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Project MN400

Topic: water’s festival

1. What is water’s festival?
Cambodia water’s festival is a Cambodia festival
celebration in November and marks a reversal of the flow
of the Tonle Sap River. Every town and province joins in
the festival but they biggest celebrations take place in
Phnom Penh with boat racing along the Sisowath Quay.
For three days, workers from every province join they
city’s residents to celebrate by night and day, and
commemorates the end of the country’s rainy season, as
well as the reversal of flow of the Tonle Sap River.
2. What is Ak Ambok?
Ak Ambok is named after the rice dish which forms part of
the Bon Om Tuk ceremony. Rice is fried in the husk and
then pounded with a giant pestle. The husks are removed
and the special riced mixed with coconut and banana.
3. What the difference between water’s festival and Khmer
New Year?
It’s difference from Khmer new year that Am Tuk
everyone come to city to join water’s festival, that has
concert, buy a lots of product has promotion and discount.
And then they can visit super market like sorya, Aeon mall
are popular in Phnom Penh.but Khmer new year they leave
in city to countryside.
4 .When the celebrate water’s festival?
The celebration water’s festival start on November. and has
3days for a Cambodia festival celebration.

1. What is water’s festival?

The Cambodia water’s festival takes place once a year, on
the full moon of the Buddhist month of Kadeuk (usually of
November).it celebrates a major nature occurrence. The
reversing flow between the Tonle Sap and the Mekong
2. What is AK Ambok?
This traditional Khmer dish is sold throughout the water’s
festival Ak Ambok, Samphesh Preh Khea, and Bandeat
3. What the difference between water’s festival and Khmer
New Year?
That Am Tuk everyone in Cambodia come to Phnom Penh
to visit festival at Tonle Basacc but difference from Khmer
new year every one go hometown. Can say a lots of people
from, they go to meeting and also go to pagoda.

4. When the celebrate water’s festival?

The celebration water’s festival start on November. and has
3days for a Cambodia festival celebration.

Of course

The festival makes the switching of the flow back to its normal
direction, signifying the end of the rainy season. Essentially, the
festival is a time to give thanks to the rivers as the provide the
region with fertile farming land and plenty of fish.
Cambodia festival celebration in November and marks a
reversal of the flow of the Tonle Sap River. Every town and
province joins in the festival but they biggest celebrations take
place in Phnom Penh with boat racing along the Sisowath Quay.
For three days, workers from every province join they city’s
residents to celebrate by night and day, and commemorates the
end of the country’s rainy season, as well as the reversal of flow
of the Tonle Sap River.
The festival is focused on boat races and concerts. The
roots of the boat races can be traced back to the times of the
Angkorian kings who would train and evaluate the fighting skill
of their water based warriors by holding competition on the river.
These trails in turn honored the naval victories of the Khmer
empire under the leadership of Jayvaraman VII in the twelfth

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