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“Orthodoxy means not In order for one to not get If one is unconscious to their

thinking — not needing to turned in for being a thought surroundings they are easy to
think. Orthodoxy is criminal one must learn to control. Being uneducated is
regulate emotions, breathing, a form of unconsciousness.
and even heart rate or risk
being turned in for thought
crime. One must be dormant
to once self and emotions in
order to survive in the world
of Big Brother. Thinking and
showing individuality is
unexceptable and can be
considered a crime if done at
a certain degree. Thus it is
better to not think or ever feel
the need to express once self.
Having no thought but love
for the Party.

“Doublethink means the Double Thinking was the The way the human mind can
power of holding two struggle Wientson trick one is extremely
contradictory beliefs in one's experienced when he trusted, powerful. Mind over matter.
mind simultaneously, and fell in love , and metally The mind can convince one to
accepting both of them.” broke. feel sick and your body will
react with signs of an illness..

“One does not establish a Revolution is connected to Power over a means to get to
dictatorship in order to humanity. Humanily entails an end is how dictatorship is
safeguard a revolution; one compassion which is the ran when it’s established to
makes the revolution in order foundation of unconditional safeguard a revolution. This
to establish the dictatorship.” love. The one love we all means power is in a select
strive for. Winston's love for few, whereas when a
Julia was unconditional love. dictatorship is created by a
Winston wanted to express revolution the power is
his love instead of being entrusted in the people.
under a dictatorship that
safeguard the revolution.
Winston became driven
towards a revolution to
restore humanity.

“Sexual intercourse was to In Oceania one can never be Pleasure of any type is
be looked on as a slightly completely satisfied or forbidden, hurtful and
disgusting minor operation, fulfilled. One cannot marry degrateing. This is was to
like having an enema. This someone they are attracted to, control all and keep control.
again was never put into plain there will be no pleasure out
words, but in an indirect way of marriage whatsoever. The
it was rubbed into every Party only reason for marriage is
member from childhood for the greater good of the
onwards.” government. It is the citizens
of Oceania's responsibility to
produce more offspring to be
used as the next generation of
spies dictated by the
government. This quote goes
to prove the cold detachment
the government has created
among the people. There is no
such thing as a true bonded
family in Oceanead. Children
are merely an asset to Big
Brother the next generation of
members of a brainwashed
society. Children will often
betray their own parents and
turn into the thought police.
All to benefit Big Brother.
The world has become an
extremely cold detached
place with no emotions or
true human connections.
“War is peace. This quotes is the slogan for This quote is ridden with
Freedom is slavery. “Big Brother” or the opposite statements, it can be
Ignorance is strength.” government in 1984. It is of compared to saying left is
great importance to the text right and right is left. It is
due to the fact that this is the interesting to see how the
slogan everyone lives by. citizens don’t question these
Nobody knows anything opposing statements. Perhaps
different so the people of this is because that thought is
Oceania never question it’s restricted and nobody dare
ironic properties. question for fear of getting
caught by the thought police.
If these statements showed up
in the current government the
people would be extremely

“Never again will you be O'Brien is telling Wisnton The dehumanization of

capable of love, or friendship, this is what Big Brother humanity. Here one wants
or joy of living, or laughter, expects of the citizens of one to be dead inside and
or curiosity, or courage, or Oceania. Just a former shell, a become a puppet.
integrity. You will be hollow. void that once was human.
We shall squeeze you empty,
and then we shall fill you
with ourselves”

“I LOVE YOU” Juleia, Winstons love interest The smallest words mean the
writes these words to him on most. Those three small
a tiny piece of paper. This act words.
is rebellion. Simply by
writing ``I” love you”is
breaking the law and one
could get turned into the
thought criminal. Julia and
Winston's forbidden love is a
symbolic act of defiance of
the ways of Big Brother.

“Freedom is the freedom to Winston reacts seeing this Once on gets the freedom to
say that two plus two make quote printed on a flyer choose what they want to
four. If that is granted, all else promoting Big Brother. The choose or believe what they
follows.” posester intataly is saying that want to believe more thoughts
even if situations and follow and build upon it
conditions in life do not add
up or make complete sense.
Never question the ways of
Big Brother. Big Brother
knows what's best for

“Nothing was your own In the city of Oceania Big Nobody can take own one’s
except the few cubic Brother owns and oversees mind or thoughts.
centimetres inside your skull. everything. Winson expressed
” his frustration by stating the
fact that there is no such thing
as privacy in Oceania. Even
in his own home Big Brother
has access to everyone's
personal life through the
invention of the telescreen.
Wimston is stating that the
only thing that was truly
private and not violated by
Big Brother was what was in
one’s own mind. This quote
allows the reader to get a
clearer understanding of how
invasive this governmental
system truly is.

“If you want to keep a secret, Winston understands that he Lies and truth existing in
you must also hide it from must not think of rebelling. one's mind will work on you.
yourself.” He must keep his feelings and These emotions will loop and
thoughts locked up deep loop. They will become the
inside. So deep that even he straw that broke the camel's
can not detect this deep back.
rooted hate inside of himself.
Winston is having difficulties
showing away his feelings in
order to condone to Big

“Until they become conscious Winston is reporting to his Truth is power. Truth is
they will never rebel, and forbidden journey. He consciousness that breathes
until after they have rebelled expressed that he might just life in individuality.
they cannot become have a chance of starting a
conscious.” revolution against Big
Brother using the Proles.
Hover this can only be
achieved if the Proles
detected the extreme
inadequacy of the govements
treatment. They are blind to
the fact that life under Big
Brother is not truly living.
Until the Proles recognize this
fact there is no hope for

“‘Don’t you see that the Winston is having lunch with Words are a form of power. If
whole aim of Newspeak is to one of his comrades. He you say I think I can, I think i
narrow the range of thought? works in the speech can we become the little
In the end we shall make department and is working on engine that could.
thoughtcrime literally creating a dictionary for
impossible, because there will future generations. He
be no words in which to specializes in destroying
express it.’” words. Words can be
perceived as threatening due
to the fact that words plant
ideas. Ideas then have the
potential to spark an uprising.
Limiting one’s vocabulary
will in return limit one’s rage
if thought. Words and
collective ideas are treated to
Big Brother. The less
educated people are, the
easier they are to be lead.

“Stupidity was as necessary Winston has to appear to be

as intelligence, and as less intelligent that he is in
difficult to attain.” order to not be suspected of
thought crime. He must hide
his intelligent and choose his
words carefully. This is
completely true because he
has to safeguard everything
he says, due to the fact that if
something slightly intelligent
or may have even the
slightest unorthodox
undertone to it. This could
endanger himself. He must
put on a fake fisaude of
stuipity which at times is
emenctly difficut to achieve.

“If there is hope, it lies in the Wiston is hungry for Strength comes from those
proles.” enlightenment about life least expected of it
before Big Brother took
control. The only people who
are allowed to live somewhat
freely are the proles. The
proles are not under strict lew
of Big Brother. The are not
considered such a large threat
due to the fact that they are
the poor working class
citizens. Due to their small
taste of freedom Winston
believes that they have the
most information about life
before the revolution of Big

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