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Contents Our Team
Pages He basically had interest in all the Pratham was mostly responsible
fields, which gave me him a plus for maintaining a good social im-
point as a team leader, as this made age of the team. With his good
Page # 1 - Our Team it more comfortable for others work- orating skills he attracted more
ing with him. He monitored team fans on social media through vari-
Page # 2- Planning progress to make sure everyone fin- ous posts. He and diviyansh to-
ished their tasks. He worked closely gether made the website. Him and
with Pratham and organised team asmit made sponsorship possible
Page # 3 - Planning meetings to communicate and dis- by doing various pitches with vari-
cuss issues and plans. ous firms.
Page # 4 - Uniform & Portfolio Divyansh monitored team ex- Sambhav supported the team
penditure in Delhi, contacted regarding pit display and pub-
sponsors and helped to raise lic relations in Delhi. He was
Page # 5 - Social media & Website funds for the team. He also the most active member in
joined Krsnam to develop the the team,and also provided
Page # 5 - Visiting cards team’s flex and design for the additional support whenever
pit. He even did marketing needed, and always motivat-
and took care of social media ed the team
pages with Pratham
Vardan was in charge of ma-
chining and testing high qual-
Krsnam was also just like oth- ity cars on the CNC router. He
ers one of the very important also prepared and painted
part of our team designed the test cars with Krsnam
the car’s wing system. He and and produced the car’s or-
Vardan closely worked on de- thographic drawings. He also
sign concepts, especially tried worked really hard for the
hard to improve the drag co- success of our team by stay-
efficient. Also he designed ing back after school with
our logo with his creativity. Sambhav to complete the
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Team Planning Team Function Logo & Name Logo Development

Our next task was to make a logo after we de-

For organizing the work and keeping everything Tech-no-logic’s main objective is to express our cided the team’s name, which can represent our
balanced. Our team had to hold a lot of video talents and use our knowledge and skills on a unique team identity. Our logo is also having a
conferences and meetings during vacations for specific platform. All of our members are eager separate drawn up skull, in which gears are fitted
completing our tasks. We also created groups on to participate in the challenge. Apparently, this in it, which basically represents the creativity of
different social media apps to coordinate our ac- will help us in our career. Most importantly, our our team members. Then comes are two small
tions and so that the team manager could keep team personally believes that participation is it- gears, above the word logic which tells about our
track of the status. self a success, so here we come to gain a unique innovative thinking on this project. We believe
experience. Also, to certain extent we will have that our team’s processing is as smooth as the
fun too. working of the gears linearly. We had consensus
for the name during the beginning of the prepa-
ration only. The word TECH is related to technol-
ogy and Logic is related to practicality in today’s
so called “internet world”. In our project we have
combined both technology and logic in a com-
Time Management Teamwork and collaboration prehensive manner to find good results.
If someone needed help from other team mem-
We prioritized time for doing different tasks and bers, we would crossover our jobs with others Colour Scheme
all work according to their importance. Also for and work together. We had to communicate dai- We chose red and black color
efficiency we allocated jobs as per the the mem- ly with each other in order to work together as as it bright and pretty much
ber’s skill and compatibility. For keeping a good all of us were in different cities. As we had regu- visible. The unique blend of
track of our work we prepared a timetable and lar video conversations, our team leader was the colors black and red rep-
saved time. always informed of our work. If some member resent boldness of our team.
had a problem with the work, he would contact
others to seek help.
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Uniform Portfolio Design Social media

We wanted our team identity and logo to match with our uni- In today’s world using Social networks have become part of
forms which are also compatible with our teams taste and our daily lives. Users are easily influenced by the content on
all the other items in our team. We decided to print red and such medias. So by adapting such method, we used apps like
black full sleeve t-shirt. As the weather is quite cold in Delhi, Instagram and Facebook to make a good and a healthy fan
we also had a wish to print jackets or blazers, but we couldn’t base. All of our team members tried to keep our sites up to
make it up. date. Our social media manager ‘Pratham’ did a pretty good
job keeping everything updated on social media apps and
website too.


In today’s world using Social networks have become part of

our daily lives. Users are easily influenced by the content on
such medias. So by adapting such method, we used apps like
Instagram and Facebook to make a good and a healthy fan
base. All of our team members tried to keep our sites up to
date. Our social media manager ‘Pratham’ did a pretty good
job keeping everything updated on social media apps and
website too.
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Visiting Cards

We also designed our team visiting cards to promote our



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