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J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470

DOI 10.1007/s10967-017-5252-8

UV–Vis spectroscopy with chemometric data treatment: an option

for on-line control in nuclear industry
Dmitry Kirsanov1,2 • Alisa Rudnitskaya3 • Andrey Legin1,2 • Vasily Babain2,4

Received: 3 March 2017 / Published online: 22 April 2017

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2017

Abstract Chemometrics can be very useful for the clas- Introduction

sical field of UV–Vis determination of metals in aqueous
solutions. A conventional approach consisting of using Origins of chemometrics are usually placed in the 1960s
selective bands in a univariate mode is often not applicable when computing became largely available for the scientific
to the real-world samples from e.g. hydrometallurgical community. Accessibility of the computers stimulated the
processes, because of overlapping signals, light scattering development of theoretical chemistry involving complex
on foreign particles, gas bubble formation, etc. And this is calculation, e.g. molecular modelling or quantitative
where chemometrics can do a good job. This paper over- structure–activity relationship, as well as applications of
views certain contributions to the field of multivariate data statistics to analytical chemistry in particular to the treat-
processing of UV–Vis spectra for seemingly simple case of ment of complex instrumental signals. Thus, the advent of
metal detection in aqueous solutions. Special attention is analytical instruments generating for each sample a large
given to applications in nuclear technology field. number of measurements, which were often collinear and
non-selective, was another catalyzer for the introduction of
Keywords UV–Vis spectroscopy  Chemometrics  chemometrics. The term ‘‘chemometrics’’, which came to
Metals  On-line control  Process analytical technology  designate a combination of statistics, computationally
Nuclear technology intensive multivariate methods and experimental design
applied to analytical chemistry, was coined by Wold in
1972 [1]. Since then various methods and applications of
chemometrics have been developed. Multivariate calibra-
tion, structure–activity modelling, pattern recognition,
classification, discriminant analysis, and multivariate pro-
cess modelling and monitoring were identified as areas,
where chemometrics has been the most successful [2].
Further evidence of chemometrics success is its widespread
& Dmitry Kirsanov use in the industry as it was introduced for process moni- toring in all kinds of manufacturing processes, from
Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University,
petrochemical to pharmaceutical and food. Though
Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, St. Petersburg, Russia 199034 numerous chemometric methods and algorithms have been
Laboratory of Artificial Sensory Systems, ITMO University,
developed in the course of the years, Principal Component
Kronverkskiy pr. 49, St. Petersburg, Russia 197101 Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Square regression
3 (PLSR) remain the most popular.
CESAM and Chemistry Department, Aveiro University,
Campus Universitário De Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, One of the most striking examples of usefulness of
Portugal chemometrics is Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. NIR
Three Arc MiningInc., Stary Tolmachevsky per. 5, Moscow, spectroscopy was first introduced in the 1950s but was
Russia 115184 scarcely used till 80s. It was deemed a ‘‘sleeper among

