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~~ ~)CP RiiTlJf ~~

~?!tr Cflm ~ ~ 'ij"fltT~ AA~w


+11 ~ 1-6-arft., ij ~ a Cf) $I (!J I ~T

fifqT~ lf~Tf~Wcfi, ioffi'ofifofero, if~ f~~ i '5ftfa''liT~~ '5f'liTfw(l'
· 1 atg~\iT{>i(r4'ti'CAT if ~ ~T~ it. ~fiifCfitlt it ufi;;r % frjCfTW lfrtre'i:T :f.T ~r~lJCI)(IT q'{ ~T
it ElTr;;r itif~a fifi<IT~ I ij"\lT ar~T4 \lCfifT it qlal;:j"'~if, f~~ ~T 'T~ iI'~ qJ£ri\" q'{ ;pT 1Jf ~'ff
If-i lIi'ft:Al ~rcn'9.Tifi 3t~ it mtif ifi q,~ij- ifi m" it ~ ;tT t
I f~/iff ~~ if f.rtlra" i1i-
fi~ \lCt;fT if ~ffiT ~tr.r ~~ ~fafiflfJi', 1981 iTU ~fr.r~ S/VI1'ffi" ifiT SI1qtrrif ~Tifr ~
~lf tl

3. If& 9-~, ~~ ~\if1fi'f4'{ (f.m.a') ~ssfT \ilToto ljJ£f1IIT,~ifO ~Wd", ~ifo ~{'I' 6"fr
m~ ffifif4,{ (f~d") ij"lhiT toto ~, e'tomro Cf4~, ~oto~ij"o 'UCI', ;ifo~o '(Jijf_tIllT
~oto ~ iITU f~ lft"{ 3t4'reT ifiT q;~ ~ I fcrf~if mtIfd" (f.Ner) if; ~i4 ~~T it 1ft ~
fcrf.:t~;fT ij= li~ ~'IT ~ I .. '"

4. '{f~r ~fafiflPf, 1963 <\'iT OtIC('f¥fml t ~ 'If<if ~ srum;rT t ft;t~~" fcrf.:lm

'4\") ~~T it t
~i!fc:d" lfi'U'IT 'fqr t:m: f~ ~ it "IR't ~ 'f'IT ~ I # .-ro '{fJi' ~~g f~, ~q
f~ ((IGI'flttl) m< t{~ ~NT t ltili'ifTf~ mr ftij" 2.~ 'liT f~ ~,.qit SlifiTf~{'I'~ t f~~
f~ tj'Q . '4\"~;; qf~ <tT 1fT ~ifT <tm1l • I

5 fifi«T "!"i~ar, ~ Wlf'{ t ij"~ ij ~T<f ~, mad" fcrf.:l~ ij"f~ftr, ~i4 '$ftfif4'{
(f~) ifiT.•mfu4, tp~Tq ~"R; f~ fC('q'ftf, f~'{'I' \lCtif, ~ ~,rfiiiC,
'l<ft~~-1 if)) f~;tT
~·qT 'fiT ~lf '
~rw 'Va
f.tifN ~(JfiJ~
iIiifT~ ~ f'fiffvr f~
filmvr ""'''', ;:rt f~fflt-l1 00 11


Recent fires in multistoreyed buildings have brought in sharp focus the necessity of preventive mea-
sures against fire. Air-conditioning, lifts and other extensive electrical & mechanical services provided in
all multistoreyed buildings increase risk of spread of fire. Delhi Fire Services Act, 1987 has made pro-
vision of fire alarm systems mandatory in multistoreyed buildings constructed in Delhi/New Delhi.

2. Part VI of the Gent. specifications for Electrical works is dedicated to the Fire Alarm
System. Earlier, Part V or the supplement gave detailed specifications for Wet Riser System for
Fire fighting.

3. This Volume is the result of efforts of Chief Engineers (Elect.) SjShri G. K. Khemani,
N. Ramamurthy, N. Krishnamurthy and SEs (Elect.) S/Shri K. K. Jaswal, T. S. Vardharajan,
A. K. S. Rao, J. M. Raj and H. 1(. Munjal. Other members of Specifications Committee (Elect.)
have also contributed towards these specifications.

4. In keeping with the provisions of Official Languages Act, 1963, these specifications for
Fire Alarm System have been translated into Hindi and issued in diglot form. I appreciate the
work put in by Shri R. K. Mishra, Deputy Director (Hindi) and his staff in bringing out the
diglot form of the book.

S. Any· errors, omissions and suggestions for improvement may please be .addressed to
the Secretary, Electrical Specification Committee, Office of the Chief Engineer (Elect.I), C.P.W.D.,
Vidyut Bhavan, Shankar Market, New Delhi-llOOOl.

Director General (Works)
C.P.W.D., New Delhi.

1 ~ 1
1.1 GlfTfca- 1
1.2 ~fi cmrr~ 1
1.3 'QTi1if~1qf~m 1
1.4 $l"1fiflR1 srurniT 1
1.5 ~tfqfer~merf~, f~ t fcrt'iflfqTlfT;;<fi'f m.: ~m ~~ it ~ ~~qaT 2
1.6 'EWfi-f~if 3
1.7 fcrm.rr irrU i~ ~ (u~1 ~~ ~R;;cf!!T 3
1.8 fcf'IT.rraTU ~ f~ \iiTit' ~ m 3
1.9 ~ am f'!l1{ \ifN ~ ~lf . 3
1. 10 ~rifq\1 <fiT fiR~ ~ m~ ~ ~ 4
1.11 ~ qF(ii(~h'i)Qal 4
1. 12 ~fttf-m ~~ 4
1. 13 ~ 4
1. 14 f-ifct':.u<tldY am ~ ;;rA'crffit ~ifT1t 4
1. 15 CfiTlf If>'T ~ 4
1. 16 fifmt If>'T qf<oaola I 5
1. 17 fcff.\i~<fTil; ~\1<f fq~ ~ snrTVf ~
W-fcrr ~ 5
1. 18 ~R am ~ f~ \iff.\' cffir if1fW if\'\ f~ ~~ 5
1. 19 '1'"'flf ~f;:~lfl it m"f ~~J:f 6
1. 20 Wffl ~ ~ftrm<fCTiift • 6

1. 21 ~)irif ~ d"v.rr ~ 6
1. 22 ~. 7
1. 23 m.q- ~W ~ 7

2 ~"'m=m~aRU • 8
2.1 cm-fCo 8
2.2 (i<"''1I~~Cf) ~&lrf 8

2.3 ~ifT <i\' ~~r1' . 8

3 ~Tf~~~ 9
3.1 emfta 9
3.2 ~~ il; ~'( 9
3.3 f'll{1l(Cf)fcff<ti~ 9
3.4 ~ifT If>'T ~~~ 9

•• 11
4.1 11

( ii)
Section Clause Details PagtNo.
1 GeneraJ 1
I· I Scope
1·2 ReJated documents
1·3 Definition of terms
1·4 System Engineering 1
1·5 Conformity to Statutory Acts, Rules, Regulations, Standards and Safety
Codes 1
1·6 Component performance 2
1·7 Informations & drawings to be supplied by the Department 2
1·8 Works to be arranged by the Deptt. 2
1·9 Works to be done by Contractor 3
1·10 Inspection of site and collection of data 3
1·11 Inter-changeability 3
1· 12 Spares 3
1·13 Tools 3
1·14 Information to be supplied by the tenderer 3
1·15 Extent of work 4
1· 16 Completeness of tender 4
1.17 Certificate of compliance with, or departure from specifications 4
1·18 Drawings and manuals to be furnished by the contractor. 4
1·19 Coordination with other agencies 4
1·20 Care of building 5
1·21 Painting and protection . 5
1·22 Guarantee 5
l- 23 After sales service . 5

2 Manual Call Boxes 6

2· I Scope 6
2·2 Constructional requirements 6
2·3 Installation requirements 6

3 Automatic Fire Detectors 7

3·1 Scope 7
3·2 Detector type 7
3·3 Governing specifications . 7-8
3·4 Installation requirements 7

4 Control and Indicator Panels 9

4·t Scope 9
4.2 f;fliervr~ ~ q.~1 it m~ 9
4.3 'iiJlIi<:4ICfi ~ 9
4.4 «~$~~ • 10
4.5 ~ ctT ~awt . • 12

5 ~ ft'n '~~flql(f~ 13
5. 1 ~ft"{r 13
5.2 ~~ t WIln: 13
5.3 mic¥tOji' ,*&l~ 13
5.4 ~;mT i.'f'fT <411f141Cfll CfiT ~<t 13
5.5 fcr~ <tT '*~ . 14
5.6 ~~<f Cfi'T '*~ 14

6 af'4i'ru ~\1"mui.'ftrr In ~iITet"'st~ 15

6.1 ~fi:a- 15
6.~ ~'T ~Tfqiit 15
6.3 \if'; ~l'e'r.l~ 15

7 f1r~erar~fcf"<1'tf~,,a~ (f(,(~T ('frqf't'q) 16

7.1 otfTf~ 16
7.~ 1l~ '>frWi.'f • 16
7.3 '>fR'rffi'lLTFi'Tm'T m~ 16
m'T ~fik .
mr.:r ~:;fficr; Slvm;'T t ~~m~ ~luii1T (err mtJ)

- • 16

8 ~ (f'{1' 'ifl~ 'Ii'""' 18

8.1 oqTfta 18
8.2 ~i.'f ~ ~ q~'T&l\Jf • • 18
8.3 ~~or t ifr;: q~'Tal\Jf • 18
8.4 ~')lr for4lrt{T ifTU for{Te'I\Jf • 18

I. 11~ 19-21

II. forr.m fcrform ii ~'T ~ <l'R'I''Tfcrnrr ~~Tif 22-23

III. forfClo:r t m?f <ft \iff.\' CffiTT '>f1:~f:qqt t:~ ~ (~ t~') 24

fcrfiilm ~ m~.;ct?r '>f~ (~:;fi '~') 25,
~%'~H aTU '>f~fii f'fi~ ;;j~ ClM f~~a-~\ifl ~ '1:I'T-ifrU ;f,f ~""'T (~~ tif') 26
dCfi~')<m fcr~~T ~'\' ~ (~'T '",') . 27-28
fctfttll'Rrrm ~ qaT Cfft ~ (~'T '~') 29
<Wi t ~ ctT ~ (~f'ft I,<£,) 30

IV. qyf~ ~~
:(Ji~'T-f~'T) . 31-35

4-2 Types of Control and indicating panels §

4'3 Functional requirements . 9

4·4 Constructional requirements 10
4·5 Installation requirements 12
5 Sounders & silencing Switches 13
5·1 Scope 13
5·2 Types of sounders 13
5'3 Functional requirements 13
5·4 Operation of sounders and silencing 13

5'5 Specifications requirements 14

5·6 Installation requirements 14
6 Mimic diagram and Public Address System 15
6-1 Scope . IS
6-2 Mimic diagram 15
6-3 Public address system 15
7 Power supply equipment and wiring 16
7·1 Scope 16
7'2 Mains supply 16
7·3 Standby battery supply 16
7-4 ,. Battery charger 16
7-5 Wiring for FAS 16
Testing and commissioning ." < 18
8·1 SCope 18
8'2 Testing before supply 18
8'3 Testing before installation <
8'4 Inspection by local bodies 18
I Terminology 19-21
II Detailed requirements to be furnished in tender specifications 22-23
III Schedules to be submitted with tender. 24
Schedule of Prices (Schedule 'A')~
Schedule of departure from specifications (Schedule 'B'). 2S
List of spares & tools to be supplied by the contractor (Schedule 'C'). 26
Schedule of technical particulars (Schedule 'D'). 27-28
Schedule of addresses of manufacturers (Schedule 'E'). 29
< Schedule of programme of work (Schedule 'F'). 30


1.1 ~rtCt!
~'f «1ltFlf ferf'f~llrl 1t 9>1'P'f «'ilrffi!; ];1'G'ftm (~«it miT ~o «0];1'0 CP~ ~ ~) t f<PI~ mWff fitit; :sriit
erA' ~q~~T cpr i;;rhr, ~q'G'(' q~ lf~lTcfi « f;;~m1Jft m~ q<: q~i'fT mrq'l, ~ ~, 'iffi!:
"'~oti :r;rr{ 'i{1~ ~r~Ff it ID>1in ~Tf~~ ~« ~ I

1 .2 ~.ffl'({ ~(f~Gt

~;; GCfliffctft fcrf"lm <T>T,~ ~ff ~ CF>r ~Ti'fifi mff \ifT Olff<f«lfq'ti ~\i~T ~ ~q ~1a"T
~fql{T ~ ~<: ~ ~T t mft;; ~~'('.J{Tt «N ~ ~T QfTt{;rT I ~ fcrfd~T a~ «t[-
~" ~'tiT~~T t Uq fCRitrfu' c¢t f~ it f;rfcm fcrfi1«lIfT if <iT~ G"~Cfir ~~a!1 'tiT :r;r;r~r~.UJ
ffi4T Gf~T G"'if "3'ifC1lJ 1I~~ ~<: ~1mI 0

1• 3 trllif qfto I:ff~q'11Jf'

~rr «rl=lTr!f fcrf'fiflT -q' ];1'!<f;r ~~l cr.Tq'f<:-..mqfdi!1fi!-I (~~) if <iT ~ & I

1. 4. 1 tft1n"oIq :

~ ~];1'umiT mrq~ i:i ~f~G" ~crJ ~ ~f~a f;;rq~ (f~q<:) ~f.ffi fifll'«vr m<: \l,'if\'f) ql'A,
fi<ilf.r, 'llqffiq;;rmr ~<:r ~~ «~o f~ ~ ~"{, ~T efT aT"{ <rTGf~Ta'iT ~m ~ff;;fer
f.or.1it «
];1'~cp m;{~"2 4Tfcf;ti ];1'f'!fil.fJ~ «'ifff\iQ ~, I ~ ~T~~ ~ f~ ~ ~ifi ~ (f"lo
qO~oq- 0) t '1'-. t ~ 1t Gf<IlfOO vam=tT 'fiT "IT 0lR~~)~1 iif~ fcrf~1SC ~T ~ i« ~~ ij
m<f;;rf<fifi ~m ~rif iiIi;;ITU{ ~~ t m'lf ~: g\iJl$);; ~'G{f.I' .CF>r oqqro, ~/~
~~ ~ f.fq~ srumrT, (m f;;zftrur '5fVffirT t~;; ~ CffifT'I~i1 WItT~ t ;;r~ ~ c¢t G4~
mfi{~ ~ I '

1. 4.:1 'Imi~~
q'oqo];1'o mtq<1 "!iFf 'fir ~Tftij if m1to:lT~ «n: f.t;;;f~~o CfiT ~ftr ~. tRTeror ~ :q~ iIi~ijT
mfll~~);rrI OI.fJfta .q ~Q i3q~T cpr Sflfm ~ ~Q Siurl~'T cpr (~Q"tt 9>1'f'qif,iPQii~rfll(!\' ~14IrI

1. fifq)<fli (i~lf~)~f"3lft arwriCfi{qf&lCf];1'~i<: ~ fCf"lrft;r:l q~.;~~~~ am/i{l1.I'~r~~rf~ Cf)i~ Ofl~ I

2. <ti~ tfurcrr ~T ~ a'Tc:rffT ~"{ t ~f.:m I
3. f~r~T q~ ?;ff,: ~ \t~ fi{1.i~ur ~ ~CP q.~ I
4. 'iAlmqntT ~~'T Q'fT 'ifTm lTfOfc ,
5. 'l'J,4iI(T mW (~) I

6. \it <t ~Of~ SfUT'l'<oft ,

7. sromi\' ij'~i{T I

~ffiffn'"'~, fiftflif,f'.rf~1, q",1fff .m:~ ~~ ilf tI{Iq ,,~ :

1 S.l

1.1 ' Seepe ~"

These general specifications cover the details of equipment to be supplied, inspection as may be'
necessary before despatch, delivery at site, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over in
working Fnditionof Fire Alarm System (herein~fter called :FAS)., '
102' .Riellited d&comewts:

These technical specifications shall be read in conjunction with the standard conditions of contract
with all correction slips as are relevant for commercial aspects, as well as schedules 'arid drawings
anp, requirements under these speeifications. In .the,event of" any ,discrepancy between' these
, specifications and inter-connected contract documents, the te.~hnicaIrequirements as per the tender
specifications shall be followed and deem to be having over-riding value.

1.3 Definition of terms :

used in tlresegernmdspeciftcations are given irrAppendix-I'(Terminology)
Tliftdefiiilfon tl)f;terlJ1S
, . ,_ .', J; i

•S~m .Eqgtneeriug: ,
1.4.1 General':
k.'FA.~ins'tall~tion co'mr/rises trigger-devices, :autcimaticias :well as manUal, control and indicating
pane);: sOllnilers,power sllppply equipment inoiuding *ndby battin)funit, system wiring -and mimic
;liagrams, individually engineered in each case. Public address system is also provided as a part
of the main control and indicating panel (C&I Panel). Where specified, this panel 'shall" incorporate
pro.visions'for automatic;connection';tq'Fire1Bfigade.1;brough public-telephone lif1es, aiJdfor for ope-
r~n of lJalonsystem, pressurisation system; smoke control systew. and' shutting daWn air condi-
boning system." ' '" . '. . '. .
1.4.2 Scope of work :
The scope of a FAS installation work shall generally comprise the supply, installation, testing and
. ,,'compUssio~Qft4~ following. .T4e scope shall include the engineering design of the system, using
'the ~Uipriienf 6ffe'red.' .
t. :", , . ~_ _..- _ .

(i) Trigger devices viz; automatic fire detectors of the required typesa nd/or'manual call boxes.
(ii) Sounders of low intensity and high intensity types.
(iii) Control and indicating panels including repeater panels, if any .
.; $ "t(iv): .Stmiittiy b~ and dharging unit. .
(v) K1imi~rdia8ratri(s)
(vi) P.A. System.
f (vii) System wiring.

1.5 Conformity, t~ Statutory Acts, RQles,',~mtions,StandardS& Safety 'Coiies

1.5.1 Indian Electricity Act and Rules :

All eb;:trical works-in connection with installation of FAS shall be carr~ed, out in accordance w.ith
tlieprovision ofTndian Electricity Act, 1910 and the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, both amended upto

27 C P W b.i...2
1.5.2 il;.m.fif.f<f.f~~:
f4;qa' ~ <WTlf it'ot:\Tof.rofcro it' ~vm iIWl mtr-l (1f~) 1972 ~ 'fl1T-2 (iIlllft)
1974 tNT tTmr~ ' it' mqrr<i fqf.,-cr~l~ Wj,vt ~1TrrI

1.5.3 '"~~:
~omft 'fG'ff ~r ~q~;a- ~ cr~ 1fn:!t~ qr.m ij'~ 'ifT'(<r"tlf 'lcr<f f.rqiar ~ 1983 il; W~ ~l~I
1. 5." f.mft' ~;
it'~~ f:.tl1Y ~J;\'rr.rrfu ~n~~fq ~tJ:~ ~1'fct"tm-Qn;'l7 it' ~'!~ ~'Ami ~"fiT I
~Of~ lff'f'1l 'fi .~~~ f.:t~fCII'GT frrmr if ctn:m I ttijo ~ ct'r stfu ~ CIl f.:ifcro itr m'f SIt¥ ~ I

1.5.5 mr.t~:
~ ~, ~ tifT.r f4f.,'lf4if m~ ~a~ia'~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ Wf1!. ~T. ro ~~
~a'1tl. fctro; mt ~ota"l ~ ~ ~1 iti U'1~ f.trzrr Gt~ " ,
1.5.6 ~m~Tlt~~qf<ff~:
ittrf ~ ~~ 111 qt1~ ~ « \;'~~ift P.tt1Rtl • m it
~ r"fC(C{lcttal (fGra- ~ ,"if ~
~ 1NT t: ) .~~ ri f.if.r1Pft aft'. ~rt.~ . ct'r fqiiff1:~ ~
1ft ~tfCf~ •• ~ •f.f • f.m1r
~riif it' ~~ if ~ srrcrS"Tiit ill f~ ~ ~ I "r" {F\' q"( fcrqw ~ ~ qi,m
sr~ ~ ~'tt ~ ~ m ~~r, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ft;rQ;~ ~mI
~mr~Of'li~ ~ fu~ ~~~ qT~ ~art)Q1" ~ \i~ ij'q'f ~ ~ ~flfl '1ft ~
~ I if ~rcmm~
q ~"~:~ ~ ~ q~ ~ ~l ili ~ ~:'t:\ ;i\' .f~·'~rd
~ I • ,

'{if f.rf.rl~<tiT 1{fT 'fi~ lf~ ot~ \;'II'flfr ~ faa- ~ ~ Cifi.?: ijo ~f1!. ~ ~ 6'fT
«if.[f~ it; u~ ~~ f.rqYGr ~ f3tAtOO \rfia' ~ ili tTOO'trr if ~~)
~;i\' fG\~ ~ ~ fcI7lrr GrT ~ , .

• ~ 3fvmi\' t U1ft' ~ if(( ij'IfI' ifmft'tl~ ili qqf«or if ~ t~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ifiij'

qr.r {r 10 % Cfi~lfT~T q)mn ~ Sf"fl1;.f if tiffi ••""",,Cfi ~ I

1.7 fcI1nqlm~~~~8'n~

1. 1. 1 ~;ft

~;lf ~.rm·~rm qf~ 161'(~ t ~~ f.nrYvt 1Imf itft ~~ qf(f1/l1Sl::-2 it

f.:rf«r qif
t m. (t Gtlltll"T fGlri ifqr~ ~ ~ ~"r ~ fiMlfctd ~ GtR ~ Il1hf ~ q~
!l"m1l em fcr<r(UT ~ ~ltrr I .

