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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

9 June 2019 Solemnity of Pentecost Year C

Yearning for the Spirit of Unity and Holiness

e live in a world torn by conflicting interests, jealousy, ag-
gressiveness, and so many forms of enslavement. All this is
the consequence of SIN, from the first to the latest sin that
has darkened the horizon of mankind. Left to ourselves, we would
have been unable to overcome such destructive forces. That is
why God sent the Holy Spirit, as the divine healing Power that
can undo the tragedies of division, mistrust, and hatred brought
about by human sinfulness.
Today we commemorate the giving of the Holy Spirit by the
Risen Christ to the Apostles on Easter Day and his solemn de-
scent on them on Pentecost Day, as they were gathered in the
Upper Room. Let us open our hearts to Him so that we, too, may
share in their wonderful experience. May the Holy Spirit fashion
us into a community characterized by mutual acceptance, ap-
preciation, solidarity, and brotherly/sisterly love.

ness of the gift of the highest, and on earth peace

Holy Spirit, Lord, have to people of good will. We
mercy! praise you, we bless you,
All –Lord, have mercy!
Entrance Antiphon we adore you, we glorify
(To be recited only when no Entrance P –For the times we have you, we give you thanks for
Hymn is sung.) closed our minds and your great glory, Lord God,
The love of God has been hearts to the promptings
and guidance of the Holy heavenly King, O God,
poured into our hearts through
the Spirit of God dwelling with- Spirit, Christ, have mer- almighty Father.
in us, alleluia! cy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
All –Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God,
Greeting P –For the times we have pro- Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
P –May the love, grace and faned the presence of the ther, you take away the sins
peace of the Holy Spirit be Holy Spirit in ourselves of the world, have mercy
with you all! and others, through sinful on us; you take away the
All – And with your spirit! desires, thoughts or ac- sins of the world, receive
tions, Lord, have mercy! our prayer; you are seated
Penitential Act All –Lord, have mercy!
at the right hand of the Fa-
P –My brothers and sisters, P –May almighty God have ther, have mercy on us. For
let us realize how much we mercy on us, forgive us our you alone are the Holy One,
need the Holy Spirit in our sins, and bring us to everlast-
life and in how many ways we ing life. you alone are the Lord, you
have become unworthy of His All –Amen! alone are the Most High,
presence in us. (Pause) Jesus Christ, with the Holy
P –For the times we have not Gloria Spirit, in the glory of God
appreciated the precious- All –Glory to God in the the Father. Amen!
Collect (Opening Prayer) of us hear them in his native No one can say, “Jesus is
P –O God, who by the mys- language? We are Parthians, Lord,” except by the Holy
tery of today’s great feast Medes and Elamites, inhabit- Spirit. There are different
sanctify your whole Church ants of Mesopotamia, Judea kinds of spiritual gifts but the
and Cappadocia, Pontus and same Spirit; there are differ-
in every people and nation, Asia, Phrygia and Pamphy- ent forms of service but the
pour out, we pray, the gifts lia, Egypt and the districts of same Lord; there are different
of the Holy Spirit across the Libya near Cyrene, as well workings but the same God
face of the earth and, with the as travelers from Rome, both who produces all of them in ev-
divine grace that was at work Jews and converts to Juda- eryone. To each individual the
when the Gospel was first ism, Cretans and Arabs, yet manifestation of the Spirit is
proclaimed, fill now once we hear them speaking in our given for some benefit.
more the hearts of all believ- own tongues of the mighty acts As a body is one, though
ers. of God.” it has many parts, and all the
Through our Lord Jesus parts of the body, though many,
Christ, your Son, who lives The Word of the Lord! are one body, so also Christ.
All – Thanks be to God!
and reigns with you in the For in one Spirit we were all
unity of the Holy Spirit one baptized into one body, wheth-
God, for ever and ever. Responsorial Psalm Ps 104 er Jews or Greeks, slaves or
All – Amen! R –Lord, send out your Spirit, free persons, and we were all
and renew the face of the given to drink of one Spirit.
earth! The Word of the Lord!
R. M. Velez
All – Thanks be to God!
F Dm C F
      
 
1st Reading Acts 2:1-11 Sequence
The descent of the Holy Come, Holy Spirit, come,
Spirit on Pentecost Day ful- Lord, send out your Spi-rit, And from your celestial home
filled the promise made by Shed a ray of light divine!
Bb C F

