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Fund For Local Cooperation (FLC)

Completed application form and related attached documents should be sent to:

Embassy of Finland
Fund For Local Cooperation (FLC)
P.O. Box 1017, Addis Ababa
E-mail: and

A. Information on the applicant

1. Name of the Organization: Concern for Integrated Development [CFID]

2. Address: P.O. Box: 120439

3. Tel: Mobile: 0911228417

4. E-mail:

6. Bank references: Name of Bank: commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Account Name
Account Number: 1000009878223
Swift Code: CBETETAA

5. Director (Person in Charge): Seifu Wodaje

6. Description of the Organization

Established in 2000 G.C., CFID is pioneered in community based food security, natural resources
management, watershed management, rangeland management, pastoralist and farmers conflict
resolution women economic, social and political empowerment.

7. Legal Status of the Organization (including the registration number and date):

The organization is re-registered with registration number: 0456

8. Location (physical address/area):

9. Number of Members
General assembly total 19 [16 women]
Board members are seven in number [5 women]
10. Number of Full-Time Employees
CFID has 23 full-time employees [16 females]

11. Financing sources of the organization, including own fund-raising and current financing from
other donors:
CFID has received funds from USAID, SIDA/Sweden International Development Aid
through Network, PSI, British Embassy/Government, and PATH.

12. Description of Key Activities of the Organization

Projects/Activities Period Location Budget Donors/Financing
(ETB) sources
Strengthen Communities and 2016- Meiso / ----- USAID
Institutions for peace and 2020 mullu
Development (SPIDII)

2013- Shenelle, Errer, ----- ESAP II /MA

Towards the effective, responsive 2015 Afdem, Ayisha
and accountable delivery of Health
and Educational services in five
woreda’s of Somali regional state
the application of the social
accountability program

COSM/Community outreach and 2015- Shenele ----- PSI

social Mobilization 2018
Women Economic empowerment 2013- Awash 7 kilo ------- USAID

B. Information on the proposed project

The applicant must provide the Mission with an application form accompanied by a project plan,
including the project's results chain or framework and a budget.
1. Name and description of the project
The past five years has been full of violent conflict in the Babile district of Eastern Harerghe zone,
Oromia Region. Cooked by the former Somali government and TPLF-led terrorist government,
ethnic conflict exploded across the whole eastern region which resulted to the unprecedented
population movement in the Ethiopian history since 400 years ago. The conflict spiral was full of
allied property robbery. Mothers and girls were rooted in front of their husbands and children.
This created destabilization and destruction of social norms, shaming and degrading values of the
communities. Communities were divided and social connections become weakened.
The identity definition and conflict orientation on the ethnic lines aggravated the situation.
Therefore, intervention to improve social connectedness and community cohesion is now badly
needed unless otherwise could ferment violent conflicts which can escalate the destruction.
This project dubbed as improved social cohesion and community connectedness in the Babile
district has an impact to contribute to the local and national efforts in peace-building and stability

2. The outcome of the FLC program's theme to which the project's outputs aim are contributing
The project will contribute to the FLC’s outcome of: Societies have become more democratic and

3. Explanation on how the outputs will contribute to the objectives of the FLC program
This project will use strategies like stakeholder workshops, conflict prevention champions,
strengthening local community structures like the Gada system, UGAS in the Somali community,
religious and elder-men through participatory approaches. This will reinforce the local and
traditional structures hitherto debilitated and weakened, and bringing together the already divided
communities at spot for consultation both enhancing democratic process and trust among

4. Project Management and the key project persons

CFID has field coordination office at Miesso and will coordinate the operation. The project will
employ two community facilitators who have experiences of community organizing and mobilizing
for consensus conferences. Existing program manager, finance officer and monitoring and
evaluation officer at CFID will overtake the lead role during the implementation.

5. Previous experience of the organization in the same sector and theme

CFID has rich experience and positioning in conflict resolution and situated in the targeted
communities of the proposed district.

6. The organization has concrete evidence of the proper bookkeeping and transparency by sharing
its recent financial statements.
The organization has updated financial policy and guideline, and there are no as such identified audit
or non-compliance reports. Appropriate financial reporting rules have been followed.

