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Educational Comparison

July 26, 2019

6 Reasons Why Montessori Will Work for Your Student

April 23, 2019

The School I Wish I Went To

July 31, 2018

A Perfect Place to Learn

July 17, 2018

The Advantages of Progressive Education

July 13, 2018

Experiential Education

April 16, 2018

Dear Kitty

April 6, 2018


April 3, 2018

Passion is the only prerequisite.

February 12, 2018

My first Montessori student

February 2, 2018

The Advantages of Progressive Education

July 13, 2018

Aaron Cohen

There are a number of reasons why students and parents choose progressive schools over traditional
schools. In order to better understand the advantages that progressive schools offer, let’s first take a look
at the traditional model.

Most of us were educated within the traditional school system. Our teachers expected us to look to
them as experts, keepers of knowledge. They provided us with information, usually with the aid of a
textbook, and we were required to understand or otherwise absorb that information (through rote
memorization, for example). Our teachers made us take tests and quizzes periodically to see how well
we were absorbing the information. The grades they gave us were intended to reflect how well we
learned (or remembered) the material.

Within this system, students are seen as empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge. They are
expected to conform to the teacher’s expectations of what “learning” looks like. Picture uniform rows of
students facing the teacher in assigned seats at individual desks, taking detailed notes that they will be
expected to study and memorize later on.
As we examine this teaching method, questions may arise: How well are these students retaining what
they are learning? How much of what they learn applies to their lives? Is this the best way to help
students reach their fullest potential? And what does it truly mean to be educated?

Progressive education, on the other hand (which has been around in one form or another for several
hundred years) is a much more open-ended process that can result in a more genuine form of learning—
and greater retention of that which is learned.

Personalized learning is a fundamental principle and main advantage of progressive education.

Progressive educators recognize that there is no one size fits all model when it comes to learning. This
recognition serves as the jumping-off point for a range of improvements on the traditional model.
Progressive educators believe that learning should be tailored to the needs and interests of each

This is one of the reasons why small class sizes are generally emphasized. In a room of 30+ kids, it’s
nearly impossible to work with each student individually, much less get to know them as individual
learners and be responsive to each one’s individual needs.
Progressive educators also generally believe that learning should be interest-based—connected to things
that really interest their students. They recognize that actual interest in learning about a topic is a more
powerful motivating factor than grades and tests.

Within this more personalized framework, students are empowered to take charge of their learning to a
much greater extent. Teachers serve as guides rather than experts, and lectures are replaced with a
more active and collaborative learning culture. Students may work one-on-one with their teachers to set
their own learning goals. (Unlike the traditional classroom, students can have a voice in terms of
deciding what topics they study.)

What’s more, students can move through the material at their own pace, based on how well they have
mastered it. They may choose from a variety of ways to demonstrate that mastery as well. However, it’s
highly unlikely that they will take a test that focuses on how well they remember information. Students
are much more likely to be learning by doing, for example working on projects —and tackling complex
issues, rather than simply memorizing facts.

As you can see, personalized learning is more dynamic than the traditional method—more interactive,
more participatory, and more collaborative than listening to a lecture while hastily scribbling notes.
Additionally, more dynamic classroom designs encourage greater student participation. Picture a
learning space where everyone is seated around a table facing each other, as opposed to rows of
students sitting isolated at individual desks, facing an authority figure. By eliminating the back row,
teachers can better ensure that all students are engaged in learning. It also sends a strong message that
all members of the class are valued equally.
One type of classroom activity that utilizes this learning space effectively is the Socratic seminar. Usually
taught in History and English/Language Arts classes, Socratic seminars place the emphasis on students’
thoughts and ideas regarding historical events and works of literature. During these structured
discussions, the teacher steps back and the students lead the way. They listen and respond to each
others’ ideas, and construct meaning on their own. The activity emphasizes intellectual inquiry and
critical thinking skills.

Through these types of classroom activities, students learn how to collaborate with one another and
become intrinsically motivated learners in the process. Compared to “traditional” school tasks - for
example, all students being blanket-assigned a set of discussion questions or math problems to complete
individually—this level of student involvement can reap much greater rewards.

There is much more to be said about progressive education—this is just a brief (well…somewhat brief)
overview. In the coming blog posts, we’ll be diving into more detail, stay tuned….


progressive education

socratic seminar

personalized learning

Disadvantages to Progressive Education by Clover Cat on Prezi

23 Sep 2014 · University of South Carolina Aiken: Essays In Education 14, 2. Retrieved from http://www. ...

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