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Year Book
IIT Madras, Chennai-600036
History Of DMC
Dmc is a student-run committee
operating under Student General
Secretary and Dean of Students,
IIT Madras.DMC is the brain child
of Mr. Chirag Jain, an MBA
student from IIT M, in the
academic year 2012. He along
with 11 like minded people
structured the team and made  DMC in 2012
tie-up's with NGO's and carried outtraining in Emergency
Medical Care concering about the possibility of any disaster
during Shaasstra and Saarang, where a huge crowd gathers at
IIT Madras. He started DMC with the vision to empower campus
residents in life saving skills.

It has played a vital role in

our institutes in dealing with
tough times during cyclone
and floods. From then it has
grown and trained many
people. Now it is in 8th year
of operation.

DMC now
What do we do?
We work to safeguard the institute by preparing
it for any disaster. We strive for safety,
knowledge transfer and inhibiting life skills to its
residents.  We prepare a CDMP [Campus Disaster
Management Plan]. 

Our Goals
To conduct workshops for training students on fire
fighting, First-aid, Golden hour platinum minute
training, etc.
We do HVRC [ Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and
Capacity] Analysis. We identify potential resources
inside and outside the campus which can be used in
case of disaster
To conduct various awareness campaigns promoting
Dos and Don'ts in case of various types of
Preparing Evacuation Plans for all the key
structures in the campus.
E.g. SAC, IC&SR, CLT, OAT, Hostels, Departments,
Ensuring proper maintenance of fire fighting
equipments in the campus.
Exploring applications of latest Technologies in the
field of Disaster Management.
Our Past Achievements
Over a period of seven years we have trained
nearly 7000 residents and students in fire
safety (hands -on experience for random
people) with the help of institute's security
Made 130+ students as certified First
Responders in association Alert NGO.
Trained 1100+ Men and Women in Self-
Defence by conductucting workshops every
Conducted exclusive fire drills in 5 Hostels
Awareness posters on Swine flu, Dengue, Fire
Extinguisher usage, women safety.
Emergency Medical Care workshop for 6000
people including 1st year B.Techs, Dual
Degree, Shaastra and Saarang
coordinators,IITM Sports meet Volunteers,
Successfully carried out relief material
collection drives for disaster hit regions.
Team Structure

DMC  members of Year 2018-19

Cores  QMS head Mentor
Rohit Goyal Ancy Sriram kompella
Vipesh Singh Namburi Nikhil

Chain of Coammand
DMC Team in Alert Awards
Team DMC was invited to Alert's Award
Function-2018. Where our team gets to
meet many heroes who acted at the right
time to save precious lives.
Team DMC on Independence
Our team members with Dr. Bhaskar
Ramamurthi, Director of IIT Madras,
at 72nd Independence Day at
Manohar C. Watsa Stadium.
Venue Analysis
Venue analysis help prevent incidents,
injuries and illnesses. DMC coordinators
critically inspect & examine the
workplace to identify and record existing
and potential hazards for corrective
action from time to time for its safety &
security. Reports are made by them and
important issues are addressed with the
help of concerned authority.
Kerala Flood Relief
Collection Drive
Our team joined hands with NCC in
collecting relief materials who were hit by
floods in Kerala in the month of August,
2018. Together with Institute volunteers,
we have collected & transported materials
weighing 6.64 Ton in 7 days to the affected
people with the help of Indian Coast Guard
Air Station & All India Malyalee Association.
Thanks to all the good-hearted volunteers
who worked through the collection drive
to make it happen. Also Thanks to the
people who donated generously.
Team's visit to ICGAS
Our team visited Indian Coastal Guard Air
Station, Chennai on 25th August 2018. We
got to know about their work there. 
Thanks to Mr. Kavitkar who invited us and
gave us this wonderful opportunity.
ID 6020 - Introduction to
Introduction to research is a compulsory course
in the curriculum of M.S and Ph.D. Students. We
introduced basic medical awareness lecture by
our Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and paramedics
lecture on Life-saving techniques like CPR and
recovery positions by our NGO partner ALERT
into this curriculum with the approval of course
coordinator Prof. Nagarajan in july 2018 and still
we are doing it.
Swachhata Hi Seva Abhiyaan
The Swachhata hi Seva
Campaign 2018, a mega
countrywide campaign,
was launched by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
on September 15. The
movement aims to 
generate greater public participation towards
Swachhta. We participated in the campaign with
NCC and cleaned 5 places in the institute. We
have initiated cleaning of temple pond & also
painted temple lake walls in Taramani.
Team's participation in OBT 
We participated in Out Bound Training (OBT).
conducted by DoSt & Lt. Col. Jayakumar. The
Outbound Training is a technique used to enhance the
efficiency of employees through Experiential
Learning, ie, taking the group of employees away
from the actual work environment into the outdoors
and are assigned some challenging task or activity
that needs to be completed by them within a given
time frame.
We met Dr.Seema Roa !!!
Seema Roa, Wonder Woman of India is
India's first women commando trainer. She
visited IIT Madras, invited by EML. Our team
members get to meet her in person and get
to talk with her discussing our agendas and
hear her suggestions.
Our Help for Nagaland
We publicized posters
throughout the
institute informing
people about CM Relief
Fund. Which enable
them to donate money
and helping Nagaland
in recovering from

