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Department of Bacteriology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and
Department of Microbiology, Indiana University Medical Center
Introduction. ............................................................................ 32
Relationship of Structure to Antibacterial Ad ivity.......................................
II. 33
III.Spectrum of Organisms Inhibited........................................................ 34
IV.Resistance of Bacteria to Chloramphenicol ............................................ 34
V.Combined Action with Other Antibiotics................................................ 36
VI. Action on Bacterial Growth, Viability, and Morphology ................................ 37
VII. Reversal by Metabolites and Other Chemical Compounds................................ 38
VIII. Inhibition of Physiological Processes.................................................... 38
A. Action on Energy-Yielding Processes................................................. 38
B. Action on Permeation Processes..................................................... 39
C. Action on Synthesis of Small Molecules ............................................. 39
D. Inhibition of Synthesis of Large Molecules from Small Molecules...................... 39
IX. Genetic Studies with Chloramphenicol ................................................ 43
X. Summary and Conclusions ............................................................. 43
XI. References............................................................................ 44

I. INTRODUCTION Chloramphenicol was the first of the clinically

The discovery of chloramphenicol2 was first useful antibiotics to be synthesized and the only
one which is marketed in synthetic form today.
announced by Ehrlich et al. (36) and independ-
ently by a group at the University of Illinois (17). Because of its relatively simple structure, a large
Preliminary chemical properties were described number of modifications of this antibiotic have
by Bartz (6), and a complete structural determi- been prepared and tested. A number of bio-
nation was reported by Rebstock et al. (84). chemists and physiologists have viewed its
The structure is shown in figure 1. simple structure and have been encouraged to
This antibiotic is unique in that it was the work on it, possibly with the feeling that what
first natural product found that contained a looks simple must have a simple mode of action.
nitro group and also the first natural product This view has proved to be erroneous, but has
which was a derivative of dichloroacetic acid. led to a large number of interesting studies. In
Several generic names have been used for chlor- recent years chloramphenicol has become a tool
amphenicol. The preferred Chemical Abstracts of molecular biologists and geneticists working
on the synthesis and function of nucleic acids,
name is D-threo-2 ,2-dichloro-N-[3-hydroxy-a-(hy-
droxymethyl)-p-nitrophenethyl]-acetamide, but since it can inhibit protein synthesis while al-
the name more commonly seen in the literature is lowing continued nucleic acid synthesis.
D(-) threo-2-dichloroacetamido-1-p-nitrophenyl- The work on this antibiotic is found in a wide
1,3-propanediol (84). It can be seen that there variety of journals, and there has been no review
are two asymmetric carbon atoms, leading to four
of most of this literature. Early work on mode
possible stereoisomers. All four isomers have of action was reviewed briefly by Smith (88), and
a review of structure-activity studies has been
been synthesized (26), and the two erythro
isomers are biologically inactive, whereas the published by Hahn et al. (52). Woodward and
L(+) threo isomer has less than 0.5 per cent of Wisseman (100) have reviewed extensively the
the activity of the natural D(-) threo isomer. clinical uses of chloramphenicol. But the present
I Research of the author is supported by grant
review is the first to attempt any detailed cover-
age of most aspects of this drug. I have almost
E-3722 awarded by the National Institutes of
Health. 1000 references dealing wholly or in part with
2 The trade name of Parke, Davis and Company chloramphenicol, and these exclude all clinical
for chloramphenicol is Chloromycetin. papers. Obviously this review cannot discuss
0 same is true if the hydroxyl groups are esterified.
H HN- - _C--CHC12 The propane chain cannot be extended, as in
1 ,3-diol-3-dimethylpropane or in butane-1,3-
02N C
C CH2P0H diol, without loss of activity (52). In addition,
substitution of a methyl group for the hydrogen
Figure 1. Structure of chloramphenicol atom on carbon 2 leads to a loss of activity (25).
In the acetamide side chain, the size of the
each paper. I have attempted to examine constituent and its electronegativity influence the
these references critically, and to eliminate any activity, but there is no absolute requirement for
which seemed fragmentary, inconclusive, or the chlorine atoms (52). Also, the free base of
erroneous. This selection has still left a large chloramphenicol, resulting from the complete
number to consider. In certain fields, in which a removal of the dichloroacetamide side chain, has
large number of similar papers have been pub- 1.8 per cent of the activity of the parent drug
lished, only the first or the key reference is (84). Further, if the free hydrogen on the nitrogen
discussed. Wherever possible, citations to papers atom is replaced with a methyl group, all activity
which review portions of the field are given. To is lost (25).
limit the review further, only certain areas are The aryl nitro group is not essential for ac-
treated in detail. Clinical work has been com- tivity, since a number of analogues with different
pletely ignored, and most work on such aspects substituents on the aromatic ring retain partial
as antibiotic combinations, resistance, cross or total activity (52). The geometry of the aryl
resistance, and host-parasite relations has been group is also of little importance, as long as this
ignored. portion of the molecule is conjugated with the
side chain (86). Shemyakin et al. (86) postulate
II. RELATIONSHIP OF STRUCTURE TO that the most important feature of this grouping
ANTIBACTERIAL AcTIviTy is its polarizing ability, the geometry of the
Because of the great clinical utility of chlor- radical carrying it having little effect.