Jesus before he ascended into
    
Come, Father of the poor!
heaven. From that moment 
on, mankind started becoming Come, source of all our store!
the new people of God, char- and re-new the face of the earth! Come, within our bosoms
acterized by unity, harmony, shine!
solidarity, and brotherly/sis- * Bless the Lord, O my soul! You, of comforters the best;
terly love. O Lord, my God, you are You, the soulÊs most welcome
great indeed! How manifold guest;
R –A proclamation from the are your works, O Lord! The
Acts of the Apostles earth is full of your creatures. Sweet refreshment here below;
When the time for Pen- R. In our labor, rest most sweet;
tecost was fulfilled, the dis- * If you take away their Grateful coolness in the heat;
ciples were all in one place breath, they perish and return Solace in the midst of woe.
together. And suddenly there to their dust. When you send O most blessed Light divine,
came from the sky a noise like forth your spirit, they are cre- Shine within these hearts
a strong driving wind, and it ated, and you renew the face of of yours,
filled the entire house in which the earth. R. And our inmost being fill!
they were. Then there ap-
peared to them tongues as of Where you are not, we have
* May the glory of the Lord naught,
fire, which parted and came endure forever; may the Lord
to rest on each one of them. Nothing good in deed or thought,
be glad in his works! Pleasing Nothing free from taint of ill.
And they were all filled with to him be my theme; I will be
the Holy Spirit and began to Heal our wounds, our strength
speak in different tongues, as glad in the Lord. R.
the Spirit enabled them to pro- 2nd Reading 1 Cor 12:3-7. On our dryness, pour your dew;
claim. Wash the stains of guilt away.
Now there were devout 12-13
Jews from every nation under The community of Corinth Bend the stubborn heart and will;
heaven staying in Jerusalem. was plagued with divisions Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
At this sound, they gathered and rivalries. With fatherly Guide the steps that go astray.
in a large crowd, but they concern, Paul exhorts them to On the faithful, who adore
were confused because each be united in the Holy Spirit, the And confess you, evermore
one heard them speaking in source of all gifts. In your sevenfold gift descend.
his own language. They were R –A proclamation from the
astounded, and in amazement Give them virtueÊs sure reward;
First Letter of Paul to the Give them your salvation, Lord;
they asked, “Are not all these Corinthians
people who are speaking Gali- Give them joys that never end.
leans? Then how does each Brothers and sisters: Amen! Alleluia!
9 June 2019
Gospel Acclamation salvation he came down from they need, let us pray! R.
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –Let us pray in silence for
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the our personal intentions.
hearts of your faithful gin Mary, and became man.*
For our sake he was crucified (Pause) Let us pray! R.
and kindle in them the fire
of your love. under Pontius Pilate, he suf- P –Spirit of life and holi-
Alleluia! Alleluia! fered death and was buried, and ness, guide our hearts into the
rose again on the third day in way of love and service, that
Gospel Jn 20:19-23 accordance with the Scriptures. we may be valid instruments
St. John tells us that the He ascended into heaven and is in the building of the King-
Holy Spirit was the most pre- seated at the right hand of the dom where You live and care
cious and lasting gift that the Father. He will come again in with the Father and the Lord
Risen Christ gave to his dis- glory to judge the living and the Jesus, one God, for ever and
ciples on the very day of his dead and his kingdom will have ever.
resurrection. no end. All – Amen!
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
P –The Lord be with you! the Lord, the giver of life, who
All – And with your spirit! proceeds from the Father and
P –A proclamation from the the Son, who with the Father
holy Gospel according to and the Son is adored and glori-
Preparation of the Gifts
John fied, who has spoken through
All – Glory to you, O Lord! the prophets. P –Pray, brethren . . .
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – May the Lord accept the
On the evening of that first olic and apostolic Church. I sacrifice at your hands, for the
day of the week, when the confess one Baptism for the praise and glory of his name,
doors were locked, where the forgiveness of sins and I look for our good and the good of
disciples were, for fear of the forward to the resurrection of all his holy Church.
Jews, Jesus came and stood in the dead and the life of the world
their midst and said to them, to come. Amen! Prayer over the Offerings
“Peace be with you.” When he
had said this, he showed them Prayer of the Faithful P –Grant, we pray, O Lord,
his hands and his side. The dis- that, as promised by your
P –Aware that we need the Son, the Holy Spirit may re-
ciples rejoiced when they saw Holy Spirit’s help to live up
the Lord. veal to us more abundantly
to the challenges of our Chris- the hidden mystery of this
