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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-



CHE 502- CH51FC1

Submitted By:

Flora, Krislynne
Kabiling, Amielyn
Valencia, Jherome

Submitted to:

Engr. Efren Chavez

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Experiment No. 1
Distillation………………………………………………………. 3
Experiment No. 2
Drying……………………………………………………………. 8
Experiment No. 3
Experiment No. 4
Experiment No. 5
Determination of Air Properties……………………………..26
Experiment No. 6


Experiment No. 1

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-



1. Objective:
To determine the amount of distillate that can be obtained by batch distillation of a feed of 50% weight
methanol-water mixture.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:2.1 understand the principles of reflux and reflux ratio.2.2 understand the
effect of vacuum conditions on the separation of a binary mixture of methanol.
3. Discussion
The unit operation distillation is a method used to separate the components of a liquid solution,
which depends upon the distribution of these various components between a vapor and a liquid phase. All
components are present in both phases. The vapor phase is created from the liquid phase by vaporization
at the boiling point. The basic requirement for the separation of the components by distillation is that the
composition of the vapor be different from the composition of the liquid with which it is in equilibrium at the
boiling point of the liquid. Distillation is concerned with solutions where all components are appreciably
volatile, such as in ammonia-water or ethanol-water solutions, where both components will be in vapor
phase. In evaporation, however, of a solution of salt and water, the water is vaporized but the salt is not.
The process of absorption differs from distillation in that one of the components in absorption is essentially
insoluble in the liquid phase. An example is absorption of ammonia from air by water, where air is
insoluble in the water-air ammonia solution.

Batch Distillation
In a batch distillation, it is invariably the overhead product or a cut of it that is required and there
are generally two methods of operation by which the top product or products are obtained.
1. Varying Reflux. This is used to obtain an overhead product of constant composition. As the
top product composition becomes richer in heavier components due to the removal of the
lighter fractions, the reflux ratio is increased to maintain a constant composition. This is
continued until there is so little top product that the still is virtually running at total reflux
and the operation becomes uneconomic to proceed further.
2. Constant Reflux. Under these conditions the overhead product composition continually
changes, gradually becoming richer in the less volatile components. One or more cuts can
be taken at various intervals to give top products of required composition.
For the system as shown in Fig. 4.1, a simple still is shown. Originally, a charge of L1 moles of
components A and B with a composition of x1 mole fraction of A is placed in the still. At any given time,
there are L moles of liquid left in the still with composition x and the composition of the vapor leaving in
equilibrium is y. A differential amount of dL is vaporized.
The composition in the still pot changes with time. For deriving the equation for this process, we
assume that a small amount of dL is vaporized. The composition of the liquid changes from x to x-dx and
the amount of liquid from L to L-dL. A material balance on A can be made where the original amount
equals the mount left in the liquid plus the amount of vapor.

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


xL = (x - dx)(L - dL) + ydL

Multiplying out the right side,
xL = xL - x dL – Ldx + dxdL + ydL
Neglecting the term dx dL and rearranging,
𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑
𝑑 𝑑−𝑑
𝑑1 𝑑1
𝑑𝑑 𝑑1 𝑑𝑑
∫ =𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 = ∫
𝑑2 𝑑 𝑑2 𝑑2 𝑑−𝑑

Where L1 is the original moles charged, L2 the moles left in the still, x1 the original composition of
the liquid.
The integration of this equation can be done graphically by plotting 1/(y-x) versus x and getting
the area under the curve between x1 and x2. The equilibrium curve gives the relationship between y and
x. This equation is known as the Rayleigh equations. The average composition of the material distilled,
Yave, can be obtained by a material balance.
L1x1 = L2x2 + (L1 – L2) Yave
This experiment demonstrates the use of constant reflux to obtain a top product of a specified
average composition (0.95 mole fraction of methanol) by batch distillation of a binary mixture of methanol
and water of composition 50% w/w.

Reflux Ratio
In large scale and industrial operations, the reflux ratio plays an important part, both economically
and practically in the design and operation of such units. The reflux ratio can be defined as the weight of
the top product removed as product. At total reflux, infinite reflux ratio, the separation achieved is
maximum. However this is the least economic method of operation because the amount of product is
minimum and large supply of energy are required in heating the mantle.
At the other end of the scale, working at zero reflux, all top products are removed, the separation
achieved is a minimum. In this case, to achieve a desired top product a column of maximum height is
Therefore, a balance has to be found to minimize the cost of the column, in terms of height,
diameter, running costs, compatible with a specified top product, by using optimum reflux ratio to achieve

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


This experiment demonstrates the variations in top product, which can be achieved, in a column
of fixed dimensions, solely through variation of the reflux ratio.

Vacuum Distillation
The relative ease of separation of a binary mixture can be readily determined by inspecting the
vapor-liquid composition/temperature curve (commonly known as lens diagram due to its shape,)
Separation will be easy If the lens is a flat one and more difficult if it is a thin one, providing no
complications occur e.g. presence of azeotropes. This diagram varies with pressure in several ways.
Decreasing the total pressure on the system lowers the whole diagram, thus boiling points are
obviously reduced under reduced pressure. Conversely, increasing the total system pressure decrease
the relative volatility of the components with respect to each other and this shows as a thinning in the lens
diagram making separation more difficult. Due to the increased pressure, boiling points will also be
increased. However, if the total pressure of the system is increase to the critical pressure of one of the
components, complete separation becomes possible. It can be seen therefore that operation under
vacuum should lead to a more efficient separation of the feedstock mixture. In the following experiments,
the effects of vacuum on the binary system of methanol/water are investigated

4. Resources
Equipment: Distilling Column Materials: Methanol-Water Solution
5. Procedure
I. Batch Distillation
1. Check the unit or set-up (instrumentation panel, glass connection specially the glass shopper
on the glass vessel and thermometer probe connection in the unit.)
2. Fill up the vessel with 50% w/w methanol/water solution. The height of the liquid should be 1-2”
above the heating mantle.
3. Switch ON the instrumentation panel, voltmeter, and the red light function. If not, see to it that
the circuit breaker found on the wall near the unit is turned ON.
4. Switch ON the heating mantle.
5. Turn ON the gate valve of the condenser when the liquid starts to boil.
6. Close the stopcock of the glass receiver.
7. When the distillate start to fall on the glass receiver, measure time and the volume by opening
the stopcock. This enables you to get the total reflux.
8. During frequent interval, simultaneously take a sample of the distillate and a sample from thee
glass vessel; measure temperature and specific gravity for each sample.
9. Continue until the distillate composition falls to approximately 0.95 mole fraction methanol.
10. Stop the operation by turning OFF the power and circuit breaker.
11. Turn OFF the gate valve of the condenser when boiling has stopped.

