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The Evolution of Life​: Vocabulary

Word Definition Image

a genetically determined 
trait characteristic.

adaptation a change or the process of 
change by which an organism 
or species becomes better 
suited to its environment.

the process by which 

evolution different kinds of living 
organisms are thought to 
have developed and 
diversified from earlier forms 
during the history of the 

the process whereby 

natural organisms better adapted to 
their environment tend to 
selection survive and produce more 
offspring. The theory of its 
action was first fully 
expounded by Charles Darwin 
and is now believed to be the 
main process that brings 
about evolution.

a particular section, group, or 

population type of people or animals 
living in an area or country. 

5-G ​ enetic variation​ is a term 
genetic used to describe the ​variation 
in the DNA sequence in each 
variation of our genomes

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