1.7.2 ~ ~<hfi it fc(f<11<6C~ ~ ~ GlT ~ ~ ~ ifflF ~ frrf4i:11if ;trr ~ ~

t ~)Gtot ~ ~ ~. \ill fctT ~ GlTt(~

1.8 f~rm~~~~.tTi-
fiffC{'(tT fcrf'f~m if q~T ~ or@' ~ ~ f.r;;t~ cwl fcnrT1r iT'U feint Gl~ I

1. ~ Q?IT \i;m;.r t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U\' ij'qT ~rt~ It'( tt'ff ~ 230 ~~ ( 50

m~) (~) ~ (~) srl:~ m"(f ct\' ~ I
2. f.:IlTCfit ~ (qif~~Hr~) it liq ~ ~ m~ 'lfq' ~ij'f err ~ rcrf.m' ~ ~ 'l
1.5.2 CPWD Specifications :
The electrical installation work shall.conform to CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works
Part 1(Internal) 1972 and Part II (External) 1974, both amended upto _date.

1.5.3 Indian Standards :

The system/components shall conform to relevant Indian Standards wherever they exist and to the
National Building Code-1983. -

1.5.4 Foreign Standards:

Conformity to Foreign Standards is acceptable only in the case of automatic fire-detectors imported
from abroad. The Standard applicable shall be indicated by the tenderer in the tender. Copy of
such Standard shall also be furnished by him with the tender. -

1.5.5 -Fire Regulations:

The installation shall be carried out in conformity with the local Fire Regulations and Rules there
under wherever they are in force and the provisions in local bye-laws, if any.

1.5.6 Safety .Codes ~d Labour Regnlations:

In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly oil the work, the successful tenderer (herein
after called the contractor) at his own expense will arrange for the safety provisions to comply with the
statutory regulations, B.I.S. recommendations and CPWD Codes. In case of default, the Depart-
ment shall be at liberty to make arrangements and provide facilities as aforesaid and recover the
cost from the contractor.
The contractor shall provide necessary barriers, warning signals and other safety measures to - avoid
any accident. He shall also indemnify CPWD against claims for compensation arising out of negli-
gence in this respect.
Nothing in these Specifications shall be construed to relieve the contractor of his responsibility for
the design, manufacture and installation of the equipment with all accessories in accordance with
applicable Statutory Regulations and Safety Codes in force from the safety angle.

1.6 Component Performance :

All components of FAS shall be new and suitable for the environment of installation at site. These
shall be satisfactory in operation at voltage deviated by 10% from the nominal value.

1.7 F Informations and drawing to be supplied by the Department

1.7.1 Schedule of Work:

The schedule of work as per format alongwith other relevant information in Appendix II shall be
supplied with the tender papers detailing the equipment and materials required and the estimated
quantum of work required to be executed.

1.7.2 Drawings:
All the drawings specified and issued with the tender specifications are for the purpose of tendering
only and shall be deemed to he specification drawings. .

1.8 Works to be arranged by the Department:

Unless otherwise mentioned in the: tender specifications, the following works shan be carried out by
the Department.
(i) Electric Power Supply for testing and operation, at single Phase 230 V 50 Hz A.c. at the C&I
Panel, alongwith main earth lead.
(ii) Frame-work in false ceiling if the low intensity sounder ,~ to he recessed therein,
1.9 ~tmfimt"A~~m :
cmti ~;:nr;ft~ ~rr~n: ~'q'T :a"T~:tTU ~ ~flllft ctt I~rrfcr «~q-rq;{' tfUe:rur aq-r ;:rr~ Cff-i.\'··iiti mm~
frr~RitSra CfJTlit ~T f.r~~ ~~~ ~n:r ~ \i\f.\' CffT~ ctt ot:rrfCo ~ ~~if~ ~~ I>\~ ",Ti ire-
~CfJT '3'~tSr 'fIT<i ~1.W<ft tt f.tllU lflI'T ~T ~'lqT rr@ ,
1. ?;fqy'iffaTQ af{ rrffi' ~ fuu c6'T ~.«.31'. '3'q~'lttG<ti ~rrT
. aqy m~ •..
'iflf~ •.. ~
~- ,

2. ~'q')\ier \lcti'\'
'fIT<i;t~ ~ ~ cc-tfiG
.." <tiT "QT'fI CWViT ~. ~ .31'. ~
~ ft;'l:{ ~itf~ OfWe
~T ~T<6"T tt q~T(1'r \lViT I .
3. a-'(1' '3'~ ~ ~ ~ ful:t mi3fn: ~T ~'{1Jf I
4. ~~ tf~Te:rur~ I

5. farfa-~ «~ ~ "'T1. ~ tt fcr+rt1T cti1 ~1tf.T ~ ~~ I ~TlfIft ~ ~ ctt ~

<fIVfT ,

6. ~'lTrrTlf ~rr.rfa\'FiflfQT m~ '3'lfqf"l'lif ~ ""~~ ~q~ «.rfu'a ~fr.:r 3I'yfa-'fITr~T ~ ~'i'f

'SfI't:O <fIVI'T I

1.10 1If1lf~ 'tiT f.R1~ ij'lql aiIIf~lifT ~ :

lf~ ~lUIT \i\TC(lTTf'fl frrr?i~m ~ f.r~-<t~~, Fffirn' farf~, ~TCT ~T~ ctt \l~T STCI\f{ ~
CIn: ffi' t.a"lfT «<r 'fI11f~~ ifi"T\l1' ~ ~ t. ~~t ~(t ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~qif
'fill{ (r ~iffi ~\lT .il1'Rl <fiT ~P,'ifd <fI'{ ful1T ~ I

~1' lfcti ~T'{ ~ ~ : ~TltiT), wrr~ ~1 ~~ "If.\' qy~ Ii..i 'C(iti F ~~q-r;:r tf'{ ~~-

~ ~lT~ ~ m ~TiT ,

1. 12 CCfdf<iWd
~~ :
f.i'f.m!tlm ~ili uu fwmror WI:( lTl:( f~~{r Q"~l ~. futt if ~ dCfI· «ml5f\i\rr'fI 'l~ ~ f~
~-3 <tiT'lrrWifr "~.' l{ ro; ~I:t 3I'T~tf tt" ~ ~ ~-'l~ ~.~ N.~ m fcM-ttt ifiT 1:O't
~ftlf(cffl ~ <tT ~mT tt 'l~q ~Qh;r ~ '>I~ "C£~ <ti~ ~ ~~ ~ <t1'<:r;:rf;rfcro tt OfOf'{
~ ~T 'R ~ fu'Q: ~ ~ ifiT m-~ ~1m I

1. 13 a\1frt :
~~ lIT'{T ~"'T\ii'\' q ttSr-~ ~ ~ ~ {ifllf ~ m" em tJ:<F ~c ftr.iT l!.~ ~ ~
,ft f.ffctGt tt m~ ~1m, tff(fu1SO'-3 <ti1' 'l,!~ "~" ili ~ ~ \i\iir mr ~Rl ~T ~~T
~ ~q if f<tlU G\'TQ;iJ"TI

1. 14 f.mR11fim ~T it 'fA <ttm ~;nli :

f;;fcm ~ ml!f q~- 3 tt ~ ifQ; WRr itl 'l~ w<tf"ffiwo WIW'<rtIT ~ <tiT\i\T~~i :--
1 <t~ ~<l~;ft-'l;:m;ft
-0('\-.;I" "Cfl"
2 f.,fq<tT fqf<\~ ~~T "~" ~ f<rq~ <tiT~T
3 ~~"(T ili 5f~ q W-"(IiTCf ili f~ 'lfu~ ~~Gff q "'\i\RT <til' ~ ctT 'lWT "if"
4 ijCflilrctt ~ ifi"T9;f~-'l~~ "'if"

S f"ll1mrm itl ttm <tiT~,!~l'-'Q~~T /I~I/

6 <FT~ ili CflTl['lfItiifi"T'liltl'ifl-

~ C\

f.n<mclia1 f;;fcr<tT ili ~TI!f ~Tfcffi

C\Cf,OO ~,
'i!ltfT g{ 'tff<'<FT~, Tft~
itl ur~ ~ ",~iT I .
~'~1q;:r itl <IT~;;T~~<fi ;;Cf!iT 'Sffim ~~if'
S['Jf11!l" ~ \3'0i~ Sit'Q1Q<{t~ ~*m t~r
Wtf ~
~~<rtCf;; if,
~~ q

1.9 Works to be done by the contractor :

In addition to supply, installation, testing and commissioning of all the equipments and materials as
per the schedule of work, the following works shall be deemed to be included within the scope of work
to be executed by the contractor, whether or not indicated in the schedule of work.
(i) Extension of the conduit ends upto the FAS Equipment and loop earthing as required.

(ll) All minor building work, such as cutting and making good the damages, grouting of fixing
bolts and supports required for the FAS equipment.
(ill) Tools and tackles for handling and installation.
(iv) Necessary testing equipment.
(v) Watch and ward of the equipment and materials and installation, till their handing over to the
Department duly installed and commissioned.
(vi) Approval from the concerned Fire authorities as may be required as per the local Fire Regula-
tions and bye-laws.

1.10 Inspection of site and collection of data :

The tenderer shall be deemed to have examined the tender documents, detailed specifications, data
', etc, and to have visited the site or ascertained all relevant details for offering suitable equipment and
for the installation work.

1.11 Inter-changeability :
All similar equipment, materials, removable parts of similar equipment etc. shall be inter-changeable
with one another.

1.12 Spares :
The tenderer shall offer unit rates for the spares recommended by him for 2 years satisfactory mainte-
nance, separately in the format vide schedule 'C' Appendix III. The department reserves the
right, however, to order any of these spares or increase or decrease the quantity as may finally be
decided and at the rates given in the tender during the currency of the contract.

1.13 Tools :
The offer shall include supply of a set of tools required for operation and maintenance free of cost,
as are considered necessary by the contractor. Details of tools, offered shall be mentioned clearly
in the tender under Schedule 'C' Appendix III.

1.14 Information to be supplied by the tenderer :

The following schedules in the proforma given in Appendix III shall be submitted with the tender:-
(i) Schedule of prices-Schedule 'A'.
(ii) Schedule of departure from tender specification-Schedule 'B'.
(iii) Schedule oflist of spares and tools for operation & maintenance of the equipments-Schedule
(iv) Schedule of technical particulars-Schedule '0'.
(v) Schedule of addresses of manufacturers-Schedule 'E'
(vi) Schedule of programme of work -Schedule 'F'.
The tenderer shall furnish with the tender, schematic diagram of the installation proposed. Any
other data and technical particulars, prin.ted pamphlets, type test certificates etc, for proper ev~-
J\lation of their offers shall also be ~lVenWith the tender,' .

1. 15 ••t1i ~ ~T :

ltiR it. mm <tiT~ ~ ~ ~~If (l~, mrcr.r ~ f~Q; ~r<ro.t~,~~1IJ' ~r~ (lllfa til'lI' ~ mqi\'
~ '~~ , "~q1f «~l!fftt7'r" ~ {r '(ol fcrf~m it Wlf'Wi ~".:1 Clil' ~\' ~ (t ~ iIf~
~ ~ ~T ~~Ttr.i ~ ~ffit't\;\'Tlilif;;lSqlif.'f t fm:!; ~T~ll'cr. ~\ ~l' 'SI'l' srmu m~i:r
"f~ &m :;n~:a;;<fiT ~v f;rf~r CffiiT~~l~ RfYt it ~ ~&T ~'RT I "tT
1.16 fimm~~: . ,

~~ ~, ~~I:f ~f;:rc o:n- ~«Ta-;;, &mlf~, ;r)ql ~ liliTiffl, ~ll'luAl ~ f~ eW~ ~TIfi, m
~ ~ fCffqa- ~r;r;r\,~ liliTll'<tT~1 ~ ~~Ta-if ~t ~~ ~ ~ ~:;;:q~ ~ liliTll'~ 1ti f~~
~Frl' ~ ~ml.fefi ~T fiffcro 1\ oroW .rr m
Cfft Cl:fTfCij'~ Wo<Ta mTr~~ qT~ ~T 1fi:' ~ f~
~ i<rrt ~ l1T~ ~Q ~.~ ~ vt'i<fiTf~~ ij' ~ fCfi<ITifl:fT ~ Wicrr if~l I
. , ,

1. 1'1 f1rfifim ~ "'~~ aqon ~~ ~\=Pi "61' st'ffGf I'.fOI' :

1. 11. 1 ~{r forfcml'fRtt ;oft ~if fGfform 1\ f~ ~ sn'4!9r;:fl'~ <ITsrvrr;;rT~fiflRl' liT f;rf~ fCffi\iwl iti «
~~ «~tif qf~fuIS:c-II <tT fq~ ~iflffillt fq"if~if «
~t ~ ij'~ ~a-
f<rcroJr ffl\1'if ~ (Ai;rJetT
Cfm:lTT m~
lfTm al!fT q~"ta;~ Sfl{T~ trnl ~ (l'T!lI' ~«
fCfi:f~i;;<tit qf~f!/TISG-3 ~l' ~ tv' it fcrfif-
~~ ~ ij ~.qT ar;g: Cfi'VlT~tm I ftJi~ 11'T ';i~~ oT<ti fifmt ~fd l<l;;i'f it liliT<TCfft "~~"fT ~ V<!(l'T"{
~T ~ sr~ ~T "fT~ a!lI'T~, qf ~~T ~ ~f~ f~'if ~ liliT'<:vr~ Iff~l 'fiT J,1~if ~
orarl:fT urrOfT "fT~ I

1. 11. 2 f.ffC(<tI'tldi ~.~ ~<T ~ ~rfvra- fCfi ~ am fm rnr

~ ij' ~f~ifua f~-.rr ct>1' S~
Cfi{ ~~ uu f;;rem fopl:fT~ iU liliT<f(l'11T~~<rl ij' ~f;;OO ~ V<!~ ~)mI ijfaf <T'Ii~(l'T ~
~ '\jfffifij'ar <T'Ii!fUrT~ sWrop ~~ ij' ~if f.,.f;;OO ~ wrn~;r ~ ~ ~ ~ I

1. 18 ~tl"( iT(f SR§a'f~ I5tA qm ;f"~ "'~ m;r ~ :

1 • 18. 1 ~ lfirf m GIf.r 1ti 15 f~if ~ 11m fif+.\f~iNa f~T <tT ~T 'srfaf~finn f~ ~ ~q~ ~
f~~rnr I . ,

1. «\('iGtil ~ <ti~ arm <tiT1qf'+ff<.r".-I:fTij'

(if'flIlT) ,
2. ~ 'SPIrmT <tiTm~);;r<f mW I
3. m;q ~q qifffi, ~if~lcT;;t srV\'~l' ~T ~T ~ qf~ '>I1ivI
4. fcrf.nt fif1iervr ~ ~ ~T<
qifflT a!lI'T q'!<til1:T ~IilTfq~T ~ "{'<I'ifRlfCfi ,
1.18.2 mm~,m«~:
~ il'WT <tT m srfcrf\1'f~ ftf"fTQ iti i&1m <tIT fqfQ"Cfd'~Tflmrn ~"fT~t S"'U-~ fAT'UIJ
al!fT ~ ~ ~'6r it lf~ <Ji1f f~~ ~ m
'3if~ ij'Tl!f~ ~~Wlq~ ct>1' ~ Cfft GI'~ ,