II. Reflux Ratio

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


1. Operate the unit as per procedure I.

2. Vary and measure the reflux ratio between zero and total reflux.
3. For each value of reflux ratio, determine the top product composition by measuring the
specific gravity and temperature of a sample.
4. Draw the McCabe-Thiele diagram for the various reflux ratio and top products. Plot top
product composition against reflux ratio. In the absence of economic factors, estimate the
optimum reflux ratio to obtain product of specific composition.

III. Vacuum Distillation

1. Operate the unit as per procedure I.
2. Fill up the vessel with 30%w/w methanol/water solution instead of 50% w/w methanol/water
3. Turn ON the vacuum pump and maintain at 200 mmHg.
4. Measure the temperature at the TOP and BOTTOM of the glass column.
5. Get the reflux ratio by measuring the time and volume of the distillate.
6. Measure the specific gravity and temperature of the samples (distillate and solution).
7. Repeat for the different reflux ratio, taking a sample at each value of reflux ratio.
8. If time permits, repeat the experiment at atmospheric pressure.
9. Stop the operation by turning OFF the power and the circuit breaker.
10. Turn off the gate valve of the condenser when the boiling has stopped.
11. From the temperature measurements and the vapor-liquid composition vs temperature curve
at 200 mmHg, the composition at the top and bottom of the column can be found. McCabe-
Thiele diagram can be drawn as the number of theoretical stages present in the column can
be found for each other reflux ratio under both atmospheric and vacuum conditions. Construct
graphs of number of theoretical plates vs reflux ratio for vacuum and atmospheric conditions.
12. For various reflux ratio, calculate the percent change in number of theoretical plates from
values at atmospheric pressure.
The reflux ratio may be calculated from the expression
1 1

𝑑 = 𝑑1 𝑑2
Where: R – reflux ratio
t1 – time taken to half fill product receiver on total off-take

t2 – time taken to half product receiver when set to a particular reflux ratio.
5. Data and Results

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Vacuum Distillation
Sample Time Volume Temperature Temperature, Composition of
T1 t2 Distillate
1 0 0 30 54 0.8
2 2 minutes 9.5 mL 30 57 0.9
3 4 minutes 32 mL 36 65 0.81
4 6 minutes 53 mL 41 67 0.63
5 8 minutes 85 mL 45 70 0.56
6 10 minutes 120 mL 50 71 0.42
7 12 minutes 148 mL 52 71 0.37
8 14 minutes 175 mL 53 72 0.36
6. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that distillation is on of the importance process in the field of Chemical
Engineering it usually used in food industry, wastewater treatment and etc. Distillation is a process that
can be used to separate a pure liquid from a mixture of liquids. It works when the liquids have different
boiling points. Distillation is commonly used to separate ethanol (the alcohol in alcoholic drinks) from
water. During our experiment we heat the concentrated ethanol to get volume that was evaporating in the
given time.

Experiment No. 2

1. Introduction

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Drying is a unit operation that involves the removal of moisture through evaporation to produce
the solid product. The drying operation involves the removal of free moisture, hygroscopic moisture, or a
combination of both using heat.
Drying has some close synonyms like Dehydration, the process in which the materials is deprived
of its water constituent. Or Desiccation which is applied in the drying of stuffs related in the food industry
for preservation. Drying consumes energy during its operation. Although usually its drying medium is hot
air, there are also other media which can be used.
In drying, the hot air heats the material being dried and carries the evaporated water as humidity.
However, the temperature inside the dryer should be controlled in order to not destroy the product or the
quality of the product. If the air is too hot for the material, the solid material could almost be completely
dehydrated which in turn could lead to the formation of crust or “case hardening”.

2. Resources
Equipment: Tray Drier Materials: Sand
2-sling Psychrometer Zeolite
Analytical Balance Water
3. Procedure
1. Weigh and record the weight of the empty tray.
2. Fill the trays with sand and zeolite to a depth of 10 mm and even the surface.
3. Weigh and record the filled trays.
4. Wet the sand and zeolite with water just enough to soak it.
5. Again, weigh and record the trays saturated with water.
6. Preheat the equipment for 10 minutes.
7. Wet the cloth inside the sling psychrometer.
8. Put the trays inside the preheated oven and measure the moisture content every 2 minutes by
weighing the trays in the balance.
9. While drying, twirl the sling psychrometer and record the wet bulb temperature (the one with the
cloth attached) and the dry bulb temperature reading every 2 minutes along with the reading of
the tray weight.

4. Data and Results

Weight of Material as a Function of Time
Weight of Wet Sand Weight of Wet Zeolite
Time (min) Time (min)
(grams) (grams)
0 992.1 0 955.5

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


2 991.5 2 952.9

4 989.7 4 948.2
6 988.8 6 943.6
8 987.7 8 940.2
10 986.5 10 935.4
12 983.9 12 929.7
14 981 14 922.9
16 978.1 16 915.5
18 973.5 18 907.8
20 971.1 20 901.5
22 967.9 22 896.4

Condition of Entering Air

Time (min) Dry Bulb Temperature (°C) Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
0 27.22 22.78
2 27.22 22.78
4 27.5 23.06
6 27.7 23.06
8 27.7 23.33
10 28.05 23.33
12 28.05 23.61
14 28.33 23.61
16 28.33 23.88
18 28.33 23.88
20 28.61 24.44
22 28.61 24.44
5. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that drying is very essential to us Chemical Engineering student because
it is very important in processing chemical which is very common in the field of Chemical Engineering. The
product quality usually depends on the efficiency and the drying conditions. Usually we used hot air for
drying but there are different medium can be used in order to dry one object. This process is very common

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


in food industry, pharmaceutical industry and etc.

