TKM PT 2 Test

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Gilmaifia English 10H | Matching To Kill a Mockingbird: Unit Test _ 1. Atticus Finch A. she was allegedly raped 2. Scout B. the defendant on trial for rape 3. Jem C. farmer who won't take charity __ 4. Calpurnia D. gossipy neighbor 5. Aunt Alexandra E. the prosecuting attorney 6. Dill F. pretends to be a drank __. 7. Judge Taylor G. Cal's preacher ‘8. Miss Maudie H. first grade teacher 9. Mrs. Dubose I. presiding judge at the trial 10. Arthur (Boo) Radley J. Atticus's sister _ 11. Tom Robinson K. Scout's brother 12. Heck Tate L. lawyer who defends Tom 13, Bob Ewell M, old lady who yells at the children 14. Mayella Ewell N. narrator __ 15. Walter Cunningham, Sr. . summertime neighbor of the Finch children 16. Rev. Sykes P. mysterious neighbor _ 17. Stephanie Crawford Q. the sheriff 18. Caroline Figher R. attacks the children 19. Mr. Gilmer 8. open-minded neighbor friendly to the children 20. Dolphus Raymond T. the cook I. Most Important Statement Choose the one ending for each numbered word group which will form the most valid statement about the novel. 21. Harper Lee used Maycomb, Alabama as the setting in this novel mainly because a. she is from the South. b. she wanted fo show the effects of Southem life upon its inhabitants. c. she loves the South. d. she wanted to display her ability to render Southern dialect. 22, Miss Maudie Atkinson's main purpose in the plot, or sequence of events, is a. to be a prospective wife for Atticus and mother for Jem and Scout. b. to display bitterness about prejudice. c. fo serve as a friend and advisor to Jem and Scout. d. fo add to the superstitions about Boo 26, Aificus considers ita sin to kill a mockingbird because a. they are almost extinct species. b. it’s a waste of time and ammunition c. they prey on harmful insects and killing them upsets the balance of nature. d. they bring only beauty and harm to no one. 27, Maycomb's “usual disease” Is a. boredom with life. b. prejudice. c. lack of money. d. crop failure, 28. As a result of the fire at Miss Maudie's a. the townspeople help build her a new house. b. Scout and Jem retum a blanket to Boo. c. Jem realizes that Boo Radley is a gentle, good man. Radley rte stoma tattoo verry trietts—$§ 23. Mrs. Dubose's main purpose in the plot, or sequence of events, is @. fo teach Jem allesson about courage and human understanding, b. to illustrate Southern prejudice. c. to show a stereotype senile, old lady. d. to read Ivanhoe to Jem and Scout. 24, Bob Ewell’s main purpose in the plot, or sequence of events, Is a. to threaten Atticus b. to represent a stereotype of Southern “white trash.” c. fo represent an understanding father. d. to be a member of the lynch mob. 25. Boo Radley's main purpose in the plot, or sequence of events, is a. to show the personality of a crazy recluse. bb. to provide an outlet for Jem and Scout's curiosity. c. fo help Jem and Scout leam a lesson about compassion. di, to provide mystery and suspense to the story 29, Jem Cries when he discovers cement In the knot-hole because a. he thinks the cement will kill the tree. b. the knot-hole was his favorite hiding post. c. he cannot deposit his thank you letter to the “mystery man.” d, Scout cries and that makes him cry. 30. Atticus defends Tom Robinson because a. he is a good friend of Tom’ b. no one else will take the case. c. Jem and Scout expect him to. dhe has to in order to be true to his convictions. 31. Jem breaks the final code of childhood by . telling Atticus all the secrets about Boo Radley. b. cutting down Mrs. Dubose's camellias. c. crying after the jury read the verdict of guilty. d. telling Atticus that Dill had run away and was in the bedroom. 32, The group of men at the jail disperses because a, Scout's words make them feel like individuals. b, Heck Tate was holding a gun on them. cc. Tom Robinson was no longer in the jail. d. Aificus told them to. go home. 33. Atficus’ final plea fo the jury is aimed at a. a. condemnation of Mayella Ewell. b. the jurors’ individual consciences. ¢. the unfaimess of the prosecution. d. Souther womanhood. 