1.18.8 ~;mT:
m ~ ij'~ ~T~ q~ «~¥fTftra- ~!ffii{a!lI'T ffi~);;rif <tIT f~m ~~ f~ ;;m Cfft ~ srfaf\1'fqlft
.. urr<lqT I ~~ ;q'~ ~"WlJl fif~
a!lI'T 'lirlifcrfulfi' 'if\'~Sffirn' itiT UfT~l' I
1. 19 ~ ~r.n , ~"tI~C(q' :

~~~H ~~ 'tlr<f liliT~<r mr a-!lI'Ti~T ~f ij'~T ~ m¥f (l''+fTSfliliT<:: ~ Qcp.f'W\' \{"f;n;;ff ~«

- iff<t <tiT itTT~T, 'ifH, ~mqrqT t ~f~T ij'ti'T ~~ (fCfiij'TCfi\'
~GT Gl't ~ij'ij' ~fa-a 1ti 11TlTct>1' t m
i~T ~ m ~ w.r,r it ij''!ii~ffi~ m~
~f'tffi cr~TCfiT f~ « ~ ~~ ~
~f~d" ~Tt ~ 'fTata ij
lIiffl mq'Tif-sr~ <ti~ ~<rTtr rnr
I ~ij' SfliliT~~ a-CfiiifctT (l'~<r)1r ~ f~ fm srliliT"{liliTttTf"{,,-lfli'li
~ ~ ;;~ ;rim miff :qrf~~ I ~ ~ ffT~~ ~ ~(l' arm Cfft (l'TCfa-Rl' WT ~T fop ~ ~)a';:r
~ f~~ 'Cfil''' ~ ~T ~ if qrt I .•

~;:q ~fij'll'T ~ f~ q~ ~ 'J;fi'ff"fa orra-T q~ EliTijfffiT ~ q~ liliTr.r~ ~T-u;r ~~~"{ 'liT 'lTc: {t
~fm (l'&~m;;j~ (l'l{;q<f ~ ;;j"ijT<f"it 'liP;( ~ ~ f.Il~q1f 'itm 'liT ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~}rru il'ifTifT
~ ~ m ~ srliliT~~ liliT<l q~ f'lil:fT ifl:fT :st('<l ~if.<cr~ ij' ~ fCfiI:fT\lfrtm <rf~ ij~ ~ liliT~iff
1fI1l' <tiT f"'~ <f.l' ~~ ~ ij f.qj'{ ~ ••orA <fiT m~ WI <'ffl:l fCfillT~l!l ~T I
1.1 S Extent of work.

The work shall comprise entire labour including. supervision and all materials necessary to make a
. complete installation to the entire, satisfaction of the Department. The term complete installation
shall mean, not only major items of equipment covered by these specifications, but also incidental
sundry components necessary for complete execution and satisfactory performance of the installation,
with all labour charges, whether or not these have been mentioned in detail in the tender documents.

1.16 Completeness of tender.

All fittings, unit assemblies, accessories. hardware foundation bolts, terminals blocks for connections,
cable glands and miscellaneous materials and accessories of items of work which are useful and
necessary for efficient assembly and working of the equipment shall be deemed to have been included
within the scope of work, in the tender and within the overall details for complete items whether they
have been specifically mentioned or not.

1.17 Certifi~te of compliance wit~, or departure from Spe cifications.

, .' .

, 1'.17.1 •The' tenderers who wish to depart from tlIe pro~isipns in these..Sp~~ifications or system engineering or
the detailed requirements in Appendix If with the tender specifications should list out such departure in
the proforma indicated: in Schedule ,'B'" of Appendix III supported with complete particulars,
'technical reasons for departure and Standards and test certificates .. They should, however, quote
rates strictly in accordance with-the Schedule of work in the 'documents and indicate separately
changes in the quoted price due to their proposed departure.

1.17.2 The tenderer shall certify while submitting the offer that except the departure specifically mentioned
. by him, the work tendered by him shall comply in all respects with the tender specifications. Unless
this is done the system shall be considered to comply in every respect with these Specifications.

1.18 Drawings and Manual to be furnished by the contractor.

1.18.1 The contractor shall submit in duplicate the following drawings within a fortnight of tile award of work
for approval by the Department.
(i) Layout of detectors and. call boxes.
(ii) Wiring diagram for the complete s;:st~m.
. ,

(iii) Circuit diagram of individual panels, P.A. System an 1 detectors.

(iv) Constructional details of the various control and indicating panels and mimic diagram(s).

1.18.2 Before commencement ofthe installation.

The above drawings with observations of the Department duly incorporated, shall be submitted to
the Engineer-in-charge in triplicate along with any special instructions, with regard to handling, storaae
and installation.

1.18.3 Completion drawings.

On completion of the work, detailed drawings showing the details of equipment and wiring as installed
shall be submitted in triplicate. Maintenance instructions and procedures shall also be submitted with
the same.

1.19 Coordination with other agencies.

The contractor shall coordinate his work and cooperate with other agencies by exchange of all technical
information like details of foundation, weight, overall dimensions, clearance and other technical data
required for successful and proper completion of his portion of the work in relation to the work of
others without any reservation. No remuneration should be claimed from the Department for such te,
chnical cooperation. Care shall be taken not to damage the water proofing done in the case of base-
ments. If any unreasonable hindrance is caused to other agencies and any completed portion of the works
has to be dismantled and redone for want of the cooperation and coordination by the contractor
during the course of work, such expenditure incurred will be recovered from the contractor if the to the original condition of specification of the dismantled portion of the work was not
underatken by the contractor.

1. 20 ~'stfEf~IT~':
~~ GI'ffi"li\' ~T -':lgT ~ fCf) ~{ ~ :aom-~ ~. ~ m ~4 ~ <Iii 6ff~ t
iI'ifrl.TT GfFt 1 ~~ol it; i'U ~~ If-.: ~~-.: ~ it; ~wt ~"T~ <tiT ~ ~1ft ~fa"lfT 'liT ~\=I
~m if \'IA' it; fu~~ ~o Cf)T 5lii!:l 1 .<m
1. 21 ~...oo~~~:
~\ll:1II f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m ~U q~ l~~ it; ~m) \hf.t ~ ~~ CfiTlfl!lr~if ~lfif;
~:qr~ it; ;rr~ ~~t :qn:ftWfi ~ ifi' Oiq'~ ~ fttll' ~ ~)1r;;<fi) ~nr~ ~ ~) I tmrr4TO ~ ,
~~if ifi' ~lui'f f;Tfffirfff ~~ ~tf ••FrO{ <tiT «'lti~ ~ ~ fc{11Tq' cf.T 'Iol ~~fcc ~ W!~ ~ fif;1.TT ~
~~~~~l ~
1. 22 ~mit: .~
~~~ fcrf<tim it; trifmT. ~T'f f;£.«. sr. ~ if sr'vmr) ~RT <fiT~Itil ~ ~
ifi' ~ ~ ;i
m-zyeT ~ 1 «11) ~T it; mrn~ m f~
lfT ~)q' ~ ~f~, f.Jrf;:prhl :dR:/~'RT ~
~ it; CfiT~ 9i ~"{'I'iiI") it; ~~ «1Q' umr ~ ffi't~ <ri ctT 111~ (t ~T «~ i mtq';; ~
it; ~!:l it ~ ~a ~~ ~)fcti' ~~'nG'Cf tIT ~«0fiT <fi)f 'i{11f iiff.I' ctT; rnm ~ ~ ct'"
~ ~N '{uT q'f1.TT ~ m
fq'i{N irro f~ ~ fif1Jf~«~ ~~~ iITU :air Pr:~~ ~/1l'~0
fcti'1.TT ~~ 1 ~~if (<m:i'ir) ~~~o it; ft;j~ ~)m I

( If;) lJ;1Ifa'T,«T1l'~ ~ W!CRf~) CfiTm~ f~ .1

(~) ~if ctT ~11T fctf~ ~mT if «11T ~ q~ ~flffif mftA> 0'fT f~ srf~ I
(tf) ~vr <tit ~ it; Uu;; ~o~ ~if 1
(~) fiffcm m am ~~l1io ~ ~uif <fi) Wlf'fi it; ~ 0'1f fcff~ m f~if mri.
(Ilff iI'"~ Rcn:: VI I
1.23 ~~~:
~ it; WfIfliFft ~ <tiT lfCffS' <tiT ~"Rl11 rn ~ fu~ \ifil' 1ft;q-q-f~ ~T, W!W'Oi ~T ~ atfffi~
't~ it; ~q it ~-.: f~ it; ~ cr.T ~m ~~ .(Cffur Wu W<i
fl/"i.(d ~ I ~ §f.m"i.(arn
it; f~ ~ ~ ~T ~ fcti' ~~ it; m1l'r.-4' Cfi17fenr \iTm t
~'W{ «'4T '1'fuf~ ~;i m«RT

t .20 Care of building.

Care shall be taken, while handling and installing the equipment to avoid damage to the building.
On completion of the installation, the contractor shall arrange to repair all damages to the building
caused during installation so as to bring to the original condition.

•. 1.21 Painting and Protection.

Metal work of all equipment to be supplied (except the detectors) shall be given the final coat of paint
over the primer after necessary treatment at the works before despatch. All damages to painting during
transport and installation shall be set right or repainted to the satisfaction of the Department before
handing over.

1.22 , Guarantee.
The contractor shall guarantee the entire FAS installation as per specifications both for components
and for system as a whole. All equipment shall be guaranteed for one year from the date of acceptance
against unsatisfactory performance or break down due to defective design, manufacture and/or in-
stallation. The installation shall be covered by the conditions that the whole installation or any part
thereof found defective within one year from the date of taking over shall be replaced or repaired by the
contractor free of charge as decided by the Department. The warranty shall cover the following:-
(a) Quality, strength and performance of materials used.
(b) Safe mechanical and electrical stress on all parts under all specified conditions of operation.
(c) Satisfactory operation during the maintenance period.
(d) Performance figures and other particulars as specified by the tenderer under schedule of guar-
anteed technical particulars.

t· 23 After Sales Service.

The contractor shall ensure adequate and prompt after sales service in the form of maintenance
personnel and spares as and when required with a view to minimise the break down period.
Particular attention shall be given to ensure that all spares are easily available during the normal
life of the installation.

27 C.P.W.D.-3.
If\tw IRa- -

•. 2. 1 Qlrfttf:

~ij" 'l''lm1r if 'Qfr.; ~ff'fi S!'lJmft if SJ1fRI'~~~ff. <tibt ifm ",1 ~.awt. ~f;ncrlff' ftt ~ I
2.2 ~<~,,~IR7tmct :
1. "l1i~ iI'.m 1. 5 f~ .lTT. lT1cT cff~a- wmr $T 'if~ il"fCl'f 3. 00 Pr~T. lT~ ~ ~flTfOf41f it
~ij- I ~l=lIlg 'qFf 'liT ~~ 50 q1[ ~ .lTT. ~ ~ Of~ ~fTT '5'~ \li!"{ ~~ 'liT ~ef 1'6 cA d' .,1ft.
'fiT Q:r.rr "1") ~ij"T Q:)f'fi t1;'fi ~'lFr ~r.r ~«
'QV1CfT ~11ffif uq ~T \jff ~ « I \l1J."{ 'Wli (wrn)
it ~~ 'fiT 'fi""i+f ~ 'tent '5'~~ 'fi"{ '5'q~iffi" ~r 'fiT "1"rQlfTf~~~ "fif ~ ~~r ~1 ~Tif~ ¥
~ q~. ~T 'fi) "1"~r Of Cfi't. I

2. ~ 1:fC'fi t1;'fi ~fif ~if 'fiT" t« Sf'fiR \T'ffi"{ ~iff~ WlfT f'fi \ji!"{ ~ t~ q~ itl?J ifGif ~q~
~o i;fT~ "1R f;:r<i~UJ if ~~ q-.r~ ~~o;ri''fi) '<f~ ~ it ~if i('e.fqtftn'fi ~ ij; \J)q,~ a~T ~11IT
a-rfefi q~ ~"{ 1:fC'fi cfi ~eit it ifra1';:r ~ crt I
3. CfiT~ qf<f~ it 20 Pr AT. it; C¢i'••~ ~ fif~~ lfnll. ~~~ntr I ~~~1 ~~. 'Tr,'~T fiil'~~
i:ij' «~ q'"{ ~q'crf ~)cfT~ it Sff~rf"{(f Cfi1: ~mlfT "fT ~ I

4. "1"~i q"{ f~4' w-ra-T ~~( 'fiT SflfNf.1i.rr ~. ~I '5'«ili:T~ ~~1

CfiT~ qlCf~ it; PraT ~T~ Cf1fT
"f<T ;;r;~T a-~ ~T$ f'filfT ~~R
cr.) \Tim: a-q'f or~"{ <4'r.n ~n ~:,\$r tm1 ~t it; ~T{lrcr
f~it~rz7q I t«~ 'n~~« I{{ ~ if; ~rn ~~ qr~ f~~fVt; "{N;r it; tim' ctT'~) m ifr{{T ~
n 'if~Tt Gfrlf~T ;;IT «fq'fq'if q'"{ ~~ ~T I



'tiT ,-1 q{~ it;

Gfji.fif :-
.ro- ( 4)
1&~ ~lf tzy\fqfFfll4{ 'liT ij: «T ;ao«ctT.~

~l=,!<l \Tpr
if; "1'1m~{{crro GI1imr I

q"{ fcr{TiT ~If ~n:if;r.:;rf;;rf'ia- ~~

..~ ..\"1m

5 "'

if; "Omf,ilR[ '«n6 §'RT ~

lIf {ij'R, "'. $flff"{T if f~.

2. a ~i.f"r ltii 'f'{mt,{ :

1• ~fO 'ifrn1'<T 'fir~ q"~ 9'iW ~ « 1. 2 lTT. !fiT J.'ifr( q"{ ~1fTlf ~'iT I

2. cf "1r«r<fr ij' q~'if ili \Tim:, ~sr'fiTllqrOf ~'h: ~tSC f<:~ ~ cnVr ~T.n q'~ \if1fTlf i3Iltf~ ~~ ~T4JT
l1f~ ~~~. f<f~TtrT IfIlO \Tfl:\ If~ ~lfT "I'T1t IDf'li cf "1Tm<fT « ~T \TT mlT ~ ~ \jff fi I ~r(
~ij" Sf<li~ ?;feisrfa-«rfur ~~lfT "I'rl{m rGf~ ~ 10 fl:r • 1fT. ff'fi if~ \3\T't ~ I

3. ~1 ii'~r iff~T "{f~Q ~q'f';"H ~tfrllT iiI'Tlfm ~ '3<r~ rrru '(~ ~ Cfi1f ~'IiTCI?: ~ morT "'rr~ I

2.1 S~pe ;

This section covers the requirements of manual call boxes used in fire alarm systems.
2.2 Coostructional requirements :

(i) The call box shall be of l' 5mm thick welded sheet steel or 3mm thick cast aluminium. The
front face shall have an area of not Jessthan 50 sq. cm with a frangible element of 16 sq. em.
area designed to break by a .steady applicationof pressure or by impact. Suitable arrange-
ment li~~ scratching Qy.a diamond bit, shall be incorporated in the frangible element so
that when it breaks upon application or pressure by a finger, it does not hurt the finger.

(ii) The frangible element shall keep a push button pressed inside such that in the event of
breaking of the frangible element, the push button is released to actuate an alarm in the
control panel. The push button shall be partly depressed so as not to hinder breaking of
the frangible element.
(Hi) The call box shall have suitable knock out for termination of a 20Il1!ll conduit. This shall
also have suitable provision for being fixed on surface or semi recessed in wall.

(iv) Where sheet steel is used for call box, this shall be thoroughly cleaned off dust, dirt, grease
and rustif any and two coats ofa~t~ rust primer shall he given both inside and outside.
1J~,i~shan be (ollo'Y.edby two. coats of syntI:i~* enamel paint in signal red colour on the
external' surface that witl be visible on installation. .
(v) In the case of cast aluminium body for a call box, the surface shall be neatly finished with
red colour paint as in (iv) above.
(vi) The following words shall be painted on the front of the call box in. contrasting colour with
a letter size of not less than 5mm.


2. 3 Imtallatioo requirements :
(ij Manual can boxes shaJi be instaHed at a height of 1.2m above the floor level.
(ii) They shall be installed at easily accessible, well illuminated and conspicuous positions, pre-
ferably in a contrasting background so that they are easily noticed from either direction.
Th-ey may be senii-recessed so as to project by 10 mm,
(Hi) They shall be installed free from obstructions and shall not themselves obstruct exit ways.


~<f"'n~mr.; ~"lti
3. 1 0lfTfi:?f :

~ ~rr,~Tli it ~q:qyf~'Q m'ki ~~cr. 'SI'UTffiT (~. ~. ~. Sf.) 1t Ff'iITf~\I m.., ~~!f> <FT ~it~T~
~f~f~'Q ~ I
3.2 ~~i{: ~(T:
~.~~ f<t:f1iT it ~i l1;!f>~'q~T~f$li' Sf<j;n: ~
f;;l=;;·ft;.·fl.i~i ~N I
1. a:;lilfT ~~'i'f;' f"em<:cT GTT ITZ lfi,q,~ ~Tir Cif~ ~<i~ (f~li) 'SI'cr.r?:!f>T I
2. ~li11r ~~'P fa gn~ ~~ '3;Cl1r'Slf~i~T~ 'SI'cr.~ 'fiT ~TtiT :;;rr cfTq' 1'.P-''Il<Fi- Cff~ in: ~ ~rqqT
~~ ~ far~r ~Trjr I 0 C

3. 'E!,l;!' ~~, ~1'rr.;T <r.~UT'SI'cr.rz <r.T I

4. 'tf l=J ~1]''9cfi, 'SI''f.TflIT'fi 'SI''t;P: liFT I
" "
5. fCff!f>"(1Jl'
;ff~'fr (rn:T .rfJ"ilr, ~<i't'fa ~~CfT ""I~'T ~~1IT 'SI''l:TZ 'frT) I

3. 3 ff'\'tifli'~foif"i~:

1. o;~r ;ff 1"if'fl ~:{"·(i" tilfT ~:rrrfcrQ' 'q'T.l:fT. 2175-197 7 ~ ~,!~tj ~if. GlT. 1:t~. 544 5 (~. 1:tif •
54) 'itTTi 5-197,' ~'Hr <FIt ~~!f «ar~ fCf~~fi' 11fi'i!f>I 1jf~t ~~ilT <r.T Giff'Tct;<:1IT
f~ miAiT
it f<t:!i'PNr ~ Gi~ Gi~ Cf.F:ff;;'li'if<{<i 'fiT 1fliC: ~. \i'fQ Gfl'. u:« .l1;~. ~ ~"l1T;:r~Tr.r ~ fqf~c: tjf~t:tfC\'
if 'SI'liFi ~ f~cr ~'!,'fQ,iT ~Tl! ~T'Tl' ,
2. ~~q Qr:i ~511r ~~qli GfT.U:~ • 5445 (~. t:f'i. 54) ~f1i 8-1984 ~lfqr f!f>;:~1 ~;:ti ~a- fcmrT
qr;; t?f ~ 9;i,!~ ~1itI
3. "!"Xij'iI~f; >;tr~. ltti·-11360-1985, Ofr. l1;~ 5446 ~m-I-1977. ,,1'.l1;~. 5445 (~. l1;~. 54)
~rli 7 1984 lfrcff f'fii:T ~;:l:i ~~C( - fGi~ij'r l1FiiT if; 9;I"f~
, .., 6N I
4. V"lI' Sf'llrt ~ ~~!f> f~'fiT ~rtct"rl:i qi<'i17 ~1 ~, u:"'~ Q~'i'f1 fcr.{tr ~;:l:j' ij'ar-cr fCf~ij'r qr'ifiT ~ ~~
~rT ,
5. tt'!,<fCi~~~ -I>T ~ l£Tl1i1T if ~a'fi ~ ~qllT: 1 ~ 4 ii' m.:r~ ~'rq&r qr.,·fiT if; ~1~ ~ I

3. 4 m11r.fl <FT\Rq-mit :

3. 4. 1 ~l!'i~, ~~;iqff~Ci ~l<i 0{':fe1 QlfJ J;forr~) ~~;:l:j' 'Cl~lIT· ;ff ~f-q;:l:{'m f~ifl1T e:r<:r ITrf~ 'i'f!!il ~ ~
~1;~G'~1iT I

3. 4. 2 ~lit 'SI'~rt t ~fT.i~~•••'if qT al1! f~t'{Gftq fCfqlf :

1. Slcq't~ ~Tii{f ~i wr.n: ~i\'mr \;\Tl'!iiT fer. ~m 'iR:'l1 ~~qr ~~~'-1JT~' ~ fGfff?r~' ~ ~v;n", ~
orTQT~ ~ f"i'i:c; ~'1 Ii ?:€f ~ ~ I
2• ~~'i'ti t9Q ~ 'forT ct1' ifT?: ii' ~tf~fi 9;ilfCfr lJ:'Jftil:iT 5[fQtiTf~i '1{1' ~TiT I
3. 1l1~jiJ:"'·r.fi91' ~~ ~ri\'-;~ Of;f'icf t9Q ~ a:;rn: Q4T Ofiirqcr 'i§Q ~ ;ft~ 'fiT m<: ~lil~ \;\Ta- ~ a) ~~
f(9T §i! <:H<i' ~ ~,iI'1 $'1' Ofr~( '1fT ~rl:~~{;'SI'qr~;; ~ f~l.i~ ~it Gfr~ ~~'ti 'liT 0lI'~f4r 'lir \;\~r I
4. \;\~;- 7Ji ;f!o rr ~1'rF:r 'fiT &l'{G q'~~·it ~1 «'+T'f2R'T ~T Cf~t «~~T cpT Q<:l'~~ ~f&rQ f'fi<tT ~n:mT I m-G'


3·1 Scope;
This section covers the requirements of automatic fire detectors used in Automatic Fire Alarm
. System (AFAS).
3·2 Detector type:
The detectors shall be one or more of the following types :
(i) Heat detector, fixed temperature fusible link type.
(ii) Heat detector, bimetal or thermistor types, with or without rate of rise of temperature ele-
(iiijSmoke detector, Ionisation type .
.(iv) Smoke detector, Optical type.
(v) Radiation detector (ultra violet', infra red or flame flicker type).
(vi) Combination detector.
3· 3 Governing' S.pecifications :
(i) Heat detectors shall conform to IS-2175-1977 as amended upto date, BS 5445 (EN 54)
Part 5-1977 or any other relevant foreign Standards. Where detectors are graded in the
foreign Standards, the grade as equivalent to the above BSS in performance and suitable
to the particular situation of use shall be applicable.
(ii) High temperature heat detectors shall conform to BS 5445 (EN 54) Part 8~1984 or any
other relevant foreign Standards.
(iii) Smoke detectors shall conform to IS-I1360-1985, BS 5446 Part 1-1977, BS 5445 (EN
54) Part 7-1984 or any other relevant foreign Standards.
(iv) For other types of detectors, there is no Indian Standard and such detectors shall conform
to any relevant foreign Standards.
(v) In the case of combination detectors, each element shall conform to the respective Standards
as applicable, as indicated in 0) to (iv) above.
3·4 Installation requirements :
The layout of detectors, manual call boxes and other components of the system, shall be strictly
in accordance with the drawings approved by the Department.
Considerations applicable to all types of fire detectors :
(i) Every detector shall be installed such that its element or sensing area is free and in intimate
contact with the atmosphere in the space.
(ii) Detectors shall not be either partially or totally recessed in ceiling or wall.

(iii) If a detector is installed in a concealed space such as above false ceiling, and below false
ceiling, visual indication of its operation shall be provided outside such concealed space in
a nearby location.
(iv) Detectors shall be suitably protected where they are liable to be subjected to mechanical

5. ttt ~ ~~ ~Q"''i ~Vq~Or ~'l'~Q i5T~ ~"6"" ~ it: ~ ~ ~ ~ t tmm: (f ;pf
~m ~ ~~ifi d;mt.~i~ ~ ~~ I

6. ti~ ~~ qf~ ~ it: m<il w ~~. ~\'fQf ~CfTWil' ~ mn ~ I

7. ~ ill)ij€''Ii't.,,. it: ~~ Uq;; iN<rt ~ 14f fcmIT w ~T i1lT ~~ m If~ m ~
iIl1' «<i'NI/f\~QI '«: ~ U~ Gim' I

3.4.3 ~'n ~ q~.-m eft"~ ~T1lml~ f'l~ :

1. ~T ~ '(~ SAi~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'tG~ ~ it 2.5 f.ir1. ~~ 00 15
t1.lf'l'. {t liIii£~'l' tn. ~ I
2. ~'f: ~ ~~ t ;r~ 60 i.lff. f~lfr 'for f~.a ~q"A' ~T a1!l:t1!T I
3. ~ ~1 {S(CIifI/J' r
'1;ut if \Yjij- PIT «~ ;ffi' IDa: ~ SAm!' «~ IitTi~ I

3.4.4 qq ~~fl 'R ~l~ ('f\t i~ f.~T~'t.f ""4 :-

1. ~ ~ ~ srcr.rt ~f{t ~ro:iT ~ «~fl <roTmrr ier ~ ~ 2.5 i .lfl'. ~~!flfi ~ 60
tf.ifl'. ~ ~ ~l' If': ~ I

2. ~ .mr tit ~:t ql~ «~<r. '(~ SRrn:~ ~ro:ii fili t;'~. ift'tf. R «. so' i.Jil. it: ~. ~)I
qm iI'~ 'f6~l~ .~~ CfiTor)lf ~) m ~~. fqf~ mrfu t ~,!~lO::\;"I'rtiT 'SfTlftiT I

3. f~ fqf~ '1f-u~~~1 Tf ~ qn~ll(.\ ~t:lql 3l'Qfn:~'t f\;~ 'il~ .. q'l' ~ .qlf~. (~) it; 'frno::
~T~ iIlTf<ff~lf fcr.lI'T ~HIT ~ ~ ~ «hrT qlft-fr ii ~-mll'T i3!rtt1lr f;;:~'!ffT~Jiji-{ ~1tfr ;f\,rf iIll'W:
l!,'fT ~Ttrr I '<{f'li qTf~l' T{ CfTl{efT lift! ~fQCfi ~1ol' ~ t1iTffi ~~~ a~T ~~FI cpT i~.~T~ ~. iF(T~ it; f~~
«Wili t ~Tq- ~.Cf~ CfT~-Gf~cr. ~l~ 'illtt;1 I
(v) Locations subjected to adverse environmental conditions such as high levels of vibration and
shock should be avoided for installation of detectors.
(vi) Detectors shall be supported independent)y of their attachment to the circuit conductors.
(vii) Detectors should not be painted or coated or covered in any manner after installation, as
this will adversely affect the sensitivity of operation.

Considerations particularly applicable to heat detectors:

,Q..·l.•1WLt~. ,tOts $all be, ipstall¢ ,such thatthe,detectore4:ment is at more, than 2.5cm
('but less 'ffiail'15cm (rom' the cerling. ' ,. , ., .

(ii) A space of 60cm radius shall be kept clear below e,-:eryheat detector.

fitt~dn lantern light~shaIl be protected fro~ direct sunlight.

Considerations particularly applicable to smoke detectors:

(i) Smoke detectors shall be mounted such that the sensing area of detectors is at more than
2.5cm but less than 6Ocm. below the ceiling.
(ii) Projected beam type detectors shall be placed such that the light beam is withln 50cm from
the ceiling. These shall be located as suitable to the particular situation, as the beam may
be vertical or in an angle.
(ill) Where installation of smoke detector inside ducts for mechanical ventilation or air condi-
tjQniI).g,:is~~iffe~JQ~ ~X specia!i.circ:;qmslaru;es.,they sh~lj be installed -in .~s~rajght rup
~dp.c~p~. '¥hO$e;Jeng~. IS. a!-:1e~sLsix ti~esthe.width. F-:u~~r; asalr-v~loclty. 10 ducts IS
Jiigh, a sU1~~Ic. Wl!1~ sb~e!~:sh~ll be provided With the detector to avoid false, .alarms as
'wellasfadure iQfar~s.

4. 1 QqrN! :

S:~ lS[q if ~fr.:r ~~ Sfarmr if Wfta' f<lf~ f<rlf~ <I ~ q.<r~T 'li"l' 9;1~ ~~f~Q ~ I

4. 2 f<rlii;l'/Ifff~ ~:qifi q.'f.ffi it ~<lir~ :

9;I-J«oSf.o i:f f;;lI'~ar Cf ~'qCf; q~T ~ f<rki'f~'fw 51'Cf;P':~ I ~1tiT Q~q-~T Cf;r<:f ~~T if fCf;~ q~
forf;;iw ~ ~'1.~:iT~ cpi tiiT~' I
.. 1. l{.~ f'1li~"T a'ifT ~'qif> q.;;(1' (f;;" Cf0 ~ 0 q.<r(1') I

2. «ifC~ q.;;(1' T

3. ~T~ tT<r(i' I
4. ~rCfcf~ q;;(1' I

4.3 Itirl:fR~'cp !R'q~ :

4.3.1 ~fiH~!f fCfl1Tq~ tT(;f \i(~ ~T~ ti<r~ ~ ~~ tiin,tifl tiiErT f.r.«TCf;Tzr i:f ~);:rfCM1tii<r ~f~~'Vf
[~r &'f(;fT<fiT«cg~T i:f Oft~ >;tT<:~;r~ ~I<r of; ~q- i:f ~f<l~<r;iT Ci~~q-T 'liT ~ ErT ~ fcrqm
~(;f d'fG'"( q<r~T ~ ~T~ GlrJ:t~ CRTfCf; Q.~ +n+r~T i:f ~~ q<rZifT'li"T ~rCf~1f'l1Ql. ;;@ ~TffT ~ I
itCf~<:/'Sf~~' q.;,ij <fiT ~rif f<ro <10 ~o q~ ~ 'SfT~T '5ir~T i ~hco~l;;ft;;ii q..,ffi gFr ~;;af.fii;i1if'JT
~ ~ 'itT~r<: ~'!lT (qjr~c)/~fT.:r fI'~C1iifi'\i~a' f.,o <l0~0 ti;;(1' 'li"T~f!ffl fcpl1T '5ir~T I f;;o <10 ~o
q<rii ~T:.f~iifi' ~1l11 9;;('&'/" tt~a' ~<TT Cl!l.fT ~f;;~ :qr~ Cf,°:r.rT I ll'Er f.,fcm fcifrim if <TQ~ ~
f~ ~rlI'>r;:r~;ff ii'i fiil{ 'it\' «ii'ia' ~~T I ij'liuT ~Oijosro 'li"T f~a' ~Tlfu S:«T -trjii [T7.:r iFT
\ilT~qT I

4. B. 2 f.fli~ur~ ~:q!.fiqi{\l :

1. ~a- °H~ « ii{.~ Hlfr ~lf~':'Sfr., f{l'Q'~ +Tr;;rcr~ii--'ErTiTI

2. crrrrn:1f SfGTT~Tif \ll/T ~ q-crr ~fr.; ~ 'fm:JT Sf~rfcra' 9'~ 'SfTi'I'<fiTf<{<if.\" ~ fiil{ ~« q;rn if P;1'~-
<(~!f ~~"ii <fiT c!{qf!fT <fir \ilT1;q) S:ij' 51'ii['{ !.fiT~~ii ~w ij'~T ~fi;:r 91T. f~<rfa'<rT ~ fiit1; ~iii('-
~iiq ~Tir :qrfErI{ I (4. 4. 2 'itr ~ti")
3. ~liiJf9;lo~oSfo if; fii~ f<fita' ~TlfQ Q~~I:I'T ii'i fii'l; ~T~ii qf"(:tlffcrqa' ij'~(f ~/9;lrrrffi';:rlfTlrT ~Tq'~
«fCf~Cl ~d- 9'1{ qf<:icrf Q.Trrr ,
~~ <ti~ ~l/T (q)rz;c) Q'I:I'T~fr.r if; ~~aifi CfinT~~, ~Tar ~ aT ~ q-;;~Wi'{ T',{rcrcf'liq'fii <tiT«:;:rrfui'
!.fi~r I
5. ~ q.ifii ~~r Of"l'r:rr_tiiT~r fGl~l'i' P;1'Qli ~~'Ii 'iiT :qr~ Cfi'{{ m<: ~ij' Of~ ~{ <fiT srvmft ~'f\Tfi('
5 if ~~ ~ '>I1.~T"( ~T , •
6. .. ..
lJ\<i'ij'fiT-6 ~ 7;1if~'1\iI;; «"Tor., 'PIT.fl' ~-T~iI~ ~ q-,,'''i firm-it ~'Tf I

4.8.3 ~!f!~/~,.,,~~\\1 :

1. \iI~r~Cfi f"l'lf?fiJT ~~ ~orii q.;r(1' ~ f"l'tZlrJf l'i' ~ifi to·~ Q'(1' if ~'t7 ij' ~f~ 'SfT{ ~ a'lfT ~ tOw
~~ if 'SfTrttf'iii 'fir ~T!1;r~qT rri! ~ Cf ~~"( ~'Ii mc<: q.;;\1' <fiT Oll'q~4"T 'flr tiiTl{ifT I ~'t7 ~r.r
q<r~ <fiT ol:\'<R=<rT ~ a'\1 en: 'li"r ::itT~qT ::it~r a'ii q'~ ii'i~;;r t1;1I ~t :jfT,. ~T I



4.1 Scope :

This section covers the requirements of the various Control and indi-ating panels used in Fire Alarm

4.2 Types of control and indicating panels:

Following are the types of control and indicating panels in a FAS. These shall be provided as spe-
cified in the schedule of work.

(0 Main Control and indicating panel (C&I Panel).

(il) Sector panel.

(ill) Zonal panel.

(iv) Repeater panel.

4.3 Functional requirements :

4.3.1 (je~ :
The trigger devices shall be connected to the respective zonal panels. Where the zoning design in
any work provides for division of areas as sector and further sub-division as zones, the trigger devices
shall be connected to the sector panels, since no zonal panel is required in such a case. The sector/
zonal panels shall in turn be connected to the C&I Panel. An alarm signal offault/fire shall be trans-
mitted to the C&I Panel by the sector/zonal panels within their areas of control. The C&I Panel
shall provide necessary audio-visual alarm and actuate the sounders. This shall also initiate signals
for any other operations specified in tender specifications. Electric power supply to the entire FAS
shall be fed through this panel.

4.3.2 C &: I Panel :

(i) All the sectors/zones connected to this panel shall be continuously monitored.

(ii) Audio-visual alarm shall be provided in this panel to show the ZONE affected by its
wiring system or by fire. Such an alarm should be separate for fault and fire conditions. (See
also 4.4.2)

(ill) This shall be complete with necessary circuitry for providing power supply to the entire FAS,
drawing power from the mains! standby battery .

(iv) This panel shall transmit to its repeater panel if any, signal of alarm of fault and offire.

(v) This panel shall be so designed that the audio alarm activation and silencing shall be as indicated
I in Section 5.

(vi) P.A. System equipment as per Section 6 shall form part of this panel.

4.3.3 SectorfZonal panel :

(i) A sector panel shall be provided where there is more than one zone in a floor under the control
of a C&I panel, and zonal panel is not required in that floor. A zonal panel shall be provided
where there is only one zone in that floor.


2. ~/Gfm q~ If'{ ~ Gft.r iti' ~~ ~ ~ ~ <li1' ~~T 6:~T f'3lwt ~!lT__(~) gm &T If/
"'TlT ~T ~T (4. 4. 3 'll'T~~) I W q~ 1t ~'l ~~m <\if oL\'~':rT <f~r ~mr 'il~ ~ fctiTf{
~ f.:Ifcro fcrf~"'m it f~ lrfr ~ \
3• ~ q;:ffl'«T f<f'f~ (~f/'"() q,f'Rf ~ ~g «4IT!flT ~m-a-!lTC3' ij'~(\,iff liit;;r CfiT f.tliA ~
~~~I '