6. Questions

1. How does particle size influence the equilibrium and critical moisture contents?
The size of the particle determines how fast the material will dry, having a too big one will take longer and
a lot more heat to dry than having one with smaller particles.

2. What is the heat transfer mechanism involved when a granular solid material contained in a metal
tray with insulated edges and bottom is placed inside a batch drier?
There are 2 heat transfer mechanism involved first is Convection,the movement caused within a fluid by
the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under
the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.Radiation the emission of energy as
electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause

3. What is the effect of increasing the absolute humidity of the air on the value of the drying rate
The the absolute humidity of the air is increased, the wet bulb temperature will increase therefor the drying
rate constant will decrease.

4. Calculate the amount of water removed from 2000 kg/h of feed to be dried from 110% (d.b.) to
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 210 − 110𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 100 − 5𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑: 2000 ( ) = 𝑑( ) 𝑑 = 1002.51𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑: 𝑑 = 𝑑 + 𝑑 𝑑
𝑑 210𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 100𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
= 2000 − 1002.51 𝑑 = 997.49𝑑𝑑

5. Wet solid are the be dried from 40% to 10% in 5 hours under constant drying conditions. The
critical moisture content is 20% and the equilibrium moisture content is 7%. All moisture contents
are on a dry basis. Determine the time needed to dry from 15% to 5% free moisture under the
same drying condition.
𝑑 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 𝑑 0.20 − 0.07 𝑑
𝑑 = (𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 + (𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 )𝑑𝑑 ( )) 5 = (0.40 − 0.20 + (0.20 − 0.07)𝑑𝑑 ( ))
𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑 0.10 − 0.07 𝑑𝑑𝑑
𝑑 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 0.15 − 0.07
= 12.8 𝑑𝑑 = (𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 ( )) 𝑑𝑑 = 12.8 (0.20 − 0.07 (𝑑𝑑 )) 𝑑𝑑
𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 0.07
= 2.44𝑑𝑑𝑑

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Experiment No. 3
To determine the power requirement of different impellers derived from fluid properties, tank and
impellers geometry.

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


2.Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
2.1 Study the vortex formation patterns in un-baffled system.
2.2 Correlate the relationship between the power number against impeller Reynolds number for baffled
and un-baffled tanks.
In the chemical and other processing industries, many operations are dependent to a great extent on
effective agitation and mixing of fluids. Generally, agitation refers to forcing a fluid by mechanical means
to flow in a circulatory or other pattern inside a vessel. Mixing is usually implied the taking of two or more
separate phases, such as a fluid and a powdered solid, or two fluids, and causing them to be randomly
distributed through one another.

There are a number of purposes for agitating fluids and some of these are briefly summarized:
1. Blending of two immiscible liquids, such as ethyl alcohol and water.
2. Dissolving solids in liquids, such as salt in water.
3. Dispersing a gas in a liquid as fine bubbles, such as oxygen from air in a suspension of
microorganism for fermentation or for activated sludge process in wastewater treatment.
4. Suspending of fine solid particles in a liquid, such as in the catalytic hydrogenation of a liquid
where a solid catalyst particles and hydrogen bubbles are dispersed in the liquid.
5. Agitation of the fluid to increase heat transfer between the fluid and a coil or jacket in the vessel

Generally, liquids are agitated in a cylindrical vessel which can be closed or open to the air. The height
of the liquid is approximately equal to the tank diameter. An impeller mounted on a shaft is driven by an
electric motor. A Typical agitator assembly is shown in Fig. 12.1.

Fig. 12. 1 Baffled tank and three-blade propeller with axial flow pattern: (a) side view, (b) bottom view

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


The flow patterns in agitated tank depends upon the fluid properties, the geometry of the tank, types of
baffles in the tank, and the agitator itself. If a propeller or other agitator is mounted vertically in the center
of a tank with no baffles, a swirling flow pattern usually develops. Generally, this is undesirable, because
of the excessive air entrainment, development of a large vortex, surging, and the like, especially at high
speeds. To prevent this, an angular off-center position can be used with propellers with small
horsepower. However, for vigorous agitation at higher power, unbalanced forces can become severe
and limit the use of high power.

Fig. 12.2. Various types of impeller: (a) four-blade paddle, (b) gate or anchor paddle, (c) six-blade open
turbine, (d) pitched-blade (450) turbine

For vigorous agitation with vertical agitators, baffles are generally used to reduced swirling and still
promote good mixing. Baffles installed vertically on the walls of the tank are shown in Fig. 12.3. The
turbine impeller drives the liquid radially against the wall, where it divides, with one portion flowing
upward near the surface and back to the impeller from above and the other flowing downward.

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Fig. 12.3 Baffled tank with six-blade turbine agitator with disk showing flow patterns: (a) side view, (b)
bottom view, (c) dimensions of turbine and tank
The turbine agitator shown in Fig. 12.3 is the most commonly used agitator in the process industries. For
design of an ordinary agitation system, this type of agitator is often used in the initial design. The
geometric proportions of an agitation system which are considered as a typical standard design are
given in Table 12.1. in some cases, W/Da =1/8. The number of baffles is 4 in most uses. The clearance
or gap between the baffles and the wall is usually 0.10 to 0.15 J to ensure that liquid does not form
stagnant pockets next to the baffle and wall. In a few correlations the ratio of baffle to tank diameter J/Di
is 1/10 instead of 1/12.

Da/Dt = 0.3 to 0.5 H/Dt = 1 C/Dt = 1/3

L/Da = ¼ J/Dt = 1/12
W/Da =1/5 Dd/Da = 2/3

Table 12. 1 Geometric proportions for standard agitation system.