amphenicol and its relative ease of chemical Thus, certain features of the chloramphenicol
synthesis, it was natural that a large number of molecule seem important for its antibacterial ac-
chloramphenicol analogues would be made and tivity. It is necessary to realize that a molecule is
tested for antibacterial activity. Although no a three-dimensional entity and is poorly repre-
analogue has proved superior to the natural sented by two-dimensional models on paper. Al-
antibiotic, the results of these studies have though there is no evidence on the configuration
revealed some of the structural requirements for that this antibiotic assumes in solution, it is pos-
antibacterial activity in the chloramphenicol sible that it adopts a curled configuration, with
series. hydrogen bonds occurring between the hydroxyls
The relative activities of the four isomers have of carbons 1 and 3, forming a six-membered ring
been compared by Maxwell and Nickel (76); including carbon 2. The hydrogen atom on the
only the D( -) threo isomer showed any significant nitrogen is considered to be free. Such a configura-
activity. However, Hahn et al. (54) have shown tion would be especially suitable for interaction
that the synthesis of a D-glutamic acid poly- with the polar groups of a protein chain, since the
peptide by Bacillus subtilis is not inhibited by the two hydroxyls and the nitrogen atom of the pep-
D(-) threo isomer, but is inhibited by the L(+) tide link would all be pointing outward from the
erythro isomer. Since both these isomers have the molecule (35). The propane side chain, and the
OH group on carbon 1 in the same position, it is hydrogen atoms on carbon 2 and 3 and the amide
presumed that the stereochemical configuration nitrogen are assumed to be the points of attach-
at carbon 1 is essential for any biological activity, ment with an enzyme (25). This portion is
whereas the configuration at carbon 2 determines considered to be the specific pharmacodynamic
whether L-polypeptide (protein) or D-polypeptide portion of the molecule. This specific portion is
synthesis will be inhibited. then modified in its chemical and electronic
The structure of the propanediol moiety is properties by the less specific p-nitrophenyl and
critical for activity. If either hydroxyl is replaced dichloroacetyl portions, and these parts are
by hydrogen atoms, all activity is lost, and the probably not embedded directly in the enzyme

protein matrix, but held upon the surface. Collins resistant to 1000 ,ug per ml (77). Most protozoa
et al. (25) consider the p-nitrophenyl moiety to are also very resistant (77), although Tetra-
,serve in the manner of a grappling hook to hold hymena pyriformis was inhibited by 40 ,ug per ml
the antibiotic to the surface of the enzyme, (51). Green algae were resistant, whereas certain
whereas Shemyakin et al. (86) consider the elec- blue-green algae were inhibited (41). A number of
tronic behavior of this moiety to be the most primary explants of animal cells have also been
important aspect, perhaps modifying the pro- found to be very resistant (43, 80), although it
panediol portion of the molecule in such a way as has recently been reported that an established
-to elicit a pharmacological effect without in itself human cell line is completely inhibited by 20
being involved in the attachment of the antibiotic lug per ml (32). No reports have been found on
to the enzyme. Any further speculation along the inhibition of growth of whole animals by
-these lines will not be fruitful until more about chloramphenicol, although the results of observa-
the site of action of chloramphenicol is known. tions of blood dyserasias in humans (89) might
be an indication of inhibition of growth of the
Chloramphenicol is effective in inhibiting a From this brief survey it is seen that chloram-
wide variety of bacteria, from practically all phenicol is primarily a bacteriostatic agent,
families, at concentrations between 1 and 10 inhibiting all the true bacteria and organisms
.jug per ml (77, 96). This is in contrast to penicillin, considered quite closely related (rickettsias, blue-
which inhibits all bacteria, but at widely varying green algae, spirochetes) at low concentrations.
concentrations, so that some species may be Certain protozoa and animal cell lines also seem
inhibited by 0.001 ug per ml, whereas others to be inhibited, whereas fungi and plants are
require 1000 /Ag per ml. Very few bacterial species quite resistant. This selectivity is the basis of
are completely inhibited by concentrations of usefulness of chloramphenicol as a chemothera-
chloramphenicol less than 1 ,ug per ml. peutic agent.
The spirochetes and the filamentous bacteria
are also inhibited by chloramphenicol. Some IV. RESISTANCE OF BACTERIA TO
groups such as the myxobacteria have appar- CHLORAMPHENICOL
ently never been tested. There have been con- As discussed above, all species of bacteria seem
-flicting reports on the sensitivity of the pleuro- to be sensitive to chloramphenicol and are in-
pneumonia-like organisms (genus Mycoplasma), hibited completely by concentrations from 1 to 10
since some workers have found them resistant, ,ug per ml. A large number of papers have re-
whereas others have found them to be sensitive. ported the development of resistance to
The "killer" particle in Paramecium aurelia, chloramphenicol which, aside from its clinical
which may be a small obligately parasitic bacte- aspects, is of genetic and biochemical interest.
rium, is selectively inhibited by chloramphenicol An extensive analysis of the genetic basis of
(15, 97). resistance to chloramphenicol has been performed
Viruses and rickettsias which are affected by by Cavalli and Maccacaro (19, 20) and Cavalli
tchloramphenicol include: lymphogranuloma, psit- (18). These workers used strains of Escherichia
tacosis, epidemic typhus, murine typhus, scrub coli K-12 in which genetic crosses could be per-
-typhus, rickettsialpox, Rocky Mountain spotted formed by mating. The strains used had several
fever, and Q fever (77). Those viruses which are growth factor requirements as well as fermenta-
unaffected by this antibiotic include: vaccinia, tion, phage resistance, and drug resistance
variola, St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encepha- markers. These strains were originally sensitive
litis, rabies, polio, Theiler's intestinal virus, to 5 to 10 Ag per ml of chloramphenicol. By
mumps, influenza, distemper, Newcastle disease, plating large populations of cells on agar con-
chick bronchitis, and laryngotracheitis (77). The taining 20 to 49 jg per ml of the antibiotic,
bacterial viruses are apparently not affected one-step resistant mutants could be isolated. It
directly, but their growth is inhibited indirectly was possible to show the mutational origin of
through effects on the metabolism of the host these strains by use of fluctuation test experi-
.(12). ments (18), although detailed quantitative
A number of fungi and yeasts were completely studies of the mutation rate could not be deter-

mined because of technical difficulties. Most of only low level resistance to oxytetracycline. In
these one-step resistant mutants could be mapped crosses between oxytetracycline-resistant strains.
in the region between methionineless and bacte- and sensitive strains, it was shown that recombin-
riophage T 6 resistance, although mutants at ants which showed oxytetracycline resistance
other loci were also found. A number of in- were always chloramphenicol-resistant, whereas-
dependent one-step mutants were isolated and recombinants which were sensitive to oxy-
crossed to another resistant strain to determine tetracycline were always chloramphenicol-sensi-
allelism and interaction between mutants. At tive. In mapping studies, he showed that a
least four or five different loci were found, all group of genes located to the left of the methio-
conferring a similar degree of resistance. Further- nineless region conferred resistance to both
more, crosses of two resistant strains yielded a chloramphenicol and oxytetracycline, whereas-
significant percentage of fully sensitive recom- another group of genes located in the methionine-
binants as well as recombinants with a higher less, threonineless, leucineless (M-TL) region had
resistance than either parent. little effect on oxytetracycline resistance but.