462 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470

spectroscopic techniques’’ due to its presumably high colored metal solutions, so the number of potential analytes
potential but very limited practical applications [3]. Indeed, is quite small. Another concern regarding direct UV–Vis
NIR spectra typically contain broad and overlapping bands quantification is that detection limits are rather high in this
influenced by various physical, chemical and structural case.
parameters. NIR spectra are, thus, information-rich but Traditional approach to analysis of metals with UV–Vis
non-selective, and univariate approach taking into account relies on the use of chromogenic ligands, which upon the
a single band at a time is not applicable. On the other hand binding reaction with target analyte yield intense colored
multivariate analysis techniques allowed extracting ana- complexes. Though this procedure allows for significant
lytical information from NIR spectra and opened up new decrease of detection limits of the method, it is normally
horizons for its application as a process control tool in effective only when determination of single metal is
industry [4–6]. Other spectroscopic techniques such as required. Chromogenic ligands are usually not highly
inductively coupled plasma-optical emission/atomic selective and spectra that they form with different metals
absorption spectroscopy (ICP-OES/AAS) [7], ICP-mass are often highly overlapping, which leads to the decrease of
spectrometry (ICP-MS) [8], laser-induced breakdown analysis precision or even make it altogether impossible.
spectroscopy (LIBS) [9] and Fourier Transform mid-in- One of the ways of dealing with it is to perform separation
frared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) [10] also benefited from the and/or masking prior to determination. This approach is
use of chemometrics. quite laborious, which diminish UV–Vis attractiveness as
UV–Vis spectrophotometry is considered as a simple simple and fast technique, while also invalidate it as a
technique useful for analysis and characterization of indi- potential method for on or in-line analysis.
vidual compounds but with limited applications in the field As an alternative, chemometrics can be used to cir-
of complex media analysis. The analysis of multicompo- cumvent insufficient selectivity and carry on multicompo-
nent samples by UV–Vis is hindered by the lack of sen- nent analysis without sample preparation.
sitivity and selectivity due to overlapping bands of the A very nice example from one of the first demonstrations
components, thus preventing the use of this method for on- of the potential of chemometrics in this field is reported in
line control of industrial processes. The application of the work of Otto and Wegscheider [12]. The authors
chemometrics to the resolution of overlapping spectra of demonstrated that simultaneous quantitative analysis of
complex mixtures in order to increase the potential of UV– iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and palladium in mixtures at low
Vis spectroscopy seems to be a natural next step [11]. The concentrations (down to 10-6 M) using visible spectroscopy
purpose of this review is to demonstrate how the use of of diethyldithiocarbamate chelate complexes of these met-
chemometrics to the processing of UV–Vis spectra may als is possible. Multilinear regression (MLR) was compared
advance applications of this method to the practical tasks. with PLSR (projection on latent structures) and the latter
We will discuss briefly the use of UV–Vis spectrometry for one displayed superior performance ensuring relative errors
metal quantification in aqueous solutions and then we will below 6%. There is also a quote by authors we would like to
make a special focus on nuclear technology related appli- reproduce here, since it is very appropriate and consistent
cations, since it is there where one needs fast and reliable with the scope of this review: ‘‘The successful simultaneous
answer about content of various metals in on-line mode. determination of five metal ions by means of their DEDTC
Various organic substances can be quantified from UV–Vis (diethyldithiocarbamate) complexes raises the question of
spectra with the help of chemometrics as well, however we whether there are some reagents out of hundreds proposed
will not focus on these applications. In no way this review for spectrophotometric single component analysis that are
is claiming to embrace all the literature available on the more suitable for SMA (spectrophotometric multicompo-
topic; we will rather be concentrated on certain selected nent analysis) of metals than is DEDTC. In this context the
publications, which we believe reflect the current situation existing one-wavelength based photometric methods have
and trends in the field. to be revisited with respect to their performance in the
whole spectral range.’’ Indeed, with popularization of
chemometrics, promoted by appearance of several tutorial
Detection of metals with chromogenic ligands reviews on multivariate calibration (see e.g. [13, 14])
with UV–Vis spectroscopy and chemometrics numerous studies emerged revisiting the UV–Vis methods
and their capabilities in the new ‘‘multivariate’’ context.
In spite of moderate sensitivity, UV–Vis spectroscopy is The example of classical study in this research direction is
still a very widely applied technique. Direct metal analysis described in the work [15], where 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridy-
with UV–Vis spectroscopy is possible and generally would lazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (Br-PADAP) was applied as a
be suitable for on-line implementation in technological coloring agent for simultaneous determination of Fe, Cu,
process control, however its application is only limited to Zn, Co and Ni in aqueous media and for quantification of

