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GCOS/Basic Executive System 1 (GCOS/BES 1) • A format identifier that can be a character

FORTRAN for Honeywell's new Level 6, Model variable, array name, or array element
6/34 and 6/36 minicomputers is based on the new
FORTRAN being specified for the scheduled CHARACTER * 12FRMT
American National Standards Institute 1976 revision FRMT='(5X,2F 15.5)'
All programs written to the provisions of the Level 6 READ(3,FRMT)A,B
GCOS/BESl FORTRAN compiler will be acceptable • The format identifier can also be an integer
to the American National Standards Institute variable assigned with a statement label so the same
standard. I/O statement can be used again with a different
The FORTRAN compiler is a fast, one-pass proc- format statement
essor, that operates in 16K words of main memory ASSIGN 100 TO IFMT
accepting source statements and producing object 100 FORMAT (5X,2F15,5)
text and/or a listing of FORTRAN source state- READ (3,IFMT)A,B
ments with diagnostics and a memory map.
Optionally, the FORTRAN compiler can be • Equivalence statements to associate character
data type variables having different lengths
directed to generate assembly language statements
instead of object code. Using this feature, program- CHARACTER * 5A,B( 10),C*7
mers can embed assembly language statements in EQUIVALENCE (A,B( 4 ),C)
FORTRAN statements and/or modify the gener- • Association of character variables that can be
ated code before assembling. differen t lengths
• DO statements that can use expressions as
ADVANCED FEATURES parameters instead of only variables or cons tan ts
Some of Level 6 FORTRAN's advanced features • Decrementing loops that can be used in addi-
include: tion to normal incrementing loops (Variables of
parameters can be changed in loops. No iterations
• Direct access files that contain formatted
are executed when the initial parameter exceeds
the final parameter.)
• Internal files that have multiple records
DO 10 1==3*L2*L4,6*L2**2,-6
• The OPEN statement, which contains keyword
parameters, making programs easier to write and • A computed GO TO statement, which can be
document control by an integer expression
• A CLOSE statement to release units before the GO TO (100,200,250,300) INT (X**2-3)
end of the program • Subscripts that can be any integer expression
• Formatted input/output operations, possible not except for a function reference
only with sequential access files, but also direct A (IA(K)+3*(Ll +L2)) in contrast to
access files A(3*J+4)
OPEN (UNIT==5, MAXREC=500, RECL==128, • Character data types, which can be used in
ERR=50) equivalence, input/output, comparision and manip-
READ (UNIT=5, FMT= 100, REC==20, ula tion operations
ERR=52) A,B,C CHARACTER * 5CH 1,CH2(20),B
• An output list that can contain both data refer- CH 1=='CATCH'
ences and expressions (The value of the expression IF(CH2(12).EQ.'CATCH') GO TO 5
is computed and printed.) 5 WRITE(UNIT==3, 120) CH2( 12)
WRITE (3,100) A,5.*A**2,B 120 FORMAT(5X,A5,IlO)

© 1975, Honeywell Information SYstems Inc. File No.: IS21

• An internal file facility that allows character- The I/O routines produce diagnostics to inform
type data in internal memory to be converted to you of inappropriate commands, such as a WRITE
another type so operations can be performed. to a card reader. Inconsistent commands, such as a
(Character data does not have to be read in, to be forma tted READ of an unformatted record, also
converted. Internal data can also be converted back trigger diagnostics.
to character data for output operation.) Object time I/O devices permit sequential or direct
CHAR='S.216' accessing. TheI/O routines are reentrantso they
READ (CHAR,'(FS.3),)X can be used by different programs simultaneously
• A complete set of library functions, consisting without duplication.
of math, conversion routines and floating point Level 6 I/O routines are modular so only the
simulation. module needed is used; valuable space is therefore
not taken up during program runs by unneeded
Level 6 FORTRAN input/output routines include SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
reading and writing of formatted and unformatted Minimum equipment required:
records of sequential or direct access files and
• Level 6 CP with 16K words of main memory
internal files and support of the OPEN, CLOSE,
REWIND and BACKSPACE statements. The I/O • 2 diskette drives
routines also contain data conversion routines to • System console (KSR teleprinter, or equivalent)
edit integer, real, logical and character data for
formatted input and output records. Specifications may change as design improvements are introduced.


31175 I n the U.S.A.: 200 Smith Street, MS 061, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154
Printed in U.S.A. I n Canada: 2025 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, 0 ntario AS93, Rev. 0

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