These workers also isolated mutants resistant conferred chloramphenicol resistance.
to high levels of chloramphenicol (up to 1000 The lack of cross resistance between chlor-
jig per ml) by periodic transfer to higher levels amphenicol and the tetracyclines in species other
of drug. This development of high level resistance than the enteric bacteria presumably reflects
was always stepwise. These resistant strains were diverse genetic backgrounds and differing genetic
then crossed to sensitive ones and recombinants mechanisms controlling resistance in different
selected on the basis of the nutritional markers. organisms. Now that genetic recombination
When these recombinants were then tested for techniques are more widely available, it would be-
resistance, all levels of resistance were observed, interesting to study the genetics of chloram-
including some fully sensitive strains. If two phenicol resistance in other organisms.
highly resistant strains were crossed, fully sen- Statements have often been made in the
sitive recombinants could be found. These authors literature that antibiotics which show cross
interpret these results to indicate that there are a resistance should have similar modes of action.
number of genes at different loci which confer low The data cited here show the fallaciousness of-
levels of chloramphenicol resistance, and that this reasoning, since one would have to conclude
these loci can interact either in a positive way, that chloramphenicol and the tetracyclines have
leading to higher resistance, or in a negative way, similar modes of action in E. coli, but different-
leading to lower resistance or even sensitivity. It modes of action in Staphylococcus aureus. In
is possible that repeated selection in isolating reality, occurrence of cross resistance may merely
high level resistant strains tends to build up a serve to indicate that in a particular organism,
polygenic system with many positive interactions, the genetic loci for resistance are the same, as-
and recombination is likely to break down such shown by Cavalli (18).
positively interacting systems and may reveal A number of workers have compared the
negative interactions by combining in one resistant strains that they isolated with the
genome, loci which do not interact positively. parent strain for differences in antigenic char-
Strains resistant to chloramphenicol have been acteristics, diagnostic biochemical characteristics,
tested for cross resistance with a number of other or other physiological properties. The most
antibiotics. A common experience of most workers common report has been a loss or reduction in
is that enteric bacteria resistant to chloram- the H antigen in chloramphenicol-resistant
phenicol are cross resistant with the tetracyclines, enteric bacteria. Other changes reported have
whereas species of other families do not show such been increased or decreased growth factor require-
cross resistance (91-94). A preliminary genetic ments, decreased growth rate, changes in respira-
analysis of the cross resistance between chloram- tory activity, or changes in sensitivity to other-
phenicol and oxytetracycline (Terramycin) was inhibitors. The mutants with high level resistance
performed by Cavalli (18). He found that high that Cavalli and Maccacaro (20) isolated had
level resistance to oxytetracycline conferred slower growth rates and tended to give mucoid
high level resistance to chloramphenicol, whereas colonies. However, in recombination experi-
high level resistance to chloramphenicol conferred ments, both these characteristics were separated
from chloramphenicol resistance, so that slowly Jawetz et al. (65) first reported the antagonism
growing sensitives or mucoid sensitives were of the killing action of penicillin by chloram-
isolated as well as rare nonmucoid resistants. phenicol. Kirby and Burnell (68) showed that
These results are best explained in terms of the the lysis induced by penicillin in S. aureus was
polygenic hypothesis (see above), in that some delayed considerably by chloramphenicol, and
of the loci involved in resistance are modifiers Prestidge and Pardee (81) showed that this was
of other loci and do not in themselves confer any true with E. coli as well. Since the recent work on
resistance. These modifier loci may then confer the mode of action of penicillin showing that it
other characteristics on the organism merely can bring about dealth only in cells able to grow,
incidental to their effects on chloramphenicol these results are easily understood. One im-
resistance. portant point in these studies is that the chlor-
The biochemical basis of chloramphenicol amphenicol must be added at the same time or
resistance is unknown. It is clear that resistance before the penicillin and that it has pregressively
is not due to increased production of enzymes less effect the later it is added after the penicillin.
that destroy the antibiotic, since most of these Jawetz et al. (64) also showed that streptomycin
enzymes are not produced in greater amounts in was antagonized by chloramphenicol. Recent
resistant than in sensitive cells (20, 78). Loss of work (2, 3) has shown that streptomycin is
permeability to the antibiotic is another possi- bactericidal only to growing cells, although the
bility, but this has not been explored, probably situation is complicated by the binding of strep-
because of the unavailability of radioactive tomycin by the cells. Streptomycin is passively
chloramphenicol. Ramsey (83) felt that he had bound to the exterior of the cell in small amounts,
shown that chloramphenicol resistance in S. and this initial binding is not inhibited by chlor-
aureus was due to a modification of the active amphenicol. If the cells are able to grow, the
site of the antibiotic, but his data are not passively bound streptomycin brings about
convincing. damage to the cell membrane, leading to an
increased permeability of the cell to various
V. COMBINED ACTION WITH OTHER ANTIBIOTICS small molecules, including streptomycin itself,
Because of clinical interest, there have been a and a secondary uptake of streptomycin occurs.
large number of studies on the combined action Chloramphenicol prevents this cell membrane
of chloramphenicol and other antibiotics. How- damage from occurring, so that the increased
ever, this type of study is more complicated than permeability, which is responsible for the bacteri-
is often realized, and results obtained are not cidal effects of streptomycin, does not occur.
always subject to clear interpretations. This Its antagonistic action is thus due to the fact
problem is discussed in detail by Loewe (71) for that it inhibits the growth which is necessary
pharmacological agents in general, and briefly for the membrane damage to occur. Because of
by Ciak and Hahn (22) in relation to antibiotic this, it antagonizes both the killing effect and the
combinations. Fortunately, many of the data for secondary uptake of streptomycin but not the
chloramphenicol seem to be amenable to straight- primary uptake.
