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Gender studies argue for the representation of persons of all genders.

Gender studies
aims to have an equality among genders which means that everyone should have a
right to do the things that he/she wants to do without the criticism of others. Michel
Foucault in his work, The history of Sexuality, he argues that sexuality is not a universal
but invented in the late 19th century. For Foucault, gender is not universal because it is
not determined through the physical appearance of a person which means that it is not
innate or biological but instead a matrix of concepts created by the society, it
emphasizes that the people are one who created the meaning of sexuality or gender. In
relation to that, it constitute the ideology that benefits people in power, most especially
the bourgeois capitalism. Some gender critic disagree with Foucault and believe that
sexual identity results from biological rather than cultural causes such the gay and
lesbian. The gay and the lesbian are the most people being criticize by the people that
surrounds them through judging what they are doing are against their gender which
makes them hesitant in doing things. With that, Judith Butler says that sexuality or
gender is performative based on his work which is Gender Performativity wherein he
pointed on 7 arguments.

First is on the central concept of the theory is that our gender is constructed through our
repetitive performance of gender. This points out that we are the one who creates our
gender and what we usually do speaks on what we are as a person. Second, there is no
preceding or outside a gendered self, this means that gender is not based on our
physical appearance. Third, performativity of a gender is a stylized repetition of acts, an
imitation or miming of the dominant conventions of gender which again talks about the
things that an individual does on a regular basis. Fourth, biological sex is a social
construction. Fifth, What is at stake in gender roles is the ideology of heterosexuality.
Sixth, performativity of gender can be subversive. Lastly, but subversion through gender
isn’t automatic or easy. To sum up the view of Butler is that gender is again based on
the performance of an individual

To use this theory to critic a text, you must be able to see how both men and women are
being viewed and look for the quality if there is or look on how characters are treated.

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