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470 463

Fe, Cu and Zn in blood serum as well. Spectrophotometric nearest neighbor classifier to evaluate the effects of fluoride
data in visible range were processed with PLSR. The and oxalate on the Pu spectra [20]. Simultaneous deter-
authors did intensive research on establishing optimal mination of Ce, Pr and Nd using PLSR is described in Ref.
parameters for analysis and studied several possible [21]. The spectra of mixtures were recorded in
interferences. 290–800 nm range. Although the experimental design of
Another typical study of this kind was reported in Ref. model mixtures was not optimal (lanthanide concentrations
[16] where the authors used MLR to process visible spectra were varied only over two–three fixed levels), the resulted
in the range 390–480 nm for simultaneous determination of models allowed for determination of concentrations in
cadmium, copper and zinc. Colored complexes of the metals commercial rare-earth product with significantly greater
were obtained using 1,5-bis(di-2-pyridylmethylene)thio- precision than the conventional univariate calibration
carbonohydrazide. Estimated linear determination ranges method. The authors also tried to evaluate samarium con-
were 0.1–1.7 lg/ml for Cd, 0.1–1.3 lg/ml for Cu and centration but in the real sample it was too low and out of
0.2–1.2 lg/ml for Zn. Strong interference from Co(II), calibration range.
Ni(II), Fe(III), Hg(II) and Hg(I) ions was observed since In the works of Meinrath quantitative spectroscopic
these metals also form colored complexes with the ligand. speciation of various hydrolysed U(VI) solutions has been
As a demonstration, diverse spiked samples and reference demonstrated using factor analysis [22, 23] The same
materials were analyzed. Later the same authors reported on author with co-workers successfully applied computer-as-
simultaneous determination of iron, cobalt, nickel and sisted target factor analysis combined with Monte Carlo
copper using the same chelating agent but applying principal simulations and resampling techniques (i.e. threshold
component regression (PCR), PLS1 and PLS2 for process- bootstrap methods) to the speciation of lanthanides in
ing of the visible spectra (390–510 nm) [17]. solutions employing UV–Vis spectroscopy data. Interac-
tions of Nd(III) with various ligands including polyox-
ometalates [24], nicotinic acid N-oxide, derivatives of
Analysis of metals with UV–Vis characteristic carboxylated pyridine N-oxide and Arsenazo III have been
absorption spectra and chemometrics studied [25–27]. Interaction of hexavalent uranium with
pyridine carboxylic acid N-oxide derivatives was also
Distinct characteristic bands of the electronic transitions in studied [28]. Aforementioned works specifically focused
some metals allow for reliable UV–Vis quantitative con- on application of the resampling techniques to the error
centration assessment even without dyes. In this case, propagation and uncertainty estimation of the measure-
univariate approach to UV–Vis spectra often fails in ments in the situations when classical error progression
complex mixtures due to broad overlapping peaks of approximations are not applicable, of which use of multi-
components. Once again, performance of UV–Vis spec- variate methods for resolution of the overlapping UV–Vis
troscopy can be significantly improved by chemometric spectra was selected as a case study.
data processing. One of the first examples of such combi- The report [29] addresses the problem of overlapping
nation was reported in 1987 [18]. In this study eight rare peaks of europium, terbium and yttrium in the presence of
earth elements (Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm) where perchloric acid. This overlapping seriously hinders indi-
simultaneously determined by spectrophotometry in vidual analysis of rare-earth elements in mixtures. The
350–850 nm wavelength range with repetitive spectral authors proposed the approach based on Kalman filter and
subtraction method (RSSM). The results were compared absorption coefficient matrix obtained from MLR for
with those from derivative spectra and from correction simultaneous quantification of all three metals in the
factor methods and were shown to have higher precision. complex sample of phosphor powder.
Besides, the application of the suggested method to quan- Somewhat similar idea was exploited in the work [30]
tification of these metals in monazite and xenotime ores where the authors studied the data set of UV–Vis spectra
was presented. The study of Carey and Wangen [19] (180–800 nm) for four metal ions (Fe, Ni, Co, Cu) in
describes application of PLSR to simultaneous quantifica- aqueous solutions.. Calibration models in order to predict
tion of plutonium and nitric acid using visible absorption content of the metals in test solutions were obtained using
spectra (500–880 nm). Although the determination of Pu in MLR and K-matrix approach. The latter allowed obtaining
this range is quite straightforward, the analysis of nitric better results in metal quantification while also providing
acid is more challenging since it has only a minor contri- information of real spectral features. These results are
bution to the spectra of the mixture. Both analytes were however come with a caveat that K matrix approach works
successfully quantified in concentration ranges well only in relatively simple cases when spectra obey
1.99–29.9 g/L of Pu and 0.44–3.08 mol/L of HNO3. The Beer’s law and the level of noise and unidentified com-
same authors also reported on the application of PCA and ponents is negligible.

