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Aileen C.

BSN – 1B
1:00pm – 7pm

Uncommon Amino Acid

What are the uncommon amino acid ?

The uncommon amino acid are derived from the common Amino Acids. And are
produce by modification of the parent amino acid after the protein is synthesized by the organism in the
process called post- transitional modification. Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine differ from their parent
amino acids in that they have hydroxyl groups on their side chains; they are found only in a few
connective tissue proteins such as collagen. Thyroxine differs from tyrosine in that it has an extra iodine-
containing aromatic group on the side chain; it is found only in the thyroid gland, where it is formed by
post transitional modification of tyrosine residues in the protein thyroglobulin. Thyroxine is the released
as a hormone by proteolysis or thyroglobulin.

Many other amino acids in addition. They occur in some but no means all, proteins.
Hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine and Thyroxine the three examples of uncommon amino acid. The
uncommon amino acids are derived from the common amino acids and are produced by modification of
the parent amino acid. After the protein is synthesized by the organism in a process called post-
transitional modification. Hydroxyproline and Hydroxylysine differ from their parent amino acid in that
they have hydroxyl groups on their side chains; they are found only in a few connective tissue proteins,
such as collagen. Thyroxine differ from tyrosine in that it has an extra iodine- containing aromatic group
on the side chain. It is found only in the thyroid gland. Where it is formed by post- transitional
modification of tyrosine residue in the protein thyroglobulin. Both animals and humans that exhibit
sluggishness and slow metabolism are often given thyroxine to help ramp up their metabolism.

Although uncommon, natural amino acids beyond the well known 20 actually do occur.
Hydroxylysine, hydroxyproline, carboxy glutamic acid and pro glutamic Acid. Several amino acids that
are less common but nevertheless found in certain proteins. Hydroxyproline are found in connective
tissue proteins, pyro glutamic acid is found by bacteriorhodopsin ( a protein in halo bacterium halonium).
Epinephrine, histamine and serotine although not amino acids are derived from and closely related to
amino acid.
Uncommon Amino Acid
1. Hydroxyproline
2. Hydroxylysine
3. Thyroxine
4. 3,3,5- triiodothyronine
5. 6-N- Methyl lysine
6. Desmosine
7. Selenocysteine
8. Ornithine
9. Citrulline

Some uncommon amino acids deserve special note because they are key intermediate metabolites
in the biosynthesis of arginine and in the urea cycle.

References :

1. Thomson Asian Edition, Bettelheim’s introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry

Eight Edition. Bettelheim, Brown, Campbell, Farrel. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico,
Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom. United States. Copy Righted 2007.
2. Biochemistry – Frederick A Bettelheim, William H. Brown. Mark Campbell, Shawn O.
Farrel. Omar Torres @2019 C & E Publishing Inc.
3. Biochemistry- Reginald H. Garret, Charles M. Grisham. International Edition. Fifth Edition.
2013, 2009 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Aileen C. Olantigue
1pm- 7pm

Uncommon Amino Acid

Many other amino acids in addition. They occur in some but no means all,
proteins. Hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine and Thyroxine the three examples of
uncommon amino acid. The uncommon amino acids are derived from the common amino
acids and are produced by modification of the parent amino acid. After the protein is
synthesized by the organism in a process called post- transitional modification.
Hydroxyproline and Hydroxylysine differ from their parent amino acid in that they have
hydroxyl groups on their side chains; they are found only in a few connective tissue
proteins, such as collagen. Thyroxine differ from tyrosine in that it has an extra iodine-
containing aromatic group on the side chain. It is found only in the thyroid gland. Where
it is formed by post- transitional modification of tyrosine residue in the protein
thyroglobulin. Both animals and humans that exhibit sluggishness and slow metabolism
are often given thyroxine to help ramp up their metabolism.

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