forward interpretations, so that it will not be It should be emphasized that the antagonism
necessary in this review to consider the theoretical of penicillin and streptomycin action is not
problems. To simplify matters, only data from unique to chloramphenicol. A similar antagonism
short-term experiments (4 hours or less) will be occurs if growth is inhibited in any one of a
considered, since in long-term experiments there number of nonlethal ways, such as by the use
are many secondary actions which might arise of amino acid analogues, the withholding of
and complicate the results. essential growth factors in auxotrophs, incubation
As noted in another section, chloramphenicol at 0 C, incubation in the absence of carbon,
is primarily a bacteriostatic agent and has little nitrogen, or energy sources, or the use of other
or no killing action on growing or resting cells bacteriostatic antibiotics.
in short incubation periods. It is an effective A careful study was made of the interaction
inhibitor of growth and consequently might be of chloramphenicol and the tetracyclines by
expected to antagonize antibiotics which are able Ciak and Hahn (22). These antibiotics show
to act only on growing cells. exactly additive responses with no evidence of
either antagonism or synergism. Since both the strictly bacteriostatic action of chloram-
chloramphenicol and the tetracyclines inhibit phenicol on this strain. With longer periods of
protein synthesis, it is thought by these workers incubation, various workers have noticed bac-
that these two groups of antibiotics are additive tericidal effects, but the killing observed was
because they block concurrent metabolic path- apparently a secondary effect and not due to a
ways which contribute to protein synthesis. In primary action of chloramphenicol.
addition, erythromycin and chloramphenicol are Optical density readings to measure the
additive and also show similar modes of action inhibition of growth of logarithmically growing
(14). cultures of E. coli have been made (22, 61). A
Although there have been reports of synergistic progressive decrease in growth rate was found
action of chloramphenicol with antibiotics, these as the concentration of chloramphenicol was
reports have little meaning because of the diffi- increased, until complete inhibition was achieved
culties of defining synergism (71). In conclusion, at 10 j.g per ml. These results correspond quite
it can be stated that chloramphenicol is additive closely with the viable count measurements of
with those antibiotics which have similar modes Fassin et al. (38), but optical density readings
of action (erythromycin, the tetracyclines) and do not measure any killing action of an antibiotic.
antagonistic with those antibiotics which are In contrast to chloramphenicol, when even very
bactericidal to growing cells (penicillin, strepto- high concentrations of penicillin were added to
mycin). Further, these results do not seem to logarithmically growing cultures, optical density
depend on the species of bacteria used as test still continued to increase for a short time before
organism, in contrast to the high species specific- lysis began and a sharp drop occurred (22).
ity of the cross resistance studies (see above). Further studies were made by Fassin et al.
(38) to determine the effects of various factors
VI. AcTION ON BACTERIAL GROWTH, VIABILITY, on chloramphenicol bacteriostasis. Addition of
ANDMORPHOLOGY the antibiotic at different stages of growth or at
Before biochemical observations related to different cell densities produced substantially
antibiotic action have any certain meaning, it the same results. In a study of the relationship
is essential to know the general effects that between chloramphenicol action and growth rate
an agent has on bacterial growth, viability, and it was possible to conclude that the rate of growth
morphology. A careful study of the bactericidal as controlled by incubation temperature does not
and bacteriostatic effects of chloramphenicol has influence the response to chloramphenicol at
been made by Fassin et al. (38), with the use of temperatures below 37 C. However, at tempera-
the millipore filter to remove unbound chlor- tures above the optimal growth temperature,
amphenicol from the cells. They found chlor- the cells were more sensitive to chloramphenicol
amphenicol to be strictly bacteriostatic to the inhibition.
following organisms: Salmonella typhosa, Sal- When a gram-positive aerobic spore former was
monella schottmuelleri, Brucella spp., enterococ- used, low concentrations were bacteriostatic,
cus, Escherichia coli, viridans streptococcus, whereas higher concentrations were bactericidal
Streptococcus pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus. without any lag. This bactericidal action was
Those organisms to which chloramphenicol was markedly reduced when the growth rate was
bactericidal were: 12 nonpathogenic, gram- lowered and did not occur at all with cells in-
positive spore formers (presumably Bacillus cubated in a medium which would not support
species) and Shigella flexneri. growth. These experiments were done at cell
In detailed studies with a Salmonella typhosa densities too low to detect lysis, but Bernlohr
strain, these workers found that progressively and Novelli (7) have reported that high concen-
higher concentrations of chloramphenicol re- trations of chloramphenicol bring about lysis in
sulted in progressively more inhibition of growth, Bacillus licheniformis. It seems, therefore, that
until complete inhibition was achieved at 7.5 chloramphenicol is bacteriostatic to most species
,g per ml of chloramphenicol. Increases in but bactericidal to bacilli. It is interesting that
concentration to as high as 1500 ,g per ml did the killing action of chloramphenicol against the
not result in any killing, at least during the gram-positive spore formers began without any
incubation period used. These results show clearly lag and did not occur in nongrowing cells. Because
of possible differences in growth processes and VII. REVERSAL BY METABOLITES AND OTHER
structural organization in these bacilli, further CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS
studies of this chloramphenicol death might be The apparent simplicity of the structural
worth undertaking. Because there have been so formula of chloramphenicol has tempted a
few detailed studies of bacteriostatic and bacteri- number of people to assume that it must be an
cidal effects of chloramphenicol, workers should analogue of some known growth factor. This
be cautioned to determine the killing action of has led to a number of experiments in which
chloramphenicol on the particular organism various test organisms were cultured in synthetic
with which they are working before assuming media and the inhibitory power of chloram-
that it does not occur. phenicol determined with and without added
A few observations have been made on mor- supplements.
phological changes taking place in bacteria When very low concentrations of chloram-
growing in the presence of chloramphenicol. phenicol are used (ca. 1ig per ml), some reversal
Because of the uncertainties connected with of its action can be detected with the use of
cytological studies on bacteria, the meaning of various additives (39, 40, 87, 101). When even
these observations is not clear, but they should be slightly higher concentrations of the anti-
considered along with other effects of chlor- biotic are used (ca. 2 .sg per ml), no reversal
amphenicol on bacteria. is found. Most of the reversing agents are aro-
Cells growing in the presence of concentrations matic compounds. Smith (87) has shown reversal
of chloramphenicol too low to cause complete by a number of aromatic compounds which are
inhibition of growth have exhibited abnormal not normal metabolites (i.e., 2, 4-dinitrophenol).