464 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470

Using PCA and target transformation factor analysis non-proliferation policy, which require information about
(TTFA) resolution of the visible spectra (300–500 nm) plutonium concentration as soon as possible.
obtained in solutions of modified calixarene ligand and rare Peculiar analytical problems in nuclear chemistry are
earth ions Eu3?, Dy3?, and Tb3? was achieved [31]. The caused by radioactivity of analysed solutions, which can
stoichiometry of the complexes was established and cor- sometimes exceed 1010 BkL-1. Consequently, analytical
responding stability constants were calculated. tasks such as sampling and sample handling, which are
The authors of the work [32] reported on feasibility very simple and trivial with non-radioactive solutions,
study of simultaneous determination of several lanthanides: become extremely complicated and time consuming. It is
Ce, Pr and Nd using 200–1000 nm spectral measurements. worth to note that direct contact of operator with radioac-
In order to provide for quantitative assessment of concen- tive samples have to be minimized or, ideally, excluded.
trations PLSR and correlation constrained MCR-ALS were Thus, the urgent need of the on-line nondestructive moni-
employed. While it was possible to determine Nd and Pr, toring of radiochemical processes is indisputable.
the quantification of Ce posed certain problem due to Separation technologies currently employed for repro-
strong overlapping of Ce band with HNO3 band under cessing of spent nuclear fuel, including the PUREX and
experimental conditions. UREX? processes, are based on liquid–liquid extraction.
The significant part of the applications in this section is Uranium, plutonium and neptunium are extracted from the
devoted to the analysis of lanthanides and actinides. This is aqueous solutions of the spent fuel using organic solvents,
easy to explain taking into account that these elements while fission products remain in the aqueous phase [39].
have direct relation to nuclear fuel cycle where the problem The next step consists in extraction of minor actinides from
of development of fast and reliable methods suitable for raffinates of PUREX-process [40, 41]. The distribution of
on-line control is really urgent. each element between aqueous and organic phases and,
consequently, efficacy of separation and purification is
governed by the major process variables such as acid
Towards on-line control with UV–Vis concentration, organic ligand concentration, reduction
spectrometry potential and temperature. Element distribution should
remain within established limits, corresponding to the
There is a great interest in on-line determination of metals normal operating conditions (NOC), ensuring stable pro-
coming from the nuclear technology field. Timely, prefer- cess functioning.
ably on-line, monitoring of the industrial process and On-line measurements of the solutions’ composition
detection of deviations from the normal operating condi- would allow maintaining process parameters within NOC
tions is of paramount importance for the nuclear technol- and timely correct the deviations. Primary analytes of
ogy and, in particular, reprocessing of the spent nuclear interest to be monitored during SNF reprocessing are
fuel (SNF). Excellent review of analytical problems related metals, mainly actinides and lanthanides, and nitric acid.
to the PUREX process, was done in two works [33, 34]. Instrumentation to be usable for the on-line monitoring
Similarly to other industrial processes, continuous moni- of the processing of the spent nuclear fuel must be robust,
toring provides possibility to enhance performance and require little maintenance and tolerate harsh process con-
minimize losses by timely correcting deviating processes. ditions such as high radioactivity levels and high acid
Currently the whole new paradigm is evolving to address concentrations. Nondestructive optical techniques, primar-
these issues (process analytical technology—PAT) [35]. In ily UV–Vis, Raman and IR spectroscopy comply with
the case of radiochemical processes, such monitoring requirements enumerated above and are convenient tools
would also serve to critically improve safety due to better for metal quantification in solutions. Often mentioned
accountability of fissile materials. Currently, process con- drawback of UV–Vis spectroscopy is that characteristic
trol at the spent nuclear fuel processing facilities is prin- absorption allows only for rather high detection limits, but
cipally done in the laboratory using inductively coupled spent nuclear fuel processing deals with rather high con-
plasma mass spectrometry [8] and thermal ionization mass centrations so it is not an issue. Detection limit of direct
spectrometry [36] with prior sample preparation using UV–Vis spectroscopy for actinides is about 0.1 g/L, while
isotope dilution [37] or separation using high-performance concentrations of uranium in technological solutions varies
liquid or ion chromatography [38]. While these techniques in the range of 1–300 g/L, plutonium of 0.1–20 g/L and
are highly accurate and selective, they are resource inten- nitric acid of 0.1–3 mol/L. Such concentrations of uranium
sive and have extended analysis times which may result in and plutonium are high enough to be detected by UV–Vis
the time lags of about 15–20 h between sampling and final spectroscopy. Requirement of very low detection limits for
result—obviously, too long. Such prolonged analysis times the analytical instruments currently employed for spent
are particularly unacceptable in the light of demands of nuclear fuel analysis is dictated by the necessity to dilute