4.8.4 ~~~:
~ emfj m roere' <li~ «~ "'fr.:r t§Tfrrr aOT ~ iti'~ 'i~ ~.q.:rT itm 1

4.3. 5 ~fCf~q-~:

~if1 ~rnif1 q~ 'il~r ~~ 'ilFttf1' ~ ~ ~o <fo ~o ~ <t'r~ml (ssrOlf g;jtt ~~)

<tit ~-'l{l" I

4.4. ~;ro-~ aitmtt

4.4.1 ~tlt'~ af~~ ({tll ~fl:t<:q.,.:

1. fctfu;:i:r ~;:fiirl" ~~T ~if;a'~ tf;:ffl ~~1.l"r q;<tT rt ~fu\Q'Erl" ~1"( <li1'~Teft ~rfft Cl'tTTfGl'(t ~l;; q"(
~ «~Tfq'a' f<ti~ is\l'J;rrT C£i{f ~ q'l.fT~ ~ f~ ~~ ~"MTI
2. ~~i «met;;r. 1• 6 ftt)l1ro l1Ur ~rcr ~r ::qrr.{~ ~ f~i.n 'iln:pTr (I'~T q;1!f "'~CfT ~rcrr~ q"( ~
itl f~ 3,lf~~~;; f~lt'f G{Tt:fCT I ~ ij'llfif <fir~rt ~~if <fTm "ifl$G{~r~ <l"~ (l'q"T a'0r {lf~ ~)ft 1
3. f;;o<fo~o q;;~ "iflT "'fl£~ ~ Wfj'r~ fif1'lf is\Tltlfr f~ f.'TqJ ~f'~f(l'- oi?;~r :qrf'ilf/' ~ sro{l'oSl'o
iti ~ 3,lOT ~'f)cr;;sruTm-1' ~ ~U <tit ~q"~ ~ cr.eif 1t ~T 'ill ~ , «~~1lT iti' <l'TW ~
cmft ~m ~ Ol"fit itl f~ (~ ~ ~~lil <liT q..,(:f it;' ~ ~1 ~~T \i\TQ;qT.1
-4. q- ~ 1t ~ ~T (I'm <t'r S{~ fuQ; ~f-<t(f mij';fT ('iT'll %tr3i~) ir oCTf~ 'lir 'ilTQ;tfr 1

5. «~ ~ tt'!fimf q~ <{it f~«l'l£r Wfj'T"( Cfft f{(:f/f~/im/~rr l:fiTm ~ ij' llcrq itr fu'tt rn
~ fif1!TT \i\TQ,1fr I ;;:£<r 1:Ta-r srNf1fll ~ iti' ~ ~ iti' ~fa' q;:rn' ctit 'A1:l1T~ m iti' ~fu'cIJ
~ iIl"G:T #tit «"1,-T UorT~ GfTQ;rrT I
6. ~l£r ~.rr (I'~T I3ii'liT (l'ru enr ~tt s{'tll~ aL\'Cf~~ f<tT~r 'ilT~r ~ Ijrrzn iti' ij'flI'if ~ 1fTlT ij' ~f:fcrr-
~T C\1Ff f'ii'l:fT 'ilT ~ I
7. ~ 1"l'fi ~. f;;.r~1Jf t«~1(I'~T OTc;ff m~ q1.-;;£tiff q.<tm ~ «ilfif ~ 1fTll +f'otr<ffi:~ fct;lrr Gfl4TrT I
~;; q1: ,;{'H'ij'
6'1fT ~~f<{t~ ~"f<;f ~~,~ \S1T~~I

8. ~~ ~Pl' f.rl=lfZilf~:r ~iff lA ~r:rtTcq <ft~ q~T ~ 5f~R t ~ I 'A1T.r m <fi) ~~ <fiT ~r
~ Q~T ~f:q(l fCfilfT is\TQ;lTt:--
<ti ~\"Zil'AFT;; f~~fcfl;ff CPt \{f"ffl otrrit t fu~ I
~ ~ (5ftf)a'~<lC1) ~w (l:fiT~) <fiT ~fifCl ;:n~it *' fuQ; I
f/' (U ~~ f~~f(l' em W'iffl ~ t ful:{ I
9 ~'if~ ~~ t q'~)~1lT Efi f~Q; q'U~ilf "fc;ff <fir o!f:fHT <tiT 'ilT~tfr I
10 «I1T fif1i~JT a!TT ~lll ~rr~ <tr cr) rli!:r-!frr~-il ){-l'r•.. ~ :!t?t!:l'f ~~I'l;'Tf;;~ SI'~f"( ~ ~ «-ilfl'~ I
11 q;;ffi it c~rr (l
>T~<la' >Tcit-fi ~1'f g~r q'f"q'<{ q-)"i (t§~q';)<I~b) cr~ '-ilr~lTr I 'i§~q':l'fl\l 1fT ctfa'fCf'-lJf
~ l.l"(41ilf« ~qrif it; f\il~ ~'T~~; ~'f[ ~ ~f~C1 f~!TT is\Titml

4.4.2 f"d~\J( (fq-r .~ ~ :

1 ~ t{;t(:f it
f.fl:;:rf~fw Efi f~Q; ~-¥!f CfiT oltCf~~ 'lit >3lTQ;fff:--
<fl ~ff ~Cf(:f ~ ~~ fq;-a-r 'ilT \ifTif l{ ~lrT ~i~ I
ijf «~/;r);;Zil Q'1ffi <t1 (\'r~ If @Q; ~fr (q;r('~) ~~:T ~a Tn' 1 if} f{l~1;f'rf q n ~Ii ~'r"( rfi'A-r ~ff'l
~~'tl CfiT~Grit/9,l"rtf 'ilTit otM" (l'T~lEfi «\{'if'lff ~ 'A~rr ~Tif I
~«T ~;;Zil it ~T ~ ~!lT 6:Tif I
~!f fct~ '" T~fC\' @ ~Hit I «

(ii) The sector.zonal panel shall provide visual indication of the ZONE where a fault or a fire has
occurred. (See also 4.4.3) Audio alarm in this panel shall be provided, where specified in
tender specifications.
(iii) This panel shall transmit to the C&I panel, alarm signals from any of the trigger devices and
the wiring connected to it.

4.3.4 Spot indicator :

This shall provide only a visual indication whenever any of the detectors connected to it triggers
a fire alarm.
4.3.5 Repeater panel:
A repeater panel where provided shall duplicate the alarm indications (audio as well as visual) of the
~&I panel.

4.4ConstructionaJ requirements:

4.4.1 General design and fabrication :

(i) The various control and indicating panels shall be totally enclosed, dust proof and vermin
proof and shall be suitable for the environmental conditions at the site of their installations.
(ii) These shall be fabricated out of sheet steel of 1.6 mm thickness and designed for wall or floor
mounting. They shall be front openable type with hinged cover and lock.
(iii) The C&I panel shall be designed such that the equipment for power supply, battery charging
and P.A. system for FAS are housed in independent compartments. Lead acid battleries
shall however not be accommodated inside the panel to avoid problems due to corrosion.
(iv) Suitable knock outs shall be provided for the entry of cables and wiring into the panels.
(v) The panels after fabrication shall be cleaned to remove any dust/dirt/grease/rust and phos-
phated. After two coats of anti-rust primer, the panels shall be finished with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint in approved shade.
(vi) All components and their wiring shall be arranged so as to be conveniently attended to from
the front of the panels.
(vii) All indicating lamps, control switches and buttons and fuses shall be located in the front of the
panels. These shall be suitably and unambiguously labelled. .
(viii) The indicating lamps may be incandescent, Neon or LED type, to the following colours. The
fire conditions shall be indicated by twin Iamps r-«
(a) Red to indicate FIRE condition.
(b) Amber to indicate FAULT condition.
(c) Green to indicate HEALTHY condition.
(ix) Test buttons to test the indicating lamps shall be provided.
(x) All control and indicating panels can be of either electro-mechanical type or of elec;
tronic type.
(xi) Any printed circuit boards (PCBs) used in the panels shall be plug in type. The PCBs shall
be suitably protected against atmospheric corrosion.

4.4.2 C&I Panels:

(i) Audio-visual indication shall be provided in this panel for the following.->
(a) Fire in any zone connected to this panel.
(b) Fault in any zone connected to this panel including fault in wiring to the sector/zonal
panels and removal of any fire detector/disconnection of leads to detectors.
(c) Fault in this panel itself.
(d) Mains supply failure.
11 I
SiNlccdf """" IlIn' ~ \;l~ I
~ urn 1IiT ~ ii1~~I

~ ~ ~ fcf+41f~fttd it' f~ ~ ¥If «itm ~ iilntiT I

SI<4'ICf61 flro ~ q~ ~/~ ,
$fI4HiN414j)' ~ m~ 'ifRl ci~ ,
q-U~1J)' 'iiPi' ill ~ f.r;;r (3) it' iR~r'( f'lim ;;ft<t 'liT '1I!fCRn1J)'I
~ ~ if ij ~ If{ "(~ f~ ill sr;n~ I
\iI;r ~ srarnrl' 'iffli I

$I~ ~ (~) lfT ~TiJ' Cfit ~ am ~ ii!T;:r'liT ~ C1t~ 'lit ~m ;it ~~ 'li1
'"1~, ~;;IT;r it«r ~ :qrf~ f.r;:a'~ ~-~ lfT ~ it' ~ ~ f'lilfT '"1T ~~ ~ if"
i3IltiT <t't ~ ~JmI' if ~r ~T ij'~ aTf.ti ~ iift;if it' ~ ~if '" SIlI'JCf'" q'~ I ~Q' 'f4'ffl(1J)'
it' ~ «ilia m ~~ ~1iT1
w m if ft1fO<jf~m <tit 1ft ~ ~4f') :--
qftlf'lff iitt f.r1.j~ Cf ~ m~ t 'R1~ ~ ~iIi 'R~ ftcrif ,
m ~ ~ ~~~ ftcr'Cf I
,,~ ~ ~lif ctr;;ft;f em: allfT «ift iilTrif if ~~ ~ ijo 'ill ~ 'R~ t ~ ~'Cf I
Gl'it ~ srvrml' t f~ crR<t~<rflf ftcr'Cf I
GI'<t~ SI'U'mfr ~ QIlfT m 111"1'bl'f ,
~Gl ~ tNT R~ CW'T ~rif fcr~a 'R'T~zif t f~"{~l' Ifl{\iI ~ cit~cnfhn I
~ :;n;;f 'l7 ~mI
5 4#.lIf~fij f.m' ~ll1' ~ mr.r~lif t ij'~ ~ ~ ~r fr: ~~ ~ ;;r~ I

6 ii1~t..rrfiff.r~ ~ f.t~ cr ~'fl ~~ t 'R'f~~~ if f;rHf'f~f<Sl'~ oq'~~l1fiT .ij'rf+r~ <tI i51T~il') I

ifi ~ ~f.rcp ~ ~rif iITlT ~~ ijo 'E4':l"IfM m I
V ~ ~, f.:Itft6;; srorrffi', C{;r f;rlj"~ srorr~ QlfT CfTcr~ srumft it' «~il if 'SI"'{T~;; 'liT STrCfm;:r I

4.4.3 ~~m:
i6 ~ qijil if filWf t f~~ ~. «tcr ~T I
'Ii Sf1IITiI1" 'if~ W ~cr I
W clifil ijo ~ftrn fCfiUt~ it R'
i{1l~~ 0l:f~1!fT m~cr .r.r~ ~ij' ij' ~flcr fm ~iI it iRfli'j ~;rT I
'Rmor CfiTlf,f t f~ f;:r. Cf ~. ~~~ ij' ii1"Trt 'IlT 1{'f'f'li"{1J)' I

~ij' q'il~ t ~~r~ q'~T:ff~ t f~q; q'~r4f'or f~ ~~TQ; \ijTlf~ ,

3 i;j~ fiff«T fcrf;:rm if~« q;:r~ ~ f'ti{fl' 'fillj if P.{O!/' {filrd'li f;rl'ilf~ {fT, <r6T q~ ~f,,~ cl'.fl '3'ij'~
"{<rolWfi f~'iff 'Ill' 0!r<I'f1Q'T <tft ii'T~l' I
4 ~ij" ~~ ~ srifT~ij' ~ filQ; fCf~cr 'R'Tr{(f f;:r. Cf ~. ~il~ ij' 3ftccr 'liT ii'TQ;~T I

4.4." ~ (~) ~1Ir :-

1 ~ '1ft f~I!ffCflfT if ~if ~ [T"{T fi{Q; ITq; ~<i1T~~cr ~ ~;r CfT~ ~ I srfcr«rir Si"'li11: 'liT ~ q'"{
~r 'fiT ~f~",(Yt/'ij' ~ij"T{fTin fi;l'ij"ij"~·~~q-oT ij" ~TrrT ii1"T ~ I
2 ~ ~r 'Ill fEif'fii'j it..rr CfTiiT 'R'1lfCf1 ~~.q'-~ 5Rir' 'liT ~TilT I

4. ". 5 ~r.ta. tr.f~:

1 f<l~ QifT f"fili ~<I\1 if lTerr~l(fa SSfOlf(lifT '1~ i{m sr~iTT~ «'lit ~~.;l, Ji"QT ,!<r(Tqff'li q-;:ril' 'IlT
3fTCfUFI'~ ~T ~ ~T f~rt ~ I

(e) Low battery voltage.