In the design of agitated vessel, an important factor is the power required to drive the impeller. Since the
power required for a given system cannot be predicted theoretically, empirical correlations have been
developed to predict the power required. The presence or absence of turbulence can be correlated with
the impeller Reynold number NRe defined as
(𝑑𝑑 )2 𝑑 𝑑
𝑑𝑑𝑑 =
Where Da is the impeller diameter in m, N is the rotational speed in rev/s, 𝜌 is fluid density in kg/m3, 𝜇 is
viscosity in kg/m-s. The flow is laminar in the tank for NRe < 10, turbulent for NRe > 104, and for a range
between 10 and 104, the flow is transitional, being turbulent at the impeller and laminar in the remote
parts of the vessel.

Power consumption is related to fluid density 𝜌, rotational speed N, and impeller diameter Da by plots of
power number Np versus NRe. The power number is

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


𝑑𝑑 =
𝑑𝑑3 𝑑𝑑 5
Where P = power in J/s or W.

Using figures in Chemical Engineering Handbook and Unit Operations McCabe and Smith, the
correlations between Power and Reynolds number for different impellers will be determined.
Equipment: 18 inches Tank Material: Water
Meter stick
I. Preliminary Steps
1. Remove all baffles from the inside wall of the tanks.
2. Ensure that the tank is clean.
3. Place the marine impeller on the agitator shaft and insert other end into the chuck
assembly of the motor. Set the elevation of the impeller above the tank bottom (C) to its
minimum. Record the C.
4. Record the tank diameter (Dt), diameter of impeller (Da), and width of the baffle (J).
5. Fill the tank with water. The ratio of the height of liquid to tank diameter (H/Dt) must be
1.0. Record the height of the liquid.
6. Record the temperature of water in the tank and determine the density and absolute
viscosity of the water at this temperature.
II. Experiment Proper
1. Turn on the agitator.
Make two minute run without baffles and record the speed reading every 30 seconds, observe
the type of fluid motion obtained such as vortex formation, turbulence and evidence of
strong eddy current.
2. Turn off the impeller drive motor.
3. Repeat procedure II using another type of impeller.
4. Repeat procedure II.1 to II.4 using baffles.
III. Shut-Down Operation
1. Turn off the agitator.
2. Drain out the water in the tank.
3. Remove the impeller from the agitator shaft.
IV. Calculations
1. For each type of impeller, compute the ratios Dt/Da, H/Da, and C/Da
2. Calculate the Reynold’s number (NRe) for each trial from the equation.
3. Calculate the power requirements for each trial based on the power obtained from
Course: ChE 502 Experiment No: 3

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Group No: 2 Section: CH51FA1

Group Members: Jherome P. Valencia Date Performed:
Kabilin, Amielyn Flora, Krislynne Date Submitted:
Instructor: Engr. Efren Chavez

6.Data and Results

Diameter of tank: 16 in
Height of fluid: 16 in

Type of impeller:
Diameter: 6 in

Power RPM
20 267.46
30 483.54
40 485.33

Type of impeller:
Diameter: 4.8 in

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Power RPM
20 117.56
30 473.8
40 569.02

Type of impeller:
Diameter: 4.7 in

Power RPM
20 238.18
30 458.62
40 677.34

Type of impeller:

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Diameter: 4.8 in

Power RPM
20 267.84
30 484.05
40 682.36

Properties of water

Temperature 25𝑑
Absolute viscosity 8.90 𝑑10−4 𝑑𝑑 ∙ 𝑑
Density 1000 kg /𝑑3

Type of impeller impeller 1

Diameter of tank, Dt 16 in 16 in
Diameter of impeller, Da 6 in 4.7 in
Height of liquid, H 16 in 16 in
Dt/Da 2.67 3.40
H/Da 2.67 3.40

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


C/Da 0.83 1.06

Speed, N 485.33rpm 677.34rpm
3.8728 m/s 4.2339 m/s
Reynold’s number 663,162.6067 567,913.4629
Power number 0.9193 1.1467
Power requirement 40% 40%

*Agitation with using baffles showed spillage of the water upon spinning of the impeller

Impeller 1:
𝑑𝑑 16
= = 2.67
𝑑𝑑 6

𝑑 16
= = 2.67
𝑑𝑑 6

𝑑 5
= = 0.83
𝑑𝑑 6

𝑑𝑑 6𝑑0.3048 𝑑
𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 (1000 𝑑3 )( 12 𝑑)(3.8728 𝑑)
𝑑𝑑𝑑 = = = 663,162.6067
𝑑 −4
8.9𝑑10 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑
𝑑𝑑 (40 𝑑)
𝑑𝑑 = = 3
= 0.9193
𝑑𝑑3 𝑑𝑑 5 𝑑𝑑 1 𝑑𝑑𝑑 1
(1000 3 ) (485.33𝑑 𝑑 ) (6𝑑 𝑑. 0.3048)5
𝑑 60 12

Impeller 2:
𝑑𝑑 16
= = 3.40
𝑑𝑑 4.7

𝑑 16
= = 3.40
𝑑𝑑 4.7

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


𝑑 5
= = 1.06
𝑑𝑑 4.7

𝑑𝑑 4.7𝑑0.3048 𝑑
𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑 (1000 𝑑3 )( 12 𝑑)(4.2339 𝑑)
𝑑𝑑𝑑 = = = 567,913.4629
𝑑 −4
8.9𝑑10 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑
𝑑𝑑 (40 𝑑)
𝑑𝑑 = = 3
= 1.1467
𝑑𝑑3 𝑑𝑑 5 𝑑𝑑 1 𝑑𝑑𝑑 1
(1000 3 ) (677.34𝑑 𝑑 ) (4.7𝑑 𝑑. 0.3048)5
𝑑 60 12