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470 465

samples due to their high radioactivity. Dilution of thou- attempt to quantify uranium and nitrate was made. Similar
sand to ten thousand times or even more are typically done, research was presented in another work [50].
otherwise handling of the samples is too dangerous. Use of The potential of UV–Vis spectroscopy can be quite
on-line or in-line techniques such as UV–Vis spectroscopy limited in comparison with other techniques, especially
eliminates this problem. Applications of UV–Vis spec- when resulting spectra are treated in traditional univariate
troscopy for the process control in nuclear technology will way. UV–Vis spectroscopy and Time Resolved Laser
be discussed in more details below. induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFC) have been
compared in Ref. [51] to determine the uranium concen-
Application of UV–Vis spectroscopy in nuclear tration in nitric acid solutions. The authors concluded that
technology. Univariate approach: detection using both methods are capable of achieving this goal though at
single wavelength different concentration levels: linearity range was ca. from
1 mM to 0.2 M for UV–Vis and from 0.09 to 6 mM for
Possibility of implementation of on-line control of the TRFLC. They also noted that TRLFC was superior in that
continuous treatment process using spectroscopic tech- it could qualitatively detect uranium presence in the solu-
niques also has been intensively studied since 1970s [42]. tions in the absence of calibration. This conclusion, how-
However, the first attempt to apply UV–Vis spectroscopy ever, was made without using any chemometric methods
for the quantification of rare earth metals in the presence of for spectra treatment.
the nitric acid dates back to 1941 [43]. In this work Further limitations of univariate approach were evi-
transmittance spectra of lanthanum, cerium, praseody- denced [52, 53]. Optic fiber aided method was proposed in
mium, neodymium, samarium, europium and gadolinium the work [52] for determination of ruthenium in the solu-
in the solutions of nitric acid were measured in the range tions mimicking aqueous streams of nuclear reprocessing.
from 350 to 1000 nm. All metals but gadolinium had While nitric acid and other metals as zirconium and
absorption bands in the studied spectral range, which were strontium did not interfere with analysis, negative influence
partly overlapping. Simultaneous determination of Pr, Nd of uranium was observed. Thus, uranium has to be sepa-
and Sm in the mixed solutions was possible using three rated from solution prior to ruthenium determination,
absorption bands and parameters characterizing molar which renders this approach inapplicable to on-line anal-
absorptivity of these metals for accounting for the mutual ysis. Direct detection of U, Nd and Pd in 3 M nitric acid
interferences. solutions by reflection absorption spectrophotometry was
Initially gamma- spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence discussed in Ref. [53]. Unfortunately, the authors did not
methods were proposed for organization of on-line control account for the influence of nitric acid concentration on the
of liquid spent nuclear fuel processing [44]. Later on, metals’ spectra. It is, however, well known that bands in
several applications of the optical methods such as Raman uranium spectrum are sensitive to nitric acid concentration.
[45, 46], UV–Vis/NIR [47] and UV–Vis [48, 49] spec- It was therefore becoming obvious early on, that use of
troscopy to the detection of inorganic and organic com- single wavelength for quantification of the constituents of
pounds including actinides have been reported. Micro- spent nuclear fuel is not feasible due to the interferences.
electro-mechanical system (MEMS) has been developed Besides influence of nitrate on the uranyl speciation and
and tested for the spectrophotometric detection of neody- overlapping spectra of rare earth metals discussed above,
mium in the concentration range from 18 to 230 g/L at the such effects as redox reactions of actinides [54, 55] and
constant background of 3 M nitric acid [47]. Spectropho- formation of cation–cation complexes [56] affect specia-
tometric determination of uranium in the presence of tion of the metals and their UV–Vis spectra. Selectivity can
varying concentration of nitric acid required use of two be improved by prior separation of the metals in the mix-
wavelengths to account for the dependence of the uranyl tures or by use of ligands capable of forming colored
molar absorptivity on the nitrate concentration [48]. Use of complexes with metals such as e.g. arsenazo. It should be
two bands at 426 and 416 nm allowed for determination of noted, though, that addition of reagents to the sample is
both uranyl in the concentration range from 20 to 200 g/L hardly compatible with on-(in-)line measurements. Alter-
and nitrate in the concentration range from 3 to 5 M with native approach can consist in the use of chemometrics
relative standard deviations of 5 and 15%, respectively. instead of ligands for the resolution of overlapping optical
Detailed study of the effect of nitrate on uranyl speciation spectra. Recently reported application of the UV–Vis
resulting in the significant changes in the U(VI) visible spectroscopy together with chemometric data treatment to
spectra with changing nitrate concentrations was reported the analysis of the nuclear technological solutions are
in. Alterations of uranyl UV–Vis spectra in the concen- discussed below.
tration ranges from 0.01 to 1.26 M of uranium and from Early attempts to analyse actinides and nitric acid in
0.01 to 8 M of nitric acid were studied, however, no aqueous (and organic) solution in on-line mode were taken