(f) "A.C. Fuse blowout.
(g) D.C. Fuse blowout.
(ii) Only visual indication shall be provided in this panel for the followingc-.
(a) A.C. power supply ON/OFF.
(b) Standby battery supply ON/OFF.
(c) Battery charger ON/OFF.
(d) Isolation of a zone for testing purposes as per (iii) below.
(e) Operation of silencing switch, when there is no alarm condition.
(f) P.A. System ON.
(iii) Facility shall be provided to test the zones individually, by simulating fault or fire condition.
Each zone shall be capable of isolation for maintenance or test purposes leaving the remaining
zones in healthy condition so that fire detection in those zones is not affected. Visual in-
dication of such isolation shall be available on the panel.
(iv) This panel shall also be provided with the followingt=-
(a) Necessary test switches for testing of circuits, and C & I panel lamps.
(b) Panel sounder and silencing switch.
(c) Switches to operate the fire alarm sounders zone-wise and also collectively at all zones.
(d) Changeover switch to P.A. system.
(e) P.A. system equipment and panel microphone.
(f) Voltmeters with protective fuses for both A.C. and D.C. supplies.
(g) Battery charge rate ammeter.
(v) On clearance of a fault or a fire condition, as the case may be, the system shall reset auto-
(vi) Where specified, the following provisions shall be incorporated in the design of the C & I
(a) Provision for automatic connection to Fire Brigade through external public telephone
lines. .
(b) Provision for operation in conjunction with Halon System, pressurisation system smoke
control system and air conditioning system. .'

4.4.3 Sector/Zonal pancl :

(i) This panel shall provide visual indication for the following:-
(a) System ON and healthy.
(b) Fault in any zone connected to this panel.
(c) Fire in any zone connected to this panel, with double lamp arrangement.
(d) Isolation of a zone for testing purposes from C&I panel.
(ii) Test switch shall be provided to test the lamps on this panel.
(ill) Where audio alarm is specified in tender specifications in any work in this panel panel sounder
and its silencing switch shall be provided. '
(iv) The power supply to operate this panel shall be drawn from the C&I panel.
4.4.4 Spot Indicators :

(i) The indication given out by these indicators shall be conspicuous under fire conditions. In
case of recessed type, the design shall be such that the indicators are spotted easily.
(ii) The cover of the spot indicators may be screwed type or snap-in-type.

4.4.5 Repeater panel :

(i) All indications, both visual and audio as show in on the C&I panel shall be indicated in the
repeater panel, where provided.

2 Fr~CT<ri q~ ~ J.T~T~ ~ f~~ f~O' ~TlJ:rO' f;:p:f~1If a"n' ~ tf~ ~!fICO' 11ft m~ I

4.5 ~;f1fi'\' m~
4.5.1 ~~:

1 " Oflli f<flf~ Q~T ~q; q"l~ ~q"l ~ ~i~ >;f~qT G'lf~ OflTJ.TfaC!i~f~~(\7.£T qT~ 'Pi~ ~ ~ ~"1~ T
\itT~T \iI'nl'fi f<li ~ 5i~TCf ij'~Tif ~f~t:1; lJ:<ifq-Tl\rt~'fi<: f~~ "lT~ I

2 ~i1 qrt\iT .,f'rf~T ~ ~~1'1~ ~T~ "i'I~ ~Tl:fT \jjTt:J;~TTI

3 f"i'll(~ a~f ~q; q;:re- 'fiT ~~ r;;;rPH'f;f5f'f ~~~ tf<: \iTrTlfT \itl'Z~T "'~ ~ 'i[C[i'\ ~ ~ (t ~1filf
~ ;r~i"(~T \ilT~ I

~<FG'/\ifT;;~ tf<l~, ij-'feT/\ifT"f ~ liCfJ1f nu ~ ~T"fr9)T~~ ;;f~ f\1t:fG OflT~r-ft.ii"~qT 'f1f<ilfT ;tt ~
if~ifT~ \ilT~ifT I l:f{[ 07"1\1' ffi«T :;;rTl1 \if<ifT ~~T iff~l:fT=t If ~T<rT \iI~t f<ii'fT w:rm ~ \iT~ \ilT ~ m;r
~ tt'J\=t for'fT ~~T \ifT ~ I

"'. 5. 2 f;fq(if1Jf ({~ ~ wt;f~ ~T «~

1 ;a'Gfq 4. 5. 1 ~ ~~q' f"f~~Ctii~r for~ iiTU rr=)!ftf~Q iicfllfT it ~ iJ"iT~~Al q'T f~ Q'.fT ~
i~ ~~T~ GlT~ I ~'iiT~T ~rf~i;f f"l. <.f~. 07~ ~ ~ if <IT ;a'~~ m~«
~tt' ~ ~ it WfT7.£T
\ilT~T I
2 ~ q.~1 ~m<lii"(-srliF' ~ .q'TetTT q'T 1(if~T i{fqTT q'"r ii«T tOW q-. ~ITTl:fr \ilTttm I ~~~ it q-~
~ J.T7.£m fOfltt \iI Tt:(iT I
3 iitiT q,,~iti ~<Z ';,:rttflff;'l 'lil~ 'IT)' ~i~:r'l'oCf:\' ~T;l~~'fiT ~T<rT'Q'Tf'ii ~~~ ,~~q=~o ~ I
4 (1";\ ;f~Rrm <;f:1fifTt<ifz;fr 'fiT .:rnn;:fr ij' f<ifor"ift f:'i~!f:1ff fp:rfO' ~T~Cfi m<mT"I' fOfll:fTiifTttifT I
5 tf;:r~ 1(Q"5I"fiT< ~lJ'rl:fT "i'i1{lTTfJj~« ~lfT ~'ii ~;q' ~rHn;:fr ~ f~ ~ Q'qT q.iR ~ ~ a''Il q-TU'T;f\'
ij- t:i~:qT 'fiT B'if·fiT sr~T~;:r f'fil:fT ;;jT ~ I
6 q.'f~r"l; ~Tl:rif ~lcic;rj'T lJ:cfq; "iiT<f'il"if ;;p f~t:!; .'1)~~ tiil' tJ;"f; IireT ~T ~qT;:r B'q~S" ~mTI
4.5. a ~.~ (~ri) ~m~rd~
1 f~ (Hri) ~:q'IiT <fi:T ~iSI'fS"cr ~';f;ff~ sr~w ar' <liT Ofif~ it -tr~r.qT tiij- ~~;:r q-. ~lfnn \iI~T
:::;r~3'a'.fiT 3;!l''{T 'ij'flJ' nqT~ 'fif ~:qT~ Q'C[i ~T I
2 .,.f~!Tr=t 1f ori1T<.fGT1(i10' q~ ~Ttt ij'(( ~ ~ ~q (~tc:) ~ 'lil iif"lTcri'r ~ ci! (q)fffi «\I1"f)
~~ ;:fT~ ~1fTl:fT \ilr~lfT I
3 iififTCIit 1{;!If ~ ;ft~ \>f'ITTt:!;
~ ~~~"'Tit ~~;;"I (~tl) ~:q<lir otrr oTifT<.fGTq;~ Q~ «~ii lftc:T ~lfT7.£T
~TttifT I 1(a':t" ;~T<.fT ~~~ t:!;'fi ~~ if :;Ti <liT ~r( ~~F"T <t>.CTTg~T ~Cfi O''T~ 'fiT f;:mT'f iATl:fT
\il'T~T I
4 ~qrqrt t{a'T ~T fGl'OO ~~ ~ it ~ll!:f ~rttti<tll QTcrqr 5I'lfff<.f,a'~ ~ '1i'T q-T«r<ft <<If{"ilT'fT \il'r

(ii) The power supply to operate the repeater panel shall be drawn from the C&I panel

4.5 lnstaUation requirements

4'5·1 Siting:

(i) No control and indicating panel shall be located outside the building or in a room of severe
environmental conditions, unless precautions are taken against the effects of the same.
(ii) These panels shall not be provided inside any enclosed space.
(Hi) The C&I panel shall be conspicuously sited so as to be visible without effort on entering
a building.
(iv) The sector/zonal panel shall be sited in a conspicuous location at the entrance to a sector/
zone, such as a lift lobby or a staircase lobby. This panel shall be in a common lobby or
a corridor, which can be approached without passing through an occupied area.

4·5·2 InstaUation of control and indicating panels :

(i) The control and indicating panels shall be installed at the locations decided in conformity
with 4.5.1. above and shown in. the drawings approved by the Department. Mimic diagram
shall be installed by the side of the C&I p~mel or as an integral part of the same.
(ii) Depending on the size and design of these panels, they may be either wall mounting or floor
mounting type. Installation shall be done using necessary bolts.
(iii) Any supports required for large panels shall be of sufficient strength so that the installation
is rigid and sturdy.
(iv) Necessary provisions shall be made for conveniently receiving conduits or cables, as the case
. may be.
(v) The panels shall be so installed that all the indicator lamps are easily visible and the switches
in the panels are within easy reach for operation.
(vi) A free working space of at least 1m shall be available in front of the panels.

4·5·3' Installation of spot indicators :

(i) Spot indicators shall be installed on wall such that its top is at door level and by the side
of the entrance to the respective premises.
(ii) Spot indicators for detectors installed over a false ceiling in a corridor, shall be installed
directly under the false ceiling.
(Hi) Spot indicators for detectors installed under a false floor, shall be installed at a height of 1m
above false floor level. Additionally, a marking of an arrow pointing downwards shall be
made by the side of the spot indicator.
(iv) The installation shall be such that the visual indication from the spot indicators are conspi-
cuous and that the affected area is spotted without difficulty.
"'tf,!ra ~ t"iltlq" ~
S.l a.ntttf I

~«~~ ~ mr.r ~a''l\' srurrm if 5I'ZLOfQ

s<ff;wr ~ ~ll'f1fC6 ft:q:;;i'f<tt ~ m~ ~I
5.2 "";00 ilf·SAn'f':-
'ifo~o5l'olf f~ SAiT~ ~ sorf~9f' ~ I
1 q..\11 ~ I
CPff 2 'il'fr.r ~ sorfifer I '(~lf ~T'RIT~ fi\~ ~ a"IT ~ ~ cmr ~~ ~flfffll' tRt ~ I ill T~
~ ~ W~~T'tID~ ~T ~'fT <ti) GtT~t I

5.8 ~f'AI~~:
1 Gt~ M;ff~ it, f~~ or ~ .f;;~, ~/~ .fOR if ~ sorfifer ~err T'~f~ ~ ~~ iIiT{
~) <tt ~'fT <tt Gt~T ~Tf'li ~ if 'ifo «0 51'0eft ~T"(lI')Gt;rTIf ~ WW (qm;z) cr'fT ¢~ qfT.
«tT If mr.r rn 'fiT ~ ~t 'fiT ~ ~ m:~erTtlr'fili:orTtT 'liT 5lfTiI ~TCff'«l f<fillTGtT ifcti I
2 ~"' t:l1R <tt f~erfa' if 'lCR ~T iIl~ ~ f~ ~"f'if ~~ erT~ <tiT~~ ~ ~ f~ fi't1=i'fa'Rra'T cmr
II'fT.:t ~ ~ifer merrftm flfiV.;GtT~ I
3 f-;j« 'ffCI'itif~l1f t:lifT ~ ~ ~ rn<tfl' ~ ~fI'Cfi~<fiT~T~ Vf:;A ~ f~ ~ crRra'T cmr ~ rnlfr
scrf.t m:errtem flfiV.;~T~ I

4 'il'fr.r WfI"I WifT~ ~ mlTerT ~ fm ~ ~ f~ ~1iI ~d''li ~~ <IiT SI'lf\1r <ttt f~~T ~ I
5 rcrnTfl'Cfi~ ~ tf<1~ ~;:rm if ~a- <ii-Tt ~TtMt ~tAl ~ If <1ty I

5.4 SI!ff;:rcif '" OCilf(q.,:t liT ~n:r.r:

1 \lI flUiMCfi m, \iff fOIlf<1~ er ~C{i ~OR ~ ~T ~ Cfi~ mft tfil\ll scrf<19f'~fQCl' tf<1~ « 'i{Tfi;rn
'iI'fT.I~ ~~~ f~ er ~ ~~ «~ I
~;:rm <IlTSR'T~ .f~ ~ ~ ~T m :sf~fWT ~ ~ srqT~ « ~ ~T fl
~ ~otfa-cr fCfi«T~T f~ lffl «mr.=.
"CI"li m q'Ta- ~ ~fa"a' ~~ ~ ~ scrf<19f'~~: ~
~T I \1;:r~ f<1~fl'R ~ if fCf>"«T
'iiw (qm;z) <IlTij'~d ~~ q'7 ~ ~« scrf<1~ I

3 f<1~ er~ cfrI\IIif t!;'fi 7'<fWTfI'ifi

f~ <tt ~erT ~ I ~ ffCR' <fiT SR'T\II;rW iOR ~~;rnT a''fT ~
tt.~rcr~ q.~ lff~ iJili ~ ~ scrfifer <tiT~~?··u~~ 9.ffil 'fiT wta' Cfif ~T I .fil\il if 1ft "(af-WTfI'Cfif~
<tit alf<f~erT~TifT I f~~ ",£T~ ~~ qf m- ~
q;wr 'fiT ~ scrr••. <tiT~ m:'l"T I "(af-WTfI'Cfif~
~T ~ scrf;r 'fiT m~~ ~ f\llit ~/ffCR'/~if~ q.~ if ,ft f~ \ifTl{iT I ~ ~ f<rf~
CfiTlff if ~ f~;ri:T ~Cilf ~:qCfiT 'liT fcrf~w f'filfT qlfT~) I

4. 6Ilif if fCfi{fT ~T f~;F 1.f~~ ~fr.t ~~a' 5I'JCa ~ta-(t ~tr.r~ 5I'''ITfcrn ~ if mr.r ~ scrf;rer
~: Gf"f -a~ l:,f~<l tPTT.;:rfli\ «~a'li' m"l'~~'-f<li' \if);:rTi'(.~f~ ~ ~T~f~ ~ if ~ Uft:rTIRT
~ f~ fmur a-q"T~ tf~ ~, ~ ~:orTf~ ~ t {'ifCI'it if mlif ~ ~ititr fm (l'
mft m..m ~ fern: Gf\if ~if ~ "f~ if:or \ilTif <tit ~~cr"I'T ~) ~ f~~ ~cffillf)fGt~ ~ if film-
er ~~ q.~t:I if m ~~ ~
f~~ VWTfI'<Ii'f~ ~ "T~ ~ ~ ~lif ~~~;rif 'liT
"~ ~r.:r ijo ~ T :orTf~ I
tf~ scrf.ldf ~ Gf\ifif ~ GfT~ ~ci f;:rfir;;rcr~ ~ 'fl"Cf7 ~~ f~~ Cf ~ ~ ~ Ij~ mr ~ m~~
1Jlr fm ~lif ~~ q" ~$1' <ti.'f fifi'lfT \ifTaT a'T f~ er ~ q.;:r\ll' ar~T fiflif~a' ~ GIl;:rT ~
~lif ~a'<fi m;; ~~: Gf~ \1~ , ~ <tit '({f ~ft 'liT 2 ffl'i'I'Z« 10 ffl"i1e a'ifi ~Tt:r ij-.«11'TtI1f~a'fifilfT GtT



5.1 Scope:

This section covers the requirements of sounders and silencing switches used in Fire Alarm Systems.

5.2 Types of Sounders:

Sounders in a FAS shall be of the following types.

(i) Panel sounders
and (ii) Fire alarm sounders. These in turn comprise oflow intensity and high intensity sounders. These
shall be provided as specified in the schedule of work.

5.3 Functional requirements:

(i) Panel sounders shall be provided in C&I panel, sector/zonal panel where specified and repeater panel
if any so as to darw attention of the caretaking personnel in a building to a fault in the F AS wiring
and a fire condition in the protected premises.
(ri) . Fire alarm sounder oflow intensity type shall be installed to signal to the occupants of the building to
evacuate in the event of a fire.
(iii) Fire alarm sounders of high intensity types shall be installed to draw the attention of the fire fighting
personnel towards the main entrance of the premises where a fire has erupted.
(iv) Fire alarm sounders shall not be used for any purpose other than for fire operations.
(v) Silencing facility shall be provided, only for panel sounders and not for fire alarm sounders.

5.4 Operation of sounders and silencing:

(i) (a) Panel sounders shall be actuated from the respective panels except in repeater panel, in which this
shall be actuated from the C&I panel,
(b) Fire alarm sounders shall be actuated from the C&I panel.
(c) The operation of sounders shall be independent of operation of any indication like lamps or flags
in the panels.
(ii) The panel sounders in the respective panels shall be actuated automatically as soon as fire ~rm signal
is initiated from any trigger device connected to them. These shall also be sounded when there is a
fault alarm signal within their areas of control.
(iii) A silencing switch shall be provided in C&I panel. Operation of this switch shall mute the audio output
from the panel sounder in this panel and in its repeater panel, if any. Silencing switch shall
also be provided in repeater panel which when actuated shall mute the audio output in this panel only.
Silencing switch shall be provided in sector/zonal panels which may be specified to have audio indica-
tion in particular works, to mute the output of the same.
(iv) Fire alarm sounders in a zone affected by a fire shall be actuated automatically as soon as fire alarm
signal is initiated from any trigger device in that zone. All other fire alarm sounders shall be actuated
only manually from the C&I panel, individual zone-wise and collectively for the entire installation. (Au-
tomatic operation of all the sounders in a building immediately after a fire alarm signal is initiated,
is likely to create panic). Such a manual operation of fire alarm sounders should be done after operating
the silencing switch for the panel sounder in the C&I panel, within a preset time.
(v) If an alarm of fire sounded by the panel sounder in C&I panel is not accepted by a preset time after the
panel sounder comes on, the fire alarm sounders in all the zones controlled by the C&I panel shall
be actuated automatically. This time delay shall be manually adjustable from 2 minutes to 10 minutes,

27 C.P.W.D.-5,

5.5 Iff\' 1Jt~ :

5.5.1 ~OWI':
1. ~~ fA'f<nf1 iliff iffr.r ~ilCfi fA'fif~1 ~r.r1 ~r ~ f~lt RC~ ~r~ \ilTiN I \iI~ fcrfiff~ {T qt f;rr.r
aTIrRfT iffr.r ~crCfi scrf<nf1 ~ ~ ii' itcr~~ ~iTT"i \il'T «CfiijT ~ I
2. tcrf~1 ~ f.;~ scrfif CJft ~T~~ 500 ~ 1 000 ~iif ~ ~ t:T~ ~)lft I ~'f'; iff fm m 1fT1I' ii'
scrfif ~~ 65 ~r.Ofr. ~ Cfit:T ~ i!NT I 120 Gr.err. ('!:t.) ~ ~ ~~ ~ fA'frt~1 'liT 'l~ ~TTtn
3. ~.; ii' ~iT
'!:tCfi ~m
~fi;:r ij'~Cfi fA'f;:m1 ~ fif~~ fA'fif ~qHrT~ a'erT '!:tiifi(r 5I'CfiHctT {ltfr I tcrf'l~1
it IliTf~cr 'Aftif ij'~a'<R ~~a'Cfl Cfl'T~'1T i\(f ~')1ft I
4. ~ ~fi\~ it ,;tw (~) ij'~a-~ a''1T ''Afr.r' ij'~'ifi ~Q! f'illl' 5I'~H t ~1iT I
5.5.2 ~~mt"'i
1. ~Cfi f~ ore" 7;f~T ~ ~ ~ ii' ~1lT I
2. lIE{ '3'« cii'f~ q~ ~T ~NT f\il'«~ ciif~ ~iif <fiTmil 'Ii~T ~, (~~Tq~ ~ f~lt 5. 4 <fiT (3)
3. ~m1{ifi f~:q ~ 5I"'lT~'"
5I'mqi'f~1 ~T I
4. nTlfCfi f~:q <tiT'Sf'q'T~,;, fm ~ifC:"{/~ ~'1Tf~a' ~ srrc5 tr~ crrn ~ijo ~o'lil '1ft 'ftrl 'T~{ \il'T~~
ijo serfif ~~;f if~l ~ ~~ ~T I

5. Gi'Of ~ <fi~ <fiTf~'1f6' orifT ~ ~ \3'« ij'lfl(' ~WTlfCfif~ '1ft '3'm ij'Trn;:-zrf~'ffa ii' fq;-«f \"fR ~,
ij'~QCfi ~qf a-'hrd'T ij' tcrf;:rer CfiTcrTq« ~'fT;:rr;:mm ~T GiT~T I
6, ;;'fOfij'~ <fi~~ <fiTf~a' ~ ~T 'e'ij' ij'lfl(' nTt:TCfi f~ <fiT'Sf"iifT~i'J'
CfI~ q~ q.if~ ii' '!:t'li ~'1'fi ~Cfi
5I'<liTfmrtrr GirlmT I

5.6 ~~"q~~ :
1. f~.; a-riifCl
T cr~ ifftOf ij'ifc1'Cfi5Cffif~ Cfl'Tori'J'T<rC6'<fT 'i§il CJft a;:qT"i ~ ~ij'n. Wil <firmr~ q~, 'i§il
ij' ~cit; ~i:r ~<fCl'TWCl'll' w-tTe 5I'fcr-~Tf~ Cfi~ m¥:i'TfQ5 fCfilt \ilTlN I
z. <filfai:qT~ <fiTerifTqi)' 'i§Q (qm;r« «~) ii' 5I'fcr~rfTQ ~ ~R qft f~erfQ' <fiT'i§~ <fi~~ fmil
ii' ~ <fit{ ij' 'lll1 2-4 lTTe~ CJft oi:qT~ Q~ ~'1Tfq'Q f<fil('TGiT~t , ~ijo lfTm;r ii' scrf;wiT <fiT ifi'J'T<rCT
wer cr~ i a-{i q'~ '!ffa'«Tf~5 f~T GirilotT I •
3. ;:;'fST q. nrfil' <§JH a-uc '<fEl('rftfd'f~~ \il'it:ta-Of~ sr-rrcr!T 'i9C1'i CI'C1f ~ ~~fcrrCl' ~TjT" I
~fifiifT ~ ij'Tif~ ~ f~i:r ~~ ~ Of<R\'~~T ~lf <fiTl('~ ~T~ C1.j"Cff'1T
Cflr Sa' ii' ~ ~ it
<ti, ~T 'iiT~T ,
4. 'e'~ ffi'i'erT crnl ~fif~T '1ft q'lI'M ~G wr~T q'''{ ~qTl('T \ilTlmT I '3'«1i '3''O'qa-TiifQ'1cn~ ~fifQT <fiT
OlI'rfliiif ~G »I'Tcr$rT Q-r ~f£Tl('T\ilT~j I ~~ <h{cr 6'T'{ ~ '1ft ~ ~T~ ~ f~i:r ~T ~'1T <tfl'
\ilT~T fGfffii (iT' ;y~r WfCfT ~Of~ ~ ~T'T <.fffrCf;Tq'Ttft ;a-{fij if 'Ii, ~ I m
~.5 Specification requirements.
5.5.1 Sounders :

(i) Hooter shall be provided for both panel sounders and fire alarm sounders. Bell may be provided as low
intensity fire alarm sounders, only where so specified.
(ii) The frequency of sound from sounders shall lie in the 500-l000Hz band. The sound level shall be
atleast 65DB(A) at any part of the building. Sounders with a level greater than 120 DB(A) shall not be
(Hi) The sound shall be continuous and of the same characteristics from all fire alarm sounders in a buil-
ding. Coded fire alarm signalling from sounders shall not be provided.
(iv) 'Fault' alarm and 'Fire' alarm in a panel sounder shall be distinctly different.