Jesus said to them again, tian commitment, we pray:
“Peace be with you. As the sacrifice and graciously lead
Father has sent me, so I send All –Come, Holy Spirit, us into all truth.
you.” And when he had said we need you! Through Christ our Lord.
this, he breathed on them and C –That the whole Catholic All – Amen!
said to them, “Receive the Church may be, at all times,
Holy Spirit. Whose sins you an instrument of reconcilia- Preface of Pentecost
forgive are forgiven them, and tion and a promoter of unity P –The Lord be with you!
whose sins you retain are re- among all peoples, let us All –And with your spirit!
tained.” pray! R. P –Lift up your hearts!
The Gospel of the Lord! C –That the Holy Father All –We lift them up to the
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus and the other leaders of the Lord!
Christ! Church may provide the P –Let us give thanks to the
faithful with an ever more Lord our God!
Homily inspiring leadership, let us All –It is right and just!
pray! R. P –It is truly right and just,
Profession of Faith our duty and our salvation, al-
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
C –That all those engaged in
the teaching profession may ways and everywhere to give
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- instill authentic values in you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
ther almighty, maker of heaven their students, let us pray! R. almighty and eternal God.
and earth, of all things visible For, bringing your Pas-
and invisible. C –That all civil leaders chal Mystery to completion,
I believe in one Lord Jesus throughout the world, espe- you bestowed the Holy Spirit
Christ, the Only Begotten Son cially in our country, may today on those you made your
of God, born of the Father be- be guided solely by concern adopted children by uniting
fore all ages. God from God, for the common good, let us them to your Only Begotten
Light from Light, true God from pray! R. Son. This same Spirit, as the
true God, begotten, not made, C –That those among us Church came to birth, opened
consubstantial with the Father; who are burdened with trials to all peoples the knowledge
through him all things were of whatever kind may find in of God and brought together
made. For us men and for our our community the support the many languages of the
Solemnity of Pentecost (C)
earth in the profession of the Prayer after Communion gifts of the same Spirit.
one faith. P –O God, who bestow
All – Amen!
Therefore, overcome with heavenly gifts upon your P –May the wondrous flame
paschal joy, every land, every Church, safeguard, we pray, that appeared above the
people exults in your praise the grace you have given, disciples powerfully
and even the heavenly Pow- that the gift of the Holy Spirit cleanse your hearts from
ers, with the angelic hosts, poured out upon her may re- every evil and pervade
sing together the unending tain all its force and that this them with its purifying
hymn of your glory, as they spiritual food may gain her light.
acclaim: abundance of eternal redemp- All – Amen!
All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of hosts. Heaven and tion. P –May our loving Lord,
earth are full of your glory. Through Christ our Lord. who has been pleased
Hosanna in the highest! All – Amen! to unite many tongues
Blessed is he who comes in in the profession of one
the name of the Lord. Hosan- faith, give you persever-
na in the highest! ance in that same faith
that you may journey
Memorial Acclamation from hope to clear vision.
P –The Lord be with you. All – Amen!
P –The mystery of faith! All – And with your spirit!
All – We proclaim your Death, P –And may the blessing of
O Lord, and profess your P –Bow your heads and almighty God: the Fa-
Resurrection until you pray for God’s blessing. ther, and the Son, and the
come again! (Pause) Holy Spirit, come down
–May God, the Father of on you and remain with
lights, who was pleased you for ever.
to enlighten the disci- All – Amen!
ples’ minds by the out- P –Go in peace, glorifying
pouring of the Spirit, the Lord by your life!
All – Our Father . . . the Paraclete, grant you Alleluia! Alleluia!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . gladness and make you All – Thanks be to God!
All – For the kingdom, the always abound with the Alleluia! Alleluia!
power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever.

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(To be recited only when no
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They were all filled with the WORD & LIFE CENTER
Holy Spirit and spoke of the
marvels of God, alleluia! in Makati, M. M.
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WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8894-5402; 8892-2169 • Telefax: 8894-5241 • Website: www.wordandlife.org
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: marketing@wordandlife.org; wordandlifepublications@gmail.com • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco, G. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua

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