466 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470

in the 80-th, when fiber optic technic became available Analysis of uranium, nitric acid and nitrous acid was
[57]. For example, report about uranium detection in studied in Ref. [66] using spectra acquired in the range
aqueous and organic phases by UV–Vis spectroscopy in from 300 to 500 nm and MLR for calibration. Quantifica-
extraction experiments in hot cells was presented in 1986 tion of all three analytes was possible not only in aqueous
[58]. However the accuracy of results was quite poor, but also U(VI)–nitric acid–30% TBP/kerosene system. The
because mathematical treatment of spectra was not authors of this study point out the advantages of on-line
employed. monitoring by spectroscopy: ‘‘No need for radiochemical
separation process; absence of radioactive liquid-waste
Multivariate approach: detection using whole from the analytical process; simplification of the analytical
spectra and chemometrics process and decrease of radiation levels of the analyze and
reliability of measurement results as the form of samples
First attempt to combine UV–Vis spectroscopy with will not be changed by radiochemical separation.’’
chemometrics for analysis of actinides dates back to 1988. Raman and Vis–NIR spectroscopy have been applied to
In the studies [59, 60] UV–Vis spectroscopy with optic the detection of uranyl nitrate, plutonium in both IV and V
fiber and PLSR for data treatment was tested for simulta- oxidation states, neptunium(V) and neodymium in the
neous determination of uranium and nitrate. spent nuclear fuel [61]. Aqueous solutions of the com-
PLSR modelling was used for the analysis of the model mercial fuel ATM-109 and ATM-105 and model feed
solutions of uranium (VI) [61] and plutonium(III)/(IV) [20] solutions were prepared on varying background of nitric
in nitric acid. Calibration models for determination of both acid and extracted using dodecane solution of
uranium(VI) and nitrate were made using absorption tributylphosphate. Spectra of resulting aqueous and organic
spectra in the spectral range from 380 to 500 nm. Con- phases were recorded. Model feed solutions were
centration ranges typical for the PUREX process were employed for identification of the characteristic bands of
selected and were of 1–30 gL-1 for uranium and 0.02–3 each of the solution constituents. Raman spectra were used
molL-1 for nitric acid. Prediction of uranium(VI) and of quantification of uranyl and nitrate while Vis–NIR
nitrate was possible with Root Mean Square Errors spectra for determination of total Pu, Np(V) and Nd(III).
(RMSE) of 0.2 gL-1 and 0.07 molL-1, respectively. Sim- Results were found to be in agreement with ICP-MS
ilar approach was applied to the simultaneous quantifica- measurements. In the following work, possibility of
tion of Pu(III) and nitric acid [58]. Furthermore, influence determination of Pu(IV), Pu(VI), Np(V), the Np(V)-U(VI)
of different concentrations of nitric acid, oxalate and flu- cation–cation complex, and Nd(III) in fuel solutions using
oride on visible spectra of Pu(IV) have been studied using Vis–NIR spectra was demonstrated [67]. Similar tasks can
PCA and Nearest Neighbor classification. be addressed also using Vis–NIR and Raman spectroscopy.
Interest to the applications of chemometric techniques to For example, the analysis of aqueous solutions containing
the processing of the UV–Vis spectra of aqueous solutions different concentrations of nitric acid, sodium nitrate and
of spent nuclear fuel has resurfaced recently and a series of neodymium at varying temperatures was studied in Ref.
reports on this topic have been published [62, 63]. [68]. A model based on the PLSR and spectroscopic data
UV–Vis spectroscopy in combination with PLSR was was developed and its capability to follow up changes of
applied to the quantification of Np and Pu in the model the chemical composition of the process stream was
solutions simulating feeds obtained from the PUREX demonstrated. While both Raman and NIR spectra allowed
process [64]. All model solutions contained fixed back- quantification of NO3- and H? concentrations, only NIR
ground of uranyl (50 g/L) and nitric acid (2 M), while was usable for determination of Nd(III). In the reports
concentration of Np and Pu changed in the range from 0.05 [69, 70] the method was suggested for strong acid solution
to 1.55 g/L. Mean Relative Errors (MREs) of determina- monitoring using Raman spectroscopy.
tion of neptunium and plutonium in the tests were 7.1 and A step further has been undertaken in the work [71]
4.4%, respectively. This work was continued in the model bringing application of spectroscopy closer to the real
solutions of more complex composition and employing process control in nuclear technology. Measurements were
both UV–Vis and IR spectra for the actinides’ quantifica- made in the aqueous and organic phases in the counter-
tion [65]. The background solution of aqueous phase con- current solvent extraction testing set-up equipped with
tained all typical fission products in their common optical Vis–NIR and Raman probes, which were installed
concentration. Determination of uranium, neptunium and inside centrifugal contactors. A series of solutions,
plutonium both in aqueous and organic phases was per- sequentially increasing nitric acid and uranyl nitrate con-
formed using optical spectra and PLSR. The content of all centrations, were fed into the centrifugal contactor flow
key components can be determined with mean relative loop system and spectra were collected upon each con-
errors not exceeding 10%. centrations change. Calibration models were produced

