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Hi my name is preethadevi ragunathan also known as preetha.Im a student nurse from kpjuc.

im 18
years old and the youngest among my cohort members.not just that im the only daughter among 2
brothers to my parents my mom,Premmala Kumaravasagam and my dad Ragunathan avili.My eldest
brother’s name is Thevaruban ragunathan and he is doing his masters in University Technology second brother’s name is thevacharaan and he is also a student at kpjuc and he is
currently doing his bachelors in pharmacy.My family also have a pet that is basically our family
member too.Her name is Preeti and she is a poodle and she is 5 years old and she is also the most
favourite in the family.I am from perak,ipoh and I live with my family in a quite
mother loves gardening so our house Is usually surrended by plants.the person im closest to is my
roommate Jayarutra Ram the youngest and the only girl in my family I always wished I
had a sister.after 18 years of my life,she fulfilled my wish.ive never opened up to anyone else other
than my mother than her.she makes sure im okay and advices me on the right super
grateful for her and I never want to lose her.Im currently doing diploma in nursing at kpj university
college nilai and im in year 1 semester 2 and im in cohort 67.In about 7 weeks we are about to leave
for our posting.i feel excited anf happy because I get to do what I love which is nursing.helping
others is my favourite thing to the future I want to do my degree in nursing and specialize in
midwifery and move to Toronto, also passionate on making the world a better place.the
world is currently is a bad place but there is still people who are trying to change it and I want to
help those people who are trying to make the world a better the future I want to work with
unicef and travel the world to help mothers and new born babies around the place who lives in rural
areas with no access to hospital.After a while, I want to have my palliative care to help cancer
patients and I want to name it after my grandmother who passed away recently after fighting with
breast cancer for 3 years.rajeswari palliative care society.the society will visit patients who are at
home and need help with bed bath or regular check up.the society will also not charge any of the
patients.this is me.Thank you for watching .bye

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