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Subject: BSBC 506 Project work

Name:Onkar Singh (BCA-5)

Topic:Travel and tourism

Introduction project:

In simple words, Travel is the moving of objects or people between

two geographical locations of relative distance. At times Introduction
to Travel can also include movements between different destinations
with short stop over's on the way to the final destination to be

The first step in planning should be to define the targets for development and
recognize their associated limiting factors. Thorough planning targets are
outlined within a framework set by the constraint.
The most important part of the online travel agency project is its database.
The database is full of Buses, Trains , Airplane timings and
availability.Online travel agency is a web based project where a user may
search and apply for a travel service or package. The system allows the user
to check various travel destinations and choose his destination accordingly.
One more important functionality available in this project if needed is that
the receipt of holiday booking is sen t to the users mobile phone on
successful booking of his holiday. This feature is optional and can be
provided in the project if needed.

Project Objectives & goals:

Objective: The objective of the project is to develop a system that

automates the processes and activities of a travel and tourism agency.
The purpose is to design a system using which one can perform all
operations related to traveling and sight-seeing.
1.Our objective is to offer a variety of travel services that are sure to match
all your priorities.
2.Our objective is to globalism,organize,standardize and goal of journey
towards perfectionism.
3.Our objective is to make strong relationship with customers so that they
can enjoy the holiday of their dreams.
4.Our objective is just an initiative,it will be made to more further and
developed work of art.
5.Different kind of reports is genrated by administrator to take various
6.Report can be converted to various formats as required by users i.e word
document,Excell,pdf formats.
7.Booking tickted and maintenance of locations,hotels and other resources is
done by administrator.
goals: 1.Goals should have the support of stakeholders and be realistic in
their views of, or assumptions about, the tourism market and the demands of
2.The wider the support for tourism goals, the more likely the planning
initiative is to succeed.
3. There are four main underlying themes. These are: visitor satisfaction,
community development, resource protection, and economic development.
4. Primary motive for tourism development is likely to be economic gains
both on the part of private investors as well as governments.

User Requirements:

Website requirements are a list of necessary functions, capabilities, or

characteristics related to your website and the plans for creating it. There are
several types of requirements that may be defined during the process that
come together to focus and prioritize the project plan.
1.Business Requirements define the objectives and what problems the
stakeholder intends to solve with the product.
2. User Requirements describe how user expectations and how they will
interact with the product. Use the features, functions, and content described
in your scenarios to develop your requirements. Your user scenarios should
outline the tasks your users want to complete on your site.
3. Functional Requirements provide details of how a product should
behave and specify what is needed for development.
4. Quality-of-Service Requirements detail what characteristics a product
must maintain in order to maintain its effectiveness and any constraints.
5. Implementation Requirements are used to detail changes in process,
team roles, migration from one system to another, etc.

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