5.5.2 Silencing switches:

(i) Silencing switch shall be in the form of a switch or push button.
(ii) This shall be located on the panel whose panel sounder this is to silence. (For repeater panel, see
5.4. (iii).
(Hi) Operation of a silencing switch shall not affect any visual indication nor the output of fire alarm
sounders in the building.
(iv) Operation of a silencing switch shall not prevent the receipt of alarms from any sector/zone as the case
may be, not already in an alarm state.
(v) Restoration of silencing switch to its normal position when an alarm condition exists, shall transfer the
alarm back to the sounder to the full intensity.
(vi) Upon operation of a silencing switch when there is no alarm condition, a separate indicator shall light
up in the panel.

5.6 Installation requirements

(i) Low intensity fire alarm sounders may be installed on surface of ceiling, suspended from ceiling or
recessed in flush with the ceiling, depending on the construction of the sounder and ceiling height.
(ii) These shall be installed at a height not lower than 2.4m., except when recessed in a false ceiling of
lower height. In such cases the sounders shall be recessed at false ceiling level.
(iii) When installed flush with a false ceiling these shall match the
ceiling surface. Necessary provisions
such as wooden boxing or frame work to accommodate the sounders shall be made in the ceiling in
(iv) High intensity sounders shall be mounted on substantial supports. Provisions for terminating the
electrical wiring cables thereto shall be such as not to permit entry of rain water through the
wiring conduits or cable runs.
6. 1 Cll'Tfi:a:
" :wrsmr If ~f<r;r ~0Cfi srurT~ ~ iilr ~ ~ If ~T~ 'itTit erT~ ~T'T ~rf:qer Ci~l iifil ~"Ta-il (\ito
~o) ...srurTm C!Ift ~lf ij'f+t{f~Ci ~ I •

6. 2 ~m wWaa' :
1. \Nt \il'f;:rT<tt W;Jf~~crn'fiT ~«~ ~<nTfr oof:qer If f~T 'itTtr4fr I

2. \if~ srJCICTl'i't ~ ~'rucrcf'li q.~ ~ '+fTqTij' WiCflT,Toof:qer f~T \ifT~T I

3. ~ srlfT~ ~ f~lt ~<nT'T Wrf~ If lTfurtT 'liT ~tfflTiiCi "'T srfCIWfa ifil'1~ ;;jl~1fr I

4. ~T mrrT tOW ~~T <{Tern:'n: ~qT~ ~ f~ mq, ~ tfi1:r If 'liT \1n<i~T f~T ~ '+ft11' ~nr
erTiI' ~~ fm~C1 (~~erT ~~Taf) ij'"m ~ ij'T~ ~~f~cti me «iT ar~T ~lm I

5. ~r~T Wrf':qa- ~ tiT fil'o cr \{o/~crcf'li q.~ <tiT~'li ~'+m' '+fT1T~T "'Tf~ '>rrtf'IT ~ q'Tij'

6 •3 l3A ~1ttiI' ~ :

1. ~ ~it Cffr f~~Ci If 5f~~'Ii \iff.:r If ~it erTm Ci'li 'CfM;;T~T Ci~ fil'~T ~T Sl'ij'TW· rn ~ f~
\iI'if «arTa-iI' <fiT~~T <fiT'itT~T I

2. ~ sm-)\;i;:r ~ f#t lTfuru If ~~ err~ ~iI' ~ ¢;:rnl 'Ill ~ij'T ~Wfif~ fifilfT \ijT~T f~
~ ~~ ftTT'1i~ 'fiT 'filii ~ ~ I 1iT~, ~TC(!P:Ai1:P:~1'il14< ~ Ci~r ~ f~ 'IlT
~ fil'l(~ cr ~cti t{<\<ii'•• ~ 'CfG"l'i' ~ ~q If 'liT \il'T~T I
3. ~~ m~ <tt ~~T ~ ~n: ~ ~ C\~ m<if:u ~'!fltlT ~)tft I

6.1 Scope

This section covers the requirements of mimic diagram and Public Address (PA) system to be provided as
part of a Fire Alarm System.

6.2 Mimic Diagram

(i) A clear indication of the location s of all the ZONES shall be provided in mimic diagram.
(ii) Mimic diagram shall also be provided near a repeater panel, where provided.
(ill) A topographical representation of the premises shall be provided in the mimic diagram for the purpose.
(iv) The construction shall be in a metal frame work for floor or wall mounting, with a facia of acrylic sheet
with lighted and labelled (or engraved) indications. .
(v) The mimic diagram should be either an integral part of the C & I/repeater panel, or be installed close
to the same, otherwise.

6.3 Public Address System

(i) PA system shall be provided to enable transmission of announcements and instructions to the occu-
pants in each zone, in the event of a fire.
(ii) Fire alarm sounders in the premises shall be designed to function as loud speakers for the purpose.
The microphone, necessary amplification equipment and control switches shall be provided as a part
of the C & I panel.
(ill) The power rating and frequency response shall be to suit the requirements of the individual installa-

fcr~ ~riffi ~ iro ffi~ litGfotT

7.1 ~:
'itr 'W!'ll1J it ~fi'f ij"~ ~r ~ f~"Q;f~o ~o ~ <fir ~~~ <ft!fr 5f1JTRlIl if; f~
on: lI'Tiif't T ij"fllrfucr ~ I

7.2 '''~f~:
230 Of~ 50 (m~f~) ~ .~'f 31"0 m"o <fir f~ f~ am m~i~ ffili~ <if f'Ai ~
if; mlfl11f~ ij ij")fl) ~~ <fi) ~T I fC!Wf mwa- ii6 m~ 'lQT"{ ~ '1T ~ <fiT ~lTT I
f;;f.rc;c 3f'"~ aTU ~ ifiT f~taaro if ~'fT ~ iIllT <if)ffirr 'fiT iIl~l:fifiQT Wf«T<: f~'{
"IiV\T ~o«o3l"o ~ <fiT 1:tifi'ijl1f ~ 1 '"

7 •3 IRTtfrMqt\)til ;leU IR~ :

7. 3. 1 f'fli~ <t ~ q.~ %' ij"f'.T mmrN<fWT mT ifiT ~ ~iRr"{ lmT CffT ~r ,
7. 3. 2 mT ~~ '1ft ~m~ ~T f;or" f~ 3I"oocr<ff ~T ifiT GT~ CJ;<if;Mf~ l1FTT ~ 'I»f lfr
'iffflCfi ~~ q'~ ~. ~oij"o3l"o ifiT ~ <R I

7. 3. 3 m) ~ 1:tf" ifiT ~T ~~Ji f~) 3RiT"{ <tr f.q;( ~ ~ ~T~~ l!fl~T ~T I ~T iflmrlG'zr"MT
3flrFr if; fmt 'f~tl'Il 3lifiT'{ '1ft ~TfflQ ~Tlr ~'fIti if; ~ ~m)I iffir;a" "fIR i!f ~
~T i;fT ~ otr o'Sf 0 if; ~~ ~T I mr ctr tmtm ifiT1f ~ it" M~ if; ~ ~TlTr I

7.8.4 ~
m) f~QI1Jf 0'-tT ~~ Q''f{1 if; f~ ~CfT<U"{ ~ it w) ~T I fi!fmr ~fcffll~~ifl ;;'Er~
"i(~ ~ «t 1 ~m ~r, q')o'ftotrro W-Tl!fl ~T ,1m;iF ~ cffir m-cr if; oR' ~
"{Tilr ififfl it ~Q f.I;lrr ~ I

7.4.1 mT iFmllJ ~~ '<fr\if'{ <tiT~ mT ~TlTT~ fcti f~ <if ~ q.~ ~ 'ij'I1J' ~Frr I
mr trQO mq iffif')1.r ~ ~ (~/lfffic 'iff~) if ,{~T I
7.4.2 m'T iii ~ ~ <fiT ~'{ i(m ~m'Tfi;ffi~ ~ iIlO ~ 0Cfi f.qj"{ ~ 'q1'ij ~~ iii ~ ifillf~ ~
fcrf.rf~ ~ if; f~ ~ ~ 'l(u\" ~ ~ I
7.4.3 ~ ~~ GT~~, t{q')e'{ ~ ~T, ~ iIlR ij"f~o ~ ~ I

'1.5 ~ ~ ~ <i ~ m ~1'Gm(""'rot)

7.5.1 ~ aM'ii@4;( :

1 ~ • ij". 31". if ~ qf~l!fl1IfT crrqfm lI~lIftlfT GR qf~' ~ "ij¥l'I;;Irij ( qfm-" it ~wr I

~~ft;ro Ffflo ~fl;; ij"~ SflJfRft ifi'T qrqfm !fiT qf"(tP.f ~ ~ ~ ~ 3I"<tiT'{<tiT~) ij"Ofiffi'
~ I P Iffm"'if ~ ~Tif ~ %' fuQ: 11'T~otro3l"0 ctt
3flr)tr lifRfT t ;;"if alm if ~"fiIiT CffT
m lf~ '!!in\" ~ ~ iF R"I1:tCiT ~ qf'(q~ if ~1 ~ ~ Q;ifi ~ H m; q"( ~T
~ iifAl t ~ it &TtT ,
2 ~ qyqfm ifIT f~~ ~ if; f~'l:r'QI1Jf <t ~<ti ~ if; ~ ~ ,
3 qf~ ~ "Jiw ir ~fr.r (%m=) m'{
ilfiT fiflr"QI1Jf q ~ m)
q.~T ~ ~ if; f~
~r bCff'fa"T ~ ~ Wlf !?~ f~T fGf~tJiT fcrf~ 'Ao~osro ~ srqf~Q it> ~r.r f~
fCfilfT t(tTT &T 0Cfi ~~
0"1f ~
ilfi) c~l!fT ~llTr I ~f(i<f
qf~ 1 (i~ qf~ O?-TT '!<fTGf'f-WT if; f~"Q;'me' ~~
'Aoij'o'S!"o Gllqf~;r ~~o
f~ ~ I
¥l'RT~f"{O *" ~wr
4 ~rr.r(i'lf.r t ~j'{R f~{ ~ if; Sfffff<'lo ~)ift GIR QT~-tr)ur;rr liT ~~'f ifiT fCATW ~r.r ~
~'T wqr<1'f ~ E<rRm <fiT il"iOf'fT wmfqcr "1&:1~Tm I f~l:(~ q ~ q.<R lfI1l wcf~ rn ~r
ftirfo Cfft ~ "{fif ~ 1


7.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements of power supply equipment for the Fire Alarm System and the wiring
for the system.

7.2 Main Supply

Power supply at 230 V 50 Hz, A.C. Single pahse shall be provided by the Department, terminating directly
into the incoming switch of the C & I panel. Earth wire shall also be provided with the power supply•
. Rectification of the input AC supply into DC and further stabilisation of the voltage as may be necessary
shall form part of the FAS equipment.

7.3 Standby battery supply

7.3.1 Standby battery shall be provided by the contractor with C & I panel.
7.3.2 Battery supply shall be arraged to automatically feed the FAS in the event of variation of input A.C.
voltage beyond preset values on high and low sides.
7.3.3 The battery shall be of lead acid type or any other rechargeable type. The battery shall be indus-
trial type for standby application conforming to relevant Indian Standard. The nominal voltage shall be as
suitable for the FAS. The capacity of the battery shall be as specified in the schedule of work.

7.3.4 Installation
Battery shall be located in a well ventilated space close to the C & I panel, so as to be conveniently main-
tained. This shall be installed in a non corrosive enclosure, such as of wood, PVC or steel coated with epoxy

7.4 Battery Charger

7.4.1 The battery shall be provided with a matching battery charger which shall form part of the C & I
panel. The battery shall be in continuous trickle/float charge.
7.4.1 The charging rate shall be such that after re-charging for a period of 8 hours, the battery shall be
capable of feeding load for the capacity specified in the schedule of work.
7.4.3 The charger shall be complete with necessary voltmeter, ammeter, indicating lamps, fuses, etc.

7.5 Wiring for FAS.

7.5.1 Circuit Design :
(i) The detector circut wiring in a FAS may be either in "series or closed circuit" or in "parallel cir-
. cuit", MOEFAS wiring may be circuited in either design. Where the FASis used for Halon System
also in certain areas, detectors in such areas shall be wired in two independent circuits for purposes
of cross-zoning i.e. at two independent zones, in the same floor area.
(ii) The design of the system wiring shall match the control and indicating equipments in the system.
(iii) The circuit design shall provide for transmission to the control and indicating panel(s), of 'fault'
and 'fire' signals and for transmission of signals to sounders, indicators and to any other equip-
ment specified to be operated from the FAS. Wiring in AFAS shall be continuously monitored
and 'fault' alarm given for open circuit, short circuit and earth faults.
(iv) Destruction of wiring or connection after a trigger device has operated during a fire, shall not affect
the operation of the system and sounding of the sounders. The alarm state shall be main tained by
the C & I panel.
fCA~ l.f<Rf ~ ~~ <4lT 'SNT?f ~flOl tr~a<ii fcrfi& t SI'i'f~if tn: ~1 ~lTT I
lf~ ~T fqlf~ (f~~) qf~ CfiT qTT~ ~ ~~ t f~ql!fcli ~ f\;'lIT "inn ~ m~¥iCli rr f!fro;
;rq fcmm (f~,) qf~~T ~ ~ mr.r ~T t ~ ~iilrffiIi F;qfomTt ~r.r~ ~ tn: 'lilt
Sf",yer ~1 ~lTT I
~fr.r t ~'"uif ~f1., tr~~ ~fi& t qf~ It 1.1"'<1 qf"{q'¥f ~r.r
'fiT ;:llIT qiffl F;qf~ it
~f<rn ~fifef q'f~T ~ triirCl'li ~f~T t srtffiIrr q', 'fill Sfmcr ~ ~lIT I F;qf~ qf~
'fiT <tWfuT a¥iT ,elT ~fCffi1rTq'"{ ~Tffi ~rr ~.,~ WT ~ '<\'Tft:lt I
6 !f~ tUf~ifa¥iT ~trt ~l if f~tr;:rTqi:TT Gf~,T ~GT ~TrrT I ~a~ !f~if t f~
tr~T ~ ~ l:«~ ~Wi~ ~mI
7.5.2 "fp;rym mqftrqj :
culifur t f~lt ~m <4lT !fCfiT, f;:p:;rf<1f~ 1l" ~ ~'fi U'iCfT q¥iTfqf~ ~)m:-
~ t ~~ crrm motrTo 694 'l'Pr-1/64 t U~q ~q'-ro< t f~ ,nft ~~ I
~ t tr~~ CffifT moll'To 434/64 mlT-l t ~ ~ t ~a ,m qT~T ~fiJrn ~~ I
motrTo:- 1554 (~-1) 1976 t ~ CfiCfffi (ug1=lli) tfFrTotrTo t ~ ,m CffifT~~ I
motrTo : 5755/70 ~ ~ ~Ri5f ~ f~cr ,mT ~ ~IJ;.hrf"4lf m~T~cr ci'~ I
"'TolfTO: 692/73 ~ U1,~ CfiQT"{
~ ~ m'ii'i9Tf~a ~~ I

2 Gfi"tiWTlf ~T cr¥iT 'i'+B" ~ <4lT w:r)rr ~ ~lm I

3 Uotro!fo <IlTqrqf~ t Alt crT' 'tf\i~flt ~l{c) ~ ~cr 'fiT ~FrT I
Uotro)fo ~ fm'd~f~ ~i{;:ff <IlfSfl:l1<T
~T ~Tm I

7. 5. lJ ~~a~:
1 Uotro'io ~ ~\;ffa-cr <t~ff <Ilrli mICf.f mnm tomofifOfqo ~ f~Cf CfiTlrlt ~~ fclf'1~1/r 'mli'-l
(~Ta1:T) 1972 Cf¥iTmrr-2 (~n~T) 1974 ;:'rrfT ~ ~ f<t>lI"T
~ I
2 f~T '*I'T<:mT If" Uotro!fO t ~ lIT ~a-;r :a';; 00 offiii-~T iU'iiIT ~m t ~ ~
~~ ditn: ~1 ~T<T fGfif~ ~t ~ f<il«T '*I'TU;:lf ~ t ~~T~if lIT ~a-if ~ I
3 UOij"o!fo <IlTCfTlif~ ~d1;f ~ ~ Uo~o!fo ~ fw~ ~T ~FrT ij"¥iT ~ it f~T U;:lf Wn t f~
ifiT ~ qrqn:rr ~ ClI@f<l'fl ~ ~ u.;;rr WT ~T I
4: u Oij"o~ 0 if '{¥i<llq'f"{tf¥i q~ t f~~ <1pn"{« '{¥i<t>crT"{.,~<til11T it ~TrrT I
5 UflCf Cf¥iTUi'q CfiT"{I1ff ~ g~ fcr5Cl'« <IlT~'llyqm 0fiT <1llf CfIf.i ~ f<1~ ~fr.r ~ q'r~ ~T qctl
~m ~ q~r ~ifCf~"{ m'tT '<\'Tf~~ I ~t ~T~Tf~ ~ fqf1:Ft uf~ Q~<Il qf~¥ff CfiT f1F<r
~ (~c) ~ ~ mll"T GfnJ,1TfI
6 ~1{T f.,~ q ~<Il q.~ it mer f.rCfiTlfT<Ill 2 flf 0 ifT0 0lfT~" '1ft <:rtij' <t>TaT"{ wrcrr 20 5 ~ oiI'T0
~Tij" 'fiT~~fiff.,~ aT"{ ~ ,\1.fWurcr fCf..:rT ~ Cf~T1{qn <fiT"I~'1<f; Sf1IlT~T~ ifTa- f~lfT GfnJ,1TfI
(v) (a) Removal of a trigger device shall not affect the operation of a fire alarm sounder.
(b) If any trigger circuit is isolated for testing or maintenance, operation of alarm sounders due
to fire signal from non-isolated trigger circuits shall not be affected.
(c) In the event of a short circuit developing in a fire alarm sounder circuit during a fire, opera-
tion of panel sounders and alarm sounders in un-affected sounder circui ts shall not be affected.
The wiring and protective devices for sounder circuits should be effectively monitored.
(vi) Reliability shall be the essential consideration in the design of the system and its components. All com-
ponents shall be compatible with one another for satisfactory operation.

7.S.2 Wiring Materials: .•...

(i) The type of cables for wiring shall be one of the following or as specified:
(a) PYC insulated cables to IS : 694 (part 1)/64 with copper condctors.
(b) Rubber insulated braided cables to IS : 434/64 Part Iwith copper conductors.
(c) Armoured pya insulated cables to IS : 1554 (Part I) 1976.
(d) Mineral insulated aluminium sheathed cables to IS : 5755/70.
(e) Hard metal sheathed cables IS : 692/18.
(ii) Multicore cables and :flexible cords shall not be used.
(ill) Conduits for FAS wiring shall be of steel only. Over head lines shall not be used for FAS.