shapes (82). Although these abnormal shapes Although Woolley (101) postulated that chlor-
have been called L forms by some workers, they amphenicol was a phenylalanine analogue, the
do not continue to divide and grow and are large number of aromatic compounds which
apparently not analogous to the L forms induced effect minimal reversal indicates some non-
by penicillin (31). specific reversal mechanism. Since recent work
Changes in the nuclear bodies have also been (23) has shown the presence of specific transport
observed. Bergerson (8), using acid-Giemsa systems for the uptake of various compounds,
staining in E. coli, first reported that the nuclear it is possible that chloramphenicol enters by an
material became arranged in long, irregular bars aromatic transport system which serves to con-
at concentrations of chloramphenicol (2.5 ,ug per centrate it in the cell when it is present externally
ml) not sufficient to cause complete inhibition in small amounts. This transport system might
of growth. Hahn et al. (53) found progressive then be antagonized by other aromatic com-
increases in the size of the bacterial nuclei upon pounds. However, when the concentration of
continued incubation with 10 ,ug per ml of chloramphenicol is raised slightly higher, bacte-
chloramphenicol and a return to normal when riostatic concentrations in the cell might then
the bacteria were removed from the antibiotic be achieved by nonspecific passive diffusion,
and placed in fresh medium. These workers which would not be antagonized by aromatic
correlated the increase in nuclear size with an compounds. Such reasoning might explain why
increase in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content workers like Woolley (101) and Foster and
of the cells and presumed that the nuclear changes Pittillo (40) could produce reversal of inhibition
were a reflection of the changes in DNA. Very of 1 ,ug per ml of chloramphenicol but not of
similar nuclear changes were observed in Bacillus 2 ,ug per ml. Conclusions of this sort might be
megaterium by DeLamater et al. (29), although established if the uptake of chloramphenicol into
these changes were not specific for chloram- the cell could be studied.
phenicol but were also observed with the tetracy-
dlines, erythromycin, carbomycin, and strepto- VIII. INHIBITION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES
mycin. An electron microscopic study (67) of A. Action on Energy-Yielding Processes
ultra-thin sections of chloramphenicol-treated Gale and Paine (45) and Gale and Folkes (44)
cells showed changes similar to those observed found no effect of very high concentrations of
in the light microscope. chloramphenicol on fermentation or respiration

of glucose. Hahn et al. (55) found no inhibition C. Action on Synthesis of Small Molecules
of bioluminescence or motility, both processes There is no direct evidence that chloram-
requiring energy. Also, phosphorylation in glucose phenicol inhibits the synthesis of any of the
dissimilation was unaffected. small molecules that serve as building blocks for
In view of these results, the observations of the cell, and there is much indirect evidence that
Kushner (69) that chloramphenicol strongly it is without effect on these syntheses.
inhibits the oxidation of succinate, fumarate, Mandelstam (73) has shown that in cultures of
malate, and a-ketoglutarate in Pseudomonas Escherichia coli growing in glucose-salts medium,
fluorescens may seem anomalous until it is so that all essential amino acids must be synthe-
realized that Kushner grew his cells in yeast sized, there is a marked increase in the amount
extract-peptone medium and tested them for of all free amino acids upon addition of chlor-
oxidation without adapting them to the desired amphenicol, presumably because synthesis of
substrate. Chloramphenicol was indeed inhibiting these continues while incorporation into protein
the oxidation of these substrates but probably was is blocked. This leads to an increase in amino
doing so through inhibition of the induced syn- acid concentration within the cellular pool and
thesis of the necessary enzymes, and not through also an excretion of amino acids into the medium.
any primary action on oxidative reactions. This Since the antibiotic does not inhibit nucleic acid
interpretation is supported by the fact that the synthesis (see below), it would be expected that
inhibitions were less if the antibiotic was added the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases,
some time after the substrate. These considera- the ribonucleotides, and deoxyribonucleotides
tions should serve as a warning of the intricacies would not be inhibited. Direct evidence for this
involved in interpreting data and show the is provided in the work of Wisseman et al. (98),
importance of using a well designed experiment in which incorporation of C14-glycine into nucleic
for studying the mode of action of antibiotics. acid adenine and guanine was unaffected by
Because chloramphenicol does not inhibit concentrations of chloramphenicol that markedly
respiration, it is a useful inhibitor for many types reduced the glycine incorporation into protein.
of studies involving protein synthesis. Traditional The incorporation of inorganic P32 into nucleo-
respiratory inhibitors, such as cyanide, azide, tides is also not inhibited (5).
and dinitrophenol, prevent all cellular functions There have been no studies of effects of chlor-
from proceeding. amphenicol on fatty acid synthesis, probably
B. Action on Permeation Processes because methodology in this field is not so
advanced as in the other areas.
Gale and Paine (45) showed that chloram- We may tentatively conclude that chlor-
phenicol did not inhibit the accumulation of amphenicol does not inhibit growth by prevent-
free glutamic acid in the cell, whereas it strongly ing the synthesis of some small molecule required
inhibited the conversion of glutamic acid to a as a building block. This inference is further
combined form. Other workers have also shown supported by the fact that chloramphenicol is
that there is no inhibition of accumulation of a good inhibitor of the growth of the lactic acid
free amino acids (24, 56). Since amino acid bacteria which cannot synthesize their own amino
uptake is not inhibited, while the incorporation acids, purines, and pyrimidines, but must have
of these amino acids into protein is inhibited, them supplied externally.
