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Soil Texture

Soil texture is the primary factor determining the vertical distribution pattern and storage of C,
N, and P in typic paleudults. Soil texture is an important soil property that drives crop
production and field management
Soil Texture and Composition
The inorganic portion of soil is made of many different size particles, and these different size
particles are present in different proportions. The combination of these two factors determines
some of the properties of the soil.
 A permeable soil allows water to flow through it easily because the spaces between the
inorganic particles are large and well connected. Sandy or silty soils are considered
‘light’ soils because they are permeable, water-draining types of soils.
 Soils that have lots of very small spaces are water-holding soils. For example, when clay
is present in a soil, the soil is heavier, holds together more tightly, and holds water.
 When a soil contains a mixture of grain sizes, the soil is called a loam (figure 1).

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