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470 467

Fig. 1 a Raw optical spectra

recorded during the reduction
process in Pu(IV) solution.
Color corresponds to process
time: red—start (t = 0 min),
blue—finish (t = 5 h).
b Example of restored
concentration profiles reduction
of Pu and Np. (Color
figure online)

using spectra measured in the model solutions. Combina- Another research was aimed at on-line determination of
tion of Raman spectroscopy techniques with chemometrics actinides (Np and Pu) during their reduction at certain
allowed to perform online and real time monitoring of PUREX stage [72] The experimental solutions were closely
changes in the concentrations of uranyl nitrate, nitric acid mimicking the composition of real industrial media and
and total nitrate in the concentration range from 0 to 0.6 M, spectral measurements (184–1000 nm range) were taken
0 to 6 M and 0 to 7.2 M, respectively. In the first tests during the reduction of metals with hydrazine, which leads
involving online measurements in the laboratory equip- to gas bubbles formation and disturbs the spectra signifi-
ment, which were reported in these works, simple solutions cantly. Figure 1 a shows the typical view of the spectra
containing only nitric acid and uranyl nitrate were used. obtained during Pu(IV) to Pu(III) reduction and one can see
Vis–NIR probe was also installed in the testing equipment baseline curvature, strong baseline drift, excessive noise
and spectra of other spent nuclear fuel compounds in and out of scale spectrometer readings. To make these data
simulated solutions and respective calibration models have suitable for further processing the authors applied asym-
been established. Thus, applications of both Raman and metrical least squares procedure. Consecutive application
Vis–NIR spectroscopy for online monitoring of spent of MCR-ALS allowed for getting the concentration profiles
nuclear fuel processing is the next logical step. of reduced and oxidized actinides during the process
Unfortunately, in the works discussed above data treat- (Fig. 1 b).
ment is described very briefly and schematically. Apart Reprinted from Chemometrics and Intelligent Labora-
from mentioning what methods were used, very little tory Systems, vol. 146, B. Debus, D. Kirsanov, C.
information is provided. Such important issues as spectra Ruckebusch, M. Agafonova-Moroz, V. Babain, A. Lum-
pre-treatment, temporary drift, validation of calibration pov, A. Legin, pp. 241–249, Copyright [72] with permis-
models, were not addressed at all. sion from Elsevier.

468 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2017) 312:461–470

A quite challenging problem of simultaneous quantifi- Acknowledgement This work was partially financially supported by
cation of cerium and nitric acid in aqueous solutions was Government of Russian Federation (Grant 074-U01).
addressed in Ref. [73]. The complexity of this case is due
to the fact, that in the studied wavelength range
(200–1000 nm) cerium has only one broad absorbance
band which is overlapping with nitric acid signal and thus 1. Wold S (1972) Spline functions, a new tool in data-analysis. Kem
Lambert–Beer law is not suitable for direct quantification Tidskr 3:34–37
of the components. This issue invalidates the use of con- 2. Wold S, Sjöström M (1998) Chemometrics, present and future
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