there is a rapid increase in the size of the free
amino acid pool after addition of chloram- D. Inhibition of Synthesis of Large Molecules
phenicol, and the rate of accumulation in the from Small Molecules
pool becomes quite close to the rate at which 1. Inhibition of protein synthesis. When chlor-
these amino acids had been incorporated into amphenicol is added to growing cells in concen-
protein (56). trations of 10 jug per ml and above, protein
There is also no inhibition of the uptake of synthesis, as measured in a wide variety of
/3-galactosides (23). Presumably all permeation ways, is inhibited 95 to 100 per cent. This was
processes will function normally in the presence first shown by Gale and Folkes (44) for Staphy-
of chloramphenicol, although there have ap- lococcus aureus and by Wisseman et al. (98) for
parently been no studies on the uptake of ions. E. coli and has been confirmed by many workers

in a wide variety of organisms. Since total protein Although this antibiotic strongly inhibits
synthesis is inhibited, it would be expected that protein synthesis, it has little or no effect on
the synthesis of individual enzymes or other protein degradation in nongrowing E. coli (74);
specific proteins would also be inhibited. the amino acids which are released from protein
A survey of the literature reveals inhibition accumulate, since their reincorporation into
of synthesis of the following specific proteins by protein is inhibited.
chloramphenicol: aldolase, alkaline phosphatase, Since the pioneering work of Gale and Paine
amylase, 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydrase, a- (45), a large number of observations have been
aminolevulinic acid synthetase, carbamyl phos- made on chloramphenicol inhibition of incorpora-
phate synthetase, catalase, flagella, f3-galactosi- tion of labeled amino acids into material insoluble
dase, (3-galactoside permease, lytic enzyme of in hot trichloracetic acid. As mentioned pre-
Bacillus subtilis, maltose permease, nitrate viously, chloramphenicol does not prevent the
reductase, ornithine transcarbamylase, phos- accumulation of free amino acids in the cell, so
phomonoesterase, phage protein, protease from inhibition of incorporation into stable linkages
mouse pancreas, ribonuclease of E. coli, streptoly- indicates an inhibition of some later stage in the
sin S, succinic dehydrogenase, tetrathionate incorporation process. Various workers have
reductase, and tryptophan synthetase. In all reported the inhibition of incorporation of
these cases it was shown that chloramphenicol various C14-labeled amino acids and other labeled
did not inhibit the activity of the protein but protein precursors. Inhibition of incorporation
only its synthesis. is found in animal, plant, and microbial systems,
In this list are several proteins synthesized in in both whole cells and in cell-free preparations.
animal or plant systems. It usually took con- Studies using C14 amino acids may be com-
siderably greater concentrations of chloram- plicated by the fact that these amino acids may
phenicol to inhibit these syntheses, but this is be converted into nonamino acid molecules
in line with the higher concentrations of chlor- (e. g., glycine to purines), or the amino acids
amphenicol required to inhibit growth in these may be incorporated into some nonprotein
organisms. Note also that some of the systems linkage stable in hot trichloracetic acid, such as
were considered cell-free, but the controversial the cell wall (see below).
nature of these does not detract from the fact 2. Inhibition of peptide synthesis. Although in
that synthesis was inhibited. most organisms, amino acids combined in peptide
The wide variety of enzyme syntheses in- linkage are usually in the L form, there are in
hibited indicates the generality of chloram- bacteria some peptides containing D-amino
phenicol action. In this regard it has become acids. In a very interesting paper, Hahn et al.
common for workers to use chloramphenicol (54) showed that the synthesis by Bacillus
inhibition as evidence for or against a synthetic subtilis of a polypeptide which was composed
process, as opposed to a precursor-protein exclusively of D-glutamic acid was not inhibited
conversion, in studying protein synthesis. For by chloramphenicol (the D (-) threo isomer),
instance, studying toxin formation in Clostridium although it was quite effectively inhibited by the
botulinum, Bonventre and Kempe (10) showed L (+) erythro isomer. This observation seems to
that chloramphenicol did not inhibit the appear- indicate some specific involvement of chloram-
ance of toxin activity, even though it effectively phenicol in peptide bond synthesis in which the
inhibited total protein synthesis, and they antibiotic is acting at the site where the amino
interpreted this observation as evidence of a acids are joined together. Unfortunately this ob-
release or activation of a previously synthesized servation has not been pursued further.
protein, rather than of synthesis de novo. In a Chloramphenicol does not inhibit the incor-
study of apparent cell-free synthesis of ,B-galacto- poration of amino acids into the cell wall muco-
sidase, Kameyama and Novelli (66) showed peptide of S. aureus (75). However, several of
inhibition by chloramphenicol and used this the amino acids in this mueopeptide are in the
observation as evidence for actual enzyme syn- D configuration, so it is not clear whether this
thesis and not for release. In view of the massive lack of inhibition by chloramphenicol is due to
number of observations on inhibition of protein a fundamentally different process in cell wall
synthesis by chloramphenicol, such conclusions synthesis or whether the wrong isomer of the
seem justified. antibiotic has been used. There have apparently

been no attempts to inhibit cell wall synthesis but does prevent the polymerization steps leading
with the L (+) erythro isomer. to the synthesis of peptide bonds.
The synthesis of bacitracin, a peptide contain- Recently, Hunter and Goodsall (63) have
ing both L- and D-amino acids, is not inhibited reported some preliminary observations on the
by chloramphenicol as shown by Bernlohr and incorporation of a labeled amino acid into a
Novelli (7), although these workers have shown phospholipid fraction, from which it was sub-
that bacitracin is released during sporulation and sequently transferred to protein. Chloram-
may be a fragment of the cell wall that had been phenicol inhibited the incorporation of the
synthesized earlier. amino acid into the phospholipid. It is not
The synthesis of the simple tripeptide gluta- known how this observation relates to other
thione is not inhibited by chloramphenicol (85). studies on protein synthesis, but it is possible
S. Nitrogen fixation. An observation of some that the amino acid is transferred to the phos-
interest (16) is that chloramphenicol does not pholipid from soluble RNA. This then might
inhibit nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter but does be the step that is inhibited by chloramphenicol.
inhibit protein synthesis, so that the acid-soluble Further work in this area will be awaited with
intermediate products of nitrogen fixation ac- interest.
