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 Aim
 Theory
Materials required

 Procedure
Preparation of soymilk
 Tofu
Potential Health Benefits
 Possible Negative Effects on
Economical impact


Preparation of soya bean milk and
its comparison with the natural milk
with respect to curd formation, effect
of temperature and taste.
 Natural milk is an opaque white
fluid secreted by the mammary
glands of female mammal.
 The main constituents of natural
milk are proteins, carbohydrates,
minerals, vitamins, fats and water and
are a complete balanced diet.
 Fresh milk is sweetish in taste.
i. However, when it is kept for a
long time at a temperature of 35 ±
50C it becomes sour because of
bacteria present in air.
ii. These bacteria convert lactose
of milk starts separating out as a
 When the acidity in milk is
sufficient and temperature is around
360C, it forms semi-solid mass, called
 Soya bean milk is made from soya
beans. It resembles natural milk.
 The main constituents of soya
bean milk are proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, minerals and

It is prepared by:
Keeping soya beans dipped in water
for sometime .The swollen soya beans are
then crushed to a paste which is then
mixed with water. The solution is filtered
and filtrate is soya bean milk.

Materials required:
Beakers , pestle and mortar,
measuring cylinder, glass-rod, tripod-
stand, thermometer, muslin cloth, burner.
Soya beans, buffalo milk, fresh curd,
distilled water.

Preparation of
 Soak about 100 g of soya beans in
sufficient amount of water for 24
I. Take out swollen soya beans
and grind them to a very fine paste
with a pestle-mortar.
II. Add about 250 ml of water to
this paste and filter it through a
muslin cloth.

III. Clear white filtrate is soya

bean milk.
IV. Compare its taste with buffalo
 Take 50 ml of buffalo milk in three
beakers and heat the beakers to 300,
400 and 500 C respectively.
 Add spoonful curd to each of the
beakers and leave the beakers
undisturbed for 8 hours and curd is
 Similarly, take 50 ml of soya bean
milk in three other beakers and heat
the beakers to 300,400 and 500 C
 Add 1 spoonful curd to each of
these beakers. Leave the beakers
undisturbed for 8 hours and curd is
Regular soymilk Lite
Calories(gm) 140 100
protein(gm) 10.0 4.0
fat(gm) 4.0 2.0
carbohydrate(gm) 14.0 16.0
Sodium (gm) 120.0 100.0
iron(gm) 1.8 0.6
riboflavin(gm) 0.1 11.0
calcium(gm) 80.0 80.0

There are many products made from soya
beans on the market such as soy sauce,
tofu and soya ‘milk’. Soymilk is a soya
bean extract that has nothing to do with
cow’s milk other than it looks like it and
can be added to drinks. Tofu, also known
as bean curd, is made by coagulating
soymilk and then pressing the resultant
curds into soft white blocks. This process
can be achieved by adding the soymilk to
an acid or to salts like calcium sulfate.
These various forms of tofu are washed to
create a food product with a variety of
textures and uses. Tofu can be used as a
meat substitute for vegetarians. In stir
fries, for example, it adds texture and
protein to a meal.

Going back to my coffee disaster we can

now see what might be going on: the
coffee is turning my soymilk into tofu.
Curdling tends to be worse with more
acidic types of coffees. The heat of the hot
coffee also helps to speed up the process.
Black coffee, soymilk added, curdling
seen after one minute
Potential Health
 May Help Lower
May Improve Fertility
May Reduce Menopause
Possible Negative
Effects on Health
 Effect on Breast Cancer
Is Unknown
Impact on Thyroid
Effect on Male Sex

Ecological impact:
Using soyabeans to make milk
instead of raising cows may be
economically advantageous. Cows
require much more energy in order
to produce milk, since the farmer
must feed the animal, which can
consume up to 24 kilograms (53 lb)
of food in dry matter basis and 90
to 180 litres (24 to 48 US gal) of
water a day, producing an average
of 40 kilograms (88 lb) of milk a day
. legumes , including the soybean
plant, also replenish the nitrogen
content of the soil in which they are
The cultivation of soybeans
in South america is a cause
of deforestation (specifically in the
Amazon rainforest) and a range of
other large-scale environmental
harm.] However, the majority of
soybean cultivation worldwide,
especially in South America where
cattle farming is widespread, is
intended for livestock fodder rather
than soy milk production.
For buffalo milk, the best
temperature for the formation of
good quality and tasty curd is… oC
and for soya bean milk, it is …. oC.

1) Comprehensive practical
chemistry- XII
2) N.C.R.E.T chemistry text book
3) Wikipedia, the free
4) Scribd

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