Module 6 Growth & Development

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FREUD’S psychoanalytic theory ERICKSON’S theory of PIAGET’S KOHLBERG’S stages of moral
psychosocial development theory of cognitive development
INFANTS Birth to 1 year Oral stage Trust vs. Mistrust Sensorimotor stage
*child explores the world by *Psychosocial virtue: Hope Neonatal reflex(1mo.)
using mouth, especially the *Fear: strangers, anxiety, loud *stimuli are assimilated into
tongue noises, falls, sudden beginning mental images.
*infants are interested in oral movements in the Behavior entirely reflexive
stimulation environment
*baby finds pleasure in the *Play: Solitary reflect Primary circular reaction(1-
mouth 4mos.)
*hand-mouth & eye-ear
coordination develops
*infant spends time looking at
*toy: rattle or tape of parent’s

Secondary circular reaction(4-

*infant learn to initiate,
recognize and repeat
pleasurable experiences
*infant anticipates familiar
*toy: peek-a-boo

Coordination of secondary
*infant can plan activities to
attain specific goals
*discovers a sense of identity,
that his activities are separate
from the activities of others
*toy: nesting toys; colored
TODDLERS 1-3 years Anal stage Autonomy vs. Shame Inventions of new means Preconventional (Level I)
*child learns to control *psychosocial theme: “hold through mental
urination and defecation on or let go” combinations(1-2y/o) Stage 1: (2-3y/o)
*toilet training *child learns to be *transitional phase *punishment/obedience
*it is a part of the toddler’s self- independent and make *uses memory and imitation to orientation
discovery, a way of exerting decisions for self act *heteronomous morality
independence *favorite word: “I”, “NO” *can solve basic problems, *child does right because a
PRESCHOOLERS 3-6 years Phallic stage Initiative vs. Guilt foresee maneuvers that will parent tells him/her to and to
*the genitals are the pleasure *ability to try new things succeed or fail avoid punishment
of the child *intensive activity and *toy: blocks, colored plastic
*Oedipus and Electra Complex consuming fantasies rings Stage 2: (4-7y/o)
*child learns identity through *interjects parent’s social *individualism
awareness of genital area consciousness Preoperational thought(2- *instrumental purpose and
*masturbation is common *child learns how to do things 7y/o) exchange
during this phase and that doing things is *thought becomes more *carries out actions to satisfy
*children may also show desirable symbolic own needs rather than
exhibition *knows right or wrong *can arrive at answers society’s
*bogus playmates/imaginary mentally *will do something for that
*fears: dark, being left alone, *thinking is basically concrete person if that person does
large animals, ghosts, body and critical something for the child
mutilation, pain & objects *child is egocentric
SCHOOL-AGE 6-12 years Latent stage/Latency Period Industry vs. Inferiority *displays static thinking Conventional (Level II)
CHILDREN *all the sexual desires arch *makes things w/ others *concept of time is now, and
*child’s personality *strives to achieve success concept of distance is only as Stage 3: (7-10y/o)
development appears to be *child learns how to do things far as he/she can see *orientation to interpersonal
nonactive or dormant well *no awareness of reversibility relations of mutuality
(for every action there is an *child follows rules because
opposite action) of a need to be a “good”
person in own eyes and eyes
Concrete operational of others
*systematic reasoning Stage 4: (10-12y/o)
*uses memory to learn broad *child finds following rules
concepts and authority
*classifications involve sorting *child finds following rules
objects accdg to attributes satisfying
*child is aware id reversibility *follows rules of authority
*understands conversation, figures and parents in an
sees constancy despite of effort to keep the “system”
transformation working

Formal operational
*can solve hypothetical
problems with scientific
*understands causality
*can deal with the past,
present & future
*adult or mature thought
ADOLESCENCE 12-20 years Genital stage Identity vs. Role confusion Operational Thought Postconventional (Level III)
*conflict: setting rules *determines own sense of self *capable of abstract thinking
*genitals become awakened *development of who, what & Stage 5: (older than 12)
*adolescent develops sexual where they are going *social contract, utilitarian
maturity and learns to establish *become focus (self-concept) law-making perspectives
satisfactory relationships w/ *period of rebellion and *follows standards of society
the opposite sex uncertainty for the good of all people
*adjusting to a new body and Stage 6:
seeking emancipation from *universal ethical principle
parents, choosing a vocation orientation
& determining a value system *follows internalized
standards of conduct
YOUNG ADULTHOOD 20-40 years Intimacy vs. Isolation
*person makes commitments
to one another
*isolation and self-absorption
if unsuccessful
*independent from parents,
possible marriage/partnership
*major goals to accomplish in
career and family
*marrying age
*fulfillment of career
ADULTHOOD/MIDDLE- 40-65 years Generativity vs. Stagnation *settling down
AGED ADULTS *physical changes: graying *find jobs
hair, wrinkling skin, pain & *start a family
muscle aches, menopausal
*psychosocial virtue: Care
*mature adult is concerned
w/ establishing & guiding the
new generation or else feels
personal impoverishment
*relates to older & younger
*become “Pillars of the
LATE 65 years and Integrity vs. Despair *satisfaction w/ career
ADULTHOOD/OLD above *achieves sense of acceptance *accomplishment of goals
AGE/SEMESCENCE of own life
*adapts to triumphs &
disappointments w/ a certain
ego integrity
*accepts the inevitability of
death or else falls into despair
*appraisal of life & changing
social roles
*self-concerned & withdrawn

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