In conclusion,an impeller is a rotating component equipped with vanes or blades used in
turbomachinery (e. g. centrifugal pumps). Flow deflection at the impeller vanes allows mechanical power
(energy at the vanes) to be converted into pump power output. Mixing impellers typically employ an open
design and are fitted to a central shaft which is placed in the center of the tank. Different impellers have
diverse functions, it is important to choose between axial and radial flow types. Radial impellers which
typically have rectangular vanes are used when the tank media is excessively viscous or consists of
two immiscible materials. While axial impellers are suitable for homogenization and mixing which
requires bulk motion. Moreover, this experiment also showed the effect of using baffles. Baffles are
long, flat plates that attach to the side of the tank to prevent swirling & promote top to bottom fluid
movement. It prevented spilling during the experiment.
1. Enumerate the different equipment for agitation and discuss its uses.
2. A double-flight helix impeller 3-ft diameter and 3-ft high is operating at 30 rpm in a 3.3 ft.
diameter tank. The tank is gilled 86% full with a 1000 poise fluid having a density of 65lb/ft 3.
Estimate hp requirement.
3. A flat-blade turbine agitator with disk having six blades is installed in a tank. The tank diameter
is 1.83 m, the turbine diameter is 0.61 m. Dt = H and the width is 0.122 m. the tank contains four
baffles, each having a width of 0.15 m. the turbine is operated at 90 rpm and the liquid in the
tank has a viscosity of 10 cP and a density of 929 kg/m3.
a. Calculate the power required kW of the mixer.
b. For the same conditions, except for the solution having a viscosity of 100,000 cP,
calculate the required kW.

1. A. Three – Blade Propeller Agitator
- A common type of agitator similar to the propeller blade used in driving boats. These propellers

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


turn at high speed at 400 to 1750 rpm and are used for liquid of low viscosity.
B. Paddle Agitator
- It is used with viscous liquids where deposits on walls can occur and to improve heat transfer
to the walls. However, it is a poor mixer. Paddle agitators are often used to process starch
pastes, paints adhesives, and cosmetics.
C. Turbine Agitators
- It is useful for good gas dispersion; the gas is introduced just below the impeller at its axis and
is drawn up to the blades and chopped into fine bubbles.
D. Helical – Ribbon Agitator
- This type of agitator is used in highly viscous solutions and operates at a low rpm in the
laminar region.
E. Agitator Selection and Viscosity Ranges
- the viscosity of the fluid is one of several factors affecting the selection of the type of agitator.

𝑑𝑑 2 𝑑𝑑 (3 )(0.5)(65)
2. 𝑑𝑑𝑑 = = = 4.35
𝑑 67.2
𝑑𝑑 = 19
𝑑𝑑 5 (19)(65)(0.5)3 (3)5
𝑑 = 𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑3 ( 𝑑 ) = = 1008.417 kW
𝑑 37.2

3. Given:
Da =0.61 m
W = 0.122 m
Dt = 1.83 m
J = 0.15 m
N = 90/60 = 1.5 rev/s
𝜇 = 0.01 Pa-s

𝑑𝑑 2 𝑑𝑑 (0.61)2 (1.50)(929)
𝑑𝑑𝑑 = = = 5.185𝑑104
𝑑 0.01

a. 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑, 𝑑𝑑 = 5

𝑑 = 𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑3 𝑑𝑑 3 = (5)(929)(1.50)3 (0.61)5
𝑑 = 1324
𝑑 = 1.324 𝑑𝑑

b. 𝑑 = 100 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑑
(0.61)2 (1.50)(929)
𝑑𝑑𝑑 = = 5.185
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑, 𝑑𝑑 = 14

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


𝑑 = (14)(929)(1.50)3 (0.61)5
𝑑 = 2707
𝑑 = 3.71 𝑑𝑑

11.Further Readings:
Cao, E. (2010). Heat transfer in process engineering. Boston: McGraw-Hill Professional.
Cussler, E. L. (2009). Diffusion: mass transfer in fluid systems (3rd ed. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press)
Koenig, D. (2009). Practical control engineering: a guide for engineers, managers and practitioners. New
York: McGraw-Hill Professional.
Mann, U. (2009). Principles of chemical reactor analysis and design. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Johnson, W. (2009). Practical heating technology. Australia: Delmar Cengage Learning.

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Experiment No. 4

1. Introduction
Screening is a unit operation which involves the separation of particles of approximately uniform
sizes through mechanical means. The particle size is expressed in terms of mesh number. This mesh
number is defined as the number of division a square inch of surface is divided into. The Tyler Screen
Analysis is one such summary of the mesh numbers available in industry. Since as the mesh number
increases with division, the particle size decreases. For this reason, particles on 200-mesh screen have
smaller diameter those on the 100-mesh screen In any screening apparatus, the effectiveness is
determined. This is the product of recovery of the desired size and the rejection of the undersized size.
Industrial applications of this unit operation are in metallurgy of ore, materials handling, etc.
This simple experiment on screening concentrates on the determination of the effectiveness if the
200-mesh screen. The separation of the components in the mixture may be crude but the purpose is
accomplished anyway.
2. Resources
Equipment: 200 Mesh Screen Materials: Impure NaCl
500 mL Beaker Fine Sand
Beam Balance Water
Evaporating Dish
Hot Plate
Stirring Rod
3. Procedure
1. Weigh 500 grams of fine particles of sand on the beam balance. Transfer it to the screen collector
2. Weigh 20 grams of impure sodium chloride crystal and mix it with the sand in the collector.
Compute for the mass fraction of the salt (xF) in the mixture.
3. Pour the mixture into 200-mesh screen then fit the collector under the screen.
4. With the normal vibration, screen out the sand for about one minute and then, transfer the
particles above the screen to a previously weighed beaker. Get the weight of the product mixture.
5. Add sufficient water and stir the mixture to dissolve the salt. Decant the sand and remove the
supernatant liquid through a funnel into a previously weighed evaporating dish.
6. Evaporate the water in the solution and cool the dish. Weigh the dish again and compute for the
mass of the salt by difference. Then obtain the mass fraction of the salt (xP) in this product.
7. Weigh the reject particles in the collector and compute for the mass fraction of the salt (x R) in it.
8. Determine the recovery, rejection and the effectiveness of the screen.
4. Data and Results

