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Josephine Yahraes

Mr. Pace

Dual Credit Englisg

Independent Reading Essay

12 Oct 2019

1984 Essay

Never alone even the piercing eyes of the government watching every move, every thought, of

every second of every day. This is the type of reality Winson Smith is living in the novel 1984,

by Grorge Orwell. Willson lives a time existence, if one would even consider it a life. The

government controls what he can and can not think, where he works, and even his relationships

with those around him. Winston becomes obsessed with finding a way out of his dismal

pre-programed life and becomes careless which eventually leads to his downfall.

Winston being a highly intelligent man begins to realize that aspects of his life are not

adding up, there is never enough to eat, no nice clothing, and no privacy whatsoever. Winston

becomes obsessed over a man that attends the two minute Hate with him named O’Brian. As

Winston begins to associate more with O'Brian, he becomes more and more convinced that he is

a part of the brotherhood a radical party against Big Brother, according to the novel,“He told her

of the strange intimacy that existed, or seemed to exist, between himself and O’Brian, and of the

impulse he sometimes felt simply to walk into O'Brien's presence, announce that he was an

enemy of the Party, and demand his help” (Orwell 152). One night O'Brian invites Winston and

Julia over to his apartment and gets them to confess their feelings towards Big Brother. When

Winston gets captured it is O'Brian who betrayed him and torchers him.
Love can make one reckless. When Winston falls in love with Julia he becomes filled

with even more hatred for Big Brother. He sees that their relationship can't last with Big

Brother’s control. Julia however is perfectly fine with their secret love affair and wishes just to

keep quiet about it, doing nothing more. Unlike Winston, Julia keeps her hate for Big Brother

concealed by being modke citizen. She just wishes to love Winston,“I’m not interested in the

next generation, dear” “I’m interested in us” (Orwell 156). Julia expresses her concern with

Winston’s erratic ideas of rebellion.

Winston was reckless in the sense of purchasing a book, expressing free thought by

journaling and placing trust in Mr. Charington. Mr. Charington is perceived as an older man that

runs a second hand shop. Winston rented a room above Mr. Charington’s shop where Julia and

him stayed. Winston never really questioned Mr. Charinton or checked to room to make sure it

was truly safe. Winston was deviced by Mr Charinton, for Mr. Charinton hide a telescreen a

picture on them. Winston, blindly trusted Mr. Charinton, he was betrayed. “It occurred to

Winston that for the first time in his life he was looking, with knowledge, at a member of the

Thought Police” (224). It turns out that Mr. Charinton was an uncover member of the Thought

Police and tuned Julia and Winson both in for Thought Crime.

Winson meets him mental demise through trusting the wrong people and the restless

blinding relationship he had with Julia. If Winston would have been more careful and not so

quick to trust he might have not came to this fate of tourcher and brainwashing. Winson was

blinded by the thrill of freedom and uprising. He forgot reality and became too eratice in his

behaviors. “Don’t trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar”(Maryum Ahsam).

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