: Any occurrence which have the potential to cause injury to a person or damage to property
Q# What is accident?

Q# What is accident?

Q# What is severity?
Ans: Outcomes of an event.
Q# What is hot work?
Ans: Any activity with garnet, spark, heat, flame or any source of ignition.

Q# Type of permits?
Hot work permit, Cold work permit, Confined Space Work permit, Excavation work permit,
Radiography work permit, electrical work permit, Road close work permit, crane lifting work
permit, electrical work permit,

Q# What is ISOTOP?
Ans i) It is a source of garnet & radiation?
ii) ISOTOP means one or more species of atoms having same atomic number but different
mass number.
Q# ISOTOP can be stable or unstable?
Ans: Radioactive isotopes are unstable substances, which emits heavy particles (alpha and beta) and
higher energy electromagnetic waves (Gama) from their nucleus by decay.
Q# What are the hazards of ISOTOP?
Ans: ISOTOP the hazardous because it emits uncontrolled energy in the form of radio active waves
which is hazardous to all living thing as it can destroy the its living tissues that causes fatality or can
convert it in to cancer.
Q# What is Radio Activity?
Ans: Radio active is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei. The nucleus emits ALPHA
particles, BETA particles, or GAMA rays (electromagnetic rays) during this process.
Q# What is the unit for measuring radiation?
Ans: Micro sivert or milli – rem
Q# In which condition a work permit can be issued for Radiography?
Ans: The controlled area is calculated, evacuated and barricaded with yellow / black taps, warning
signs ( a minimum of 4 nos) and Red or Yellow flash lights.
Q# What are safety measures to be take while doing Radiography?
Ans: Ensure a competent person is serving outside the barricaded area with survey meter. The crew is
authorized and following safety precautions. The controlled area is calculated, evacuated and barricade
with yellow / black tapes, warning signs.
Q# What is the controlled area?
Ans: Any area where the radiation does is more than 0.75 MRem/h (7.5 micro sivert)
Q# What is Giager meter?
Ans it is the instrument used to measure the radiation does ((Radiation survey meter)
Q# What is the use of a film badge?
This badge is is worn by the personnel, who is exposed to radiation due their nature of duty and this is
processed to calculate the received radiation does of a person during the period (normally 1 month) of
Q# What is a decay chart?
Ans: It is the chart showing the change in radioactivity of an ISOTOP by losing mass by decay in
certain period, at regular interval of time.
Q# Who will be authorized exposed person?
Ans He is one who got formal training in the use of sealed source and X-Ray equipment used in
industrial radiography.

Q# What are the requirement of a man basket?

Ans: It should be designed and fabricated according to standards, have third party certificate, two guide
ropes, damage free lifting gears, the load bearing capacity should be written on man basket, shackles with
cotter pin only to be used.
Ans: What is near miss?
Ans: An event which occurs without damage to property / person & loss. (all incident did not result in
but have the potential to result in accident.
Q# What is hazard?
Ans: Exposure to danger
Q# What is Risk?
Probability of injury or harm,
Q# Can u do incident / accident investigation?
Ans: It is not a one man show, I can be a part of team which will be included EHS manager,
supervisors, subcontractor rap, injury person & high official of a department (it depends on the severity of
Q# What ERP (EHS Emergency)
Ans: Emergency Response Procedure: To deal any type of emergency with proper procedure.
Q# What is color code system?
Ans: color code system provide us periodic inspection of tools/equipment.
Q# Who can do color code?
Ans: Competent person

Q3: What is the purpose of incident / accident investigation?

Ans: to find out the real root causes & establish preventive measure to re-occur same.
Q# What is barrication / barricading?
Ans: enclosing any area physically either hard or soft is called barication, barrication tape and rope are
examples of soft barrication.
Q# What the difference between a flash back arrester & Check valve?
Ans: A check valve allows flow in one direction only. This prevents oxygen reaching acetylene
cylinder and acetylene reaching oxygen cylinder in the event of blockage in the torch or line or pressure
But a flash back arrester prevents reverse flow, stops the flow of flame from reaching the cylinder and
acetylene reaching oxygen cylinder in the event of flash back or the temperature exceeds a limit (220 deg

Q: What is Evacuation?
Ans: i) Stop the work and switch off equipment & proceed to nearest assembly ground.
ii) Always walk wind cross direct (we can see wind direction by wind socks)
iii) If your are driving a vehicle stop on road side switch off engine and proceed to assembly
iv) Ignition key shall be left in the vehicle.
Q# What action u will take in case of plant emergency.
Ans: Immediately work will be stopped.
Evacuation will be carried out.
All employees will e precede to “Assy Area”
Emergency Siren will be blow
After clearance of higher authority worker will go on site.

