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Clean and organised factory:

We are aware of the fact that first impression is last impression. Poor hygiene at work place can
present a terrible first impression to anyone.A clean workplace will always give a good
impression not only on workers but on visitors as well. It is a good idea to maintain hygiene not
only inside the factory but also outside.

On our visit to Indus Melamine factory we observed that they don’t give much attention to this
part. We suggested Indus melamine to purchase rubbish bins for factory and provide the workers
with separate smoking area

We also suggested them to keep the environment clean and keep everything organised. After this
they started to pay more attention to it. After the labours were done with their work and
machines were shutdown, they started cleaning the production area and made it a daily work
routine. On next day, they continued their work with clean environment. There are many benefits
of clean and organised workplace.

Increased productivity: When you keep your workplace clean and organised, it becomes easy
for the labours to access material and supplies and it directly affects productivity in positive way.
It also increases the efficiency and productivity of your employees. When your employees know
that you are actually devoting time and money and paying your attention to make sure that
environment is clean, secure effective and organised, they will also start taking work seriously
and take pride in their job so this will not only increase productivity and moral of employees
only but also insure that company meets all safety and health requirements.

On other side a work place with poor hygiene will not only discourage your workers to operate
on maximum capacity. It will also send a really bad impression and signal to your workers and
any visitors of your factory. When your labors are working in messy surroundings, they might
not observe all risks, which raise the danger of an industrial accident

Cleaning staff: With time the factory floor will get dirty and machines will build up with dust,
both of it can have a serious impact on productivity. Workers will make it an everyday routine to
clean the machine and floor after they are done with work. This cleaning work can also be done
by someone from outside but it has to make sure that they visit on weekends or after working
hours so it doesn’t disturb the production process. Indus melamine decided to do it with in-house
staff help. Each staff member should know their responsibility and agree on the part they were
appointed for before they start to clean. This will eliminate the chances of any arguments or
miscommunication between the workers. Anything they need to clean their assigned region
should be given to each worker. As a rule each work station should be left ready for next worker
who come in and perform his job immediately. At the end of each shift, each member should be
given 5 minutes to clean and clear the mess and machines so when the next worker arrives he can
start the work immediately without any delay. Employees should be instructed to clean and clear
any spills, debris or rubbish that appear to stop them from causing a danger to health and safety.

Cleaning checklist:

 Provide the staff with 5 minutes at the end of each cycle to clean the area so it can be
used by the next individual immediately
 Provide the staff with any supplies and things they need to clean up any spills and

Your workplace hygiene has a very strong impact on your workers morale and efficiency but it’s
really difficult task to do so unless your workers are on board. It’s very important to make clean
and tidy warehouse part of your company culture.

Communicate the benefits: If you want your workers help you maintain a clean workplace, it’s
very important to communicate with them the benefits the new system you are setting up will
bring. it’s essential that you explain how maintaining a controlled workplace will keep them
secure and assist them to execute their work as efficiently as possible, helping them to meet their
objective without difficulty. You should ensure that staff time and resources are dedicated to
clean-up and organizing your factory. The efforts and resources you put into it will be paid back
a hundred times in enhanced production and morale of workforce. It’s also important to make
sure that you invest in all the essential tools as well make sure it’s accessible to your workers at
all times. Every person from staff should be given accountability over their assigned area and
they should be accountable if it isn’t maintained properly. Normally an average person is
spending 8 hours a day in the factory, so it’s very important to make sure that your workers are
happy and comfortable while performing their jobs. The word of mouth through your workers
can pass a really good image or a bad one.

Welfare: Providing a hygienic workplace helps in maintaining the security and well-being of
workers. If mess from machines and waste material is taken care of properly, it results in fewer
days of sick leave by workers, which provides enhanced overall productivity and output.


Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

CSR is an idea that can be of many types depending on the type of business and sector.
Businesses can provide assistance to public and society by boosting their own brand name
through CSR programs, charity, and volunteer efforts. It is equally valuable for a business as
much as CSR is for the society.CSR activities give the workers and business a chance to build a
strong bond and connect with each other. These activities can enhance the morale and connects
the employees to the world.

Indus melamine is providing its labour free food travel. We suggested them to install water
coolers in the production areas. The surroundings of the factory should be kept clean. Shelters
will be provided to prevent heat strokes in summers and to keep the environment cool.

A company needs to be accountable to itself and its shareholders first for a business to be
socially accountable. Businesses that accept CSR programs have developed to the stage where
they can return to society and its people. CSR is therefore mainly a big corporate strategy.
Moreover, the more noticeable and prosperous a company is, the more obligations it has to set
ethical conduct norms for its colleagues, competition, and business.

Although it is widely argued that Pakistan is a nation that lack CSR practices among businesses,
some organizations have shown the way and must be highly praised for their attempts and efforts
to contribute to Pakistan's culture and individuals.

We can understand CSR as ongoing engagement of companies to act ethically and contribute to
financial growth while enhancing the quality of lives of the workers and their families as well as
of the local community and people as a whole.


 When employees share the values of a company, charitable attempts can become team-
building training that enhance the spirits of their workers and job satisfaction.
 Public image of the company will be improved and it will get recognition.
 CSR is a win-win condition in every state.
 It provides customer loyalty and enhances creativity of employees and improves sales.

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