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Weight of the Feed (F) 500

Mass Fraction of salt in F (xF) 0.08
Weight of the Product (P) 177.2
Mass fraction of salt in P (xP) 0.05
Weight of the Reject (R) 31
Mass fraction of salt in R (xR) 0.66
Effectiveness of the scree (%) 18.72%
5. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that this experiment is very essential because it is usually use in industry like
pharmaceutical, food industry and etc. Screening is a unit operation which involves the separation of
particles of approximately uniform sizes through mechanical means. In industry they are using Taylor
Screen Analysis which is the summary of mesh numbers for which they’re using in industry.
6. Questions
1. Enumerate the different industrial screening equipment.
● Trommel screens – does not require vibrations, instead, material is fed into a horizontal
rotating drum with screen panels around the diameter of the drum.
● Name and discuss the High frequency vibrating equipment – the frame of the equipment is
fixed and only the screen vibrates, drives the screen cloth only.
● Circle-throw vibrating equipment – has an eccentric shaft that causes the frame of the shaker
to lurch at a given angle.
● Gyratory equipment – the machine gyrates in a circular motion at a near level plant at low
2. factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the screen.
2.1 Reduction of Capacity -The effectiveness is improved by reducing the capacity as then there
will be more contacts per particle and better chances for passing through the screen
apertures on each contact.
2.2 Ideal Screen – It can sharply separate the feed mixture in such a way that the smallest
particle in oversize would be just larger than the largest particle in the underflow.
2.3 Reduction of cohesion between particles- When we deal with a mixture of particle it usually
clog with each other or may join the other particle and make a bigger particle, and instead
of fine particle now it comes in a category of coarse particle. So instead of passing
through the screen it will be retained on the screen.
3. It is desired to separate a mixture of sugar crystals into fractions, a coarse fraction retained on an
8-mesh screen, and a fine fraction passing through it. Screen analysis of feed, coarse, and fine
fractions show
Mass fraction of +8 particles in feed = 0.46
Mass fraction of +8 particles in coarse fraction = 0.88
Mass fraction of +8 particles in fine fraction = 0.32

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Calculate the overall effectiveness of the screen used for the separation purpose per 100 kg of
the feed.
Let: F = amount of Feed, V = amount of coarse product, L = amount of fine product
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐵𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒: 𝐹 = 𝑉 + 𝐿 𝑉 = 100 − 𝐿 𝑜𝑛𝑒 + 8 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 100(0.46)
= (100 − 𝐿)(0.88) + 𝐿(0.32) 𝐿 = 75𝑘𝑔 𝑉 = 100 − 75 = 25𝑘𝑔 𝜀
25(0.88) 75(1 − 0.32)
= ⋅ 𝜀 = 0.45
100(0.46) 100(1 − 0.46)
4. Granular feldspar is produced by beneficiation of high alumina river sand. After screening, drying
and magnetic separation, the recovery is only 21%. The screen analysis of this product on a dry
basis is as shown:
Using Standard Sieve Percent
-10 + 20 1.5
-20 + 40 24.0
-40 + 60 30.0
-60 + 80 18.5
-80 + 100 12.5
-100 + 120 8.0
-120 5.5

Experiment No. 5

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-



1. Introduction
In a number of separation processes and transport processes, it is necessary to make
calculations involving the properties of mixtures of water vapor and air. These calculations involve
knowledge of the concentration of water vapor in air under various conditions of temperature and
pressure, the thermal properties of these mixtures, and the changes occurring when these mixtures are
brought into contact with water or with wet solids in drying.
Dry bulb temperature usually referred to as the “air temperature”, is basically the ambient air
temperature. It is called dry bulb because the air temperature is indicated by a thermometer not affected
by the moisture of the air. The wet bulb temperature on the other hand, is the adiabatic saturation
temperature. The adiabatic evaporation of water from the thermometer bulb and the cooling effect is
indicated by a "wet bulb temperature" lower than the "dry bulb temperature" in the air. The Dew Point is
the temperature where water vapor starts to condense out of the air. The Dew Point temperature is always
lower than the Dry Bulb temperature and will be identical with 100% relative humidity
2. Resources
Equipments: Barometer Materials: Tap Water
Sling Psychrometer
Cloth or Cotton
3. Procedure
1. Using the barometer, determine the atmospheric pressure by placing the barometer on the floor.
Record the reading after 5 minutes.
2. Cover the bulb of one of the thermometer in the sling psychrometer with wet cloth or cotton (of not
permanently attached).
3. Rotate the sling thermometer horizontal to the ground for five minutes.
4. Record the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature reading.
5. Calculate the vapor pressure, absolute humidity, saturation humidity, relative humidity,
percentage humidity, humid volume, saturated volume and enthalpy of the mixture.
6. Compare the results using psychrometric chart.
7. Repeat procedures 1-6 using four different locations.

4. Data and Results

LOCATION Unit BLDG 2 (@ Girls Comfort Founders Outside(PE Average

Operations Lab the back) Room Building (@4th Center)
(inside) floor)
Atmospheric 1022 1022 1023 1022 1022
(millibars) 1022.2
𝑇𝑊𝐵 (C) 79 82 79 79 64 76.6

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𝑇𝐷𝐵 (C) 83 87 84 85 73 82.4

Vapor Pressure 53.423 62.492 55.580 57.809 35.443
(kpa) 52.9494
𝐻 (kg 𝐻2 𝑂 / kg 0.49 0.615 0.488 0.487 0.1824
Dry air) 0.45248
𝐻𝑆 (kg 𝐻2 𝑂 / 0.68 0.977 0.738 0.808 0.33
kg Dry air) 0.7066
%RH 84.4 81.4 81 77.7 65.5 78
%H 72.06 62.95 66.12 60.27 55.27 63.334
𝑉𝐻 (𝑚3 / kg da) 1.8 2.03 1.81 1.81 1.27 1.744
𝑉𝑠 (𝑚3 / kg da) 0.42 0.46 0.44 0.46 0.57 0.47
H (kj/kg) 1385.36 1726.14 1381.97 1381.23 554.6 1285.86
5. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that there are many ways to calculate the different properties of air but by the
use of a psychrometric chart we can determine air properties. In order for us to use the chart we need to
have to givens in order to get the other unknowns. It is significant to carry out fast calculations without
mathematical computations. The chart is somehow complicated with vast numbers of lines and curves in
it, but is very easy to understand if you know the basic properties of air. Another importance of the said
chart is the determination of dew point temperature. There is no formula to be used to obtain the dew