Q# What is Work Method Statement? (WMS)

Ans: it is the document submitted by contractor to client, covering the general work procedure of a
particular job in a safe manner as per required standard.
Q# What is the use of WMS?
We can plan and execute the work easily and safely. It also helps to know the Codes and Standard used
for each activity.

Q# What is fire?
Ans: It’s a chain reaction of fuel, oxygen & heat.

Fire extinguishers method base on PASS

P Pull the pin
A Aim the place
S Squeeze the handle
S Sweep the nozzle
Q# What are the type of Fire?
A Solid fire (All combustible material eg Wood, Trash, Paper etc)
B Liquid Fire (Oil, paint, Lub, Grease etc)
C Elect Fire (All energized Eqpt, after fire when all energized eqpt sw off this becomes
solid fire)
D Metal Fire (magnesium, titanium, any metallic)
E Special Fire (when any chemical drop on other things its generate fire eg )
Fires which start when a chemical fell down on other four types of fire, such are known
as special fire.
Q# What are main causes of Fire?
 Ignorance
 Carelessness
 Poor housekeeping &
 On any construction site common causes are:
 Welding spar
 Faulty or wrongly use of electrical apparatus
 Spark from the abrasive wheels or cutting discs.
 Improper storage between flammable and combustible materials.
 Carelessly discarded cigarette butts
 Use of unsuitable poisoned heat appliance (particularly gas).
 Overloading of electrical circuits

Q# What are the classes of fire and what type of extinguishers are used for them?
Class A : Ordinary combustible materials eg paper, wood, cloth, plastic, rubber etc
Fire Extinguisher: Water, DCP ,Foam, Co2, Halon Gas (DCP = Dry chemical powder)

Class B: Combustible liquids and gases..

Eg. Gasoline, diesel, oil, grease, oil based paint, turpentine
Fire Extinguisher: Co2, Foam, DCP…..

Class C: Energized Electrical equipment

Fire Extingusiher DCP, FM-200, Halon, Co2 (preferred)

Class D Combustible metals

E.g Magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, Sodium, titanium
Fire extinguisher. Metal x-type, Combustible metal type
Q# What are responsibilities of a fire watchman?
Ans: Fire watchman is a person designed to identify and eliminate fire hazards, alert and extinguish
fire incase of any out break of fire and to protect the person and properties from a fire. He is the man to
react first in case of fire by keeping a close watch on such hazardous areas.

Q# What method of fires extinguishing?