7. Good track record for project management and adequate capacity to manage the project. The
latest annual reports of the organization as well as references to previous projects of the same size
have relevant information. If these are not available, other descriptive information is required.
The organization has managed complex projects with multi-sectoral aspects. Effective
documentation in archives and electronic data, staff assignment and responsibility discharging are
strong at CFID. The current staff members are highly experienced, first degree and above with keen

8. Total budget of the project and amount of the FLC grant applied for.
The total finance requested for this project is 1,200,000.00 [one million two hundred thousand]
Ethiopian birr\ETB.

Attachment 1: Project Plan

a. Reason(s) for launching the project. Need Assessment

Communities in the Babile district have been raked by conflict. Farmers were looted and wives were
rooted. Social norms and values collapsed, broken and local traditional structures weakened. This all
resulted in a divided communities and societies become disconnected. Therefore, an intervention is
necessary to reinvigorate the social cohesion.

b. The beneficiaries are well defined and sex-disaggregated

The project intends to directly benefit 1000 conflict-raked households [600 women] through
continuous consultations and capacity building interventions on local traditional structures.

c. A results chain or framework. The expected results of the project (outputs, outcomes and
impact) are concrete and realistic. The outputs' contribution to the expected outcome of the FLC
program within the sector/theme in question is clearly explained, including also indicators,
baseline data, risks and a risk management plan.

Impact: To contribute to peace building process and stability

Outcome: improved social connectedness, cohesion and conflict resolution options
Output 1: 1000 households affected by conflict enhanced their social cohesion status
Output2: traditional community conflict resolution and peace infrastructures already weakened has
been reinvigorated
The project assumes that affected communities would show strong commitment for forgiveness and
start living together
However, there is also a risk of fermenting and relapse of conflicts again and totally convoluting the

d. Activities contributing to the outputs and an implementation plan and/or method are clearly
The activities are quantified, unit cost, and total cost are presented as attachment with this proposal.

e. The Human Rights Based Approach and Cross-Cutting Objectives of the Finnish development policy
like gender equality (including distribution of resources and power, gender roles, norms and values,
participation in project activities and decision making, discrimination and gender based violence),
disability mainstreaming, reduction of inequality and climate sustainability are considered.
The project will mainstream gender through Do No Harm and Leave No One Behind with strong
capacity building support as cross-cutting issues.

f. The project management is clearly described

The project management is composed of program manager, monitoring and evaluation officer and
finance officer at head office, and at community level there are conflict resolution committees and
also champions of conflict prevention, traditional local structures like the Gada and UGAS.

g. The persons conducting the project work are specified and have adequate qualifications
It is envisaged that professionals with first degree and above in relevant disciplines are to be
employed for this project. They are to be equipped with community facilitation skills and experience
for conflict resolution.

h. Monitoring arrangements. Reporting schedule

The monitoring and evaluation officer will prepare indicator tracking sheets and checklists, and
questionnaires for in-depth interviews with and protocols for community focus groups to gather
information on regular basis. Monthly and quarter reports are also collated for decision-making.
Quarter review meetings and after-action reviews will be conducted as a monitoring and indicative
for supportive supervision.

i. The commitment of the beneficiaries is clearly presented

The beneficiaries are expected to be avail on the events, participate on identification, monitoring and
oversight of the project. They are also fully interested for forgiveness and reconciliation.
j. The budget supports the achievement of the expected project's output that is clear, detailed, and
includes all relevant items (unit cost included, salary costs detailed, breakdown of costs per year if the
project is covering several calendar years, audit costs and contingencies)
The project action plan is segregated in to activity heads\cost items, unit cost, total cost and quantity as
attached in the sheet.

k. The unit costs for the project personnel are clearly defined and the total costs are justified for the
achievement of the project's outputs
CFID hires and disburses for each personnel in accordance with the Value For Money to ensure cost
efficiency and effectiveness

l. The allowances are based on relevant local norms and are well justified
CFID has policy for per-diem and transport allowances detailed in its financial procedures manual

m. Auditing arrangements.
The project conducts an independent audit every six months

n .Proposed procurements of new human resources, services, and property are well justified against the
achievement of the project's outputs
Procurements of resources and services will follow Value-for-Money [VFM] so as to maintain
efficiency and effectiveness of implementation.

o. Good track record for project management and adequate capacity to manage the project
CFID has good track of project implementation records, best practices, and learning stories
accompanied with photographs, audio and video.

p. previous experience of the organization in the same sector/theme

CFID is well-situated in the pastoral and farmers conflict resolution since its inception

Attachment 2: Results Framework (if available)