6. Questions

1. Define the following:

a.) Humidification is the process in which the moisture or water vapor or humidity is added to the
air without changing its dry bulb (DB) temperature.
b.) Dehumidification is the process in which the moisture or water vapor or the humidity is
removed from the air keeping its dry bulb (DB) temperature constant.
c.) Air conditioning is the process of removing heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied
space, to improve the comfort of occupants. Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and
commercial environments.
2. Air entering a drier has a temperature (dry bulb) of 60°C and a dew point of 26.7°C. Using the
psychrometric chart, determine the actual humidity, percentage humidity, humid heat and humid
volume in SI and English units.
SI Unit English Unit
𝐻 0.0221 0.0221
𝑘𝑔 𝐻2 𝑂 𝑙𝑏 𝐻2 𝑂
𝑘𝑔 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑙𝑏 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑖𝑟

%𝐻 14.55% 14.55%

Humid heat 0.2502 0.2502

𝑘𝑔 𝐻2 𝑂 𝑙𝑏 𝐻2 𝑂
𝑘𝑔 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑙𝑏 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑖𝑟

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𝑉𝐻 0.976 15.63
𝑚3 𝑓𝑡 3
𝑘𝑔 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑖𝑟

3. The partial pressure of water vapor in a mixture of water vapor in a mixtures if water vapor and air
at a total pressure of 106.6 kPa and a temperature of 60°C is 13.3 kPa. Express the
concentration of water vapor in:
a. mole fraction
29 𝑘𝑔𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟
0.08848 𝑘𝑔𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
⋅ 0.1426
𝑘𝑔𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟 18 𝑘𝑔𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟
b. volume fraction
13.3 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝑝𝑝𝑚𝑉 = ⋅ 106 𝑝𝑝𝑚𝑉 = 142550.911
106.6 − 13.3 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟
c. absolute humidity
18 13.3 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐻 = ⋅ 𝐻 = 0.08848 𝑘𝑔 𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑎𝑖𝑟
29 106.6 − 13.3 𝑘𝑔
d. relative humidity
𝑙𝑛𝑃𝑆 = 23.1963 − 𝑃 = 19920.93𝑃𝑎 = 19.92𝑘𝑃𝑎 %𝑅𝐻
333.15 − 46.13 𝑆
= ⋅ 100 %𝑅𝐻 = 66.77
e. g water/m3 of mixure
𝑉 = (2.83𝑥10−3 + 4.56𝑥10−3 (0.08848))(60 + 273.15) 𝑉 = 1.077
The vapor pressure of water at 60°C is 19.9 kPa.
4. An air-water vapor mixtures has a dry bulb temperature of 65.6°C and a wet bulb temperature of
32.2 °C. What is the humidity of the mixture?
Using Psychrometric chart, the humidity of the mixture is 0.017 kg water/kg dry air.
5. The humidity of an air-water vapor mixture is 0.030 kg water vapor per kg dry air. The dry bulb
temperature of the mixture is 60°C. What is the wet bulb temperature?
Using Psychrometric chart, the wet bulb temperature is 37°C.

Experiment No. 6

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-



1. Introduction

Diffusivity is proportionality constant between the mass flux due to molecular diffusion and the gradient in
the concentration of the species. It should be apparent that the rate of molecular diffusion in liquids is considerably
slower than in gases. The molecules of liquid are very close together compared to a gas. Hence, the molecules of
the diffusing solute A will collide with molecules of liquid B more often and diffuse more slowly than in gasses. In
general, the diffusion coefficient in a gas will be in the order of magnitude of about 105 times greater than in a liquid.
A number of different experimental methods have been used to determine the molecular diffusivity for binary gas
mixtures. One method is through the capillary tube method. It is to evaporate a pure liquid in a narrow tube with a
gas passed over the top
A more accurate and rigorous treatment must be considered which is the intermolecular forces of attraction and
repulsion between molecules as well as the different sizes of molecules A and B. Chapman and Enskog solved the
Boltzman equation, which uses a distribution function instead of the mean free path.
In this experiment, the diffusivities of volatile organic liquids (ethanol, ethyl acetate, and methanol) in air at different
temperatures (50℃, 60℃, and 80℃) were obtained using capillary tube method as experimental method. The
mass diffusivities will then be compared using empirical methods: Chapman-Enskog and Fuller-Schettler-Giddings
2. Resources
Water Bath
5 Capillary Tubes
Small Electric Fan
Receptables or capillary tubes
Vernier Caliper
Ethyl Acetate

3. Procedure
Prepare the water bath and fill it with tap water and set it at 50℃. Fill the capillary tubes with pure volatile organic
liquids and measure the initial height of the liquid. Provide a gentle stream of air by turning on the electric fan.
Measure the height of the remaining liquid in thee capillary tubes after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat procedure 2 – 4 for
trial 2 (water bath temperature = 65℃) and trail 3 (water bath temperature = 80℃). Compare the results with those
obtained using Chapman and Engskog equation and other empirical equation.
4. Data and Results
Trial 1: 50°C

Liquid Chapman and Enskog Fuller Capillary tube method

Equation equation
Ethanol 1.38x10-5 1.41x10-5 1.38x10-5

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Ehtyl Acetate 8.94x10-6 8.841x10-5 9.26x10-6

Methanol 1.037x10-5 9.54x10-6 8.42x10-6

Trial 2: 65°C

Liquid Chapman and Engskog Fuller Capillary tube method

Equation equation
Ethanol 1.48x10-5 1.48x10-5 1.48x10-5

Ehtyl Acetate 9.56x10-6 9.56x10-6 9.56x10-6

Methanol 1.11x10-5 1.11x10-5 1.11x10-5

Trial 3: 80°C

Liquid Chapman and Engskog Fuller Capillary tube

Equation equation method
Ethanol 1.58x10-5 1.58x10-5 2.45x10-5

Ehtyl Acetate 1.021x10-5 1.021x10-5 1.95x10-5

Methanol 1.18x10-5 1.18x10-5 4.3x10-5

Trial 1: 50°C
A. Chapman-Enskog Method

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.5 1 1
DAB = √𝑀𝑊(𝐴) +
(𝑃)(𝜎𝐴𝐵 2Ω𝐴𝐵 ) 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.1205)2 (1.092)
√ +
46 28.84