Ans: Starvation: Eliminate the fuel supply
Smothering: eliminate the oxygen eg by covering the fire
Cooling: eliminate the heat by putting water etc
Q# How many types of fire extinguishers?
Ans: Dry chemical, Co2, Halon Gas (1301, 1211), Foam,
Q# What are the fire fighting rules?
i) Assist people in danger
ii) Sound the alarm
iii) Ensure safety of everybody quite.
iv) Fight the fire if your safe
v) Crawl on the floor, don’t stand up
vi) In an organization, send fire disk to high officials.
vii) Don’t use lift during fire (if electricity sw off, u will remain in lift)
viii) FIRE
Q #1 What is scaffold?
Ans: It is a temporary elevated platform used to support men material or both.
Q#2 What are the types of Scaffold?
Ans: System scaffold, tube & coupler scaffold, bracket scaffold, Tower scaffold, under scaffold,
mobile scaffold, Electric scaffold,
Q#3 What are the components of scaffold?
Ans: Sole board, base plate, screw jack, posts /standards, ledgers/runners, bearer / transom, coupler,
bracing, false upright, self drop bar, hand rail, mid rail, plank.
Q#4 Types of Couplers
Ans: Swivel or adjustable coupler, girder coupler, end to end coupler, sleeve coupler, right angle
Q# Types of braces
Ans: Zigzag, transverse, longitudinal, diagonal, plain
Q# How we can identify light, medium & heavy scaffolding?
Q# Who is competent person?
Ans: Any person who because of his qualification & experience has necessary skills to perform stated
Q# Hazard of Scaffolding?
Ans: fall from elevation, slipping, collapse of scaffold, instability, dropping of tools, structure failure,
electric shock,
Q# Who can erect scaffolding?
Ans: Certified Scaffolder
Q# Who can inspect the components used for erecting a scaffold?
Ans: A competent and certified scaffolding supervisor
Q# What is a Tag System?
Ans: A tag is put on scaffolding, by a competent person, indicating the present condition whether it can
be used and whether fall protection need or not.
Red Tag: Do not use (is being erected or dismantled)
Yellow Tag: Can use with 100% fall protection (is incomplete or cannot be completed)
Green Tag: Safe to use (Scaffolding is complete)
Q# Who can place a scaffold tag?
Competent person (Scaffolding supervisor)
Q# What are the details in a scaffold tag?
Location, maximum loading capacity (Kn/m2 or psf), date erected and date inspected with foreman name
and signature.
Q# In which conditions a scaffold cannot be erected?
Ans: Extreme weather (strong wind, rain , ice) ground not stable, safe clearance (min 10 feet) can’t
maintained with live wire, certified workers and supervisor are not available, permit not available
Q# What is the min overlapping of two adjacent planks in a scaffold platform?
Ans: not less than 12”
Q# What is a Guard Rail System?
Ans: A barrier consisting of top rails, mid rails, toe boards and vertical uprights erected to prevent men
and materials falling from an elevated work area.
Q# What is the cap of guard rail system?
Ans: it will be capable of 90 kg
Q# What is the cap of toe board?
Ans: 23 Kg
Q#: What are the requirements in placing an access ladder on a scaffold?
Ans: Provide access when scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet above or below a point of access.
When using ladders, bottom rung must not be more than 24” high, Ladder to be at the correct angle (ie
1foot out for every 4 feet in height). Ladders are to be tied at both sides not by the rungs. Make sure the
ladder extends a safe distance (at lest 90 cm) above the landing stage. When the horizontal travel distance
exceeds 15 Mtrs provide at least two excesses. If the platform is longer, access shall be provided at every
30 Meters. The ladders should be free from damage and should be color coded. All access ladders must be
Q #: In what circumstances fall protection system has to be used?
If a person could fall more than 1.8 Mtrs then a fall protection system should be used. Eg any activity at
an elevation more than 1.8 mtr such as erection, dismantling or maintenance of scaffolding, pipes,

Q#: What is the minimum width required for a walk –way?

Ans: min width of a walk way is 18”

Q#: What materials can be placed on a scaffold platform?

Ans: All types of construction materials which are used for particular construction activity can be kept
on scaffolding platform but before keeping the materials and tools required for the work on the platform,
we must ensure load bearing capacity of that scaffolding platform. The platform shall not be overloaded
and shall be fitted with falling object protection system like toe board, nets etc.
Q#: What are the requirements for working on a moving scaffold?
Ans: Mobile scaffolding shall be plumb, level and square. It shall only be used and moved on surfaces
sufficiently firm and level to ensure stability. It shall be moved only by manually pushing or pulling the
base. No men, equipment, or materials shall be on the working platform or elsewhere on the scaffolding
while it is in motion. Castors shall be locked at all times except during scaffold movement. The temporary
foundation or track set on uneven ground for scaffold movement shall be level and properly secured. The
height of the working platform shall not exceed 4 times of the min base dimension. If it exceeds this limit
outriggers must be installed. A complete guard rail system must be provided. The scaffolding shall be
inspected and tagged before use by a competent person.
Q#: When should we inspect a scaffold?
Ans: A scaffolding shall be inspected and tagged after completing erection. Also before each work
period or where they are altered, adjusted or subjected to rain or heavy winds. Thereafter the scaffolding
shall be examined at least once in every seven days.
Q#: With what color a ladder can be painted?
Ans: Aluminum ladders and wooden ladders shall not be painted.
Q#: What is life line?
Ans: Life line is component that consists of a flexible line that connects to an anchorage at one end to
hang vertically or that connects to anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally and which serves as a
method to connect other component of a personnel fall arrest system to the anchorage.
Q#: How can we calculate the safe anchorage of a life line?
Ans: When life line is used they shall be fastened to fixed safe points of anchorage capable of
supporting 2300 kgs shall be independent, and shall be protected from sharp edges and abrasion. Safe
anchorage points may include structural members (min 4” structural member or 4” pipes) but do not
include guard rails, vents, other small dia piping systems electrical conduct outer rigger beams or counter
weights. It shall be maid from 10mm dia wire ropes, horizontal lifelines shall be installed at the highest
feasible point, preferably above shoulder height. This life lines shall be maintained with unloaded sag at
the center no greater than 30cm (12”) for every 10 Mtrs of lifeline length between attachment points.


