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Profile Object:

Start Time:
End Time:

Environment: Think about sensory details here. What is the overall setting of your observation? Describe where you are.
Pay special attention to fixed and fluid environmental factors. What time of year and day is it? What is the weather like?

Subjects: What are all the details that form the environment? How do objects relate to people, activities and interactions?
Who are the people being observed? What are their personalities like? How do they engage with other people to reach goals?

Activities: What actions and/or events are happening around you? What behaviors are being exhibited? How are people
behaving because of all of these environmental factors?

Interactions: What are the basic interactions occurring for people to reach goals? What effect do people have on activities
and environment?

Sounds: Take a moment to just close your eyes and listen. What sounds do you hear? How are those sounds a product of the
environment, subjects, activates, and interactions?
Environment Subjects Activities Interactions Sounds

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