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 There are two methods;

a)Richards’ graphical method

b)Richards’ rapid method
 1. Prepare a temperature-time graph.
 V̅1 = kt1
 V̅2 = kt2
 V̅3 = kt3, etc.

V̅Heating = V̅1 + V̅2 + V̅3 +…………… +


In the same way, calculate V̅ for cooling period.

 We know,
V̅overall = V̅Heating + V̅holding + V̅cooling
V̅Holding = V̅overall - V̅Heating - V̅cooling

Now, V̅holding = ktholding

tholding = V̅ holding /k
 The method has two assumptions;
a) all spore destruction occurs at temp.
b) parts of the heating and cooling period
 Richards has presented a table of V̅ factors
for B. stearothermophilus spores.
 If both the conditions are followed, then V̅
can be directly obtained from table.
Del values for B.
spores for the
heating-UP period over
a temperature range of
100 to 130°, assuming
rate of temperature
change of 1° min -1 J
and negligible spore
destruction at
temperatures below
1000 .
For e.g.
Del121 (from table) = 12.549 (if temp.
change is 1°per min.)

if, Temp. change = 100-121° in 30 min.

Del = Del(from table) X time taken/ change in


Hence, Del = 12.549 X 30/(121-100)

= 12.549 X 30/21
= 17.93

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