cumulate. The antibiotic may thus be useful 5. Inhibition of protein synthesis by other
as a tool in analyzing the first steps in nitrogen antibiotics. Other antibiotics whose actions are
fixation. similar to that of chloramphenicol include the
4. Inhibition of intermediate steps in protein tetracyclines, erythromycin (and probably other
synthesis. a. Amino acid activation. This process macrolide antibiotics such as oleandomycin and
is not inhibited even by high concentrations of spiramycin) and puromycin. Recently Yar-
chloramphenicol. This was first reported by molinsky and de la Haba (102) have shown that
Demoss and Novelli (30) with bacterial systems puromycin does not inhibit amino acid activation
and has been confirmed by a variety of workers and transfer to soluble RNA but does inhibit
in both bacterial and mammalian systems. transfer from soluble RNA to protein. It seems
b. Transfer of activated amino acids to soluble to have an action identical to that of chlor-
ribonucleic acid (RNA). Lacks and Gros (70) amphenicol, but unfortunately there has been
have shown in growing cells of E. coli that ex- little work with it in bacteria. By inference, the
ternally supplied labeled amino acid can become other antibiotics listed above may also act
attached to soluble RNA. When chloramphenicol between soluble RNA and protein. As the details
is present, the amount of amino acid attached of these steps become clear, it will probably be
to soluble RNA increases, whereas the incorpora- possible to localize the site of action of each
tion of amino acid into protein is completely antibiotic. Because of their wide structural
inhibited. This is good evidence that chlor- differences, it would be doubtful that they all
amphenicol does not inhibit transfer of activated act at exactly the same place.
amino acids to soluble RNA. Other workers 6. Effects on nucleic acid synthesis. When
have shown that amino acid attachment to nucleic acid synthesis is measured by a variety
soluble RNA is not inhibited in cell-free systems of methods, it is found that chloramphenicol
(bacterial systems (90), animal systems (59, 72)). has little effect on this process. Gale and Folkes
c. Transfer of amino acid from soluble RNA to (44) first reported a stimulation of nucleic acid
protein. This process may involve a number of synthesis in S. aureus, and various workers have
steps, all unknown, which can be grouped in reported either a slight stimulation or no signifi-
cant inhibition in E. coli (98).
two classes: polymerization of amino acids Both RNA and DNA can be synthesized in
and coding of amino acids. Since chloramphenicol the presence of chloramphenicol in growing
brings about the accumulation of amino acid- cells. Usually DNA synthesis is partially in-
soluble RNA complexes, it follows that it in- hibited, but the DNA that is formed appears to
hibits the transfer of amino acids from soluble be biologically active. This has been shown in
RNA to protein. The exact site of action cannot phage-infected E. coli, since the DNA synthe-
be determined until this process has been dis- sized in the presence of chloramphenicol can be
sected further. It seems reasonable to infer that incorporated into viable phage when the antibi-
the antibiotic does not inhibit the coding steps otic is removed or can be involved in genetic
recombination (95). Further, mutations induced presumably because there is no new protein being
in E. coli cells in the presence of chloramphenicol formed to stabilize the newly synthesized RNA.
can be expressed (47), so that it is possible to At the same time, the 29-30 S particles break
conclude that this DNA is genetically functional. down, and the new smaller 14-18 S particle
It has also been stated (32) that DNA synthe- which is rich in RNA is formed. There is no
sized in human cells in the presence of chlor- reason to believe that chloramphenicol has some
amphenicol is biologically functional. More direct action specifically restricted to these ribonucleo-
evidence for this idea has now been provided in protein particles.
the work of Goodgal and Melechen (49). These Like normal RNA, the RNA synthesized in
workers have used a transformation assay in the presence of chloramphenicol requires a
Haemophilus influenzae to measure the biological complete supply of amino acids (50). If mutants
functionality of the DNA. The DNA synthesized are used that require various amino acids, RNA
by H. influenzae in the presence of chlorampheni- synthesis in the presence of chloramphenicol
col possesses transforming ability equal to that does not occur unless the amino acid is supplied,
of normal DNA. although only very small amounts of the amino
Chloramphenicol-RNA, however, appears to be acid are needed and the amino acid supplied is
unstable, since it is degraded and released from not being incorporated into protein (50). This
the cell under nongrowing conditions, whereas phenomenon is not observed with every mutant
normal RNA remains stable (62). Chloram- (4), but if the genetic block is not complete,
phenicol-RNA differs from normal RNA in enough amino acid may be synthesized to
electrophoretic mobility, ultracentrifugal sedi- provide for antibiotic-induced RNA synthesis,
mentation rate, and ease of dissociation of its or protein degradation (74) may provide enough
nucleoprotein complex (79). However, its base of the amino acid.
ratio is normal (62, 79). The instability of this The synthesis of nucleic acids may be in-
RNA does not always result in its excretion, hibited by chloramphenicol under certain special-
since in some systems it may be retained within ized conditions. For example, Doudney (33)
the cell (9). found with synchronized cultures that DNA
This alteration in characteristics of RNA is synthesis was inhibited when the antibiotic was
reflected in a change in composition of the added just before cell division, whereas RNA
ribonucleoprotein particles (ribosomes) of the synthesis was blocked when the antibiotic was
cell. The ribosomes of growing cells account for added just after cell division. Presumably
80 to 90 per cent of the RNA of the cell and enzymes involved in nucleic acid synthesis are
exist in several sizes with sedimentation constants formed at certain stages of cell division only,
of 30, 50, 70, and 100 S, of which the 70 S and and when the antibiotic is added at that stage, it
100 S components predominate. When chlor- indirectly prevents nucleic acid synthesis. This
amphenicol-treated cells are examined, new sort of explanation is also most likely for the
peaks are found of large concentration at 18 S often observed inhibition of DNA synthesis
and 14 S (28). These peaks disappear when the in phage-infected bacteria (27). Since several
antibiotic is removed, and the normal 29-30 S new enzymes are synthesized in the first few
peak becomes augmented. The 14 S and 18 S minutes after phage infection which are nec-
peaks differ from normal ribosomes by being essary for the synthesis of phage DNA, if
very sensitive to sonic oscillation and are disag- chloramphenicol is added before these enzymes
gregated by Mg++ ions but not by citrate. are synthesized, it inhibits DNA synthesis
They are composed of 49 per cent RNA and indirectly. An indirect effect of the antibiotic
51 per cent protein, which is more RNA and less on RNA synthesis in phage-infected cells has
protein than in the normal ribosomes. These also been reported (5). DNA synthesis in
components are much larger than the soluble mustard-treated (57) and ultraviolet-treated (34)
RNA, however. Since chloramphenicol inhibits cells is also inhibited by chloramphenicol, pre-
all protein syntheses, it seems reasonable to infer sumably because certain new proteins must be
that it inhibits the synthesis of ribosomal protein, synthesized to bring about repair of the damaged
and that this inhibition may result secondarily DNA before new DNA can be formed.