7.5.3 Installation requirements :

(i) The electrical work connected with a FAS shall be carried out in conformity with CPWD General Speci-
fications for electrical works Part I (Internal) 1972, and Part II (External) 1974,both amended up to date.
(ii) In no case the FAS equipment or connections be mounted in or on boxes, cover plates OF blocks carry-
ing the accessories or connections of any other service.
(ill) FAS wiring shall be exclusive to the FAS and be physically separated from wiring for any other service
in the building.
(iv) Wiring for difierent circuit voltages in a FAS shall be in separate conduits.
(v) To minimise possible disruption due to fire or other causes, fire alarm circuits should be separated as
much as posible from each other. Where practicable, the different fire alarm circuits shall be run through
different routes.
(vi) The metal body of all the control and indicating panels shall be loop earthed using 2mm dia copper
wire or 2' 5 mm dia aluminium wire and bonded to the earthing system in the building.


qUlIlUl' C'NT ~~ 'frofT

8. 1 oqtfiffl:--

vt~ ~'!'TI~ri\ ~r;; ~a!.ll SIlIfm ~ q~T~ a~ 'iKi CP"0<foT ~iffint ~fffil' ~ I

8. 2 "f'lfa ~ ~ qU~ :

1. ~il> fcrf.r~m <l>T ~f1lC: 'ilT \3'~~ ~ii il> f~t:t ~<iiT f.t~1IT cr ~!!l tR~, ;crf.:r~T, iiA' ~ SMT('fT
\3'QmT a ~T 'fT;;t~ ~a
<fG{T ~f;:rc !ill Q{T~IIT f.:rJffu-T'liT !.llnlWTz;rT i\ fGllliT iiffltlTT tf~ m'fcr il> WTI:!'
q{T&;ur SIllf1lT tm trllT "IrofT \{lm I

2. f<mr ~ 'ii'~rfua ~r ~TliTfG"G"~ tfiT ~lfT;;r;; ~ ~ it ~ (j~ f~ ~t:t ~ ~ ¥fr11~ it

~ ~ ~<fft:{G" fctf.:r~m il> 9;I';;~q Vii ~ q~r&'flJf <fiT SI+fT1JT tj~ 11l"liClr ~ mrm ~~ ~ ~T fcRl[
it ftqcr ~~['ft tjtT~ar ~ ~ SITtG" ~ 'ii'lWff il> ~ trllT f'til.fT iiffltlTT I '

8. 3 ti~ ilurR qUlffGT :

srmft ~~Tf..fli<: ctT \3'QR:iffu" it ~aT 9;1'.~ •SI. ~if{q;; i\ f;;~fz;rfw qtT~ f~~ iifRtiT ij'llT qfr!fft!Tt
il> ft~ ~G" qtT&;ur mrrur q~ ~ f'tit:t ;;r~ I

1. ~Rf(lf q"'{T~ I

2. erRT ~ 'tiT<t a~ f;;~1I1' ~ ~ ~ tfi'T fGf~",,{Tfu'-SIfG""fur il> fz;rt:t qt~ I

3. SMrm ~ ~ fz;r~ tf{~ ~CfT'ifTf~ ~fl';; ~ SMrnT ~ 11~ i\ (~fecqUfT ~) ~fl';; ~-.rit'
'fiTf~ il> f~~ <& (n:T~ ~T~ tfiQ{ cr~ (1<: q"{T~ ~r.;; CPt mr ~a- ~ fGllliT \ij~T I ~
qtreuff ~ f~C{ ~ ctT ~ ~;; i\ \"fit ~ ~.m <fiT ~T ctT 1 SIml!fG", f~ !fili ~ ~
~T tl~ ~~ ~ 'ii'fu'!.l\ G'f'if liNT I ifw (~)
qf{~ &''i..qf~~,~ <fiT ~r;;T,
ftiffcrlff ~ f~ SMlm ~ ~~
qf"(ti~if ~/~
tfiT ~ ~g
qf~ ~T~ \if~ \ll[ (~) ~ ~
~!fil(f iif~ I

o;mrr ~.m 00 ~ il> ~ it ~ ~fl;; wiN ~ q~ iifT<: ~ <tT mGfQ~ ;r@ ~ I

~T~ f<f'fittif am f.ffr&1lVl':

~ ~~~ <iT f~r t'{f;rT fep ~ ~~ f;r{~ ~ il> ~ ~~ ~ ~fcrf&lff i\ mq-f~
~q;r 'tiT f;r~ ~mlj srrf&!!irfw ij' !fi1:CI7~ C\~ 'iT~ V<IItt I



8.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for tesing and commissioning of Fire Alarm Systems.

8.2 Testing before supply

(i) Detectors, control and indicating panels, sounders, PA system equipments and battery unit with charger
shall be tested at the manufacturer's works to indicate satisfaction to the contract specifications, and
test certificate be furnished with the supply. •
(ii) In the case of detectors including those imported from abroad and those assembled indigenously with
imported components, type test certificate to prove conformity to the relevant contract specifications
shall be furnished with the supply, from recognised testing institutions or Govt. test bodies in India or
8.3 Testing after installation
Following tests shall be conducted in a completed FAS installation, in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge
.and the test certificate shall be furnished with the record of tests.
(i) Continuity test.
(ii) Test for insulation resistance of the wiring work and the control and indicating panels.
(Hi) Test for system operation. In the case of AFAS (See note below), this test for fire condition shall be
conducted using a test fire at normal floor level. The number of locations for such a test shall be
1% of the total number of detectors in an installation subject to a minimum of tw 0 and maximum of five.
Thesystem operation for fault conditions shall be conducted by introducing faults such as open circuit,
short circuit, removal of detector, open/short circuit in a sounder circuit etc.
Note :-Use of a test fire in the case of installation using heat detectors need not be insisted upon.
8.4 Inspection by Local bodies
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to get the installation inspected and passed by the local autho-
rities concerned, as may' be required by the local bye-laws, including payment of necessary inspection fee.

qf(f~~ 1 (n 1. B)

a:rrfi:(if :

1 ~~ IIfft;r ~ ~ (~.IR.g.,!.)
~f~ ~ Q'~ f~ l=\'T'icT iI~r~ ifi ~ff'fi ~ ifi f~ qfT.:r~, S!1<i'f.rno"'f ~ Wli ~1
'fi) Olf~ I W lfOl'R'Il if Iff~~T a~r ~ ~r<lqqrtr (t ~1~1'~I~ it; ~ ifi ~ QiTPifU1' 'fiT
Jf\'~t I

1RfT.r ifi ~a'fl' <ill :q~ rn wrnr, «i"'f'fl', ~:qff~ lfi'l~~ t "'f1R8 $(¥fCI'T ~~ SI"<fT\II;f
1'\ ~~m I

B ~ •• tftmm~:
~~ fit)' ~ ~T1f \i~T~ Ifif IfQT '(:f1fA' :tr* ~ ~f.Rr ~il''ffa' a11t If<: srqrf~ ~ cmrr
~~, ~ifCfI' tro=r'ifl'T ~ ~ ~il'fI' ~flRr I

tt'fi' ~ fcrtfm (~) ~f.f;,r \jf) (err) 1Rf'T~~ ttn:~ \'r mR Qf~t"flm dIil' ~, ~, ~,
IRtr.r ~« ~~ ifi ~ ~ ~ $(¥fCI'T ('1) ~i!i ~ fltrtT ~ qmtitT 1ST IfffT nrir it; fmt V;1Ii
~ ~ ~ f~ ~ snft'rr ~ ~~ OiInfr ~ (f~ '{'ll «~ iii! ~Cft' qq 'l'fCrT f;ri1'ffa'
attr ~ i{~ ~ ~ ~ 'fit ~"Rt ~q ,

5 ~rft;rcr f?:I~ ~ riA ~ (~. f1t. IR. tr. Sf.)

~:qrft;rff lti'rot GA~ ~ ~ VI'~ ~~ ~ (~) 'fir ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ it: ~ ~~
~ ifi f~ ~rfua' ~, mt.f ~ ~q'~ a'fT q'"~ ~ ~ ~ I

6 ~mr tmr ~ (wr<rr ~fqIfi ~'fTft;ra' vft.J ~ q~ if ;lf~'la ~ IJ1'~ ~ it; f~

~~Tf~ ~'Rqr 7{,mr ,

uq :
'll~ Q' i~ ~ .~ iitt ~ if mr'T<1' ,)~ ~ I3mcr ..-ri q iQ~ ~ V'lIrT Vth "fAIT
~ !f:T 1 «I*firznrzrr"~ ~ lIfT 1liT« 10 ql~~ (~ !") ~ m 1 ~~. (~~)
(~+.T) tl"ll {Ta1 t I
8 qM~m
~ fcrr.m- ifi Sl'iftJf<1' ~ ~ 'll\'iit 11<riT~ \l"t~ vfi"f if'A' • QT«.Jtr« 1W! if; attr "" ~T , I

9 Gir.r
«(f~~ IffU1'( 'tiT ~6'T '3'l~ f;;y(fit -.)~/~,Tf 'Ef~ ~~ ~ ~«.tr ~:qtTr fit'~ tm: ~q.if{f ~ ~ V
~-qrrr ~);ftGf) f<l'~ Wlf ~q (&fit') it ~ -.)w I vfr.r ~ f;nr ,FrT I

10 ~
Iffw~a q'f~ 'fiT '3If 1fT'l' \jf) vrTif ~ GI'¥T j{1crT t '{T lfT m~ urr.nlIlT fiffl~ ~ ~ ;rm , I
qffiiT Cf;.;r~Tf~ ~ ~, ~ «i\'a' ~«'fiT fcmrT~ v;1li ~Qf V ma<S ;r(t ~m ,
APPENDIX I (dause 1· 3)

This appendix gives the definition of terms used in these specifications.

1. Automatic Fire Alarm System (AFAS) :

The arrangement of fire detectors, sounders and other equipments for automatic transmission and indi-
cation of alarm signals without manual intervention. The system has also provision for testing of circuits and
where required, for the operation of auxiliary services. .

2. Trigger device :
A device capable of being operated automatically or manually to initiate an alarm of fire e.g, a detector, a man-
ual call point.
3. Automatic fire dectctor :
A trigger device to automatically detect an out break of fire such as a fuse operating at a given temperature, a
thermostat or a fluid filled tube or an electronic device.
4. Combination dectector :

A trigger device that either (a) responds to more than one of the fire phenomenon such as heat, smoke, flame,
fire-gas etc. or (b) employs more than one operating principle to sense one of these phenomenon e.g, a combi-
nation of'heat detector and smoke detctor or a combination of fixed temperature and rate of rise heat detectors.
S. Mannallyoperated electric fire alarms systems (MOEFAS):

An arrangement of manual call boxes, fire alarm sounders and other equipment for transmission and indica-
tion of alarm signals, initiated by the breaking of the frangible element in the front face of the manual call box.
6. Maunal call point (or aItematil'ely, manual call box or pill box) :

Manual trigger device for initiating an alarm of fire provided in the fire alarm circuit.

7 Smoke:
Particulate and aerosol products of combustion generated by fire, whether this be smouldering or open flame
type. In general the particle diameters range from 10 micrometer (visible smoke) to 1 nanometer (invisible

8. Ambient temperature
For purpose of this specification, this term refers to the temperature of air inside a building around a fire

,. Zone:

A sub-division of the protected premises such that the occurrence of a fault/fire within 'it will be indicated at
the C&I panel separately, from a fault/fire in another sub-division (zone).

10. Sector:

A sub-division of the protected premises larger than a zone. Two or more zones constitute a seetor, This
shall not extend beyond one floor including mezanine floor if any.

it ~ Cf ~ 1(.f\=f :
q;r~ GfT flii SI"IITit <Ii) 'I'~ en' 6'IT 'W'W/~ ;€t~erfa' if ~ ~~ iferq" ~ if ~~ ~ifia ~/
~if ~~a' i I " •.

(en) ~~ f<1lfQU\'if ~ q~ (f~oif ~o qOlti)

(V) d~ q;n; I
(~) \jfT~ q~ 1 ~
('if) -:rro~ q;wr I
af.TT (81) ~'f~ ~ I

l2 ~""".:,
'ifTQ~ ~q:<qifff 'liT f'fi'm fCflrfq.r 1fi1 ~ ~ f~ ~ t;rf ij'\t if G('T~ lfft d\1: ~ ~~~T~\5tT€f~ I

13 \llfn~:
~I' azr<m:rrS\'~ €'lCT if ~I'\i!TaT~ orfCfi SNTf'qtt ;sf)..-t ~ «~<fiT !fAm..- i[f ~ I ~tl~f~1IC iit
~'q.~ if ~ «m "tiT srT<mr;:r'~ m.:t"(Cffi ~T I '

14 ;r~ q;m:'
~« ~)'f # ~wlqn;. 'liT f~~fdlfT 1fi1'l~'~ ifi f.-lt:{ ~*"Cfi"r~~T ~'F iif);f it <tT\5tT~T~ I 1I'f~ ~cr;; ~
f'lmT a'ti if ,gOfCT f'f~ ti1fT tiT of qT ;or);;z;r q'M' ~~a rrff ij)m I ~~t fcrf'1f~~, ,) ~ q~ i
~or.r ~it;a1"PT >TTGf~r.; ~~~ maf~CI ~"\l'rT I '
15 '!1!f Am (foro", iO ~)
tAt ~ q;t\=f c,j

~« lii'f~ ,if ~mt ij'J:if~Q' tRti ;sfr.rl~Cfe~l ,it fCflrR'ii l!fCf~T ~ 'llf<ra' «~T ;:rm~~q, f'lli~
~""qar '~~ q~l t ~~->T~Tnr Q'~ ~<1 «~Cfi tCff.-mt ~ ~q~mf<ti.'t vrFfl t ~ta' t f~ fiWeillT
'<I( i"Cfi ~~ mJ:q"fti(l tI
~IJ q.;;z;, 'I'~ltfr.r ij'~c'l~ 5l'1lfRfT ~fti~ ~H ij'~)wr sr~ ~~ 'ifl' ~);rn~"~ tt'fi ~);:r, fJiT~~Tel"
~~TWll «f&~ «'ifT WlOl ria"P s(GTTffl ~~~{tJc:rlit ~iT~n I 1Jl{~ iff«t «..rQ<Ii SI'!IffiIT ;€tfq;:ra m~fij~
qrwr ~ 'fTSlllf ~ ~T ~r-~Ilr I ' , •

16 ~","'II
.. '" q"f\=f :
~ ~~ ~~T fi'flfel"Gf q ~il q.~~~ >if) ~ort 'iclf'f af&", ij'~a<r. ft?ff"l~ <liTW"f<f~. t~ ~«'f.) fct~Q'
ilT'f6 f.:r~elar q U-lAf q~ ij' f~rm t I , '

11 f"qa"t ~'A ;
lfT;;;~ircr .~1!I'Ff~~T <\i~ ~ ttr f;:co cr qo qii~ ~T ~TcrT ~ Cil/{T G1W « ~lfl\'l;,;T q ~tfCf.' ~r ~r
~"::rr t ,
18 trlf'llm ~
f~~ : .
tfr"r~:t\T~<ft ~T1:~8' ~ \$"'~r1fl Cf;T ~~Tiif?" ;€t wriifa ~iT~ ~ ~T ~ fGt;:rihim l.Tflfa'llt
~Ift ~ f'6 ~TW!'!ifa ~«r'ifT, Q'rfC(ic;qf1if ij'i\'a'fi' )JlIfTffl" ~ ~ cmrl <ti) ami'fT ~ ~W ~. m~\t. Q'.~
fCUln ~T ~ I

19 afr.r U.<1'I 5C1f;r~ :

lI'J1f:ut, ;iff!' <l'3f~ crrm ~feltr,'Re1: ;;r)fl(; qf~~a 'I'GfifT 5f JlCtCf f!~ q1: ~lf ~a ~ ~ I

20 ~ SCffu 2
fctqT'illi ~f1f3 ~ sr'ilT~ ~ljCfT ~ qp:lf~ it Wn ~ 'Ef?:<tT ~~ If{~;; ~ ~ f~ f~ cr ~
11m it l.Tf!fct~ I
21 q1tfte:fM/"'T1:Iror I
~~qr1ffm f~mif~i q'f'(q'~;~ 'tf"{11q> ii~ ~ n ,~ 1M: n ~cr.ft' it' ~Tar t I
11. CoDtrol and indicating panels :
Panels which may monitor the system and provide either visual indication or audio and visual indication, of a
fault/fire condition. These comprise :
(a) Main control and .indicating panel (C&I Panel);
(b) Sector panel;
(c) Zonal panel;
(d) Repeater panel; and
(e) Spot indicator.

12. Spot indicator :

Visual indicator provided externally to the closed premises to indicate triggering of any of the detectors within.

13. Sector panel :

This is provided in each sector so as to provide visual indication of the affected zone. Audio indication may
be provided additionally in this panel, where specified. .

14. Zonal panel :

This is provided in each zone to indicate the fault/fire condition in that zone. Zonal panel is not required to
be provided, where sector panel is provided in any floor of a building. Audio indication may be provided addi-
tionally in this panel, where specified.

15. Main control and indicating panel (C&I Panel) :

This panel comprises control and indicating equipment for the reception, control, monitoring and relaying
of signals originating from trigger devices in various zones/sectors connected to it and for the activation of fire
alarm sounders and indication of the affected zones. This panel shall also house the P.A. system equipment for
the FAS. This shall be provided in all FAS installations including small ones with only one zone. Power sup-
ply to the entire FAS shall be fed through this panel.

16. Repeater panel :

A duplicate of C&I panel to indicate the alarm conditions including the audio out put, and powered from the
C&I panel.

17. Control point :

The manned place or room where the C & I panel is installed and from where communication to Fire Bri-
gade can be made.

18. Mimic Diagram :

A topographic representation of the protected premises and their subdivisions, carrying indicating devices
for each sub division, such that the indications of the fire alarm system can be rapidly related to the layout
of the premises.

19. Fire alarm sounders:

Devices like gong bells or hooters, which give audio signals when actuated, in protected premises.

20. Panel sounders :

Devices provided in the control and indicating panel(s) to sound in the event of operation of a trigger device
or a fault in the system wiring. '
21. Monitored wiring :
Wiring in which an open circuit, short circuit Of earth fault will result in a fault warning.

22 ~:
ttfii{ ~~ iti ~ ~?:iti ijR(Pfl~ .w~Irt'ft ~ ~ I

23 IRfbrI(I~ :

mr.r m tfil' t qi{~' ~) ~)fi~ itr f~~ fil~1fq'ql itr «r'f-trT'f ~ ~r~~f,{T ~ ~ I1"U
.. flfiirT 1Plf 'fI'if't' ifiT 'fI'T11'I

u m~(Rm~):
R 1Iit ~ itr ~ ~ a"n ~ iti "l"t itif~ ~~~ trfcnit ill ftrV; q'rmff m~ i I(;ft ~ I

22. Spaeillz:
A horizontally measured dimension relating to the allowable coverage of fiR detef.:tors.

23. Fire compartment:

Portion of building separated by fire resisting walls and doors along the escape routes to prevent spread of
fire and smoke.

24. Lutel1l light :

A construction standing above the surface of a roof and containing translucencies intended to admit light to
the sapee below.


27--C.P. W .D~ 7.
f.if.:Rr f~f;:rimq ~T ~f.t ~~ ~ Uqlfmt

1. Ut1=rmf:

~~oT ~~"':nf~Q ~fi;; ~~Ofi ~f '5"'ttcfi<: OfiT~T'!.fQI ~~;;7 tf{T~ Q"~ ~{f:q-mCfi~;;r a-~ ~~ll'Tf~
lf~ ~ot1Tof;;oforo fCf~ CfiTl{ ~-6 ~;; ~~aCfi 'SI'om:rr 1988 ~ f~~ ~rr+(rNf fcrf1illl iti ~ ~N I
~~. fCffTa~ 0fiT<f iti f~~ "'fctfTac(! ~&mt ~ +m;fi~T Ofif~~~T f¥'iff~m ~ :-- "

2. ~f(l:

~~rf<il'Cf/~~rf~Q ~fl;; ~~QCfi ~-------------------..:.------------it

ij'~~fG'Q <tiT~~T I. (~u q'Q"T)

3. qt\lct'{vf\'q ~ :

~;; ifi ~'IT'f if; ~oh:T it q'~q :tf~ f~;;f'{qft4Q" ~ :--

1. +r~-~mr ~ (f a:i"frf
fiSlfT ~o

3 • "2f-iRf+f fficr;{r;; ---.....:fmio

4. il'f~a+I' ~<tfa'Q ~rirnT-----.-----------,

f~T<mT :

f;;f~Pli~ iti 'SI'lfT~ ifif'{ifC!; f'f+.ff~m ~ ~ :--

1. fqqm <tfCffil.TT
f;;~ Cf~ !jiA1 ~r~ if; 5ffiITfqQ"fcrr<mf CfiT ~ Cfl~ ififmT ~o---~----a<ti

3.--- .----CfiT <mf.f Cfr~T;;iffiT ~o ----.

4. .----- ----<tT ~m~CfT"lT;;Gf11IT ~,,----

faocqlJfT :-7Cffi <rfl!l1 li' 'i9Q 'SI'&lG'UfT,
qrm1~"l;; q'f~;;T f;;CfiT~v.rfc.:~ on=t it l1TeT~'i\'fnfTi1f ~ I ~
~fqfffii ~;;r iti f'9~ m~r<tiat <tirli~ q'~ ~ Q""fT'SI'~T ~1f;;q~ iti CfiT~~lf ii 'qCf;; if; ;mfT
<tiT~~ I

5. ~ftf ~~ :-'l;ff.., Q"fT~~~Tf\ifQ ~T ctft mtffir ~,

ij~d<ti 5f1J1'T'<iI'r iti f'9~ ;"j'Wti<:,mlff~T q"{T~UfQ"~ ~
rn if f;;;;;f~ fua' +rif~f~ f~Q" ~ Q"~ sr1JfTffi' 3Af~;;, ~ <1"qf~f<R CfiT;f~)lr;;, ~Tlf f~~T §:T'U
f~)~ Q"fT ~~ ~rrOr'"iT<1;; ~)lqij'~"fTG'.,T~ f~U; ~~f~lQ" fCffcm~+!'~ ~q~qm~ itio'{if)o f;f.·~o f~
Cfir~ 'ij'flf--6 ~r.;; 'ij"~'QCfi 'SI'om:r)1988 ~f"l~ ~T+rT"qfCffrtil1fTit; ~~q' ~)lrT I .