i) Any scaffolding having more than 1.8 mtr high must use full body harness will be use used
ii) Hand rail from 38 ~ 45”, mid rail between
iii) Toe board height 4” x 1-1/2”
iv) Ladder must one meter high than any platform area, nobody carry tools while climbing, one
man at a time on ladder, ladder should not be painted, no damage rung allowed, angle should
be 75 deg, no vertical ladder allowed while storage ladder horizontally,
v) Ladder will be installed 4:1 ratio
vi) Ladder will not be high more than 2’ from the landing area
vii) Three point contact with ladder while climbing
viii) Lanyard length 1.8 mtr
ix) Land yard every component should be capable of 2300 kg (5000 lbs)
x) Light duty 120kg psqm
xi) Medium 240 kg psqm
xii) Heavy will be designed by a authorized engineer
Q# what is confined space?
Ans: Any space which has limited entry or egress but large enough to perform work, & have toxic
gases (like ammonia, carbon dioxide, chlorine), oxygen less r enrichment atmosphere,
Eg. Oxygen 19.5% to 23.5%, Hydrogen Sulfide 10 ppm, Co2 35 ppm, Co 50 ppm, LEL 0%, UEL under
Q#: Example of Confined Space?
Ans: Pipes Spools, boilers, column, Vessels, Hopers, Furnaces, Water Tanks, Silos, Trenches, Pits,
Sumps, wells, ducts, excavation deeper than 1.2 meter,
Q# Hazards of Confine Space
Ans: Oxygen deficiency, toxic gases, Sleeping, Slipping, electric shock, fire, fall, suffocation,
senselessness, engulfment, high noise, Sumps, Sewers, High Temperature
Q# What are the hazardous jobs in confine space?
Ans: Grinding, cutting, chemical cleaning, use of gas cutting, erection of materials
Q# Which type of tools will be used in confine space?
Ans inside 24V DC & outside 110 volts DC
Q# What type of cylinders will not be store in confine space?
Ans: All compressed type of cylinder will not be stored in confine space. i.e Acetylene, propane,
butane or oxygen.

Q# What are responsibilities of entry attendant?

Ans: He wear same PPE as entrant wearing, he remain outside and will maintain in/out names of
entrant, he must know how to summon help, he must know hazards of confined space, he will not go
inside the space in any case of emergency or otherwise, any case of emergency he will blew siren, he
communicate with entrant time to time.
Q# What is procedure of Confine Space entry?
Ans: Gas Test
Confine space entry permit
Isolate the space
Ventilate the space
Retest the space
Sign board will be installed “No Entry” Auth pers only
Q# What are the precaution of Confine Space/
Ans: To avoid hazards make sure following precautions are followed.
i) Confined space work permit before start of job.
ii) Gas test should be conducted before entry into confined space
iii) State on work permit, the frequency of repeated gas tests (at least every two hours)
iv) PPE needed, such as respirators, chemical suite or hearing protections
v) Provide a written rescue plane for the high risk confined space job. (JSA)
vi) Employee working in confined space should train.
vii) Ensure adequate ventilation
viii) Make sure safe means of access or egress is provided.
ix) Keep access ways and ventilation points free of obstructions
x) Cleary explain all duties to the stand by person
xi) Ensure that stand by person is familiar with area and with emergency reporting procedures.
xii) Stand by person should always be on entry point unless he is relieved by another stand by
xiii) Provide the radio to stand by person and other means of communications.
xiv) Stand person should have confined space entry logbook to register people going in and out of
confined space.
xv) In case of emergency even in nearby area stand by person should orderly takeout all
xvi) Ensure an adequate lighting
xvii) Provide a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) for any temporary 110 V electrical
xviii) Put “No Entry” sign board on entry point when nobody is inside the confined space.