Attachment 3: Summary table of total financing of the project

Amount/Currency 1,200,000.00 [one million
two hundred thousand]
Ethiopian birr\ETB
Financing Requested from the Mission of Finland 1,200,000.00 [one million
two hundred thousand]
Ethiopian birr\ETB
Finances requested from other sources 0.00
Funds already contributed by the Mission of Finland 0.00
Funds already available from other sources 0.00
Contribution of the Organization 0.00
Contribution of the beneficiaries 0.00
Total 1,200,000.00 [one million
two hundred thousand]
Ethiopian birr\ETB

Attachment 4: CVs of the key project persons

Attachment 5: Latest Annual Report and Financial Statement of the Organization (audit report)
Other Possible attachments
 Renewed Registration permit from either the former Charities and Societies Agency or the
Agency for Civil Societies Organization (ACSO)

I herewith confirm that all the above information is correct

Date Name Signature & stamp

Attachment: project plan for one year

S/N Budget Item Unit of quantit Unit Cost Total Cost
Measureme y
Project Start up actions and
supportive administrative budgets
Baseline Information Setting Baseline 1 50,000.00 71,000.00
Project launching session Session 1 65,000.00 65,000.00
Supportive supervision visits, quarter Quarterly 4 5,000.00 20,000.00
Office supplies, utilities, furniture Lump sum 50,000.00
Human Resources/hiring Number 3 5,000.00 180,000.00
Conduct final evaluation Evaluation 1 50,000.00 71,000.00
Auditing and expenditure verification Semi- 2 50,000.00 100,000.00
I. Output 1: 1000 households affected by
conflict enhanced their social cohesion
I.1 Community mobilization and awareness Sessions 4 10,000.00 40,000.00
I.2 Develop conflict resolution guidelines for
I.3 Identify, train and deploy resolution Number of 15 10,000.00 150,000.00
facilitators facilitators
I.4 Host multi-stakeholder platforms Quarterly 4 2,500.00 10,000.00
I.5 Develop IEC/BCC materials and Lump sum 50,000.00
resources for outreach
II Output2: traditional community
conflict resolution and peace
infrastructures already weakened has
been reinvigorated
II.1 Establish, train and deploy conflict Number 21 3,000.00 63,000.00
prevention committees
II.2 Training and re-organizing traditional Number 100 1,000.00 100,000.00
community infrastructures like the Gada
system and UGAS
II.3 Conduct conflict resolution and conferences 3 10,000.00 30,000.00
negotiation conferences among victims
and perpetrators
II.4 Mount togetherness coffee-tea programs Events 10 10,000.00 100,000.00
for belligerent neighbors, hugs up,
condemn conflict, declarations, and
Total Project Budget 1,200,000.00

Results Framework
Narrative Summary Objectively Means of Important
Verifiable Verification Assumptions and
Indicators anticipated Risks
Impact Impact: To contribute to peace
building process and stability The project
Outcome Outcome: Improved social 70% of the assumes that
connectedness, cohesion and conflict ethnically affected
resolution options Oromo and communities
Somali conflict- would show
ridden strong
communities in commitment for
the Babile forgiveness and
district start living
perceived that together
mutual trust is
prevailing in However, there is
their locality. also a risk of
Outputs Output1: 1000 households affected Number of Monitoring fermenting and
by conflict enhanced their social persons trained reports relapse of
cohesion status Number of Quarter reports conflicts again
modules Focus groups and and totally
prepared key informant convoluting the
Number of interviews situation
pamphlets and
Output2: Traditional community IEC materials
conflict resolution and peace developed
infrastructures already weakened has Number of
been reinvigorated facilitators

Number of Evaluation report
Gada leaders Physical
and UGAS observation
trained and Data collection
deployed checklists and
Number of protocols
traditional local
Number of
negotiation and
Number of
Activities Community mobilization and Inputs
awareness creation Three personnel
Develop conflict resolution officers
guidelines for facilitators Stationery,
Identify, train and deploy resolution supplies,
facilitators equipment
Host multi-stakeholder platforms
Develop IEC/BCC materials and
resources for outreach

Establish, train and deploy conflict

prevention committees
Training and re-organizing traditional
community infrastructures like the
Gada system and UGAS
Conduct conflict resolution and
negotiation conferences among
victims and perpetrators
Mount togetherness coffee-tea
programs for belligerent neighbors,
hugs up, condemn conflict,
declarations, and hand-shakes

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