Detailed requirements to be furnished in Tender Specifications

I. General:

.The supply, installation, testing and .commissioning of the complete manual/Automatic fire alarm system
equipment, and associated Items shall be m accordance with the CPWD, General Specifications for Elec-
tnc~~ Works Part V~ F!re Alarm System 1988. The specificrequirements and scheduleof quantities for this
particular work are indicated below :- '

2. Location:

Manual/Automatic fire alarm system shall be installed at---------------_- _

(Full address). '

3. Environmental condition:

The environmental data at the station of installation is as under :-

(i) Height above mean sea level ---In.

(ii) Maximum temperature---- Deg.C.

(iii) Minimum temperature-~---~-----------------Deg. C.

(iv) Maximum relative humidity---~----------- %

The areas provided with central air conditioning/heatingservice,are shown in the drawing.

4. Tender Drawings:

Following are the drawings for tendering purposes.

(i) Drawing No. to showing the proposed layout of trigger devices, control
and indicating panels etc.

(ii) Drawing No.--------showing the schematic distribution of FAS.

(iii) Drawing N 0.---- showing-----------

(iv) Drawing No.----,showing'-------------------------

Note. The above drawings indicate broad information on the ceiling projections, A/c duct outlets
etc. For any additional information, the tenderer shall visit the site and see the building drawings
in the officeof the Engineer-in-charge.

5. Schedule of work:
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of equipment, materials and asso<:iate~items for Fire
AlarmSystem,comprisingthe following items, and co.nform.lllgto CPWD. General. Specific~tlOns f?~ Elec-
trical Works Part VI-Fire Alarm System, 1988, including system design, drawings, mmor CIVIl works,
painting, inspectionby local bodies, and other miscellaneousitems required for a complete and operational in-
stallations as required.


-.------- -
.. --
1. ~~ ~tn: ~rerrt
(i) ~ffmr IF~ ~
(ii) ------iti f;;lfQ mq' ~~ ~~~
ifi. m-tifN f't;ifi ~l~
•. ~~f<:
tr. 'JUrr Wf~T6I1ti 1fifin:
(iii) f'if"! ('frt <i mq'~T;;ctr ~f4 ~
(iv) ap:.r ~-'Altr.f1cl;<:UT 1T~<: ~

(v) <!q ~-~l1f SAiT~it> (q"f~ ~)

(vi) "1.q ~ (M~ Sfif;f~)
2. ~(~)~
3. ;Jf~ ~~

4. ~~~
5. ~ f;;;;f~ Cf ~ ~~ (f'fo cr,;o m)
6. f.f 0 <l ~ 0 ~'ffl lIIlT~ffiIi m
7. ~"r twT f;;riif

8. t;ffT.r ~ ~f'fQl'
•.. f~ men sr<t>n:
9. --~ ifiT
~f!:T it> f~1l; t;f:)~osro ifiT fi'p.Tf1f{'f lTJ'"( il; m¥.f ~ ~
ifi1f 3 0 ~f;rif ~ f~1l;;rm scrf~ it; tm:lIIlT~;; rn
Jt ~~ m"r t-firl: I

1. -;a"'F1·11f;rT m~('f f~~~ 11"m 'fI"r ~('f "ff~
\ ~\(fr<: ifi) ifi~~ ~q-r ~~ WfIffT'lm-<: oPt; rn ~~('f
~: ~Tci;;) :--
iff. 1 9 f11"0 1f'h
.-. 25 f110 '&fTo
tJ'. 38 f1fO 1fTO
'Sf. 51 f1fo 1f"ro

2. \JIf «Ta;ff ::rf~(l f;mrf~fijf~ 1fTqT ifir ~Hf ;fu~T~ ('frcrT"<:'fiT <f:TGit n~1 s-~. ~.q~p. ofq; Cf.T.t
m~' «(•.~ T:(T ~~¥.frr.rT) :--
~. 19 f11"o 1fTO .1
lIf. 25 f1fo +rro I
1f. 38 f11"" 11"ro
.••.. 51 f1f0 1fT.

3. QToei1'o«ro il; f<{~<:n:)it <I'm aicn ~ql~ij) .~if~ 'H ~'¥f7Vr Ci:'{'n i:ilqT
"IlTtj·{[ (~"T~Tc 'f.T) QTT ~ (~,c) it mttr.r :--
(;;r) 2 XL 5 crT flio it-
(.-) 3 Xl. 5 ~ f1f<ll 1fT.
(~) .( XL 5 Cflf f1fo +rT.
('Sf) 5 XI. 5 ~ fir. lir.
(~) 6 X 1. 5 <l'if fli'" 1fTo
Sub-Head I (Etfuipments)

S. No. Items Qty. Rate Unit Amount

---.--------------~-- ------- ---- - ------- - - - - - - --
1. Trigger devices.
(i) Manual call boxes.
(ii) Fixed temperature heat detector of----------
(a) fusible 'link type.
(b) Bimetal type.
(c) Thermistor type.
(iii) Fixed temperature cum rate of rise of temperature combi-
nation detector.
(iv) Smoke detector Ionisation type (point detector.)
(v) Smoke detector-optical type (point detector).
(vi) Other types (specify type).
2. Spot indicator.
3. Zonal Panel.
4. Sector panel.
5. Main control and indicating panel (C & I Panel).
6. Repeater Panel of C & I Panel.
7. Mimic diagram.
8. Fire alarm sounders.
(a) High intensity type.
(b) Low intensity type.
9. Battery unit capable of sustaining the normal load of the FAS
for a period of. . hours, followed by the
load of all sounders for a period of atleast 30 minutes.

Sub-Head II-Wiring
1. Steel conduits alongwith the accessories (to be installed in re-
cess including cutting the wall and making good the same as
required) of the following sizes :-
(a) 19mm.
(b) 25mm.
(c) 38mm.
(d) Slmm.
2. Steel conduits alongwith the accessories (to be installed in
surface including cutting the wall and making good the same
as required) of the following sizes ;-
(a) 19mm.
(b) 25mm.
(c) 38mm.
(d) Slmrn.

3_ Supplying, drawing following sizes of PVC insulated copper

conductor cables in the existing surface/recessed conduit as
required :-
(a) 2 x 1.5 sq. mm.
(b) 3x 1.5 sq. mm.
(c) 4x 1.5 sq. mm.
~e) 6)( 1. 5 sq. mm. Signature of tenderer
----- ---.------------- --·--------fp.j'cj ~;;' it fu~ ~~m=qTf~Q/~rf~Q;;rf.;; ~:~;aOf,
srarr<ft efT' r;jf:tfct ~P:rTG"i", t{it&11ll' ('jefT ",'G~et>7 coT "fTq:, ;:;~ ~T~lfr (,jefT:s:rf<i1 ~ ~ cor mf-
lflf"lCOi <Fir ;;fr frrf~T 'wrfl'WlT if, ~T~ (i"'Tr CfiT;:f ~.~ .;:r ~nf;i<;'l <:rGT ~ 3.-!1,'er' i3:mr w
if,o ~To
f.,·Jfcrj fcr~Y onT<lf if, f~tQ;m+rT'lf f9f;;';w ~-6 :;rfr.;· ~-c"Gfj ~-1988 if, ,,~~, ~mr, f;;rq.i
>farmr ';j'N'{;~;;t, ","<fir, ~1i 1\'l'f~ <:>iT;;(,t1T "{"f<rri. ~~R"T1:f' f'i;;:rlfT ~<:T ~'qfa;Cl f,n::'a'fVT ci~T Gf~uT
cr If=qr~
<=;. lffv;r m:~rtA WTf+1"<1'~ I

I 1> r;:f

. -
( 'fiq'<:j'~-----.------------~ -----.----.-~~- --" ~--- - 'f>CiW)


f~T ~Ir+nrrr# ,fr iT{ ~Tl/' '!.f'!.~ if,~. Cfi'T:rt{,fT Cfi'T fer~:n"r;; ~"" I 'c ~qit ~[~1!l'ifr
m~ :e'~.;;Q

"Il'!--2 :-

f~T ~T~ ~riwr ~ fCf.qf~cr ~ <it ~~', f~<lq;T ~~ ~.<ft '€f' 'it fifilfT lf~T i, ~tr ~:;ft
<t ~,!«I"f:l- 2 1f crr if{ ~ I



Schedule of Prices
1. Supply, . installation, testing and commissioning of
equipment materials and associated items for the manual!
automatic fire alarm system for'---
----building at
items as per schedule of work to the tender enquiry,
and conforming to CPWD General Specifications for
Electrical Works Part VI Fire Alarm System 1988,
including system design, drawings, minor civil works,
painting, inspection by local bodies as req uired for a
complete and operational installation.

I Job

Rupees --------,---...,....-,~oply .

Note .••1": . Break-up of prices as per-schedule of work in the tender enquiry is a m exe'l to thi~ sihedule :l;
Annexure I. ' ... :.,'
..., .,,;;-

Note: 2: Rates for items deviated from the specifications of tender enquiry, as indicated vide schedule B,~
are given in Annexure II to this schedule .

Signature of the Tenderer.


fcrfifi~ ~
m 'fY ~

~lfVRr f~T ~Tar ~ fer. ~IRI f~ atiT w)n:T f~T, t"oWl'of;rof/fo ~ ~ m

'FT1fili f~ ('W1'-6 ~ ricR: 3J1Imft) 1987 it; ~tNT' r-f.ti-.," it fcd',,~ ~
~ ~ Vtf•.Q'fT ~ ,


Section Ref. to clause of the Description of Reason for Remarks

specifications departure departure
-- ..--- ------_._----------------------




Certified that except for the departures mentioned above, the tender is in accordance with CPWD General
Specifications for Electrical Works (part VI Fire Alarm System) 1988 and in accordance with detailed require-
ments specified to the tender specifications.

Signature of the Tenderer.

17 C.P.W.D.-8.
~ 'If'

~'l'( I?{i ~ .~ """ ~ ~ ~.m ~t.n





List of Spares and Tools to be supplied by the Contractor

si Details of items Qty.iSet Rate per Ref. Part No. Number






(B) TOOLS (free of oost)






Signature of t~ Tendere r.

""'~ MttfE41 ~ ~

~rf'f(f <fi~ .-m

1 f.:rtirfa' I

2 i~ atiT tmvf I.,

3 fER ~ +rTzrt: I
40 ~~~tm~.0
5 ~~ it; fuQ; ~~ ~/~ I
6 ~+rV ~ I
7 "11' ~ !b"T 'flit t

(.) ~18 (~ srcu~ itr ~ iitr em: it !Ifflq' « ~If~)

1 f.rI1rfiT ,
2 SAl'n:t
3 ------~ $I'~ fcff~ ,
~) ~ ~ atiT SIlIi"R ti'q'f 'fRIl I
" , (mrr-r.r ~~ iti ~ ij)
5 SAT~if ~ Q¥fT ~~ I
e WI.!' ~ NNIEd'Ttt I

f~" ~18 .r.m, ('SR~ S(Cfif( iti ~Qf iti ft;t~

~ (r cftf\ill:{)

1 fiffiffif I

2 'lArn:1
3 (i) ~ ~T+rR" I
(ii) ~~~1f~ I
Wif~ t: I
If .r~d'/~\1if<;;lf.f~
5 Cfll'T
f.r~ forf.rim If ~rl/' <flT~ f.r~T ;srW\' ~ ~* ;
(~uy ~)
6 <fliT :;Jrr--tl'l=orTC1TI' sromrr ~!f~ m ~~ ~T ~ lfr'l eo~ ~f~f~.f
1WIT ~ ~qq'T ifQ.l I

7 ~~I...
8 $ITmiT q'"( sr-~ mT Gf~;sr I
9 sr!frnr W'frnif itl ~ ~~ q)~\iI I
--------~ .. ---.


S. Particulars Guaranteed data


A. Manual call box

1. Make
2. Material of body
3. Thickness of body
4. Material of frangible element
5. Contact making/breaking for alarm
6. Overall dimensions
7. Size of frangible element

B. Detector (Give for each type of detector separately)

1. Make
2. Type
3. Specification conforming to
4. Type of radio active material and quantity (in case of ionisation detectors.)
S. Operating voltage and range
6. Any special features

C. Control and indicating panels (Give separately for each type of panel)

1. Make
2. Type
3. (i) Overall dimensions
(ii) Sheet metal thickness
4. Electrical/electronic in operation
5. Whether any feature is added over the tender specifications (give details)
6. Whether P.A. system equipment is included as part of the panel or not
7. Power consumption
8. A.C. voltage at input
9. D.C. voltage for system operation

, 28

1 2 3
10 ~ 00 !'fit stllm:
11 ~ eitf f<fflftllC!~ttt

(1f) "'!'flU ~~

1 ~1R "Tlfftl I

2 8"~
~ em ~
3 3.q'U' ~ am ~~
( ~ \Il;o.l am SAm:
5 Wff <tftf fcrf1tf6?a'I~

1 ~
2 ~
3 ~~
4. lt0 ~., $rat
(i{\') ~o ~af M~ t ~ ~ fiff.!;n at; ~H~f'{1ti'f if,T ~~t)
---- _-------


1 2 3

10. Type of indicator lamps

11. Any special features

D. Mimic diagram
1. OveraJI dimensions
2. Thickness of' sheet metal
3. Material of the top sheet
4. . Type of indicator lamps
5. Any special features

E. Battery Unit
1. Make
2. Type.
3. Voltage
4. AH capacity
(Calculations in support of the AH capacity selected shall be attached with the tender.)

Signature of the Tenderer.

f;OOnrm ti r«if ~, "'!~.,
-.----- --- --- --------
"flf'l ~~ ~ <fit ;:rT1i
~ c:;,f.r"'::~\oonllff-UJ' if 1fd'T ~}
~ !5tT U'~dT Wr~ fil;qr
~ Iil~

1 ~(~)~I
2 f.iliervr ;r ~~ .f~
3 ~~r Wr fiifer

4 ~

~ ~mt
{Sf f.r"'f mlmT
5 ..
ia-tr ljf.ra'




S. Item Manufacturer's Name Place where can be Name & Address of

No. offered for test/ the person who
inspection should be contacted

1. Trigger devices.

2. Control and indicator panels.

3. Mimic diagram.

4. Sounders
(a) High intensity.
(b) Low intensity.
.c: Battery unit.
-- - .----._-

Signature of Tenderer


q~AT 1 2 3 4 5 f) 7 8 9 10

ill' ~¥t1~~ ~ )~ ;:r<iW~;rr I

'Sf iIl'm=~ tn: ~'{/m;rftrif ifi'T \ir.tT

1 fq,it.q''1 ~'ffilrt

2 f.:t~.«"T q" ~ m I

3 W
'1~iIl'n:'t m I
4 ~'if/f.r~ cr't~T iti 5<ff.ter I

5 m't ~~ I

6 ~fm ~ll'lf~~ I
7 ij'ifl' ~ 'li I



S. Details of Items Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(a) Supply of drawings for approval.

(b) Bringing equipment/material to site.

(a) Trigger devices.

(2) Control and indicating panels.
(3) Mimic diagrams.
(4) High/low intensity sounders.
(5) Battery unit.
(6) Wiring materials.
(7) All other items.
(c) Installation/testing and commissioning.
._-- ---- --_._--

Signature of the Tenderer.

'A' Q;
A.C. -sr~ aTU
Accessible. -~f'l1T~/~""I' ~ 'ifTa<:
Accessories. -'3'tr~
Activation. - ~f?f.l:f~, ~~
Active, -~m
Actuate. - ""I'~ 'fi-zyfT/~ <timr
Alarm. - ~'<ffiCfi
Amber. - srq")qy~/t::t+~
Ambient. - Q'fmT
Ambient Temperature. - tf'Rcfm.''r CfPt
Applicable. - ~'N

Armoured cable. -~~~~'

Assembly. -~~'"

'B' ift
Battery. - a1e~T
Bimetal. -. f~-~
Body. - f;;<1ilq/~'ifT
Braided cable. - offefui ~'

Call Box - <n'n;r iifof~
Circuit. - '1't~tr
Circumstances. - G"f,f~trf(llft
Closed circuit. - ~ tff;~q"l
Coat. -~
Combination. - Wf1ffi ~G'
Commissioning. - ~ Cf}"{;;!
Compatible. - wr'Rf
Completeness. - '1F<'A0ial
Component. - 'I{'G<fi

--_ .. _------- ....

Conjunction. ~l\;rif
Conspicous. - 5lfTifT~
Contact. -~tfCti-
Continuity. - «ta-flf
Continuity Test. - ~tCRlf crfr&iUT
C & I Panel. - f;;;:f;.;rur Q~T ~'tfCfi q-ifC1
Constructional. - ~.;.tq;;Rlt'f.
Convection. - ~cTQ:'i
Coordination. -B'~
.Correction. - tf&-m1l'f

--- -- -_.-- .. -- -------_. ----------.---- ----

'D' ~T
Departure. -f~
Depressed. - eim ~t111~o/m
Destruction. - fCffliili'
Detector. -~~
Device. - <r,f"QN~
Diagram. -mw
Direct current. - f~ !:TTU
Disruption. - fcr~~
------_._------- ---- ----._---_ .._.---- -- ....------ .. _-- --------_ ..-..- ----- - -.,-_._--
Element. - ~CCfi
Enamel paint. -- ~~.. ihe/~)tTrr
Enclosed ~G/f~.(T ~T
Entire. - ~q~/fllf\f
Erupted. - ~'1Ffr/~
Escape. - f;;iiq
Event. - ~;;r
Extent. -- ~Tqr

Friction. - fcr~"fif
False. - f~rcreT
Fault. -- ~
Fire detection. - ~flif ~~~
Fire escape. - mtT ~ <1'TF f~
Fire indicator. - ~f..,~~
Fire protection. -m~-~
Fire safety. -W'f~
---_._--------------------------------- -_._- ..

Flame. - \iCfT<.i"T
Flexible wire. -i'f'+~

Frangible. -~~
Fequency response.
. '"
~(Cff'RT Wif~
- SffilCl" Cfi"{ifT
Fusible. . - f5Fr
tJ'~';:ftlf, tflTijf
' <-
---- ---_.-------
'H' J:t'q

Handling. - ~~/CRT ~ori

Hinder. - \jCj€,'!.'O ~T/GfreTT ~<:1<n
Hooter. - rp:./~
Horizontal. - ~lfCl"ijf
------- ---
'1' mi
Impact. - SP'TTCf/~~
Incandesecent. - Cl"T':r<{fr,C;
Incidental. .~--~mrtfWf;
Incipient. -~~T
Incipient stage. - lJn~1fT f~fCl"
Indicator. - ~Cfi

Initiate. - "SIT~"" ~r
-~ 7;flI';:fT~ i
Irrediation. - f<li~;:r
Isolation. --q~~ e
Insulation. - f<mQ-1:~lfft
Installation. - ~~rq';:r
Integral. -Wlfi'l'
Intensity. - cr~crT
Interchangebility - q"(fq~ qf<:qci;:fT<:fa-T
Intervention. ~

Knock out

'L' J:t(1'

Lantern Lights. ~ sr:FT~ ~T<iii;:r

Layout - -- m~i'l:fT~/rr<roT
Local Body -- ~rofl<r f;:r<lif!l'


Matching -~ '"
Mimic - ~ifiTtT
M.O.E.F.A.S. ~fuQ·-fCN.!Q mr.r ~crifi Sf1ITrffl
(Manual Operated Electrical Fire Alarm System)

Open Circuit
Operation - 'ST'iR;r
Optical. - WfiTf~
Over all. -~v
Overhead line. - tmM~~T~

'P' tfT
Panic. --~~
Particular -fqf~
Particulate - OfitItTCii'T'<:
Performance. - f~r<f.i"/ifip;f~T
Phenomenon. -~T
Pessurisation. -fiN~
Programme. - ctip:f!!fi11
Protection. --~
Public Address. -~~~
'R' '>In
Radiation - fcrfcn:ur
Radius. - f~/miozrHr
- ~a'T ~
Recessed. - ~mft:d'
Rectification. - qfufT~
Relaying. -~ ..~
- srfa!ifa/~~cr
- q'T~/~

'S' t!;~
Schematic -If)qi'fT~
Scope. - OlfTfi:cr
Semi recessed. - ri-srfcr«Tf~

- iTT.••~rf~Cf
- m<r
- lJi1:i Cfi<:;;r
-- ~,!~q'
- ~-"f~;;
- ~qJqm/~11
-- ~~r
-- r;o;frr/T:a:
-- c:orf;;~
-- :s:rR=rf'Wci'
f~~ ~
-- Fq'FVf1SC
-- ~~Trr
- ~;rrtmT'M'lrWr
Sturdy. ,

- !flffta
- f<rf.reT
- ft<ril/orerr
'T' c"t
Tackle. - ;a-q"~/~r~Tfr
Term. -~
Terminology. -, w«:rarffi'
Thermistor. - ~ 'Stfu~)a"~
Tool. -~/~~
Topographical. - ~TwfQ~
Trigger. -f~/~
Trickle/Float Charge. - iR'l lfrnT<:r :emf
------ -------- --------

Ultra Violet.

------ ------------------------------

------ ------
'W' ~
Wiring. -- an ~~i'JT/qjrtrror

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