in an alteration in the size of the ribosomes, A discussion of the use of chloramphenicol in

studying the interrelationships of protein and agar, it is found that a large percentage of the
nucleic acid synthesis is given by Hartman and cells that did not grow on direct incubation on
Buchanan (58). plain agar do grow after their brief stay on
When growing cells are treated with chlor- chloramphenicol agar (46). From these results
amphenicol for 1 to 3 hours, washed, and re- it is inferred that some protein synthesis is
suspended in growth medium in the absence of necessary before the radiation-induced damage
the antibiotic, there is a lag of 30 to 60 minutes is stabilized.
before growth resumes (53). By altering various The mutagenic effects of irradiation are also
parameters, it has been possible to show that reversed by chloramphenicol (99). Most of the
the chloramphenicol lag could be induced only mutants that would have been expressed after
when RNA could be synthesized (13). This lag incubation on plain agar are lost after incubation
also occurs if other antibiotics which inhibit for 1 hour on chloramphenicol agar. This effect is
protein synthesis are used, such as erythromycin not specific for chloramphenicol, since starvation
or chlortetracycline, so that it is not specific for for nitrogen or essential amino acids, which
chloramphenicol. A similar lag is induced when also inhibits protein synthesis, is just as effective.
RNA accumulates during methionine starvation However, it is operationally simpler to add
in a particular mutant (11). The significance of chloramphenicol, rather than to take away
this lag is unknown, but it seems related to the protein precursors.
accumulation of some abnormal RNA and is not Genetic recombination in bacteria can occur
directly related to the mode of action of the in several different ways. In bacterial transforma-
antibiotic. tion, the uptake of DNA by the cells is not
7. Effects on carbohydrate assimilation. The prevented by chloramphenicol (48), although the
antibiotic does not inhibit carbohydrate assimila- expression of the transformed character is affected
tion in growing E. coli (1). It also does not (37). Chloramphenicol does prevent the develop-
inhibit the synthesis of an amylopectin-like ment of competence (42, 48), presumably by
polysaccharide in resting cells of Neisseria preventing the synthesis of DNA-binding sites
perflava (60). in the cell.
Since growth and protein synthesis are not
IX. GENETIC STUDIES WITH CHLORAMPHENICOL necessary for the transfer of genetic material
The analyses of the processes of mutation and from cell to cell during mating, it seems probable
genetic recombination at the molecular level are that chloramphenicol would not prevent this
greatly complicated by the fact that these are process, although this point has apparently not
usually rare events occurring in an extremely been investigated.
small fraction of the total population. It would When cells are infected with temperate phages,
be impossible to carry out biochemical analyses either a lytic response or a lysogenic response
which would indicate the processes occurring can occur. Chloramphenicol brings about an
in the rare mutants or recombinants, so that increase in the lysogenic response, apparently
it is necessary to use indirect procedures. Chlor- by inhibiting the protein synthesis that is re-
amphenicol has been a useful tool in such studies, quired for the lytic response (21). Here again the
since it can be assumed that it is inhibiting effect is not specific but is brought about also
protein synthesis in all the cells of the popula- by other conditions that retard biosynthetic
tion, even the rare mutants or recombinants. operations. There has apparently been no work
With the use of this antibiotic it has been on the effect of this antibiotic on phage-media-
possible to examine the involvement or nonin- ted genetic recombination, but it is probable
volvement of protein synthesis in these processes. that this process would also not be affected.
If cells are irradiated with appropriate doses
of ultraviolet light or x-rays and then plated X. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
directly on nutrient agar plates, it is found that 1. Chloramphenicol [D(-) threo-2-dichloro-
the number of cells giving rise to colonies varies acetamido-1-p-nitrophenyl-1 ,3-propanediol] was
inversely with the dose of irradiation. If the first discovered as a metabolic product of several
cells are preincubated on chloramphenicol agar Streptomyces species.
for 1 to 3 hours and then transferred to plain 2. Because of its relatively simple structure,
it was the first clinically useful antibiotic to be molecules. It also does not inhibit polysac-
synthesized. A large number of analogues of this charide, cell wall, RNA, or DNA syntheses. It
antibiotic have been synthesized and tested for does not inhibit the synthesis of simple pep-
biological activity, but chloramphenicol itself is tides, such as glutathione and bacitracin. It
the most active compound. A survey of these inhibits total protein synthesis, the synthesis of a
data indicates that the propane side chain and wide variety of specific enzymes and other
the hydrogen atoms on carbons 2, 3 and the proteins, and the incorporation of radioactive
amide nitrogen are the most likely points of amino acids into protein. It does not inhibit the
attachment with the critical site in the cell. This activation of amino acids or transfer of amino
specific portion of the molecule is modified in its acids to soluble RNA, but prevents some step
chemical and electronic properties by the less in their transfer from soluble RNA to protein.
specific p-nitrophenyl and dichloroacetyl Other antibiotics which behave similarly are the
portions. tetracyclines, erythromycin, and puromycin.
3. At low concentrations, chloramphenicol 8. An alteration in the nature and character
inhibits the growth of a wide variety of bacteria, of bacterial RNA and bacterial ribosomes after
both gram-negative and gram-positive, as well chloramphenicol treatment is probably an in-
as rickettsias and certain large viruses. At higher direct result of the inhibition of total protein
concentrations it inhibits the growth of animal synthesis without inhibition of RNA synthesis.
and plant cells. It affects the multiplication of 9. The use of chloramphenicol in variety of
smaller viruses and bacteriophages only indirectly genetic investigations is described.
through modification of the host cells. It is 10. Although chloramphenicol is a useful tool
inactive against fungi and yeasts. Its activity in many biochemical studies on macromolecular
against bacteria is primarily bacteriostatic, syntheses, its specific point of action is unknown.
although it may be bactericidal to certain species
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