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Executive Summary

Our business plan aims to satisfy the needs and wants of the people who will buy our products. Our
products has its special ingredients that will give our consumers nutrition that their body need. It is also
cheap that can afford easily by our consumers.

The product name Tater Ball comes from the slang word which means potato.
Ball for because our tater ball/ potato ball is shaped like a ball/ sphere. We chose tater
ball because it’s new to people’s hearing and it will get the attention of customers.

The product is potato ball. It has the common potato recipe with an amazing twist in it. It has
ham and cheese in the potato ball which can be a surprise element in the potato ball. It has
tons of vegetables like carrots and cabbage which is very healthy and nutritious to human body.
A healthy and delicious potato ball that is ready to satisfy one’s hunger and craving . A heavenly
taste that can make the customers feel the heaven while eating our potato ball. We also
planned to make the packaging looks creative and unique that can attract the attention of

The classic potato has potato in it. We want to make it more interesting and healthy . That’s
why we came up with our product, ham and cheese potato ball with vegetables . We want our
customers to eat healthy foods and we want to satisfy their hunger and craving . The
proponent’s product shall last 2 to 3 days.
Company Description

Heaven’s Taste is produce affordable and good quality product the heaven taste is located behind the
school of PHINMA University of Pangasinan to
Goals and Objectives
Our product aims to satisfy our customer’s craving and hunger in heavenly way. We produce
affordable and good quality product. We want to establish an improved classic recipe to keep the
recipe itself and meet the customer’s satisfaction.
Keeping up with the market demand is tough . Producers should put a lot of determination and
dedication for the success of the business. The specific steps that our business need to take in order to
reach each of our goals. It specifies what we must do and when .Business needs to be determined
whether the business is visible and raise capital for the the business . Explain to employees their
responsibilities as well as business expectation. Entreprenuers can also use a business plan to establish
document milestones along the business path to success . Our business will ensure that our customers
will appreciate the heavenly taste


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