34, The mockingbird is a symbol of a. purposeless people. b, innocent, harmless people. c. people with beautiful singing voices. d. people who are unknown or unremembered. 35. Affer Scout takes Boo Radley home, she a. stands on his porch, afraid to move. b. runs home. cc. stands on the porch and talks to him. d. stands on the porch, looking at the street as Boo has seen it for years. One False Answer Choose the one false answer for each statement. 36, All of the following but one can be considered complex ot round characters: . Atticus Finch b, Jeremy Finch cc. Bob Ewell d. Scout Finch 37. All of the following but one could be considered major themes in the novel: a. human compassion b. the American South c. conscience and personal integrity d. prejudice 38, All of the people except one have an effective Influence upon Scout's character a. Atficus b. Dill c. Boo Radley d. Miss Maudie Atkinson 39. All of the following people except one have an effective influence upon Jem's character: a. Mrs, Dubose b, Atticus ©. Scout d. Boo Radley 40. Early in the story, Scout exhibits all of the following characteristics except one: a. impulsive, hot-headed b. deep concer for others c. respect for others d. superficial understandings for life 41, At the end of the story, Scout exhibits all of, the following characteristics except: a. self-control bb. insight into people’s motivations c. excessive pride d. compassion and sensitivity 42. All of the following but one could be considered symbolic in the novel: a, the book entitled The Gray Ghost b. the mockingbird c. the chiffarobe d. the mad dog 43. Through various testimony, Aificus shows all of the following except one: a. Tom Robinson has a crippled left arm b. Bob Ewell probably beat up his daughter c. No doctor ever examined Mayella Ewell d. Mayella Ewell lied about the charges of assault and rape 44, When Tom Robinson is convicted, Jemis upset for all of the following reasons except one: ‘a. He expected Atticus to win the case. b. He believed in justice and personal integrity. c, Tom Robinson had become a friend during the trial. d. He realized that life is often harsh and unfair. 45. During the course of the novel, all of the following except one have a chance to “walk. around in another person's skin a. Walter Cunningham, sr. b. Scout ¢.Jem d. Bob Ewell 46. Scout is disgusted and upset after her first day of school for all of the following reasons but one: a. The teacher was annoyed that Scout could read and write, —b. Seoul hac-aiight with Waller Cunai c. Her explanation of the Cunninghams was mistaken for disrespecifulness. d. She felt that Miss Caroline was unfair and ignorant of Maycomb traditions 47. Restricting the point of view to a child has all of the following advantages except one: a. Her vision of the adult world is uncluttered. b. Her comments and judgments are given matter-of-factly and without ill will. cc. Her appeal to the reader is much stronger because she is a child. d. Her observations are innocent and dramaticaly ilustrate the tragedy of the story. Il. True-False Mark each statement T for True or F for False. 48. Scout realizes that her father is the loneliest person in the world, 49. Mr. Underwood compares to Tom Robinson's death to the senseless slaughter of mockingbird. 50, Scout never fully understands the meaning of "walking around in another person's skin.” 51. Dolphus Raymond implies that Dill will become insensitive toward prejudice and human degradation when he grows up, ___ 52. Justice was defeated by ignorance in this novel. Ill, Open Response Choose one prompt from below to answer in an open response format. @. Discuss how a character represents or symbolizes something beyond itself in the novel. Then explain by providing at least two specific examples and details, how this character has demonstrated this quality. b. What “mockingbirds" can be identified in and discuss how they have demonstrated the quaities of a “mockingbird”. c. Harper Lee make alot of social commentary by revealing flawed aspects of Maycomb's society. Reveal one social flaw conveyed in the novel and provide examples with evidence of how Lee illustrated.

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