Awareness about Swine Flu

DMC publicized
through posters in
various places in
Institute to make
people aware of the
prevention and
symptoms of Swine Flu
since it was on a
spread at that time.
PEER Intense Workshop
Personal Empowerment
in Emergency Response
(PEER) is training on
advanced life-saving
techniques offered by
Alert NGO. It is a one-day
session available for all
students and residents of
IIT Madras where
participants get to
have a hands-on experience on CPR, AED operation
and recovery techniques. It is mandatory for the
coordinators of DMC to participate in it and become a
certified first responder.
Beach Clean up with
Samanvay 2018 organized marathon
to spread the awareness about Organ
Donation. We did the role of first
responders for the marathon.
First Responders for
Samanvay's Marathon
Samanvay 2018 organized marathon to
spread the awareness about Organ
Donation. We did the role of first
responders for the marathon.
Gaja Cyclone  Collection
Gaja Cyclone hit Delta region of Tamil Nadu
on the month of November leaving many
people homeless and starving. DMC and IVil
together organized a collection drive for a
duration of four days.
EMC and Fire Drill for 1st
year Undergraduates
Emergency Medical Care was taught to the
first year and Dual Degree students
by Alert NGO. All basic life-saving
methods and CPR were thaughts to 800
students during this session.
This was followed by Fire Safety Drill by
CSO of IIT Madras.

Along with this all shaastra and Saarang

coordinators are also trained in this event.
Krav-Maga Workshop
Krav Maga is a military self-defense and
fighting system developed for the Israel
Defense Forces. Mr. Karthick from Tamil Nadu
Krav Maga club helped us in training 130
enthusiastic participants in Krav Maga.
Mahanadhi Hostel Fire
Fire Drill has been conducted in Mahanadhi
Hostel with the help of CSO, IIT M and Tamil
Nadu Fire Department, Adayar. The evacuation
drill was conducted with the help of 20 Floor
Marshals (ERT Team).
After that  Demo and hands-on experience were
given to the hostel residents on how to use fire
Aarogyathon 19'
Aarogyathon 19' is a 5 km run conducted
on April 7th to mark the World Health
Day. It is the flagship event of DMC with
500 participants. We have Ms.Daisy Victor,
87-year-old veteran athlete as our chief
guest. the event started with a
demonstration by Alert on recovery
positions for the victim.
Prizes were given to the winners in 4
different categories
For Odisha during Fani Cyclone
Cyclone Fani is
one of the
strongest cyclone
to hit India in
recent years. 12
lakh people were
from their places. DMC publicized
the CM relief Fund account
number and other ways to
donate to the needy people
through smail and Himalaya
digital screen.

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