Assignment 1 - AAM

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Ms. Eisha Salim

Maria Mohammed
REG # 1657116
Evolution of Media/Advertising in Pakistan
About Six hundred years ago most of people’s communication was conducted one-to-
one in homes, at marketplaces or places of worship. This communication was always
relevant. Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press, in the 15th century, guided in the
advent of one-to-many communication. Within less than 100 years, society was
gathering information from newspapers, radio and television.

These advancements in media basically drove the concept of promotion and

consequently, advertising was born. However, history shows that advertising has
always been slow to use new mediums. It took nearly 100 years before advertisements
were sold to newspaper. And for Radio it took nearly five years to sell it to
advertisers. And, the first television ad was sold 13 years after the first broadcast.

It wasn’t any different for Pakistan. In 1947, when Pakistan came into existence the
advertising industry was in miserable condition as most of the advertising agencies
then became the part of India, British and American agencies. But with the
breakthrough of multinationals coming into Pakistan many foreign advertising
agencies established their offices in different cities of Pakistan.

In the era of 1947-1964, the advertising industries try to create a level of awareness in
urban population through print ads; the other medium that was used to influence
people was radio. The earlier advertising through radio was only mere
announcements; that later evolved and included jingles, musicals and poetry to
increase the recall.

The trends in advertising were changed after the advent of TV, PTV and Radio
Pakistan used movie songs as the concept in the advertisements of famous brands.
Celebrity endorsements became the new source of communication for ads when the
popular actors and actresses became the brand symbol.

In 70’s and 80’s, the wave of drama soaps captured the viewers of sub-continent this
provided with an opportunity for the advertising industry to develop new concepts of
consumer behavior. The trademarks of the advertisements in that era were the quality
of pictures, selection of songs and music themes for the product recall.

In the late 80’s with the new technology of computer; ads were created with graphics
and animations to attract the viewers with its appealing thematic animated TVCs. Ads
were created with the new ideologies with the blend of three themes; product, quality
and nature in short conceptual artwork.

When the new modern advertising effects were introduced with visual effects, the
“Short concepts create fames” was the concept brought by the advertisers. By now
industry growth increased 500 times with talents and manpower.
Celebrity endorsement converted into brand ambassadorship. In 2008 Indian
celebrities became the brand ambassadors for the Pakistani market, modern animation
techniques and Indian production created the final shape of Pakistani TVC like
Safeguard through the character of Commander Safeguard.
Between 2000-2010 something happened independently that forced the advertising
agencies to look at digital landscape as a viable source of revenue. Agencies hired
interns, fresh out of college, to handle their clients’ digital requirements. By 2010,
blue-chip companies began to take an interest in social media.

Although the first digital agencies had started coming up in early 2000s, it was not
until 10 years later that they began receiving serious business propositions. Along the
way, clients experienced many frustrating moments, not least because if the software
houses lacked creativity, the agencies lacked technological know-how in equal

Hitherto, it has been a long journey. However, today, the frustration has shifted from
the client end to the digital agency end, which, surprisingly, to their credit, managed
to evolve at a fabulous speed. It was now actually the clients that were lagging
behind. Because, even after 30 years approx. the advent of World Wide Web most
clients still thought a digital presence meant only having lots of ‘likes’ on Facebook
posts, Instagram existence etc.
Company: H2O Digital Marketing
Owner of the Company: Mr. Saif Rehman

How to tackle creative brief?

1. As a business we are keen to understand our clients’ needs before we start
working on their creative. Ergo, listening carefully is the first step to any of
our creative works.

2. Furthermore, an analysis about the background of the market is needed to

identify who are our end users; how and what triggers their purchase

3. After the 1st two steps are conducted, we are now better able to comprehend
our clients’ needs as a business. And are able to know how to address our
target customer group as well.

4. Then we enter the phase of asking important questions from the clients’
customer’s point of view where a customer finds asking certain questions to
itself before making the purchase of the category of a good or service our
client is providing. Consequently, leading us to the Big Idea our creative

5. Now it’s time to get cracking with ideas, i.e. now we create!

What is the development Process of it?

There are multiple steps between Idea and executions on and off paper are included in
the process of producing creatives.

We begin with analyzing what we need to achieve from our creative team and how to
create a deeper and more meaningful connection with the audience of our target. We
then work on selecting the audience's needs or wants. Somehow making it seem
possible and sound good both at the same time.

After all the steps mentioned above are fulfilled, a concept surfaces up, which then
undergoes the creative manager's and almost under everyone’s inspection to settle
upon the final verdict on the concept. If it’s a yes, then we move on to execute the
concept in a way that is both pleasing and satisfying for the audience and what is
communicated is easily comprehended. We Work for all sorts of businesses!

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