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The person I admire

My mom is called Gloria, she is a very important person for me and I admire her.
She was born in Bogota in 1982. As a child, my mom loved skating and the school.
She was always very applied at school, she got the best grades and always
competed with her other classmates.

When she was in grade 11th, she met my dad

that year she got pregnant from me. Having a
child at age 17 is a difficult decision, but she
decided to have me and she doesn’t regret that.
She had the support of the whole family.

3 years after my birth she began to study a

technical career and work at the same time, then
she started studying business administration at
the “Colegio mayor de Cundinamarca
University” at day and worked in the day.

Although she has always been busy working and striving to give me the best
things, our relationship has been good
most of the time. She always takes care of
me, shows me her love and tries to do the
best for me, my sister and her husband.

I admire her, because she is a strong

woman, a good wife, daughter, mother,
whit a strong character, brave, honest,
etc. No matter the difficulties she had, with
her pregnancy at an early age, the poor
attention of her parents, the abandonment
of his biological father and the depression
she came feel, she could get ahead and
she finished her career while working.
She formed a family. She has gotten
good jobs and met the goals she has

My mom is a great example to follow

for my sister and me. She has
educated us very well, instilled in us
good principles. She has given us a lot
of love and affection. I will always be
grateful to the mother I have.

Michelle Camila Novoa Gutiérrez

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