Four Basic Rules of Rigging
a) Know the weight
b) Know the capacity
c) Retain the load
d) Control of load

Q# What is crane?
Ans: A machine, which can lift & lower the load.
Q# How can we define SWL of Sling
Ans: dia x dia x 8 (eg 1” x 1” x 8 = 8 Ton)

Q# Hazard of Crane?
Ans: Instability, contact with power lines, center of gravity, load and capacity ratio, incorrect radius,
operator untrained, rigger untrained, crane did not have TUV, damage rigging equipment, wind velocity
more than 32 kph, high speed of boom swing, soil unstable, underground utilities
Q# Crane Lift requirement?
Ans: Crane TUV, Client Sticker, Operator license from KSA, Qualified Rigger( TUV), Crane boom
swing area free & barricade, out rigger fully extended and must be on pad, check the ground level and
stability, check the SWL, Load capacity, visual inspection of all rigging eqpt, anybody not allowed under
suspended load, tag lines will be used, maintain safe distance from energized line,

Q# What is critical lift?

Ans: If any load is more than 15 Tons then it will be come critical lift, JSA & lifting plan will be
Q#: Rigging Equipment?
Ans: Counter weight, eye bolts, shackles, hooks, ropes/slings, outer rigger, Safety latches
Q# types of slings?
Steel chain slings
Wire Rope Slings
Metal Mash Slings
Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings
Synthetic Web Slings
Q# What are the common things in different cranes?
Ans These few things are similar in different cranes
 Carrier
 Machine Deck
 Boom
 Counterweight
 Hoist System
Q# How much max out of level is allowed.
Ans: If weight is more than 50 out of level is not allowed during lifting.
Q# How many types of crane?
Ans: There are different types of crane but generally we can see mobile, Hydraulic, Crawler &
overhead, tower cranes etc.
Q# What types of cranes boom.
Ans: Generally two of booms, one is telescopic & other is lattice
Q# What is anti two block?
Ans: A device which prevent collision (impact) of hook & boom.
Q# What is Fly jib?
Q# Can we modify any rigging equipments
Q# `How are slings inspected?

Ans: All slings must be inspected before every use and periodically, it should be inspected thoroughly
and shall be rejected, if found wear of one third the original outside diameter of outside individual wires,
severe corrosion, distortion (kinking, crushing, bird caging …), broken wires ( a max of 10 randomly
distributed broken wires in one rope lay or 5 broken wires in one strand in one rope lay), Heat damage
(loss of internal lubricant by over heat exposure), pulled eye splice (any evidence that eye splices have
been slipped, sleeves damaged …), deformation of wires and strands or pushed out of their original
position and the sling should be clean from dirt and rust, before use the slings has to be colour coded as
per the month color code.

Q# What are crane lifting requirement?


i) Check capacity of crane

ii) PTW
iii) Lifting Plan
iv) JSA
v) How many sheaves
vi) Capacity of Main Hook
vii) Capacity of wire rope slings
viii) Capacity of spreader beam
ix) Capacity of shackle
x) Stability of crane
xi) Check if have electrical line in lifting area 50kV power line 10 feet (3 mtr) 50 to 200 kv 15
feet (4.6 mtr), 20 to 350 kv 20 feet (6.1 mtr), 352 to 500 kV 25 feet( 7.6 mtr), 500 kv to 750
kV 35 feet (10.7 mtr), 752 to 1000 kV 45 feet (13.7kV) Formula = Feet * 0.2528 = Meters
xii) Inspection TUV sticker
xiii) Operator License from Saudi Arabia
xiv) Qualified Rigger he have TUV
xv) Cranes boom movement area free and barricading
xvi) Out rigger fully extended and must be on pads
xvii) Tires shell be off ground
xviii) Crane safety devices are not by passed
xix) Check aground level any ground utility
xx) SWL
xxi) Never lift load beyond crane rated capacity of crane
xxii) Check slings wire, shackles, and belts,
xxiii) Not allowed to enter under the suspended load
xxiv) Tag line restricts swinging of load.
xxv) Never place load under power lines.

Q# What is working radius?