DAB = 1.38x10-5

Ethyl Acetate
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.461)2 (1.3026)
√ +
88 28.84
DAB = 8.94x10-6
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.8205)2 (1.1502)
√ +
32 28.84

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Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


DAB = 1.037x10-5

B. Fuller et. al. Method

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2
√𝑀𝑊(𝐴) + 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)
(𝑃)[(∑ 𝑉𝐴 )3 +(∑ 𝑉𝐵 )3 ]

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 2
√ +
1 46 28.89
(1)[(50.36)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.41x10-5
Ethyl Acetate
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2

+ 28.84
(1)[(126.72)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 8.841x10-5
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(323.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = = 1 1 2

+ 28.84
(1)[(120.32)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 9.54x10-6
C. Capillary Tube Method
𝜌𝐴 (𝑧𝐹 2 −𝑧𝑜 2 )𝑅𝑇𝑃𝐵𝑀
DAB = 2𝑡𝐹 𝑀𝐴 𝑃(𝑃𝐴1 −𝑃𝐴2 )

761.736(0.0512 −0.0422 )(8314)(323.15)(101319.85)

DAB = 2(900)(46)(101325)(10.2954−0)
DAB = 1.38x10-5

Ethyl Acetate
631.5989(0.062 −0.0492 )(8314)(323.15)(101319.55)
DAB= 2(900)(86)(101325)(10.9014−0)
DAB = 9.26x10-6
755.337(0.0522 −0.0452 )(8314)(323.15)(101319.95)
DAB = 2(900)(60)(101325)(10.1077−0)
DAB = 8.42x10-6

Trial 2: 65°C
A. Chapman-Enskog Method

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.5 1 1
DAB = (𝑃)(𝜎𝐴𝐵 2Ω𝐴𝐵 )
√𝑀𝑊(𝐴) + 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.1205)2 (1.092)
√ +
46 28.84

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DAB = 1.48x10-5

Ethyl Acetate
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.461)2 (1.3026)
√ +
88 28.84
DAB = 9.56x10-6
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.8205)2 (1.1502)
√ +
32 28.84
DAB = 1.11x10-5
B. Fuller et. al. Method

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2
√𝑀𝑊(𝐴) + 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)
(𝑃)[(∑ 𝑉𝐴 )3 +(∑ 𝑉𝐵 )3 ]

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2

+ 28.89
(1)[(50.36)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.53x10-5
Ethyl Acetate
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 2
√ +
1 88 28.84
(1)[(126.72)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 9.56x10-5
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(338.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = = 1 2
√ +
1 32 28.84
(1)[(120.32)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.028x10-5
C. Capillary Tube Method
𝜌𝐴 (𝑧𝐹 2 −𝑧𝑜 2 )𝑅𝑇𝑃𝐵𝑀
DAB = 2𝑡𝐹 𝑀𝐴 𝑃(𝑃𝐴1 −𝑃𝐴2 )

761.736(0.052 −0.0412 )(8314)(338.15)(101319.85)

DAB = 2(900)(46)(101325)(10.2954−0)
DAB = 1.44x10-5

Ethyl Acetate
631.5989(0.0472 −0.0412 )(8314)(338.15)(101319.55)
DAB= 2(900)(86)(101325)(10.9014−0)
DAB = 1.81x10-5
755.337(0.072 −0.0612 )(8314)(338.15)(101319.95)
DAB = 1.026x10-5

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Trial 3: 80°C
A. Chapman-Enskog Method

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.5 1 1
DAB = (𝑃)(𝜎𝐴𝐵 2Ω𝐴𝐵 )
√𝑀𝑊(𝐴) + 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)

(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.1205)2 (1.092)
√ +
46 28.84

DAB = 1.58x10-5

Ethyl Acetate
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = √ +
(1)(4.461)2 (1.3026) 88 28.84
DAB = 1.021x10-5
(1.8583𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.5 1 1
DAB = (1)(4.8205)2 (1.1502)
√ +
32 28.84
DAB = 1.18x10-5
B. Fuller et. al. Method

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(𝑇)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2
√𝑀𝑊(𝐴) + 𝑀𝑊(𝐵)
(𝑃)[(∑ 𝑉𝐴 )3 +(∑ 𝑉𝐵 )3 ]

(1.00𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.75 1 1
=DAB = 1 2
√ +
1 46 28.89
(1)[(50.36)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.65x10-5
Ethyl Acetate
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = 1 1 2

+ 28.84
(1)[(126.72)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.03x10-5
(1.00𝑥10−7 )(353.15)1.75 1 1
DAB = = 1 1 2
√ +
32 28.84
(1)[(120.32)3 +(20.1)3 ]

DAB = 1.11x10-5
C. Capillary Tube Method
𝜌𝐴 (𝑧𝐹 2 −𝑧𝑜 2 )𝑅𝑇𝑃𝐵𝑀
2𝑡𝐹 𝑀𝐴 𝑃(𝑃𝐴1 −𝑃𝐴2 )

761.736(0.052 −0.0482 )(8314)(353.15)(101319.85)

DAB = 2(900)(46)(101325)(10.2954−0)
DAB = 4.3x10-5

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-


Ethyl Acetate
631.5989(0.042 −0.032 )(8314)(353.15)(101319.55)
DAB= 2(900)(86)(101325)(10.9014−0)
DAB = 1.95x10-5
755.337(0.072 −0.062 )(8314)(353.15)(101319.95)
DAB = 2(900)(60)(101325)(10.1077−0)
DAB = 2.45x10-5

5. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that diffusion is very essential to us Chemical Engineering student because it is very
common in our field, I found out in this experiment that diffusivity increases with increase in temperature. This
phenomenon is due to the random thermal movement of molecules with the increase in temperature.

Technological Institute of the Philippines

Unit Operations Laboratory 2- 2nd Semester 2018-






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