Ans: it is the max distance where the crane boom has to reach for lifting or lowering the load.
Q# What Safe Work Load (SWL)
Ans: Safe working load is the max load that can be applied to the lifting tool, safely.
Q# What is lifting plan?
Ans: It is the document prepared for planning a critical lift by calculating and considering all factors
which is going to effect the lift and there by selecting the correct tools and cranes and ensure the safe
lifting procedure to be followed for the particular lift, giving details such as the size and weight of the
object to be lifted, which crane is used for lifting and what the safety factor is , where the crane is
positioned, from where the load is lifted, where it is fitted, size and SWL of each lifting tool used. JSA
and load chart are attached with it.

Q# What is excavation?
Ans: Digging of land either manually or mechanically is called excavation?
Q# What methods of excavations?
Q#: What are basic requirement of Excavation?
Ans: Work permit, drawings, Survey of soil, Type of excavation (manually or mech), underground
utilities, Area should be determined, if deeper than 1.2 treat as confine space, barricading, provide access,
sign board will be installed, keep material 1 mtr away from edges,
Q# Methods of excavation?
Ans SHORING = A technique which is used to support an excavation by using sheets or
timber, when excavation vertically on angle of 900. Sheeting and timber should be 500 mm above of the
ground level to prevent falling objects inside the excavation. When shoring is removed all nail should be
taken out immediately.
TRENCHING = A narrow excavation, the depth is greater than width but not wider than
4.57m (15ft)
BENCHING = A technique to excavate an excavation in steps
SLOPPING = A technique to excavate on a specific angle. The angle varies based on
the assessment of impacting site factor.

Q# Hazard of Excavation?
Ans: cave in is greatest hazard of excavation, fall of moving machinery near the edges of excavation,
deficiency of oxygen, toxic gases, surface encumbrance, engulfment, fire, underground utilities, dropping
of material, water accumulation
Q# How much deep excavation will be treated as confine space?
Ans: Deeper than 1.2 mtr,
Q# At what level of moisture, compacting should be done?
Q# After how much long access will be provided in excavation?
Ans: i) if any excavation is deeper than 1.2 mtr & more than 100 mtr long than after every 25’
access will be provided,
ii) if any excavation is deeper less than 1.2 mtr than after every 30 mtr access will be

Q# What is Radiography?
Q# What are gamma & X-rays?
Ans: The rays which come out from radioactive material are known as Gamma & X-Rays.
Q# What are requirement of Radiography?
Ans: WP, Film badges, dosimeters, survey meter, warning signs and barrier in place, Amber flashing
lights, barricading monitored as less then 2 milliner, Area clear of unauthorized personnel
i) HSE Health & safety environment
iii) STARRT Safety Task and Risk Reduction Talk
iv) COSHH Control of substance Hazardous to Health
v) PTW/WP Permit to work / work permit
vi) OSHA Occupational Safety & health administration
vii) OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series.
viii) EPC Engineering Procurement contractors
ix) CPS Construct protective System
x) GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
xi) ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
xii) IDLH Imminent danger to life & health
xiii) MSDS Material safety data sheet ( give us information about material related the
xiv) ASTM American Society for testing & materials
xv) NDT Non Destructive Test (other name of radiography)
xvi) NCR Non compliance report
xvii) BSI British Standard Institute
xviii) ERP Emergency Response procedure
xix) LOTO Lock out / tag out
xx) SMS Safety Method State
xxi) ANSI American National Standard Institute
xxii) PEL
xxiii) LEL
xxiv) UEL
xxv) PPM
xxvi) WMS Waste management system / work management system
xxvii) TROIF Total reputable occupational illness frequency
xxviii) RWC Restricted work case
xxix) LTI Last time incident
xxx) HAZOP Hazard operability
xxxi) NFPA National Fire Protection Association
xxxii) EPA
xxxiii) STA Safety Task Assignment
xxxiv) PSI Pounds/Square Inch ( 1 Bar = 14.7 PSI)
xxxv) STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
xxxvi) WBGT Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
xxxvii) APR Air Purifying Respirator
xxxviii) ASR Air Supplying Respirator
xxxix) SCBA Self contained breathing apparatus
xl) RSO Radiation Safety Officer
xlii) PUWER
xliii) MEWPs

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